Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1781 The Sea of ​​Clouds and Starry Sky Are Boundless

Above Yuncheng, the sky is full of phoenix lanterns.

The sky is colorful, Taoism weaves dreams.

At this time of year, the disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion will leave the secret land of Lingxiao to tour the cities of Yunguo to maintain law and order, and at the same time, it is also a display of influence.

The day-to-day governance of this country is done by the Yunguo Joint Council, and there are also extraordinary monks enshrined in every city and peak.

Although all major powers in the world regard Yunguo as the private property of the High Heaven Pavilion, the High Heaven Pavilion itself rarely shows up. Being in a big commercial city and connecting the world, there is a feeling of hiding from the world and living in seclusion, which can be described as a great hermit in the city-this is also a necessity for maintaining neutrality.

Generally, those who like to expand their influence in the world, it is impossible not to have friction with other forces, and neutrality is out of the question.

Lingxiao Pavilion is the core of Yunguo, and Ye Lingxiao himself can be regarded as having a clear distinction between love and hate, and has a good temper.

However, the Ling Xiao Pavilion almost never interferes with the national policy of the Yun Kingdom. There is a peculiar symbiosis mode between them, which is different from any other country or force in the world.

For example, it is well known that Ye Lingxiao and Han Yin, the former ruler of the Yong Kingdom, were very at odds with each other, and they were acquainted with Du Ruhui, the Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom, in the early years, and they became very friendly later on. However, Yunguo has never done anything against these two countries. On the contrary, there are endless business routes.

Even at the critical moment of Zhuang Yong's battle, when Han Yin died, Yun Guo didn't make any small moves.

Yun Guo is so neutral that it doesn't even reflect Ye Lingxiao's will.

Of course, no one would doubt Ye Lingxiao's control over the country.

The entire Lingxiao secret place is under a dreamlike starlight. Ye Qingyu sat alone in the room, carefully read the information behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, read it word by word three times, and finally put it down gently.

No sighs, just stood up.

She always felt that Jiang Wang was still alive, and she knew that Jiang Wang's fifth younger brother was still waiting for a miracle to happen in Wumeng City in the heavenly prison world, but she couldn't wait there as well.

Yunguo cannot live without Ye Lingxiao, and there is Jiang An'an in Lingxiao's secret place.

Half a month in the hell world is already the limit of their stay.

Walking out of the room, stepping on the long cloud corridor, after searching for a while, I saw Xiao An'an's back on the Jinxia Terrace where the sunrise can be seen first——

She was wearing beautiful new clothes, holding the cloud platform with her small hands, her feet were hanging in the clouds, and her eyes were looking into the distance.

Why didn't it take long for the sunset to be waiting for the sunrise.

Stupid Hui was not as happy as usual, lying quietly beside her.

Two little ones, sitting next to each other in this big world.

Thinking of what Xiao Wang said today, when she took An An to sit on the phoenix lantern, An Anke was happy.

Ye Qingyu suddenly realized that Xiao An'an had also grown up slowly, and began to hide her emotions.

She deliberately stepped out of footsteps, to give the little girl a little buffer time.

Stupid Hui turned his head when he heard the movement, saw that it was Ye Qingyu, and wagged his tail enthusiastically. Still rolling on the spot. After getting up, he seemed to feel that he had performed some stunt, his eyes were proud, and his mouth grinned.

Jiang An'an also turned around, and obediently called out to her sister.

"Why didn't you play with Xiao Wang and the others?" Ye Qingyu said softly, "Is An An unhappy today?"

"I'm so happy! My brother is writing to me again! He's sending me presents again! Lots of presents!"

Jiang An'an said, then quickly turned around, facing the distance, her voice also lowered: "But he's too busy to come and see me."

"It can't be helped." Ye Qingyu sat down next to her, like her, with his jade legs hanging into the sea of ​​clouds: "Your brother is a world-renowned hero. Today he fights the sea clan, and tomorrow he fights the monster clan. I can't accompany you , so that more people can reunite. But I believe that he must also miss you very much, miss you very much."

