Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1782 Water Moon

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

It was a drab, empty little room.

Boxy and empty, without doors or windows. Everything is closed and everything is isolated.

It is depressing.

Alternatively, it is safe.

There is nothing in the room.

There was only a frail little girl in a long white dress, curled up in the shadow of the corner. Her slender hands hugged her knees, and she buried her face and wept there.

Like a little white flower that will be broken in the wind at any time.

Her crying was also so weak that no one dared to hear it, it was intermittent, and she swallowed faintly.

"Stand up! Stand up!"

A sharp and vicious voice suddenly sounded from outside the room, the voice quickly approached from far to near, as if it was about to smash the room into pieces: "Zhu Biqiong, how can you do this to a stinky man!"

The little girl in a long white dress shook her whole body as if in stress, and raised her head——

At this moment, her quiet eyes were looking at herself in the mirror.

The Zhu Biqiong in the mirror, wearing the true missionary clothes of Diaohailou, sitting quietly on a bamboo stool, looks like a portrait of a lady fixed in the mirror. Her hair hangs down her shoulders, her expression is cold and silent, her brows are unruffled, and her eyes are unwavering. How can she be half as young and timid as she used to be?

The spring scenery in the offshore islands is just right, and here on Wai Island, the white-browed azaleas are blooming everywhere.

This Rhododendron, which is unique to Huai Island, is named for the two white horizontal stripes on its petals. Therefore, it is said that "the cuckoo has white eyebrows before the lover returns."

When Grandma Bizhu was still alive, she liked this kind of flower very much. Often sit alone.

At that time, Zhu Biqiong didn't quite understand that feeling.

At this time, she was sitting in her private courtyard on Huai Island, holding a wooden comb in her pale jade fingers, combing her long hair carefully.

The leisurely lapping of the waves can still be heard, and blue-billed gulls fly freely past the window.

As the true biography of the elder Jinghai of Diaohailou, Zhu Biqiong's life in the offshore islands should be carefree.

She herself has quite good strength among the younger generation, and Gu Huaixin is such a real person in the world who protects her shortcomings.

But she combed her hair slowly, as if she had forgotten how to comb her hair. In the calm eyes, there seems to be something hidden in the bottom of the water.

In this vibrant spring, there is a morning of infinite hope.

The bronze mirror in front of her suddenly became streaked like water.

The face reflected in the mirror turned into the face of another woman in the distorted ripples. The eyebrows and eyes are vaguely similar to Zhu Biqiong, but the facial features that should be more gentle and generous, but they are fiercely moved together, showing a very resentful expression.

"Zhu Biqiong! How long are you going to hide from me?!"

She yelled out this sentence in a dark voice, but her voice was steep and gentle, and her face spread like a pancake: "Forget how sister takes care of you, how good is it for you?"

Zhu Biqiong stopped combing her hair: "No, I didn't hide from you."

"Then what are you thinking?" The woman in the mirror asked with concern, "You haven't practiced well these days..."

Zhu Biqiong's eyelids droop slightly, hiding many emotions in the deep sea.

What are you thinking?

Think of that timid little girl once.

Before Jiang Wang went to the demon world, he came to the offshore islands to look for her, and wanted to thank her face to face.

But she didn't see it.

She just doesn't want thanks from friends.

But I didn't expect that hesitation was actually a farewell.

"Why don't you talk?" The woman in the mirror suddenly moved closer to that face, and began to lose her temper again, the resentment in her eyes almost rushed out of the bronze mirror: "Are you thinking about that Jiang Wang again? He's dead. What a thought! He is just a hypocrite seeking fame and reputation, using you as a pawn. He saved you because of the layout of Qi State and wanted to shake the authority of Diaohailou. Why can't you see clearly? Only my sister in this world would be sincere Hello, Zhubiqiong! Why don't you understand?!"

"Zhu Biqiong, talk! Zhu Biqiong!"

The woman in the mirror chattered endlessly: "Zhu Biqiong! You—"

"Stop shouting!" Zhu Biqiong stood up abruptly, shouting back!

But the sudden burst of emotion was forcibly suppressed by her again. She looked at Zhu Suyao's astonished and injured expression in the mirror, turned around and walked away, and said in a low voice, "I'm very tired, sister."

"Hahahaha..." The woman in the mirror was stunned at first, then in pain, and then laughed shrilly: "You actually murdered me, you murdered your own sister because of a stinky man and an outsider?! "

"Are you still human? Do you have a conscience?" She bared her teeth and claws, furious: "Who raised you? Who protected you? Who fed you and clothed you? You are simply a beast!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the woman in the mirror began to cry again: "Why don't you even understand me? Am I not good enough for you? I have taken you with me since I was a child. A little girl, I also want to be taken care of by others... I will be close to you for everything, I finally worshiped in the fairy gate, and I want to bring you by my side. My mother-in-law said that your qualifications are not good, so I knelt outside her gate Just three days... Biqiong, did my sister treat you badly? What did I do wrong? I live hard and treat people sincerely. You're just using me and you're going to hurt me? I'm the one who's hurt, why do you all think I'm wrong? Why does my beloved sister dislike me? Why, woo woo woo... ..."

