Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1783 Shichiro Kaya

Jiang Wang has already mastered the language of the monster clan, and now he can basically communicate with all the little monsters, which is also of great help to him in learning the language of the dog clan.

The so-called "correct way home" is of course not a portal similar to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, or some hidden entrance to the two worlds... After years of bloody battles between the two clans, it is impossible for there to be such an undiscovered two Boundary channel.

What he was looking for in the history of Buddhism in the demon world should be a way to deceive the will of the demon world, or even fight against the will of the demon world.

But if the method of the World Honored One is to preach to the demon world, there is no room for him to emulate.

Regardless of whether he belongs to Taiping Taoism, Faceless Sect, or ancient gods, it seems that preaching is a very simple matter, but in essence, what he fiddles with is nothing more than a patchwork of things.

It is far from enough to be qualified to preach, and it cannot be regarded as the establishment of a sect, let alone reach the influence of Buddhism.

Taking a step back, even if this path is feasible, it will not take three to five years. Can he stay in the demon world for so long?

I'm struggling to figure out a way out.

Tuk tuk.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door downstairs.


Jiang Wang's question was almost in sync with the voice of the tenant downstairs.

He hides in the red makeup mirror and has lived in this inn for several days. Although he doesn't leave home, he has already figured out the surrounding environment by relying on the fairy state of sound and hearing.

And this kind of "observation" is uninterrupted every day.

One is to control the environment at any time for their own safety. The second is also the understanding and insight into the life of the monster race.

The waiter in the shop, the innkeeper, the accountant, and even the various passengers who enter and leave the inn, their conversations, life, joys, sorrows, and joys are detailed.

The world situation of Yaozu is like a long scroll, which is slowly spread in front of Jiang Wang.

In the guest room downstairs, a snake banshee lived in the day before yesterday. She never went out during the day and only went out to wander at night. She will lure the young and strong male demon back to the room, devour the essence and blood, knock the bones and suck the marrow, the process is quite cruel.

Red makeup disguised as an ordinary mirror, of course, had no reaction to it. Jiang Wang, who was hiding here with a mirror, was even less likely to do anything that would cause waves.

So it's just been watching.

In particular, the guest room where the red makeup mirror is located is a long-term lease signed by the innkeeper after Chai Asi, Yuan Laoxi, and Zhu Dali sent their subordinates to exchange hands with each other many times.

Even Yuan Xi and the three of them didn't know the existence of this guest room.

And this snake banshee, who was doing evil, chose this inn by coincidence, and happened to stay in the downstairs room. This could not but make Jiang Wang vigilant.

Originally, today I was going to ask Yuan Laoxi to find someone to deliver a report letter to the Moyun City Public Security Office, for a military-civilian cooperation. Or let the "Taiping ghost messenger" come directly to chop melons and vegetables, punish evil and eradicate evil, and record a battle... Now he has many ways to calmly erase this accident.

Naturally, before that, he had to "move".

But now it seems that it is no longer necessary...

Jiang Wang was sure that the knock on the door he heard just now rang three times in total.

The speed is constant, and the interval between every two strokes is exactly equal. Not a penny more, not a penny less.

This kind of fine-grained control is the key to a life-and-death confrontation.

Strength and will are indispensable.

So he sits silently in the mirror world, listening attentively—

Then I heard a young and unrestrained voice, and answered the banshee in this way: "The surname is Lu, and the character is Qilang."

The sound didn't stop, and the action didn't stop.


The sound of the door being pushed open.


The sound of windows being smashed.


An extremely soft and thin sound, if it was not in the fairy state of the sound, it would have been missed... The sound of the sword whistling!

There is no need to look at it, Jiang Wang can completely visualize that scene in his mind.

The vicious snake banshee in the downstairs room immediately chose to escape through the window after hearing the name reported by the uninvited guest. She has a lot of strength, quick movement, and decisive choices. She also retreated behind her back when she was running away, and she was well protected.

And the monster named Shikachiro just pushed the door unhurriedly, and the moment he pushed the door open, he had already drawn his sword. The moment the sword is drawn, the kill has been completed!

