Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1786

Snake Guyu, who caused the massacre of the Snake family in Linwu City, is the most notorious villain in the entire Shenxianghuahai area in recent times.

The murder case of the Linwu Snake family was also the worst and most widely publicized murder case in the past thirty years in Shenxiang Huahai.

A powerful family that is not inferior to the Moyun Yuan family, with nearly a thousand members. During the annual family ceremony, Snake Gu Yu first poisoned him and then held a knife. He closed the door and slaughtered them all. net.

From old to young, there is no one to live.

It is worth mentioning that Sheguyu himself is a genius from the Snake family in Linwu City. He was even named "Chiyue King" by the ancient imperial city. He is truly capable of being a king and has been widely recognized. the strong.

And judging from the tragedy of the Snake Family, her strength is stronger than what she has shown before, and she should be among the new kings of the Tianbang.

Why she concealed her strength for a long time, and why she slaughtered her own family members, is still an unsolved mystery.

Lu Qilang, who worked in the Shenxiang Public Security Mansion, dedicated himself to investigating the matter, and it has been more than four months since he raised his sword and chased and killed Snake Guyu. The two demon kings fought continuously all the way, from the sea of ​​fragrant flowers to the purple hills, and now to the Tianxi wasteland.

I don't know how many eyes are staring at this battle.

The Tianbang has always placed more emphasis on achievements than strength on paper. In the eyes of many monsters, Shikachiro obviously wants to use Snake Guyu's head as a ladder to climb up the ranking of the Tianbang.

The emotions in Yu Xin's eyes changed several times, and when he raised his head again, his face was already full of joy.

Among the so-called "Three Talented Talents in Moyun", he is the most handsome one, with silver hair and dark pupils, and profound facial features. Yaozheng is even more beautiful, with a pair of silver wings born on the back, tucked under the robe. I heard that Yu Zhen, the legendary powerhouse back then, was also born with a silver-winged demon sign. In the hearts of all fans, Yu Xin also has an extraordinary destiny.

At this moment, in the melody of the musicians, he chuckled lightly and said, "The snake that slaughtered its own relatives must have a shocking secret, and it needs to be exterminated. Presumably, it is either a treasure of the country, or a myth. If Mr. Lu can It is of course a chance to win her. It seems that this time, she will definitely die in Moyun City!"

As soon as these words came out, Spider Hide was visibly moved, Quan Xihua saw a bright light in his eyes, and Yuan Mengji gulped down the fine wine to suppress the turmoil in his heart.

After coming to this banquet, there must be many "righteous men" who are willing to help Lu Qilang hunt down Snake Guyu.

Only Zhu Lanruo looked calm.

Kashichiro himself just smiled.

What Zhu Lanruo said about helping Moyun City eliminate evil was just a sudden feeling when he was walking through the long street that day-the title given to him by the Taikoo Imperial City was "The King of Inspiration", and his spiritual sense was naturally the best in the world, and he was omnipotent.

He never expected that after entering the inn, there would only be an ordinary evil snake demon. The strength is mediocre, and the things he does are rough.

Reluctantly, he turned around each room, and found nothing other than startling a few couples of bed partners.

Even after he left, he turned back quietly and waited on the sidelines, but he still didn't notice any other movement. It was a very ordinary inn, but it was just chosen as a foothold by the evil snake demon.

He guessed that Snake Guyu had resorted to a secret trick, relying on his kinship, to leave a cause and effect on the snake demon that preyed on blood, which aroused his spiritual sense. But when he was attracted by the snake demon, Snake Guyu had already taken the opportunity to sneak away.

This thief fought with him for several months, even though he was at a disadvantage and suffered repeated setbacks, he was still able to survive the defeat, so he had the pinnacle of ability in concealment.

However, it is only a matter of time before it is completely wiped out.

He chased after thousands of miles, just to aggravate Snake Guyu's injury and consume his strength as a trapped beast. Just like fishing, when you catch a big fish, you should not take up the line in a hurry, otherwise the line will break and the pole will break, and the fish will run away and the bait will be empty. The real masters know how to release and retract, use up all their strength, and finally take it lightly, and flow with the water.

