Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1785

It has to be said that the appearance of Lu Qilang this time made Jiang Wang, who was already walking on thin ice, feel that his life was in danger.

The black lotus pattern on the monk's bald head gave him a new understanding of the monster race and the Buddhism of the monster world. He felt more and more that Moyun City, where the blood of the Sky Demon was in charge, might be more complicated than imagined.

He became more and more sure... the wind and cloud from various parties had quietly gathered before he was aware of it.

Did the will of the demon world quietly stir up the river of fate?

Is the doom of self in front of me, and I still fail to see it?

From the strong demon king Lu Qilang, to the black lotus monk, and even the huge power behind the black lotus monk like a deep sea reef...

Something must be happening in this city, and he still doesn't know it!

If he was born in this world, he would never be so dull!

But he is an outsider. The rejection in this world is everywhere, what he hears, sees and feels is too limited.

To find a way to break the situation, to find that glimmer of life, we still need to rely on the power of the monster clan in this world.

But so far, the road has diverged.

The Faceless Sect controlled by Yuan Laoxi has bottlenecks, and the bottlenecks lie in those that the sect will inevitably experience during the development process. After Xiaozong and Xiaojiao develop to a certain scale, they will inevitably face the influence of officials. You have to deal with masters like Moyun Spider's family and Ji Lei Niu's family.

Needless to say, the Faceless Sect does not eat blood, does not torture believers, but guides believers to be good, so it should be an orthodox religion. The division between orthodoxy and heresy is not entirely based on this, Yuan Xi does not have the right to speak, and the weak snatching faith is evil!

And the god he believed in, the faceless god, did not really possess the mighty power of the ancient Yama god. Behind the Faceless Sect, there is no huge force behind the Black Lotus Evil Buddha. Even in the entire Faceless Sect, he, the only combat power that can be used, dare not show his face at all.

Zhu Dali's road to slaying gods and ghosts also has a bottleneck, and the bottleneck has already appeared before his eyes. Walking so alone in the dark night, you will encounter evil beasts lurking in the shadows at any time. There may be more than one organization similar to the Black Lotus Evil Buddha this time in the demon world. And Taipingdao is also an empty shell, and Zhu Dali can only fight alone.

Today he was able to descend to the seal to save Zhu Dali, but he may not be able to do so tomorrow. There are always strong people that he can't solve by himself.

The troika built by the Yaozu rushed here, Jiang Wang looked back and found that Chai Ah Si's journey was the most promising. Although this guy has already started to swell prematurely, he can manage it with a beating.

Chai Ahsi had never had any evil deeds before, and after joining the Huaguohui, he was not as cruel as his predecessor, Yuan Yong. Since the Jinyang Martial Arts Association, he has emerged and entered the sight of the vast number of monsters...

This is a typical counterattack road of ordinary geniuses, and it is a majestic and righteous road for class leaps under the current social structure.

As long as there is no moth, it will be accepted by Huaguohui, Moyun Yuanjia, Moyun City, and even the entire upper world of the monster clan.

It was even said that Jiang Wang himself took such a path in this world. From a country boy to an overlord, looking at Chai Ahsi now, I can't help feeling different.

What is the nature of society?

What is the core of the state system?

These grand questions may not have a completely correct answer. But the thinking elucidated from these questions is the cognition of the nature of the world.

What is true?


Every extraordinary monk must stand on a solid cognitive foundation in the process of climbing to a high place.

There may not be a "right" that is universally applicable, but there must be a unique and clear self.

Jiang Wang, who is hiding in the world in the mirror, is also using his observation and thinking in the demon world to practice the "Tao", approaching the lofty and inaccessible mysterious realm.

The impact of the pig's vigorous sealing of the knife for a month was not great, but after swallowing during this period of time, his spirit recovered quickly. Second, the huge amount of godless power obtained after burning the black lotus monk was enough for him to digest for several days.

It was precisely the digestion of this divine power that made him deeply realize the majesty and unpredictability of the organization of the Black Lotus Evil Buddha, so he decisively let the pig seal the knife vigorously.