This sword... the howling sound of the sword...

It actually made Jiang Wang, who was hiding in the world in the mirror upstairs, feel threatened.

Absolutely the fighting power of the demon king level, and he is the strongest among the demon kings!

Where did this come from, Kashichiro?

For his own safety, Jiang Wang has chewed through the information about Moyun City countless times.

Although the Yaozu city is close to a country, Moyun City is not a particularly powerful city-state.

Although Sky Demon Spider Yi has blood descendants here, she seldom pays attention to the affairs of Moyun City.

A demon general at the level of Quan Xizai is already one of the most handsome young men in Moyun City.

It's not that there are no demon kings visiting Moyun City, but such a young demon king rarely appears.

Frostwind Valley is an elite battlefield between the two major races, and it was originally a place where the arrogances fought. Only then will the Tianhai King, the Stone Rhinoceros Demon King and other young demon clan arrogances be gathered.

And this sudden appearance of Lu Qilang in Moyun City is like Chong Xuanzun's appearance in Zheng State, which is a sudden event in itself.

While making a preliminary judgment on the demon's strength, Jiang Wang directly stopped the savanna fairy state. Although he prided himself on his profound attainments in the voice and hearing, he didn't intend to test his superiority with anyone in this demon world.

This Shikachiro is at least at the same level as his strong man, maybe he has some powerful ability to detect the sound and hearing. Shiwan Dashan has already suffered from Quan Xizai's losses, Jiang Wang will not let himself repeat the same mistakes, and even cut off the possibility in advance.

Of course he was curious about Shikachiro's purpose, and he was even more worried about whether this matter involved the targeting of God's will in the demon world. But he wouldn't risk his own body.

The intelligence work can be put together by Yuan Xi. You don't even need to use the power of the Faceless Sect, just use the power of the Huaguohui to make side attacks.

The line that has been laid for so long, and so much effort has been made, is precisely to avoid danger. If he acted rashly at this moment, he might bump into something.

Scatter but hear, keep the original intention. Containing thought dust, Jiang Wang put himself in a state of "no thought" and fell into complete silence.

It seems that there is a sound of wind.

But the sound of the wind seems not to exist.

All the mysteries were suppressed, and the red makeup mirror was placed on the dressing table in an ordinary way.

Suddenly, a slender monster with a handsome face appeared in the room with the doors and windows closed.

This demon is clad in brocade clothes, with a thin sword hanging from his waist, and his face looks like jade, but he is not angry and majestic.

His cold eyes are like the moonlight, and just turning his eyes away, it's like a clear stream washing white stones, washing the whole room, and suddenly there is a feeling of dust being gone. His movements are so casual, but the aura of the strong man is as real as it is!

At first, the judgment brought by the sword whistle was relatively rough, but now feeling this kind of breath at close range made Jiang Wang feel bad.

This demon clan named Lu Qilang may be stronger than imagined. He doesn't doubt at the moment, if the red makeup mirror is exposed now, he might not be able to fight with his current physical condition.

Only then did he set up the Three Caves for the Cunning Rabbit, then removed the red makeup mirror and hid in the downtown area, intending to be a behind-the-scenes black hand isolated from the world.

Such a sudden encounter with danger!

Fortunately, he didn't leave any traces in this room, and he didn't come out to "release" because of his safety. He just sat in the mirror world from the beginning to the end. Guarding the unbearable loneliness of ordinary people, self-denial and self-cultivation.

Fortunately... this Jinyi Yaozu didn't come for him.

The slender figure just turned around in the room before disappearing again.

Jiang Wang sat cross-legged, his heart like still water.

Only maintain the instinctive feeling of the outside world——

That powerful aura turned left and right suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned around all the rooms in this inn.

Then disappeared abruptly.

As for the body of the snake demon that fell out of the window and onto the long street, it was collected by the officials of the Public Security Bureau who rushed over.

This young demon king named Lu Qilang seems to be looking for something. Isn't his target the snake demon? Or... not just the snake demon?

Jiang Wang restrained his curiosity and resisted the urge to chase after him to find out the answer.