As for the Yushuai who suddenly said that there is a shocking secret in Sheguyu... Maybe there is a secret, but what does it have to do with the bumpkins in Moyun City?

Lu Qilang picked up the wine glass, and said to Yu Xin: "I don't know your name?"

Yu Xin held the wine glass and got up, pretending to be flattered: "Under Yu Xin, I am one of the twenty-four generals of the Moyun City Guards. Unfortunately, I am ashamed to have stained my ears."

Zhu Lanruo said at the right time from the side: "Among the generals of the City Guard Army, he is the one with the highest ranking among the younger generation of monsters in this city."

Among the younger generation, the highest ranking is actually Quan Xizai, because the family is the strongest. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken over the mission of the Conferred God Stage, entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains alone, and won the favor of the beautiful monster, making it impossible for the other two to enter and compete.

Too bad it's dead.

Na Yuxin made up in order and became the one with the highest ranking.

It would be a bit glorious for Zhu Lanruo to take the initiative to help with the introduction. Even Yu Xin boasted that the city is extraordinary, but he couldn't help but look bright.

Lu Qilang sat still, raised his wine glass, and grinned, showing his white teeth: "I am very happy to meet such a talented brother Yu today."

He dipped his lips like a dragonfly.

Yu Xin raised his glass and drank it down.

Outside the Feiyun Tower, there are several clouds.

Yu Xin, who was seated, had a bright smile on his face and a sneer in his heart. The Shenxiang Lu family is nothing more than that, with such a crude method, whose surrender and deterrence do they want to win?

King Inspiration's spiritual sense is well-known, and it should be perfect for Snake Guyu.

And let these pretentious trash fight.

It would be best for Snake Guyu to run farther wisely, or maybe he can provide a little help?

And Lu Qilang, who had a calm face, also felt quite funny in his heart.

She Guyu has many benefits, but in Moyun City, he must have other opportunities. This is a feeling of spirituality, how could he be misled by a few words?

He never chooses, he wants what he wants. He picked the leftovers, and it was the turn of the other monsters to choose.

He wants the benefits of Shegu Yu and Moyun City.

Yu Xin pretends to be clever, and what he exposes is his own problem! The others were silent, but he came out pretending to be calm, and hastily averted his eyes. He has no problem, who has a problem?

Now Lu Qilang is very determined in his heart, this time the opportunity in Moyun City will fall on this Yu Xin.

I don't know what kind of luck this guy had, what clues he got, and wanted to monopolize it...

"All of you here are talented people. If you meet here today, you can think about it for a hundred years!" Zhu Xi cleared his throat, came to control the field again, took the initiative to drink a cup, and said some self-righteous beautiful words, which attracted the rest of the young masters. should and.

This Feiyun Building is too tall and gorgeous.

Zhu Lanruo, Spider Hide, Yu Xin, Yuan Mengji, and Gou Xihua.

The most important young monster races in Moyun City are all here, it is really full of guests.

A room full of brothers and sisters, each with a heart full of hearts!

Lu Qilang patiently listened to him, and then said: "Let's stop here today, I should go after Snake Guyu... It's not good to let her relax."

"Yes, yes, it's important!" Zhu Hide stood up to see him off, and then said eagerly: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Shikachiro said with a smile: "I will notify you if necessary."

Then he nodded slightly to the rest of them, hung his sword and walked away.

That posture is so chic, it's hard to see in my life.

All the guests of honor left, and the rest had no reason to stay, they all took their leave and left the table, the silk and bamboo stopped immediately, and the banquet ended.

The brothers and sisters of the Duzhu family, as the main banqueters, ended here.

Saying "brother and sister" is actually not appropriate. The thin-blooded Spider Hide is not qualified to be called Zhu Lanruo's elder brother, and the so-called eldest son of the Spider family is just a blush on his face. Unless he can get the title of king before he is a hundred years old, and record his name on the Heavenly Mandate of the Immemorial Imperial City, then there is a possibility of being bestowed with the blood of the sky demon. Otherwise, he would never be able to sit on an equal footing with Zhu Lanruo.

"Tell me, among them, who will fight for the benefits of Snake Guyu?"

The waiters and musicians are all gone.

Zhu Lanruo, who has always shown her innocence, is now sitting in the main seat with no expression on her face. And there is a kind of prestige of a superior.

