Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1792 The Gate of Wonders

Black Lotus Temple is the number one rebellious sect of Buddhism.

Ancient Nanshan is the world's orthodox religion recognized by the ancient imperial city.

No matter how much Black Lotus Temple considers itself to be orthodox Buddhism, the distinction between righteousness and evil between the two religions has long been a historical consensus.

Of course, history has a lot of room for revision.

But for now, Black Lotus Temple is undoubtedly one of the largest cults in the world.

And Lu Qilang is a high-level executive in the Shenxiang Public Security Mansion. The existence of the Taikoo Imperial City's catalog and name is an absolute official role, representing the symbol of order and justice.

Is there anyone who sees evil cultists and doesn't kill them?

This fellow dared to say, "If anyone is disobedient, dishonest, or disrespectful, he or she will fall into the way of an animal." It's okay to say these things from home behind closed doors at Heilian Temple, how dare you treat him like this in front of Lu Qilang presumptuous? !

But the biggest opponent right now is Snake Guyu.

Even... whoever the opponent is may not necessarily be able to choose.

Could this Shu Jialan be a helper invited by Snake Guyu?

Thinking about it carefully, the horror is very scary, but it is also quite reasonable. Snake Guyu is already an unforgivable crime, so what's the problem if he joins the Black Lotus Temple and joins a cult? There are not many forces in the world who can tolerate her and can really help her.

As for me, even if I have always had the confidence to be the best among my peers, it would be too inflated to want to kill two demon kings who have the strength of the new kings of the heaven list...

Shikachiro looked at the environment calmly, the hand holding the sword was still calm and calm, but he also subconsciously shifted his body to make himself more comfortable in advancing and retreating.

Opposed to the slender rapier.

The small eight-cut knife has its own narrow edge, which is also full of moonlight.

Sheguyu was already ready to fight against Lu Qilang, Chai Asi and the two demon kings alone, and he wanted to use a bloody battle to try to escape the possibility of escape. The sudden arrival of the Black Lotus Temple Shu Jialan made her feel awe-inspiring.

Of course, the Public Security Mansion is the enemy, and the Black Lotus Temple will not be a good friend.

She is withdrawn by nature and grew up in Linwu since she was a child. Where to go, what to do, who to fight to get the record of being on the celestial list...all are carried out under the control of the family. Regardless of the righteous way or the evil way, he has no friends and is almost cut off from the world.

She was once ranked as the new king of the heaven list, so naturally she has her chance. The exercises she practiced, the secret techniques she mastered, her demonic signs, and even the pair of flying swallow eight-cutting knives in her hands, these are all gains that are visible to the naked eye.

After slaughtering her relatives, the Linwu Snake family's wealth accumulated for thousands of years should also be in her hands.

What's more, how many unlimited conjectures will be aroused by the reason for her self-slaying relatives?

Now the crime is unforgivable, and he is in exile. There is nothing on him that can protect his identity, and there is nothing behind him that can be used as a deterrent. Any monster in the world can kill her openly——

What a big piece of fat is this?

She is not the urchin who holds the treasure in the downtown area, she is the treasure left in the downtown area, and she will definitely attract covetousness from all sides. Even Yuan Mengji dared to move his mind, let alone others?

Some monsters dare not compete with Shikachiro, but there is no need to be afraid of existences like Shu Jialan.

And she knew very well that even if she released all her hidden power at this moment, it would not be enough to escape from the siege of Lu Qilang, Chai Asi, and Shu Jialan. After fleeing for so long, escaped from the sea of ​​fragrant flowers, escaped from the purple hills, and fought wits and bravery with Lu Qilang, the proud son of Shenxiang, and never showed the slightest timidity. I never thought that a single thought tonight would seem to have reached a dead end!

The night wind is very cool.

Shu Jialan stood on the altar of the Black Lotus Sacrifice, facing the obese Taiping Guicha, with his back to the alley of the northern district where the strong man stood silently. For a moment, I didn't know whether to go or do it, and my heart was full of surprises.

The Buddha's light in his eyes was no longer so arrogant, and the Buddha's voice surrounding him gradually dissipated.

He didn't turn his head, but he could sense the powerful aura.

Lu Qilang, Snake Guyu, and an unknown monster who can stand side by side with them seem to be weak, but they are the most unfathomable existence. After all, with my own Buddha's thinking, I can't find out the root of this demon at all.

Could this be a trap of the Taiping ghost?

Is Taipingdao such a powerful organization?

Has reached a cooperation with Shenxiang Lu's family? Will there be official power from Moyun City in the future?

As for the possibility of the few strong men stuck in the outer streets and alleys becoming friends... He never thought about it at all.

After all, the strong never walk alone!

To put it simply, there are no friendly forces in the diplomacy of the Black Lotus Temple... Looking around the demon world, it can be said that there are enemies everywhere.

After all, for the Black Lotus Temple's style of beheading dishonest people into the animal way, they also know how much they hate them.

Compared with the tension of the three demon kings.

We Haifeng Shajian and Taiping Guichai showed a calmness that is super demon.

"Don't panic, I have the ancient god with me. The ancient god has ten fingers, which crushed three demon kings to death, and there are seven fingers that have nothing to do." Chai Ah was confident.

"The Taoist master has long said that the organization will solve the matter of the Black Lotus Temple. Tonight is just a random delivery of things. A murderer like She Guyu has come, and the villain of the Black Lotus Temple has also jumped out. Is this also Is it in the plan of the Taoist master? The plan of peace is so terrifying! Next, we should be able to see the high-level powerhouses in the organization. I don’t know which one of the three officials and seven officials will come..." Zhu Dali's victory is in his hands .