After a long time, officials from the Moyun City Sheriff's Office came into the inn to make some records, and found many bones in the room of the snake demon.

Noisy, and finally dispersed.

Finally, no one came to the room with the closed doors and windows where the red makeup mirror was placed.

It was dark, and the red moon lifted into the sky.

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then get angry.

The room was rented with five baht king money firmly, and the long-term lease was agreed upon for a year. How could the innkeeper allow other monsters to break in at will?

How can there be any majesty in the laws of the monster clan, why don't they protect private houses?

If this is in Daqi...

Jiang Wang snorted.

sighed again.

The fact that Lu Qilang broke through the door to kill the snake demon gave him a warning—no matter how many hands he tried in the middle, and how concealed the process was, it was simply impossible to escape from cause and effect and live in seclusion in the demon clan's territory.

Any accident can disturb his tranquility.

Especially in some cases, "accident" is a kind of "destined".

I still don't know the background of this Lu Qilang, why he came here, and whether any major events happened in Moyun City. Chai Ahsi and the others are not at a higher level...

In this suddenly worsening situation, there is at least one piece of good news—this place that Shikachiro has checked deliberately, in a short period of time, there should be no more monsters to check.



The entire Flower Street is now completely under the control of Yuan Laoxi, and several shops near Lao Yuan Tavern have also quietly changed owners.

But the underground quiet room of Old Ape Tavern turned into a simple quiet room instead.

The god-religious Dharma Assembly presided over by Yuan Laoxi and held from time to time is usually held in the Wumian Dharma Hall. It does not have a fixed location, it can be a guest room or a residence. Where the Faceless God Sculpture stands is the Faceless Dharma Hall.

The organizational form of the Faceless Church is a top-down tree structure. There is always a single-line connection between the superior and the subordinate, and the same level does not know each other. Any level of exposure will be cut off at that level, and the danger will not spread. In addition, the faceless statue representing the great god also has a single-line connection with every devotee.

The highest belief of the entire Faceless God Sect is naturally the Lord of Hell, the King of Yama, the God of Assassins, and the great ancient Yan Luo Biancheng King.

Underneath is the faceless pope who acts on behalf of the will of the gods.

The next level is the twelve divine envoys, namely Zishu, Chouniu, Yinhu, and Maotu...just let Shenggong, Shenxia, ​​and King Zhao come in.

Presumably, whether it is the Equal Kingdom, the No Life Sect or the No Door to Hell, they can find a sense of familiarity in the Faceless God Sect in this demon world. If there are "colleagues" who accidentally exile in the demon world, they should feel kind.

This kind of organizational form that gathers the strengths of many families is considered safe at present.

The Government of Public Security still spared no effort in cracking down on all kinds of god religions without backing, but so far they have not touched the roots of the faceless god religion.

Under the auspices of Yuan Xi, the Faceless Religion, which does not require blood, does not torture believers, and will respond honestly to believers, has developed very rapidly. In a very short period of time, a large number of faithful believers were gathered.

Even the ugly cow among the twelve god envoys volunteered to go to Jilei City to recruit believers... although there was no news from him.

The religious conference is held in one direction, and no more than three believers participate in each session. Only the most devout believers who have contributed the most to the sect can receive the Pope's personal guidance.

The Pope will lead them to worship God, study the teachings, answer all kinds of difficulties in their practice, and bestow corresponding exercises and secret techniques—of course, the ancient God Yama is actually speaking personally behind the scenes.

Thinking about it, since ancient times, it is difficult to find another god who works so hard and is so close to the people.

It was only after he truly became a divine master and started preaching that Zhang Linchuan could feel how amazing Zhang Linchuan was when he wrote the "Infinity Sutra" and the "Infinity Mystery Method" by himself.

At that time, the Inanimate Cult relied more on the inanimate world that combined many supernatural powers to support it. But if Zhang Linchuan is given a long time to develop, the "Wu Sheng Jing" and "Wu Sheng Xuan Fa" are the foundation of the teaching and the broader future of Wu Sheng Jiao.