Her voice was also lofty and no longer gentle.

The spider who was sitting in the second seat was pouring wine for himself slowly at this time, and he was no longer frivolous, saying: "The people who are really stupid enough to be attracted by Yu Xin's few words are nothing more than Yuan Mengji and Gou Mengji. Xihua. Yuanmeng is extremely fierce and cowardly. He wants to fight but dare not fight. It should be just scratching the surface of the water. Try it. On the contrary, Quan Xihua is more than vicious and daring, maybe he will do something .”

"What do you think he will do?" Zhu Lanruo asked.

"I can't guess that." Spider hideously said with a smile: "Your Highness should know better. After all, there is only one dog Xizai in his family, who smiles at the beauty and is gone forever!"

Quan Xizai, who was burned to death, would never have imagined that he, who was widely praised and watched by everyone in life, was just a cold joke after death.

The house is full of rich and famous people, and the lonely grave is neglected and thick with weeds!

Zhu Lanruo asked again: "Do you think the matter of Quan Xizai has anything to do with him?"

The spider sniffed the wine drunkenly: "I can only say that he can do such a thing. But he didn't do it, so I can't judge. After all, the dignified real demon dog Ying Yang came in person, but he didn't find any results. How can I have that ability?"

"You are already very capable. Who can compare to you among those wine bags and rice bags?" Zhu Lanruo said seriously: "If you were not born in the spider family, if you were not born with insufficient blood, you should not lose to me. But even so, you can still be crowned king Some ups and downs before, all for the future, I look forward to calling"

Spider hideously said: "I will work hard, and I will live up to His Highness's words."

Zhu Lanruo nodded encouragingly, and then asked again: "How did you find out about the matter of Yu's family?"

Zhu Hide put down the wine cup, and seriously replied: "In order not to startle them, I followed very cautiously. Therefore, the location of the final treasure is not very clear at present. But I can guarantee that once the secret treasure of God's Firmament is opened, we will be closer than ever." The Yu Family will be up to ten breaths late."

If Yuan Mengji and the others hadn't left yet, they would probably jump up after hearing this.

Yu Zhen, the legendary powerhouse of the Yu clan, was titled "Shenxiao King" when he was young!

In connection with Yu Xin's natural silver wings, and the self-proclaimed "Xiao Yuzhen", one can imagine what level of opportunity this divine treasure is.

Zhu Lanruo agrees with Spider Hide's cautiousness: "I'd rather delay and take some risks, and don't be beaten by chickens."

"Chicken and eggs?" Zhu Xi sneered: "They are also worthy? Let me tell you, the human race has a custom to kill the New Year pigs, and we have waited until this time."

"That's the case, but sometimes God's will is unpredictable." Zhu Lanruo frowned slightly: "Like today's banquet, it really shouldn't be held. It was originally a matter of getting something out of the bag, but now there is Lu Qilang, a spoiler, adding to the problem." What a risk."

Spider Hide also frowned: "Your Highness thinks that Lu Qilang has also noticed something?"

"His natural sense of spirituality is too terrifying, as soon as he enters the Heaven's Breath Wasteland, he senses chance." Zhu Lanruo sighed: "Adding the title of King of Inspiration, this idiot, Yu Xin, was in a mess, and just now he let himself go. How clever is Lu Qilang, how could he not notice?"

Why does Yu Xin need to point out that there is a secret in Snake Guyu?

If he was a smart person, he wouldn't say it to offend Shikachiro.

If he's an idiot, he'll just keep it secret and act quietly.

But he is in between, not smart enough, not stupid enough! I was also harboring secrets, and was frightened by the "opportunity" that Inspiration King said on purpose, so I took the initiative to respond and wanted to divert my attention.

But he didn't know that Shikachiro agreed to the spider's banquet, took the initiative to talk about opportunities during the banquet, and threw stones for his spiritual sense to ask the way, and all he was waiting for was a reaction!

It's a pity that Zhu Lanruo didn't figure it out until now.

If she had known in advance that Lu Qilang's spiritual sense had sensed the Shenxiao Secret Treasure, she would never have allowed Yu Xin to attend the banquet, and she would not even have Zhu Hin come to observe Lu Qilang at all.

