Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1784: Demon Master Tathagata!

Speaking of the divine seal method, it was Zhuang Chengqian's creation when he was disguised as Jiang Yan. It was carefully inspected by Yin Guan, and after erasing the original seal, it was completed through the Taixu Illusion Stage.

In the following time, with the improvement of cultivation base, Jiang Wang also supplemented this method. However, the main framework of the technique was still determined by Zhuang Chengqian.

Zhuang Taizu's vision is extraordinary.

But for a long time, this method was only applied to Dugu Xiao and Song Wanxi.

Only Dugu Xiao, who takes Jiang Wang as his devout believer, can grow up with this seal.

The divine seal method can really play a certain role independently, even the practice of descending from the gods, it is still after the achievement of the gods.

However, Jiang Wang never liked to use spells to control people, and he did not expect that the frequent application was in the demon world.

At this moment, God can see——

On the opposite side is a tall, thin monk with black lotus tattoos on his head and robes. The sword technique is extremely exquisite, and he has already held Jie Dao to face him, and he is about to make the final cut!

Zhu Dali's saber movement had already been slashed to pieces, his fat monster body had been frozen to death by the spell, and there was not a single sound in the alley at night.

For the moment.

In Zhu Dali's wide-open angry eyes reflected by the bright sword, there is a frost-colored divine seal jumping out, the outline appears, and the divine light shines!


A very thin wisp of frosty white wind was born from the divine seal - with Jiang Wang's current supernatural power cultivation base and the power of the divine seal, he could only project such a little magical wind from the air, but it was enough.

Zhu Dali's already dull eyes were filled with hope for a moment, but his hand holding the knife stopped, and he only shouted in a low voice: "Slaughter gods and ghosts, the world is peaceful!"

At this moment he completely gave up control of his body.

The will that descended from the Wind Seal of the Taiping God took over this body.


The sword light suddenly appeared.

The world is different!

Taiping double straight knives lit up in the dark alley.

Clanking and clanging, the sharp blades collided crazily between square inches.

The same body, with the same cultivation base of no more than a demon soldier, was glowing with a stunning brilliance at this moment!

With a horizontal stroke of the sword, one stroke of the sword forces the enemy back.

Taking a step forward, the right knife split open the tall and thin monk's knife holder.

And the left knife slanted out, forcing him to turn sideways.

The right knife is then wiped horizontally——

That ray of frost wind was entangled on the edge of the blade, directly cutting off the monk's saber that was urgently erected in front of his neck, chopped off the black Buddha's light, wiped his neck, and chopped off his head!

The rabbit rises and the falcon falls for only a moment.

Gu Lulu, with a bald head with black lotus patterns, rolled and rolled in the dark alley.

The will from Taiping God's wind seal receded like a tide, Zhu Dali was silent for a while, although he regained control of himself, he did not move.

This feeling……

This feeling of being strong...

Speaking of it, it was just a few simple stabs, and the figure was only shaken a few times, but every step was critical, without any unnecessary movements.

This incomparable mastery of combat opportunities, his ability to fully understand the limits of his body, and his peerless sword skills... really fascinated him!

On the opposite side, Monk Hei Lian, who had already reached the level of a demon general, was fierce just now, killing with knives, but he turned from victory to defeat within a few breaths, and was beheaded to death on the spot.

The rolling of the head didn't stop until now, the expression didn't even have time to be painful, there was only a trace of astonishment that hadn't had time to let go.

Even thinking about it, he didn't understand why he lost, why he died!

Looking at the head with the third grade black lotus tattooed on it, Zhu Dali sighed endlessly.

This is the world of the strong... When I planted the Wind Seal of the God of Peace, I was doomed to live a bloody life, which would no longer be ordinary.

Taiping Dao, Taiping Dao, for the sake of peace in the world, why do I, Zhu Dali, cherish this body?

I wait for the Taiping Taoists, chasing the stars and the moon, and walking in the dark night for a long time!