Jiang Wang is just creating some scattered exercises and bestowing them on different believers, which already feels very hard. If he wants to put together a system, it will definitely not be possible in a short time. I had to ask Yuan Laoxi to raise the threshold of the puja and reduce the workload a little.

"Great God Yan Luo, your loyal servant prays to you."

After seeing off the congregation from different exits, Yuan Laoxi returned to the room and knelt down to worship the statue: "May you return to the peak soon, become the supreme supreme, and hold the universe forever for generations to come!"

He recited this nondescript prayer more and more devoutly.

The faceless statue stood in the shrine, emitting flickering light, somewhat embarrassing. In a moment, the oracle came——

"The long river of fate is turning again, and something big will happen in Moyun City. Yuan Laoxi, ordered Er to investigate the root cause secretly, collect all abnormalities, and prepare early."

"Follow the oracle."

Yuan Laoxi bowed down piously and bowed three times before he came forward, put away the statue, and quietly left this place.

After putting away the Faceless God Statue, this is an ordinary room. After leaving the Faceless God Hall, he returned to his status as the number one incense master of the Water Curtain Hall of the Huaguohui.

Jiang Wang had reason to believe that no matter what happened in Moyun City, that Lu Qilang would definitely be involved. The arrival of Lu Qilang itself is one of the anomalies in Moyun City.

He didn't ask Yuan Laoxi to investigate Shikachiro specifically, so that there would be no targeted contact. Even if Lu Qilang went back, he would not know that he was being watched by the great ancient God Yama.

After he started pretending to be a ghost, Jiang Wang understood more and more why the oracles he had heard in the past were quite vague, even ambiguous, and often required priests to interpret them.

One is to shape the authority of the gods, so that it is not easy to be slapped in the face. God is never wrong, the wrong thing is that the priest did not interpret it correctly. Secondly, try not to disclose too much information as much as possible, which belongs to the self-protection of the gods.

It was this kind of personal experience and feeling that gave him a deeper understanding of Shinto.

An investigation involving a strong man like Kashiro, no matter how concealed it is, is quite dangerous.

But it has to be done.

The danger has passed by, and we must not remain ignorant of it. Jiang Wang must know Lu Qilang's goal and understand Lu Qilang's strength. Only in this way can I know how to face it, so that I won't have another experience like this time... I can only wait there blankly, without any initiative.

Yuan Laoxi is cunning and cunning, and has great abilities. Even if he can't get the information, he can clean up his hands if he thinks about it.

Chai Asi is high-spirited and triumphant, or he can put in a little more support so that he can quickly join the upper circle of Moyun City, so that he can grasp the overall situation and not be blinded like this time.

As for Pig Dali...

Just thinking of Zhu Dali, the frost flower in Wufuhai, as if it had been sensed, suddenly lit up and radiated frost.

Urgent news came from Shuangfengshenyin—the Taiping ghost messenger is calling for the power of Taipingshenfengshen, Zhu Dali is in danger, and he is calling for help from the leader!

what happened?

Every time the Taiping Guichai went out to kill the gods at night, he always accompanied him. The pig chops melons and vegetables vigorously to kill the minions, and he swallows the evil spirits and eats them. Cooperation is a tacit understanding.

Normally, when not slaughtering gods, Zhu Dali would pretend to be deep and melancholy in the tavern, lamenting that he was a monster.

If it doesn't involve evil gods, if Zhu Dali is watching the scene in a tavern, what trouble can he have? Is there any trouble that can't be solved even by his Taiping Baodaolu?

One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.

Although Lu Qilang and Zhu Dali are two completely unrelated monsters, the two incidents that happened one after another gave Jiang Wang an extremely bad premonition.

If it wasn't because he was suspicious, it was God's will.

Before he could think about it, Jiang Wang immediately responded as the Taoist master of Taiping.

So he focused on the wind seal of the Taiping God, and entered the perspective of Zhu Dali——

I just saw a sharp cold front coming towards me!

A glimpse of...

Late at night, alleys.

Jiedao, bald head, black lotus pattern.

And Zhu Dali's almost frozen body!

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