Her cry was like a crow, hoarse and sharp, sawing at the eardrums.

Zhu Biqiong walked to the washbasin by the window, looked at the not-too-distant blue waves, lowered her head, and buried her face in the water.

The world is clean.

Close your eyes, the world is not completely dark.

In the boundless dark world, there is always a silhouette of a human being, just like that long sleep, when the consciousness is getting more and more drowsy, the face is always remembered in the mind——

That face that really grieves for her, really feels sorry for her.

She still remembers that angle.

angle of inclination.

She was held in his arms for the first time, as a dying friend.

At that time, she was still very weak and couldn't open her eyes very well, but she opened them very hard, looking greedily at his jaw line, his profile, and his eyes looking straight ahead.

The pain didn't seem so painful back then.

He's getting closer, closer and closer...

Zhu Biqiong suddenly opened his eyes.

But unexpectedly, at the bottom of the washbasin, I saw a face with a familiar but blurred outline.


Suddenly she raised her head and escaped from the washbasin.


The drops of water on the face dripped onto the water surface in clusters, creating tiny ripples in circles.

Zhu Biqiong gasped for breath, but suddenly held her breath.

In the gilt washbasin, under the circle of ripples, the face she saw in her dream, in the water, and in her memory unexpectedly reappeared.

Escape from imagination and break into reality. Memories are chiseled, and expectations are depicted.

In the swaying water, the blurred face gradually became clear——

Delicate eyebrows, calm eyes, straight nose, stubborn slightly pursed lips,

It is the moon in the water that cannot be embraced.

Trance Qingyang Zeng boy!



"Tut tut."

Chai Asi looked at himself in the mirror, wearing a neat black military uniform he bought at a high price, and a stylish red cape given by Yuan Xiaoqing.

The so-called Buddha relies on gold clothes, and demons rely on clothes.

With this attire, coupled with his body that is already quite strong after the magical exercise.

How chic, how majestic!

This eyebrow, this eye, this temperament.

I really didn't know how to dress up before, but I was blinded by this face.

Who is the most handsome man in Huaguohui?

After admiring herself for a while, Gu Fang brushed her hair a little, so that her bangs were parted at the right angle.

Chai Ahsi finished all the preparations, bowed deeply to the ancient mirror, and said: "My lord, I'm going to pretend to be you!"

The ancient god who was supposed to be in the mirror: ...

The newly appointed Xiang of the Huaguo Club stood up, took out a beautiful cloth bag with the word "chai" embroidered with gold thread, and put the mirror in it with a smile on his face.

Of course, in name, because of respect for the ancient god, she couldn't put the ancient mirror in her hands naked, so she had to put it in a precious bag and let Yuan Xiaoqing carry it.

The final election of the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Club in Moyun City has gone through several rounds.

He was beyond the monster's expectation, and made great progress all the way.

Even the president of the Huaguohui was shocked and encouraged him.

Ordinary little demons are not as fierce as him in swordsmanship, and those who are stronger in swordsmanship than him can't chop his invincible golden body. In addition, after each battle, Lord Ancient God will take him to review the battle situation completely. Tell him how many opportunities he missed in the fight, which choices he made wrong, and how many ways he still has to win.

This made his strength grow by leaps and bounds.

The heavy blows he suffered on the martial arts stage also made his invincible golden body improve rapidly—I don't know if it's an illusion, but the effect of the medicinal bath seems to be getting better and better recently.

Huaguo will give him additional rewards, and he has replaced them with various precious medicinal materials. In short, he is practicing to the death, using the posture of drowning himself to get lost...

Of course our Gale Wind Killing Sword doesn't know that he has indeed been soaked in medicinal soup during this period of time.

After all, he is in a competition at the moment, and every time he advances in the ranking in the martial arts meeting, he can climb a little higher afterwards. Coupled with the fact that the effects of those medicinal materials on the great ancient god were getting weaker and weaker, half of them were generously allocated to feed him.

Gale Wind Killing Sword Chai Ah Si mainly focuses on martial arts and cultivation, supplemented by enhancing the relationship with Yuan Xiaoqing. By the way, he brings his younger brothers to manage the forces on the road.

The great ancient god Jiang Wang paid equal attention to multiple paths.

It is necessary to follow up Chai Asi’s trip to the Martial Arts Tournament and accompany him to replay every fight he has on the martial arts arena; he also needs to give Zhu Dali Tushen support, explain to him the concept of Taiping Dao, and draw a picture Huge pie; more importantly, it must cooperate with Yuan Laoxi's expansion plan of the Faceless Sect, occasionally showing miracles and recruiting believers...

In addition to these, it is necessary to learn modern canine characters and translate canine characters in modern times.