"Aren't you leaving?" This guy has been immersed for too long, and the Taoist Taiping finally couldn't bear it anymore, and a voice came through the wind seal of the Taiping God.

"Oh, oh!" Zhu Dali just woke up like a dream, and changed another mask to cover his big face. Inserting the double knives back behind his back, he left in a hurry.

As soon as his back disappeared into the alley, there was a flash of fire. Burn everything including the monk's body.

After about half an hour, the pale red moonlight seemed to dim a bit.

At the end of the dark alley, a burly figure about two feet tall appeared.

Zhu Dali's figure is already very fat, but if he is compared with this monster, he is afraid that a child is compared to a strong man.

The strong man squeezed into the dark alley, wearing a cloak and a large monk's robe. His burly body was like a horizontal wall, and he slowly pushed from the other end. There was no sound of stepping on the ground during the action, nor did it break a few floor tiles, but it gave the onlookers a feeling of upending the world.

"It's here."

His voice was like the sound of being stuffed in a stone urn, with a deep echo.

And his footsteps stopped there, and he looked up at the moonlight: "In the end, he disappeared in this place."

In the shadow of the corner of the wall, a silhouette of a demon body appeared, and he bowed his head to the burly man, "Honorable One, we have searched the surrounding area for three miles, but found nothing."

The burly man in a monk's robe has a pair of surprisingly compassionate eyes. He looked down at the ground: "My Buddha sense tells me that he has passed away and is here. But my eyes have not recovered a little bit. Traces. Ghosts, why do you think this is?"

The monsters in the shadows only have a collective name for "ghosts", and they haven't even remembered their own name. But he didn't feel dissatisfied at all, and he was still respectful: "Could it be suppressed by the local security office?"

The burly man shook his head: "It won't be the government office. The government office doesn't need to be so clean. Besides, I, the Black Lotus Temple, preach in Moyun City... who dares to suppress it?"

His voice was low at first, but when he spoke the last four words, it spread out steeply, permeating the dark night, with a strong confidence of slapping the Moyun City official on the face.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Spider Empress is seriously injured now, even in her prime, how much support can this Moyun City get, how much ability and courage does it have, and dare to be an enemy of the Black Lotus Temple?

It is true that all city-states in the world are governed by the Taikoo Imperial City, and they all receive the protection and support of the Taikoo Imperial City, but can the Taikoo Imperial City take care of Moyun City day and night?

Heilian Temple didn't talk about killing the lord of the city at every turn, but killing the chief of the Moyun City Security House would not cause too much backlash if he thought about it.

And the one who preached in Moyun City earlier was only a very weak devil Arhat. This level of preaching is simply below the bottom line of the major city-states, and it will never trigger fierce confrontation.

In this prosperous age, gods and ghosts are prosperous, and thousands of sects are flowing side by side.

Who knows how many divine sculptures those officials put on behind their backs?

Logically speaking, the devil Arhat who was preaching in Moyun City shouldn't have had an accident.

See it from the inside. He has many years of experience in preaching, he knows how to measure, he will not make too much trouble, and he will not embarrass the ruler of Moyun City.

From appearance. Those who know the name of the Black Lotus Temple will definitely not dare to touch the matter of preaching. Those who don't know the Black Lotus Temple have no ability to deal with it.

But sometimes things don't make sense.

The monster in the shadow raised its palms in salute, bowed its head and remained silent.

The burly man wearing a cloak looked at the floor tiles carefully for a while, then shook his head: "It's too clean. The body and soul are gone, and there is not even a trace left. There are not many forces who can do things so cleanly. The Black Lotus Temple has even fewer attacks."

There are not many core disciples in the Black Lotus Temple, each one is very precious, and the death of one is a great loss. This loss is far heavier than the god statue of the devil Arhat.

So his heart ached, but his voice showed no emotion.

"Could it...not be aimed at us?" The voice in the shadow suddenly asked.

"How to say?"