Stupid Hui let out a soft howl, as if to express his agreement.

The two of them sat quietly for a while.

The sea of ​​clouds and the starry sky are boundless.

Also speechless.

After a long time, Jiang Anan asked again: "Sister, did my brother write to you?"

Ye Qingyu pursed his lips and stroked her hair: "I wrote it too."

Jiang Anan tilted her head and fell into her arms: "Did you mention me?"

"He said you are the best little sister in the world..."



The Golden Balcony Unlimited Martial Arts Meeting, covering the three major areas of Tianxi Wasteland, Ziwu Hills, and Sea of ​​Fragrant Flowers, was launched vigorously.

Specific to each monster city in the region, there is a preliminary selection.

For example, Moyun City will pass the city-wide competition to determine the ten most powerful fighters from the younger generation, and finally represent Moyun City to participate in the Tianxi Wasteland competition.

Finally, there is the Golden Balcony Grand Competition that summarizes the talents of the three districts.

Although he has always vowed to win the top prize, Chai Asi's current monster-level strength is definitely not enough. To say the least, it is possible to get into the top 20 of Moyun City by analyzing the supernatural powers from the Yao Zheng, obtaining the level of demon generals equivalent to the supernatural powers of the Inner Palace, and coupled with the guidance of the great ancient gods.

Fortunately, the schedule is long, and Chai Asi still has a lot of time to improve.

The nine huge martial arts platforms covering the whole city were cleared a few days ago, and they were not released until today.

The martial arts of the monster tribe is very prosperous, and there are many private fighters, and the martial arts platform is the most common building.

Only the nine largest martial arts platforms, from the construction materials to the inscription of the magic circle, have been invested heavily, and they are also rented out on weekdays, and they are dedicated to holding various competitions during special times.

At this moment, a large group of black-clothed goblins came to the martial arts platform closest to Huajie. All of them were vicious, staring at this and that.

The monsters who watched the battle dared not speak out.

After all, this place is very close to Huajie, and this group of black-clothed goblins surrounded by stars and moons is none other than the most popular incense owner of Huaguohui recently——Fast Wind Killing Sword Chai Asi.

"Who is this, so arrogant?" Not far from the upper level of the restaurant, a young monster with a sullen face asked, holding a wine bottle halfway through the drink.

The left half of his face was covered with black and strange demon patterns. The lines are distorted, and upon closer inspection, they seem to be wriggling.

Such a conspicuous extraordinary demon sign also shows his identity - Quan Xihua from the Moyun dog family.

He is the cousin of Quan Xizai. After Quan Xizai disappeared in Shiwan Dashan, he is the heir of the head of the dog family with the highest voice. Participating in the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Meeting this time is also to clear his name and sweep away all voices of doubt. Let those monsters know that even if Quan Xizai is still there, he should have secured the inheritance right.

This location of this restaurant is the best place to watch the battle. Of course he, Quan Xihua, didn't need to care about the audition, this time it was mainly for the banquet, and by the way, he took the fights of these weak people as an appetizer.

Sitting opposite Quan Xihua and drinking with him at the moment is a handsome monster born with compound eyes.

Wen Yan just glanced out the window lightly: "Oh, the dog of the ape family."

Quan Xihua frowned, feeling that these words were not quite right.

Speaking of pigs, dogs, etc., they are all demon names.

Some beasts were originally born partly similar to Yaozheng's appearance, which is perfectly normal. Creations in the same world are always different and similar. This just shows that monsters and beasts are created by heaven and earth, following the laws of heaven and nature.

But a monster is a monster, and a beast is a beast.

Innate extraordinary power and innate wisdom are the natural gap separating the noble and the humble.

Monsters have monster names, and beasts have beast names.

For example, the "pig" called by the human race was called "pig" in ancient times. The "dog" called by the human race was called "yellow ear" in ancient times.

Everything in nature has its own responsibility, no matter what the name is, it does not have any insulting meaning.