In addition, Chai Asi, Yuan Laoxi, and Zhu Dali's cultivation needs to be guided by the great ancient gods.

There is also the recuperation of his own injuries, and his own practice cannot be relaxed...

One breath of time should be broken into ten breaths to use.

Even Jiang, who is known for his diligence, also said that he couldn't stand it.

But fortunately, there is progress.

After these days of studying day and night, I finally have a certain degree of mastery of the Canine characters... It can even be said without humility, that I am already proficient.

It can be regarded as an in-depth study of the canine characters in the modern era, which is to deliberate the meaning of each word. If it weren't for the strong spiritual sense and the divine understanding, it would be impossible to complete such a huge workload in a short period of time.

At this stage, I have a preliminary understanding of the ancient book in my hand.

Earlier, he wondered why there were so many gaudy words on the book cover, but the title of this book only came out with three words, which was called "wisdom fruit".

Sounds like a toddler book.

Now I realize that's just nonsense. Those monsters were ignorant, guessed a few words vaguely, and named them randomly.

The original title of this book is "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection".

It is indeed the Zen Master Xiong, the strong Buddhist sect of the Yaozu, who once taught the Dharma on the Ancient Nanshan Mountain, and his disciple, the tenth dharma king, recorded and compiled it.

The main lectures are "knowledge", "spiritual wisdom", "root bone", "cause and effect", and discuss the relationship between these four and Buddha. There are also some historical and commentary in the middle, mainly to provide evidence for the teaching, which is naturally not objective.

But for Jiang Wang, it is precisely these contents that are the most important.

For example this paragraph -

Disciple Xiangmi asked: Zen master! Where is the real Buddha, and why do you believe in other Buddhas? It is difficult to distinguish the difference between the two worlds. Is it Foye?

Zen Master Xiong said: The Buddha has no fixed fruit, the Buddha has no fixed appearance, and the Buddha has no fixed body. It is my Buddha.

Xiang Mi is a disciple of Zen Master Xiong and ranks fifth among the ten Dharma Kings. In the history of the Yaozu, there are quite high evaluations. It is said that he is wise and foolish, honest and self-sufficient, and he was very loved by the believers of Ancient Nanshan at that time. It can even be said that he is the most trusted one among the ancient Nanshan dharma kings.

During this dialogue, Xiang Mi asked Zen Master Xiong because of the confusion and pain in his heart-where is the real Buddha? Can I believe in He Buddha? Now I am confused by the difference between the demon race and the human race, and it is difficult to feel the difference between the demon world and the human world. I am in great pain because of this. May I ask if I am learning from Buddha?

Xiang Mi's confusion does not seem complicated, but it reflects the conflict between the Buddha of the monster race and the Buddha of the human race. As the ancient Nanshan Dharma King, he has profound cultivation and high strength, but he is also painfully entangled in the process of searching for the origin of the Buddha. After all, it is a method passed on from person to person, and it is difficult to completely detach from race.

But Zen Master Xiong replied that the Buddha has no fixed result, the Buddha has no fixed appearance, and the Buddha has no fixed expression. My Buddha is a Buddha, so there is no need to be confused.

His answers are also very understandable. But the key behind it is the attitude of the strong Buddhist sect of the monster clan towards the Buddha.

The Yaozu also practice Buddha, but only their own Buddha.

The "Buddha" here is of the same nature as the "Tao". It is a broad "Tao" and a specific "Dharma". But it is completely independent of the current Buddhism, and has nothing to do with the monks of the human race.

The book has its own house of gold, and the book also has its own history and answers.

The gradual determination of the content of this "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection" shows that the time when the World Honored One came to the demon world must have been before the ancient times.

Secondly, after Jiang Wang translated this text, his speculation was——

The Buddha passed down in the demon world may be the inheritance left by the World Honored One on his own initiative, rather than the imitation and absorption of the demon clan later. Because Zen Master Xiong obviously got the true meaning of Buddha and grasped the word "Buddha". Although he cultivated his own Buddha of the monster clan, he did not deviate from the core of Buddha.

There is a lot of learning and penetration between the human race and the monster race.

For example, the Yao clan also has military schools, legal schools, and Confucianism.

However, according to Jiang Wang's observations in the Yaozu city during this period, these theories have more or less deviated from the Yaozu side, and they originated from the word "yao". After that, they were absorbed. Confucianism in the art of war.

But only the Buddha in the demon world originated from the word "Buddha", and then moved closer to the word "Demon".

Jiang Wang's second guess is——

The Buddha taught by the World Honored One in the demon world may be the Buddha who completely abandoned the word "human". In other words, what the World Honored One preached in the demon world is only the pure Tao, which is completely detached from the race, outside the identity of the human race or the demon race.

Perhaps this is the root cause of the rapid development of "Buddha" in the demon world, far superior to other theories passed down from the human race.

Maybe... this is also a way to fight against the God of the Monster Race?

Preaching this world, great merit and virtue.

Eliminate hostility, naturally there is no need to confront.

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