"Ghost Arhat has an accident, and there is only the word 'Taiping ghost messenger' at the scene. I don't know if it is a monster or an organization." The voice in the shadow said: "Master Tiger came here to investigate in advance, and he is guarding a special agent who sells information. A black market demon merchant. From that fellow, he pried out some information, and started to set up an ambush to track him down, until he disappeared today...

I checked intelligence records. In the recent underground world of Moyun City, every few days, there will be a guy wearing a mask who goes to the black market demon dealer to buy information related to various sects. Soon after buying the information, the corresponding evil god will kill him , and the words "Taiping ghost difference" will be left on the scene.

The guys who wear masks to buy information are different every time. Some are gamblers with red eyes, some are drunk alcoholics, and some are directly pulled away by the side of the road with a knife on their necks to force them to buy information.

Master Hu found many targets, but without exception, they couldn't tell who was instigating them.

The existence represented by the Taiping ghost messenger obviously has a lot of experience in disappearing, and it is not the first time to do such things. We can trace the records of other cities, or we can find similar events.

Of course, Master Hu is Master Hu after all, and he still used his own method to track down the target. It's a pity that he was too confident, or the incident happened suddenly, which caused the information to be transmitted too slowly and failed to wait for our support. "

The voice in the shadow paused for a while, and continued: "I think that the Taiping ghost messenger may not be targeting us. It is targeting sects, all sects except the Orthodox Church, that is... the so-called evil gods!"

"Orthodoxy?" The burly man sneered.

The monster standing in the shadows of course knew where the burly man's hostility came from, but he didn't dwell on it. He just said, "Besides, every time the Taiping ghost guard kills a god, he will leave a name on the spot. But Not this time. Is there still a possibility... The existence that Master Hu tracked down this time is not Taiping Guichai, but other strong men sneaking in this city?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's the Taiping ghost messenger this time, or whether the Taiping ghost messenger is a god or a ghost, and they messed with our Black Lotus Temple, this time they are all dead." The method is so clever, leaving no trace of body and soul, it is definitely not the first time that the murderer has done this. Go ahead and investigate to see if there is any similar situation happening in Moyun City recently."

The outline of the demon body in the shadow gradually sank into the shadow, only the lingering voice came from the dark alley: "The ghosts respectfully accept the order."

There are eight divisions of heaven and dragon in Buddhism.

The first is called the Celestials, the second is called the Dragons, the third is called Yaksha, the fourth is called Gandharva, the fifth is called Asura, the sixth is called Garuda, the seventh is called Kinnara, and the eighth is called Mahoraga.

Zhengshuo, a Buddhist sect in the demon world, is naturally located in Ancient Nanshan, and it is also known as "Orthodoxy" today, and is one of the existences recognized by the ancient imperial city.

There are no dragons in this world, and the ancient Nanshan used snakes to replace dragons, also known as the Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons.

Since the establishment of the Black Lotus Temple, in order to compete with the ancient Nanshan, it has eight ghosts and gods.

The first is called ghosts, the second is called gods, the third is called Rakshasas, the fourth is called Kavali, the fifth is called Pandava, the sixth is called Abhidhata, the seventh is called Kama, and the eighth is called Marakana!

Although the monster in the shadows is humble in front of the strong man, it is really the first-class existence in the Eight Departments of the Black Lotus Temple.

After all the shadows dissipated, the burly man stood silently in the dark alley for a while, took off his cloak, and revealed a very conspicuous bald head with a black sixth-grade lotus platform tattooed on it.

His eyes are kind, but his face is full of flesh and fierce, but there are two funny whiskers... This makes his whole face fall into a kind of natural contradiction.

At this moment, facing his fellow disciple who has disappeared in this world, he lowered his head, with a compassionate expression, put his palms on his chest, and said in his mouth: "Nanwu Demon Master Tathagata!"



Prowling in the dark night of Moyun City, Zhu Dali skillfully used some small skills taught by Taipingdao to erase traces and get rid of possible traces.