The spirit and soul have recovered to a point of seventy-eight eighty-eight, but the injury of the golden body and chalcedony is still a problem.

Just as broken jade is hard to complete, gold is hard to make up.

The daily conditioning is constant, and so far the physical body is still less than 20% recovered.

Jiang Wang has the heart to go out with his face covered, pretending to be a judge of peace, to rob and kill a few young arrogances of the demon clan, and to plunder some precious supplies... After all, he still has reason.

So he rested in righteous thoughts, while digesting his divine power and recovering his soul, he paid attention to Chai Asi again.


Outside the small courtyard of the Chai family, there was a knock on the door.

At this time, Chai Ahsi was practicing sword in the courtyard with his upper body bare. Chopping, chopping, stabbing, every move is very serious, and the sweat is pouring down like rain, and the blood is rushing.

Although he is a lazy and slippery guy with a lot of problems, but after all, he has suffered from poverty and knows that opportunities are not easy.

No matter how inflated, no matter how far-fetched and muddling along, he is still willing to work hard on the practice.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to practice the invincible golden body passed down by the great ancient god. That was the kung fu of self-torture with hammer and hammer, complete self-torture.


The sword in his hand didn't stop, he only asked aloud.

Now it can be regarded as having cultivated a bit of tolerance, and his words and deeds are moving closer to the real demon of destiny.

A crisp response came from outside the door: "Brother A Chai, it's me."

The aura of the strong man collapsed in an instant, and Chai Asi grinned: "Hey! Here we come!"

He rushed to the house in a hurry, wanting to wipe off the stinky sweat on his body, find some clothes to put on, and tidy up the room by the way, but halfway through the run, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, stopped immediately, turned back and opened the door. While vigorously dancing the sword a few times, he expressed with the howl of the sword that he was completing the recovery of the sword move. At the same time, exercise quietly to make the muscles on the body more clear and firm, and let the sweat flow out beautiful lines.

Then I went to open the gate of the courtyard, and I saw the charming Yuan Xiaoqing.

It also accurately captured Yuan Xiaoqing's shy and admiring eyes.

The old house is remote, and there are no other demons in the alleys.

Only this girl stands here pretty, making this simple alley glow with brilliance.

Chai Asi wiped his sweat with a towel, and said casually, "Sister Xiaoqing, why are you free today?"

Yuan Xiaoqing put his hands behind his back and tilted his head to look at him: "Does A Chai work so hard every day?"

Her expression is innocent and pure, but this posture makes her curvaceous and exquisite, and the scenery stands out.

Chai Asi tried his best to control his gaze, hoping that he could act like a gentleman among demons, but after all, he couldn't agree with what he said, and his words didn't match up: "Uh, I miss you every day...ah no, no, work hard! I like working hard!"

"What are you talking about!" Yuan Xiaoqing snorted, stamping her feet in shame. But peeking at him, he said again: "You never invited me to be a guest."

Chai Asi secretly bit the tip of his tongue, came to his senses, scratched his head and said: "The humble house is simple, I'm sorry..."

"I see it's very good here!" Yuan Xiaoqing walked into the yard naturally with his hands behind his back, and looked left and right curiously: "It's... not messy!"

Chai Ahsi closed the courtyard door unconsciously, and followed behind him.

"Oh, that's right!" Yuan Xiaoqing turned around suddenly, almost bumping into Chai Ah Si, and giggled.

Bringing the brocade box hidden behind the back to the front: "Here, the dragon and tiger ginseng that I just bought is the best for health. You have fought hard recently, and you can use it."

Dragon and tiger ginseng is hard to come by, and the price is expensive. I don't know how much Yuan Xiaoqing has put in the dowry.

But Chai Asi didn't know what it means to be embarrassed, so he reached out to pick it up: "Then how embarrassing..."

But she accidentally held that gentle jade hand.

But Yuan Xiaoqing didn't struggle.

He didn't let go either.