But that group of damned slaves named "humans" changed the names of the beasts one by one according to the part similar to the demon sign. They insulted each other with pigs, dogs, and various livestock all day long, and successfully changed the name of the demon into a monster. The name of the beast, changing the name of the beast into a humble name...

Insulting words always spread the fastest.

I don't know when it started, these ethos of the human race have also spread to the monster race.

Although he clearly knew that the word "dog" in Spider Hide's mouth refers to a beast dog, but actually refers to an accomplice or minion. But there is always a feeling of being scolded in person.

If it were the monster next to him who spoke so carelessly, Gou Xihua would tell him to be more careful in his next life, but when he met the young master of the Spider family, he could only erase the discomfort in his heart, and said: " It’s a mere underground organization, and it’s been so rampant recently, why doesn’t the Public Security Bureau take care of it?”

Zhu Hide just glanced out of the window and stopped looking, said softly: "The pigs must be fat enough before they are slaughtered."

Quan Xihua accompanied him with a light smile on his face, the wine cup in his hand did not move, but his heart trembled.

This is of course reasonable.

But if Huaguo is the pig waiting to be slaughtered, isn't the Dongxing Gang under his control? Even... Moyun Yuanjia, right? Is it the Moyun dog family?

Because of the backer of Moyun Spider's family, the Heavenly Spider Empress was seriously injured in the war with the human race, and now she doesn't know where to hide to recover from her injuries. There are even rumors that her old man has died of her injuries. During the recent period, Moyun City has been turbulent, and many forces are about to move. All kinds of evil gods and ghosts, each in a mess of organizations...

But the spider family still seems to be frighteningly strong.


The gaze of the top young master of Moyun City did not affect our Gale Wind Killing Sword.

He had no idea.

At this moment, he is still immersed in the prestige of dozens of younger brothers accompanying him to participate in the competition.

What is virtue and prestige? What is an all-in-one response? He has never been so majestic in his life!

The so-called riches and honors do not return to their hometowns, just like walking in brocade clothes at night.

There are so many younger brothers who are not brought out to act domineeringly, it means that there are not so many younger brothers.

What's more, the graceful Yuan Xiaoqing came to cheer for him today?

Beside the martial arts stage, Chai Asi took out the ancient magic mirror from his bosom, handed it to Yuan Xiaoqing, and said affectionately: "Xiaoqing, my mother left early, this is the only thing she left behind. , I carry it with me all the time, it is as precious as my life. It is about to go on stage now, please help me keep it."

After getting along with each other for this period of time, the relationship between the pair of young demons continued to heat up.

But it was the first time that Chai Asi had entrusted her so solemnly, and entrusted her mother's only relic.

Yuan Xiaoqing was moved by this kind of trust, and solemnly buried this very ordinary-looking mirror in his chest, pressed it close to his heart, and hugged his hands: "Brother A Chai, don't worry, I will take good care of it, and I will never Let the mirror left by my aunt drop and lose it."

Seeing the ancient magic mirror in a key position, Chai Asi's eyelids twitched, and he stretched out his hand to turn the mirror, but he didn't move it: "Xiaoqing, this thing is not so precious, so don't hold it like this , you just hold it in your hand."

Yuan Xiaoqing hugged him even tighter, and lowered his head shyly: "I hate it!"

Chai Asi froze for a moment, and said to himself, it's just a mirror, it's just a mirror, it doesn't count through the mirror...

Turning his head and turning around, he rushed to the martial arts stage with a murderous look.

Choosing to hand over the ancient god's mirror before the battle is naturally a reminder of the great ancient god.

For a large-scale event like the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Competition, there might be some powerful monsters watching the battle. He wants to reduce the risk of exposure.

Besides, when it came to the martial arts stage, with Chai Ahsi's strength, he was not careful at all, and he could get hurt anywhere.

In case this kid uses the ancient magic mirror as a protective mirror...

Then, should he, the ancient god in the mirror, reveal his secrets, or not reveal his secrets?

