Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1780 Always exchange new peaches for old symbols

"What? Do you want me to study? Do you want to read Buddhist classics?"

Chai Asi wanted to cry but had no tears: "My lord, I'm a fool in the Tao, and I still have to study. If word spreads out, other monsters will laugh at me to death. Do I still want to lose face?"

"Do you have any face if I slap you with a big mouth?"

Chai Asi cried on the spot: "My lord! I am full of five poisons and commit all kinds of evil. I still want to marry a wife. I don't want to be a monk before the Chai family stays!"

"Letting you read Buddhist classics does not mean making you a monk." The great voice in the mirror hated iron and steel: "Which one who has reached the top of the world does not learn all the dharmas and understand the truth of the world? It's also because you don't let go of the book, you are quick and eager to learn, and you have achieved later. You ignorant little monster, how dare you slack off now?"

Chai Ahsi was reprimanded, but still had a bitter face: "My lord, it's not that the little demon doesn't want to learn. It's just that Buddhism talks about sudden enlightenment. With my understanding, if all four things are suddenly empty, and you become a Buddha immediately, the little ape What about Qing? What about Spider Orchid?"

The great ancient god was almost laughed out of anger: "You can rest assured, I will never save a fool."

If it were so simple to become a Buddha right away, your superior would think so! For those who are not clear about the rules and precepts, they can quickly gain strength and return to the present world, which is the right way.

How many faces do you Chai Ah Si have? After training until now, if you can barely strengthen the strength of a demon soldier, you want to become a Buddha right away?

Chai Asi wept bitterly: "My lord, you said that the little demon should only believe in his own sword and his own way. The little demon is following the oracle. Now he can't believe in Buddha at all. If you have to make the little demon believe in something, little demon The demon only wants to believe in you..."

The voice in the mirror said: "Let you learn the Buddhist scriptures, understand the Buddhism's view of the world, and enrich your way of being a strong didn't believe in it."

The great ancient gods have spoken so hard, yet Chai Asi is still reluctant: "Is there a possibility... that I can become stronger without reading Buddhist scriptures?"

The great ancient god was angry: "You don't listen to what I say?"

Chai Ahsi had no choice but to tell the truth: "The main reason is that the little demon can't read enough characters. As for those Buddhist scriptures, those who can understand them can't afford them, and those who can afford them can't read them... What can I do?"

The Yaozu have always regarded themselves as the rulers of the present world and the favorite of the world, so the official language is the Taoist language, and the official text is the Taoist text. Listening will understand the meaning, and seeing it will lead to understanding.

This way is the way of the great way, the way of the human race, but the name of the way is stolen.

But after all, Taoism and Taoism need a certain amount of practice before they can be explained.

The majority of little demons can't say that they all shut up and don't speak, and they also communicate in a unified demon language, but the accents of each species are different.

However, in ordinary characters, there are all kinds of strange things, and all kinds of attributes are not unified... After all, there are Dao characters. There is no need for unity.

For Chai Asi, Daoist classics are really expensive and out of reach. If the Supreme Master didn't let him read Buddhism, he could only read some Buddhist scriptures translated in dog language. And he doesn't even know much of the dog language, and the Buddhist scriptures have always been obscure.

The great ancient god comforted: "Although you explore the history of the development of Buddhism and collect Buddhist classics, if there is something that doesn't make sense, the deity will explain it to you."

It seems that I have to learn the Canine characters... just to enrich my knowledge.

How did the ancient gods get so tired?

Jiang never dared to underestimate the will of the demon world. Even though he had made a lot of preparations, and Yu Chai Asi, Yuan Laoxi, and Zhu Dali developed in three different directions, he still dared not say that he could rest easy from now on.

In addition to the existing planning, we must also actively pursue the path of the sages.

He now vaguely feels that the reason why he was targeted by God's will in the demon world may be because of the light of humanity that he once won at Guanhe Terrace—although he still doesn't know what the light of humanity is for, as a reward for the leader of the Yellow River Association One of them presumably has some connection with the supreme arrogance of the human race and the future of the human race.

A great existence like the World Honored One was of course a supreme arrogance when he was young, and he should have been illuminated by the light of humanity. In other words, if the targeting by the will of the demon world is related to the light of humanity, then the World Honored One who later became great will only be targeted more severely by the will of the demon world...

At that time, World Honored One, there was no human army to confront the monster race, nor did it appear that so many strong human races interfered and misled the monster race.

But from the present to the past, the World Honored One at that time obviously successfully defeated the will of the demon world.

How did he do it?

Perhaps looking back at the past history, we can find some clues.

He needs to see clearly. Compared with the Buddhism of the present world, there are some changes in the Buddhism of the demon world. How did the history of Buddhism in the entire demon world evolve and develop.

There is even a big difference in whether the time when the World Honored One came to the heavenly hell world was at the end of the ancient times or in the middle ancient times. Of course, the earlier the time, the more difficult it is, and the more it can inspire him now.



In the troika of the monster race.

The great ancient god's control over Chai Ah Si is the strongest, after all, he follows closely. The control over Yuan Laoxi is also very deep. With the Six Desires Bodhisattva, the Faceless God Sculpture, and the God Seal, faith and interests complement each other.