Looking at the courtyard with hands in hand, silence speaks louder for a while.

Chai Ahsi opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

Ape Xiaoqing has raised his head, his blushing pretty face is like the flowers of early spring, bathed in the glow of sunset.

"Brother A Chai." Her voice was extremely gentle, but her eyes were full of water: "I heard that you have been collecting Buddhist classics recently. Why, do you want to become a monk?"

After getting along for this period of time, the two monsters are already lovers and concubines, flirting with each other, only the last layer of window paper is missing.

There should have been a tug.

But Chai Asi somehow started to collect Buddhist scriptures, and from time to time he would recite Buddhist verses in front of those little brothers, which seemed to break the world, and Yuan Xiaoqing couldn't help but get anxious. That's why I came to look for him today, to see if he really wanted to become a monk.

"Why, how come, how can I be willing to..."

Seeing the beautiful banshee so close at hand, Chai Ahsi felt his mouth dry and his words were not expressive.

"What are you not willing to part with?" Yuan Xiaoqing snorted, "I don't think you are like..."

The slightly pursed red lips seemed to have infinite magic power.

Let there be only a touch of red in the world.

There seemed to be a buzzing sound in his mind, and Chai Asi lowered his head and gnawed on it.

"Don't... Brother Xiao Chai..." Yuan Xiaoqing's resistance was very weak, and her refusal was more like encouragement.

Chai Ahsi picked her up horizontally, and walked into the room enthusiastically without talking idle.

Of course he was in a hurry, of course his blood was surging, of course he didn't care about anything... But the room was too simple, and he could see the shrine and the precious mirror in the shrine when he looked up.

A skirt flew up and accurately covered the shrine.

"That, my lord..."

A certain great god who was monitoring the environment and guarding the way for the demon of destiny suddenly heard such a voice, accompanied by panting.

The Supreme Master did not respond at this time.

God's majesty does not allow him to respond.

But the voice in Chai Asi's heart did not give up: "Hmm... Your Majesty?"

What the hell is going on with you?

fart fast...


In the end, the Supreme Master only sent back this word.

Chai Ahsi said honestly, "Can you stop watching?"

The great ancient god was furious: "What are you talking about! It's unreasonable! Who do you think I am? How can I peek at you, a mere little monster? The heavens and worlds, the time of the meeting, this seat is well-informed!" , I didn’t care about this a long time ago! You don’t understand at all, what a low-level desire carnal desire is, you ignorant little demon, how can you understand the magic of the Dao!”

"Then..." Chai Asi gasped and said in his heart: "Is there any double rest magic method... that can achieve enlightenment? Can you teach me some tricks?"

Evil animal! roll!

Of course, the great ancient god would never lose his composure like this, and in the end just kept silent, cutting off contact for the time being.



The seventh-ranked Lu Qilang, the new king of the Tianbang, came to Moyun City in person.

The news caused waves in the huge city.

The well-known son of the Spider family, Zhu Xi, hosted a banquet in the most luxurious Feiyun Tower in the city. Yu Xin and Yuan Mengji, two of the three talents in Moyun, also accompanied him respectfully.

Quan Xihua, who wanted to take Quan Xizai's position wholeheartedly, was even more busy, wagging his tail again and again.

Even Zhu Lanruo, the little princess of Tianzhu Niang's natal family, appeared in Feiyun Tower to have a drink and chat with her!

How can Shikachiro be a monster?

That is the Young Lord of Yushi City, the most powerful force in Shenxiang Huahai, the number one genius of Shenxiang Lu's family!

In the demon world, only the most powerful families in a certain place are eligible to be named after the place. Usually the size of the place name also reflects the strength of the family.

For example, the so-called family of the three talented people of Moyun can only be called the Moyunyu family, the Moyun ape family, and the Moyun dog family.

Only the Spider Family is qualified to be called the "Sky Breath Spider Family" to the outside world.

It means the name of the most powerful family on the Tianxi Wasteland.