These secret methods are not complicated, and some do not even involve Dao Yuan, but the effect of disappearing is very good. In some ways, they also testify to the heritage of Taipingdao.

The mysterious Taoist Taiping was not good at hiding in the early days. In the beginning, a piece of clothing was used to walk around the world, and later, the red makeup mirror and the seal of misfortune were used alternately.

But after many exchanges with King Qin Guang of No Door to Hell, he also gained a little bit. After all, Yin Guan is an expert in murdering and exterminating goods, destroying corpses and destroying traces, and his professional level is also quite excellent.

Those methods that work in the present world can also be used in the demon world with a little modification. Of course, Taoist Taiping did not claim credit for it, and specifically said that these concealment methods were the creations of the same sect.

Zhu Dali has always believed that behind him is a powerful organization hidden in the dark. It takes supporting justice and saving the monster race as its mission. It has passed on for many years and has been guarding the vast land under the red moon.

He has a strong sense of honor from this, and he has indeed gained and learned a lot in this organization, and he is still growing rapidly.

And Taoist Master Taiping, who has experienced many battles, after a brief exchange with Zhu Dali, he probably figured out what happened today-their journey of slaughtering gods and ghosts obviously hit the iron plate.

The evil Buddha organization that was wiped out a few days ago is not some evil god that can be seen everywhere, and there are extremely powerful forces behind it.

This organization has strong intelligence capabilities and can quickly track down the whereabouts of Taiping ghost messengers. And he dared to act openly in Moyun City, it can be said that he didn't care about the security office at all-the monk who was beheaded and mutilated, in the process of chasing and killing Zhu Dali, blatantly killed many innocent little monsters, it was simply rampant.

Obviously, the "Taiping Daoist" who appeared in an inscrutable image was bound by the inherent concepts of the world. I thought that the cults in the demon world were the same as the real world, they could only hide in the east and hide, and they couldn't see the light at all, so they regarded the elimination of evil gods as a safe and easy ration. I never thought that the cult in the demon world could be so arrogant and develop to such a scale.

He realized more and more clearly how vast this world is, and how brilliant culture and history it has bred. The present world is the center of all worlds and the main body of the heavens, but it may not be possible to summarize everything.

Of course, in the eyes of our "Taiping ghosts", it is the unfathomable Taiping Road that is fearless!

The slogan "Slaughtering Gods and Exterminating Ghosts, Peace in the World" means "We in Taiping Dao want to kill whoever we want for peace in the world."

In addition, he had no idea what the black lotus represented. After all, before he was awarded the "Taiping Baodaolu", he was just a little guy living in Huajie, and he was a little better than Chai Asi...

Speaking of that Chai Ahsi, in the past, he didn't show his mountains or dew his water. He didn't expect the family-inherited exercises to be so powerful. He even got involved in the Jinyang Martial Arts Competition for several rounds.

Zhu Dali thought to himself that if he didn't use the Wind Seal of the Taiping God, he might not be able to win that fellow.

Taipingdao is a just organization, so of course he would not covet Chai Asi's family practice. I'm just curious about the grievances and grievances of the Moyun Dog family that Chai Asi may be involved in.

Of course, from the day he was sealed, he was destined to be a walker in the dark. But for the wealthy families on the bright side, they are more or less in the mood of watching a show...

"A major event is about to happen in Moyun City. You will seal the knife for a month. Wait for my order." Jiang Wang didn't care what Zhu Dali was thinking about, and gave the death order directly, then let go of the divine seal, and turned back to himself.

And the obese Zhu Dali just sighed softly on the chilly long street in spring. This sound is a sigh for the common people, and a sigh for the innocent people in Moyun City——

I sealed the knife for a month, and let the ghosts run rampant, and I don't know how many families are crying and how many are complaining in this city.

The wind blows.

He shivered, opened the door curtain, and squeezed into the noisy Old Ape Tavern.

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