On the contrary, the control over Zhu Dali is the weakest, except for the Frost Wind God Seal, it is pure organizational structure control. Absorb him to join the non-existent mysterious organization "Taipingdao", give him certain rewards, and establish his sense of honor for eliminating evil and slaughtering gods.

The Old Ape Tavern tonight was packed to the brim with enthusiastic drinkers, and it was almost impossible to find a spare seat.

Even Zhu Dali had no place to sit, so he stood in the corner, folded his arms, and watched the whole field quietly.

The reason is that there are many more monster soldiers on vacation in the tavern than usual. Although they don't wear armour, all of them are unrestrained, but the temperament of a regular army in their bones cannot be erased.

The usually ferocious spectator little monsters are now like quails, busying around just as waiters, without showing any signs of ferocity.

Not to mention how ruthless they are when they grab the territory with their knives.

In terms of cruelty and fierceness, how can bandits compare to soldiers?

In order to avoid trouble, Yuan Xiaoqing didn't come to the tavern today.

No matter what god Yuanxi is secretly worshiping...the evil god is also afraid of the regular army.

As Yuan Laoxi's former capable officer, Zhu Dali, who is now taking the initiative to retreat to the edge, is aware of Yuan Laoxi's secret development, and speculates that Yuan Laoxi may also worship a certain evil god.

But on the one hand, he has feelings for Yuan Laoxi, Yuan Laoxi is in good condition now and has not been damaged; secondly, he also needs his current identity to cover himself, so he pretends not to know.

When he is ready to leave this city one day, it will not be too late to kill that evil god.

There was a lot of noise in the tavern, and he was used to walking in the dark. The flashy atmosphere that fascinated him in the past only made him feel bored now.

This world is too impetuous and weird, only the cold blade can make him find peace.

A few monsters at the next table were talking in low voices.

"What day is it today? Why are so many soldiers returning to the city?"

"Stupid, aren't you? The human race is celebrating the New Year of the Dao Calendar. At this time, there is usually a truce. Naturally, many soldiers will take turns to rest."

"Oh oh oh, I really forgot if you didn't tell me!"

The Primordial Calendar used by the Yaozu is different from the Taoist calendar, and the Yaozu didn't have any sayings about welcoming the new year. But after years of wars, both sides have more or less tacit understanding.

Including the intensity of various battlefields, including the truce on the New Year of the Dao Calendar of the Human Race and the Tianen Day of the Primordial Calendar of the Monster Race.

"Dao Li New Year?" Pig muttered vigorously, but then forgot about it.

But in the underground room of the tavern, the Bodhisattva of Six Desires hidden in the Shinto space sighed softly.

During this period of time, I was busy with this and that, constantly weaving various possibilities, trying to explore the way back, and almost forgot about time.

In a blink of an eye, it turned out to be the New Year of 3922 in the Dao calendar.

Qu Zhilai, since falling into Frostwind Valley at the end of winter, he has been struggling to survive in the Yaozu territory for more than a month.

The time is not too long, but it feels so long...

How is An An?

Will they grow up happily?

How do old friends care about me? What about my people in the fief and the servants?

Those past glory are like clouds and smoke, all the memories are left in another world, everything once owned is far away...even the wine in the mansion, the debts owed, and even the ranking of the blessed land in the illusory realm... …

Alone in a foreign land as a stranger.



Loose monk robes concealed his figure.

The bodhi branch mask hides the unknown face.

A pair of black leather gloves cling to the perhaps slender fingers.

This is the female nun from Xiyue Nunnery, Master Yuzhen.

This is the specific impression she left on people on the Wunan battlefield.

Just like the sect of Xiyuean, it makes people feel mysterious.

I've heard and even seen it, but don't know much about it.

Perhaps because the intensity of the war was too high and it happened too suddenly, it seemed too unreal. It has only been more than a month, but in the feelings of many people, that vigorous battle seems to have passed for a long time.

And the confrontation between Wu'an City and Nantian City, each retreating 30 miles away from the Frost Wind Battlefield, seems to have made people get used to it.

This is just a small-scale one of the many battlefields between the human race and the monster race in the heavenly prison world.

Zuo Xiao, the Duke of Huai, has left, and Jiang Mengxiong, the army god of the Great Qi, has withdrawn.

Tian Yao Zhu Yi hid to recuperate, Yuan Xianting and Qi Guanying also left.

The strong man standing on the top of the mountain turned the world with his palms.

When it came, it was thunderous and electric for thousands of miles, and when it went, there was a golden sun hanging in the clear sky.

Wenren Shen, the court official of the State of Qi, and Mengchen, the true monster of the Yu clan, are the supreme commanders of both sides in this racial battlefield. They all exercised considerable restraint and maintained a certain tacit understanding. Since then, the war has been more like military training, and the casualties have been controlled within a certain range.

During this period of time, Li Fengyao and Li Longchuan from the Li family in Shimen, Yan Fu from the Yan family in Beijun, Xu Xianggan from Qingya Academy, and even Jiang Wuyou, the head of Huaying Palace, have all visited the Demon Realm and Wu'an City in turn.