The Shenxiang Lu family is stronger than the Tianxi Spider's family, not only because the Tianzhu Empress basically doesn't care about the affairs of Moyun City, but the ancestor of the Shenxiang Lu family is in charge of the Shenxiang Huahai. Moreover, because of the overall strength of the Lu family, it is unmatched in the entire demon world.

Not to mention the upper-level combat power.

Lu Qilang ranked seventh among the new kings of the Tianhai list, even higher than the Tianhai king Shi Shanwen, he is the direct descendant of the sky demon lion Anxuan! The background of Shenxianglu family can be seen.

Even the mountain king Lu Qiyi who was lost in the Frostwind Valley and was given the title of king earlier came from Shenxianglu's family.

When such a top son comes to Moyun City, it is not difficult to understand why the city is full of noise.

"Come, come, Young Master Lu, drink a glass of my Moyun fine wine!" At this moment, the spider hides no trace of sternness, and the beautiful compound eyes are full of enthusiasm: "We Lan Ruo don't go out often!"

Although he hosted the banquet and the game he organized, it was not him who sat on the main seat, but Zhu Lanruo and Lu Qilang sitting opposite each other.

Who made him not close enough to the Heavenly Spider Empress?

If the spider orchid came, he could only take the second seat.

Lu Qilang didn't care about the undercurrents here, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip, counting it as a drink, and said casually: "This time, Miss Lan Ruo will not participate in the Golden Balcony martial arts meeting?"

Zhu Lanruo, who was playing with the jade cup, was sitting in a casual posture and only showed a side face to the demons, but it also showed the beauty of the sky and the country, and it was absolutely beautiful.

"Moyun City has its own talents, but it doesn't stand out to me." She said in a rambling voice: "Speaking of which, Mr. Lu chased and killed snakes for thousands of miles, which is a feat in the world. And once he arrives in Moyun City, he will help the city eliminate evil, Lan Ruoli deserves a toast to you."

Lu Qilang did not participate in the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Meeting, and he didn't need to prove himself in such a place long ago. It's no big deal if the so-called three-domain event is held in the entire demon world.

Zhu Lanruo just gave the reasons lightly, but the pride of her heart is also on top of it. You, Lu Qilang, don't like this kind of grand event, can it be that I, Zhu Lanruo, like it?

Today, although you are walking ahead, one step faster, I am also here.

The same is to use the world as a high platform, and the nations as a battlefield!

"Then your toast is a bit early." Lu Qilang said calmly, "After all, Snake Guyu has not been executed yet."

"With Young Master Lu's strength, isn't it a matter of time?" Spider hideously laughed: "If you have anything to do, please do so. In this Heaven's Breath Wasteland, we, the Spider family, can still speak. Speaking."

Shikachiro smiled: "It's easy to say."

Zhu Lanruo was also laughing: "Then Mr. Lu, is this trip just for the sake of the snake?"

Lu Qilang looked at Zhu Lanruo, only the two of them were qualified to talk on an equal footing, and only the two of them knew what the other was talking about.

The so-called out-of-string sounds, the meaning of the song.

The aroma of wine was lingering, and he said slowly: "I have a vague feeling that in this place, in this Tianxi Wasteland, maybe in Moyun City... I have a chance."

Yuan Mengji, who was sitting in the next seat, had a very ugly face, and he regarded this statement as Lu Qilang's confession to Zhu Lanruo. But dare not say anything.

Although Sky Demon Ape Xianting is a peerless powerhouse, after all, he walks alone. They are not descendants of direct blood, it's just that their ancestors have some affection, which cannot support their squandering.

And Yu Xin, who was drinking, seemed to be overwhelmed with alcohol and lowered his head, his eyes reflected in the wine, his expression changed dramatically!

Thanks to the lord for touching the owl to reward the new alliance!

Thanks to Dameng I Love Qiqi 888 for another silver reward!

deeply appreciated.

Boss, don't give a reward, I have a lot of trifles recently, I haven't saved a manuscript, and I can't add updates for a while, I feel very ashamed.

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