While observing the target, they are also being observed by the target. As landlords, they should have the upper hand and get more useful information. But because of Yu Xin's stupidity, their feast at Feiyun Tower was obviously a loss.

Zhu Hide thought for a while, but still maintained his self-confidence: "Even if Lu Qilang's spiritual sense has sensed something, because of Yu Xin, he has confirmed something. But he will definitely not know the specific information, and he certainly has no knowledge of Shenxiao's Secret Treasure. Enough preparation...he can't compete with us."

Zhu Lanruo smiled: "That's exactly what I think in my heart. It's okay to let him disrupt the situation and attract more attention. We just need to control the intensity so as not to attract the large troops of Shenxiang Lu's family."

Spider Hide lowered his head: "I understand."

When he raised his head again, Zhu Lanruo had disappeared.

"Brother... brother."

He looked at the ripples of the wine in the cup, murmured twice, and couldn't help sighing: "Even though I know this is just a means for you to control, I listen to it in my heart, and it's still very useful."



The preaching ape Laoxi, the teaching pig Dali, reprimanded Chai Asi.

Another calm day.

Dragon and tiger ginseng is really good, one bite, the blood energy of the great ancient god has recovered a lot. Chai Asi used some dragon and tiger ginseng whiskers, and the effect was also very good.

It's the best of both worlds.

It's a pity that Yuan Xiaoqing's wealth is not rich, and even if she empties her father's private money, she can't get a second one.

As for asking her to spend all of Yuan Xi's net worth, that's true and unnecessary. After all, Yuan Xi belonged to a great ancient god.

This is called private treasury digging out, public treasury not digging out.

Hiding in the empty mirror world for several months at a time, and not being able to fully devote yourself to the practice, you have to be vigilant all the time... That kind of loneliness and loneliness can drive people crazy.

One of the most deterrent punishments in prison is confinement.

But Jiang Wang is determined and will not be disturbed by this at all.

At this moment, he is holding a pen and is writing and drawing on paper.

The recent investigations have somewhat yielded some results, and some news is already on the surface, but ordinary monster races don't pay attention to it.

He first wrote down three factions - Black Lotus Temple, Shenxianglu Family, and Tianxi Spider Family.

He also wrote down the characters—the mysterious demon king of Black Lotus Temple, the new king of Tianbang Lu Qilang, the sky demon Spider Yi, and the real demon spider string.

Then write down the events - the missionary hall of the Black Lotus Temple was destroyed, the inspiration king Lu Qilang chased and killed the Chiyue king Snake Guyu for thousands of miles, and the Golden Balcony Unlimited Fighting Meeting covering the three domains.

After thinking about it, I added "Yujia", "Qujia", "Yujia", and "Yu Xin and Yuanmengji Pursue Spider Lanruo", "Qu Xihua replaces Quan Xizai", "The real demon dog Yingyang Yin The disappearance of Quan Xizai caused discord with the Yuan family, Yu family and even the Spider family."

He knew he was not Chong Xuansheng, and he didn't have the kind of wisdom to see through the key at a glance. Then use this method to write clues and slowly outline inspiration.

Looking at it this way, the waves he stirred up in the recently turbulent Moyun City can be clearly seen.

If it wasn't for him, why would Quan Xihua be in the position? How could Quan Yingyang rush to Moyun City from Zhaoyun Peak thousands of miles away? The missionary work of the Black Lotus Temple should also be booming.

If the will of heaven is like water, then there are traces of ripples to follow, and it is not impossible to predict where the waves that come back will follow...

Jiang Wang clearly felt that his understanding of God's will was getting deeper and deeper.

Although sometimes the more you know, the more you are confused, and the more you don't know, but after all, it is a kind of progress in your own practice.

While thinking, I suddenly felt something.

Jiang Wang paused his pen for an instant, and changed his sword in his hand.

Looking carefully outside the mirror, I found——

A smiling banshee with a slender figure floated on the ground, entered the room from nowhere, and suddenly rolled under the bed, curling up into a very small ball.

The breath disappeared, the blood flowed quietly, and the breath was silent.

The whole process is not stained with dust, leaves no traces, and is silent.

Jiang Wang:?

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