Everyone knows that it is called experience, but it is actually mourning.

In this city that commemorates that man, mourn the man who may never come back.

After all, this is the battlefield that Qi State is in charge of. After the hustle and bustle has dispersed, there are not many "outsiders" who remain here.

Master Yuzhen is one of them.

She seems to be a taciturn character, concentrating on her practice.

You must participate in every battle, and you must fall into every battle. After the war, he returned to the temporary nunnery in the city. Burn the green lamp, knock on the wooden fish, and recite Buddhist scriptures.

The master Yue Tiannu who doesn't hide her puppet body is always by her side.

"What are you looking at?" Yue Tiannu came slowly from a corner of the city wall and asked aloud.

Standing in front of the already mottled city wall, Yuzhen looked away. "I didn't see anything."

When Yue Tiannu was far away, he noticed that some ungrateful person had engraved words on this wall brick. At this time, I can see it clearly when I get closer, and I can see that it says - "Xu Xianggan, the double pride of Chasing Mashan, came here for a visit", and there is a red cross on the "one tour", and next to it, it says, "Condolence" .

The words are not ugly, and the content is speechless.

Today is the new year of 3922. Although it is the battlefield of the demon world, there are still peach charms hanging on houses everywhere in Wu'an City, which is very lively.

Yuzhen and Yuetiannu are both monks, not used to the excitement, last night on New Year's Eve, they wandered outside the city.

The official statement is that the city was built to commemorate Jiang Wu'an. One month after the news of Marquis Wu'an's death, the city was already very happy. The grief that gripped the city at that time was real, and so is the joy of welcoming the new year with a rare truce. This is the case in the world, and life will not stop because of the disappearance of anyone.

Yue Tiannu thought for a while and said, "Over there at the Sanfen Xiang Building..."

Yu Zhen didn't wait for her to finish: "Leave the quota for the secret realm to Xiang Ling'er. Now... I can't get away."

Yue Tiannu looked at the sky, and said: "Xiyue Temple has not yet fully entered the world, and the power we can use is very limited. You have done everything you can... The dead are dead, and the living are like this .”

Yu Zhen pursed her lips and said, "Senior Sister, I'm just practicing here."

"It's impossible for me to retrieve all the memories of the past, but I picked up some of the bits and pieces. Those memories made me even more ignorant." Yue Tiannu clasped his hands together with a compassionate expression: "Complete choice After the puppet body, my emotions gradually lost. The ancestor said that if I walked with you, I would probably be able to catch the word "love", so I was born spiritual. Now I feel more and more confused. Yuzhen, you say you You want both heart fragrance and sandalwood, why stop here now?"

"Yeah, why?" Yu Zhen murmured.

"Isn't there an answer from you in the Three Fen Xiang Building? Is there no answer from you in the Xiyue Nunnery? Can't you find it in the world of mortals, or in the Buddhist scriptures?" Yue Tiannu asked questions one after another.

Being with her day and night, I can indeed clearly feel that the emotion in the voice of this senior sister who has been rebuilt with a puppet body is indeed getting less and less every day.

The truth of her past is not the truth of today.

Yuzhen then said: "Whether he is there or not, everyone must continue to live. Except me."

Yue Tiannu was thoughtful: "So the word love, you can't let it go?"

"I don't know either. It can have a stereotyped description, but it is a self that is unique." Yuzhen said: "The ancestor said, it is good for us to stay together, and the state of the senior sister will give me a lesson. I am confused. I also really want to know what the senior sister can't let go of after all the emotions have dissipated."

If you are confused, you can't escape self-deception.

Yue Tiannu wanted to say something more about this, but stopped suddenly.

At this moment, a sloppy, dusty, yellow-faced old monk with injuries came into view. His eyes looked over, and his expression became sad: "The old monk said that if you go out alone for a walk, it is not a good omen to meet a bald head..."

"I practice with my hair." Yu Zhen remained calm.

"I am a puppet." Yue Tiannu added.

The Kujue old monk from Xuankong Temple and the two nuns from Xiyue Nunnery just looked at each other. Then the old monk continued to walk into the city, and when he hid his figure in the city gate, the old monk sighed pitifully: "Happy New Year."


Bang bang bang!

Nunnies outside Wu'an City talk about love.

The sound of firecrackers in Wu'an City.

As an opponent who has fought with the human race for several great eras, the world view of the monster race is a very important part, and it can even be said to be one of the cores of this story.

The difficulty here is how to write it vividly and interestingly while spreading out the world view. (How to write all kinds of wonderful things when the protagonist hardly appears is also a challenge for me)

Everyone is still very supportive of me, but I also feel the restlessness of some readers.

Of course, I understand the expectations of these readers, because Xiao Jiang has not returned to the present world, and I look forward to his return soon. This kind of expectation is not satisfied for a long time, and it will be quite depressing to read... I suggest that everyone keep a book, Look at others first.

This part of the plot in the demon world has been buried, and will end with a big plot in the future. But it is not the end of this volume. (It's a spoiler, sorry)

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