Of course, what Chai Asi didn't know was that the ancient god in the mirror he worshiped was no longer in the mirror. The things he worried about didn't exist.

To be precise, the ancient god mirror that Chai Asi has always carried with him has already been replaced by the great ancient god. His communication with Chai Asi in the recent period was actually carried out by rewarding Chai Asi with the seal of the heart.

When teaching the Dharma to Chai Asi, the so-called "receive the seal of my god, and the spiritual consciousness will not be invaded", in fact, the ancient god himself has invaded 800 times...

The combination of the Chixin supernatural power with immortal power and the divine seal method is more convenient than the red fire divine seal and the frost wind divine seal, and at the same time has the power to protect the divine soul.

Of course, evil spirits below the level of the demon king would not be able to invade Chai Ah Si's soul.

Jiang Wang could almost completely control Chai Asi's perception when he had completed all his knowledge about Chai Asi, so the kid didn't find any abnormality in the mirror at all from the beginning to the end.

If something happens to Chai Asi one day, or if Chai Asi himself has any thoughts about this fragile mirror...he will find that everything is in vain. The ordinary-looking mirror he carried with him was, in fact, really ordinary.

The real ancient magic mirror has already been hidden in a safe place.

Through the control of Chai Asi, Yuan Laoxi, and Zhu Dali, the great ancient god commanded them to send out his subordinates without the three of them being fully aware of it. Rent a room in a certain inn with a ten-year lease.

Of course there are no monsters in the guest room, only a mirror called Hongzhuang is hidden.

Even the furnishings have not been touched, only the original vanity mirror has been replaced with a red vanity mirror.

Even if one day, if anyone really searches here, unless there is a clear goal, it will probably be difficult to find anything.


Jiang Wang in the mirror world slowly stopped adjusting his breath.

During this period of time, the recovery of physical injuries has been slow. On the contrary, under the nourishment of those evil gods, the spirit recovered very well.

Praise the evil god. Praise the Peaceful Way.

He didn't care much about Chai Ah Si's trip to the martial arts competition. Having participated in the most grand Tianjiao competition in the world, and successfully won the first prize, this level of competition is far from arousing his interest.

Just pay attention to where Chai Asi will go in the end, this is related to the path of evil life after Chai Asi.

Like a dream order running quietly, a yellowed ancient book was slowly opened—this is a Buddhist scripture bought by Chai Asi’s younger brother from some ancient book store in order to honor him. It is called "Wisdom Fruit", it is said It is the work left by the famous Zen Master Gu Nanshan Xiong.

Of course, this is the Canine translation.

The reason why I am not very sure about the name and content is because the text recorded in this ancient book is not only the dog clan text, but also a long time ago, dating back to the early modern times. The languages ​​of the various tribes are the natural evolution of the little demons. Compared with the current Canine script, the Canine script at that time has changed a lot.

God is so pitiful, the modern dog language, the great ancient gods have just begun to ponder, and can only understand simple sentences.

So when Chai Asi came to ask the great ancient god to explain, the great ancient god could only let him train his body first, and he would faint directly with a set of invincible golden body.

Of course, Chai Ahsi can be greedy and lazy, but for the great ancient god, the word "escape" does not exist.

It is unrealistic for Chai Ahsi and the others to collect Daoist books now. Those ancient books like this are the best harvest——

Then face it. Although reading is such a headache.

Therefore, when Chai Asi was fighting bloody battles in the martial arts arena, the great ancient god also couldn't let go of the book in the mirror world.

Rumeng Ling kept urging, and at the level of the soul, all the modern dog literature books were opened one after another.

He not only wants to learn dog characters, but also to study dog ​​characters in modern times on the basis of modern dog characters...

Even if his heart is as firm as Jiang, even if he is already a powerful existence known by gods, when he looks at those ghost-like characters, he frowns into ghost-like characters for a moment.

this book...

It's not for people to read!

Thanks to the book friend "1511530571950514177" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 381st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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