According to the structure of Taiping Dao that he knows, the leader of Taiping Dao is the most supreme. This god is distracted by thousands of minds, watching the eternal night. One of the thoughts was tied to his Taiping God Wind Seal. Under the Daoist Taiping, there are three officials, seven officials and nine officials.

The three officials are heaven, earth, and demons.

The seven officials are joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, and desire.

The Nine Disciples are Yin, Yang, Dragon, Demon, Human, God, Ghost, Evil, and Evil.

He himself is the Taiping Guichai among the Nine Disciplines, although his current cultivation is still very limited, not enough to support the prestige of Guichai. But Master Taiping said in person that he is very talented, and sooner or later he will reach his due height.

On the way for a monster to achieve a great cause, he always has to defeat all kinds of villains. Just like this night, just like this mouse Jialan.

Zhu Dali stood on the threshold of this dilapidated room, looking at the Demon King of the Black Lotus Temple in the courtyard, his eyes were like looking at a dead body.

Different from the apprehension and suspicion of the three great demon kings and the blind self-confidence of the two chariots, the great ancient god hidden in the mirror world was more caught off guard and fell into a temporary daze.

Zhu Dali was asking when the higher-ups would come, and what kind of cooperation he, a Taiping ghost messenger, could give.

Chai Asi was asking him if he wanted to continue pretending, or to show his cards directly, asking the ancient gods to come out and crush all...

But as an ancient god and Taoist of Taiping, he still hasn't figured out where he's going to go and how he's going to go.

Once these three demon kings fight, can this small courtyard survive?

Thinking of him, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi, in the treasure mirror of maneuvering, he calculated the sea of ​​God's will, seized the fleeting opportunity, hurriedly changed his shape, and turned back to this broken courtyard, only to bump into the place in front of him. scene.

If you don't move, you will be overturned.

No matter who it is, it is inevitable to be confused.

At this moment, he did have a deep awe of God's will.

The more you know, the more you are in awe.

The more you feel, the more you fear.

The more you know, the more confused you are!

Now he no longer knows whether he should take action, what to do, what to do to truly detach himself.

It seems to be standing alone at an empty crossroads, there are only all kinds of monsters on the road, and all kinds of unknown dangers on the roadside. I have struggled and calculated all the way, but no matter how I choose, it is wrong!

It is what you think is "correct" that pushes you step by step into a more dangerous situation.

Could it be that there is no other way in this life at this time, but to sit quietly and wait for death?

This small courtyard in the northern area of ​​Moyun City was originally a situation where swords were on the verge of death, and suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Lu Qilang, Snake Guyu, and Shu Jialan, the three major demon kings each have their own taboos, and no one is willing to act first and lose room.

Zhu Dali relied on the backing of the Dao of Peace, and watched the scene in front of him with a detached attitude, even though Shu Jialan made it clear that he was coming towards him.

A righteous man of peace, fearless.

"Cough!" Chai Ahsi finally broke the silence.

He asked in his heart: "Will I be too arrogant? I thought it would take three to five years before I could speak with this attitude..."

But the mouth has already opened very easily: "I said, what are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?"

With a move that was full of mistakes in the eyes of several demon kings but thought-provoking upon careful study, he flashed to the gate of the courtyard, alone as a demon, and divided the chaotic battlefield into two sides.

In the yard are Shu Jialan and Taiping Guicha, and in the alley are Lu Qilang and Snake Guyu.

Standing on a fragile boundary line, he looked at the bald head of Shu Jialan and the masked scarf of Taiping Guicha on the left, the red snake pattern on Sheguyu, and the sword in Lu Qilang's hand on the right.

Decided not to pretend to be a younger brother.

"Are you still fighting?" He spoke contemptuously.

Right now, he uses his body as a barrier to divide two battlefields.

It stands to reason that it is convenient for several demon kings to do it.

Shu Jialan faced Taiping Guicha, and he pinched it with his hands.

Lu Qilang also has a psychological advantage over Shangshe Guyu.

But they couldn't help but wonder, who is this hidden Chai Ah Si? Which side are you on?

Especially Lu Qilang, who just brought Chai Asi under his sect, has been under a lot of scrutiny this time. He even began to wonder if Chai Ahsi's visit tonight was also the reason to lure him here...

No, it must be a game.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that I ran into Snake Guyu and Shu Jialan at the same time?

You have to know that it is not easy for you to chase snakes and Guyu with your innate spiritual sense, divine fragrance and secret technique. This Chai Ahsi was able to accurately grasp the position and lead all the demon kings together. He would not believe that there was no powerful organization behind him.

Who is going to deal with Shenxiang Lu's family?

The alarm bell in Shikachiro's heart rang loudly.

His spiritual sense told him that he was approaching a great opportunity, but at the same time he was approaching a great danger.

Where should the opportunity be? Who poses the danger?

Both Shu Jialan and Shikachiro were silent. Snake Guyu didn't say much.

Chai Ah Si's question was scattered in the wind.

"Hey!" Chai Asi waved his hands impatiently again: "Let's not break up!"

He was very happy in his heart, but his tone became more and more casual like that of a peerless powerhouse: "I hurry up and fix the door, and I still have to sleep at night!"

After talking about hanging up the rusty sword, he really started to study the gate of the courtyard by himself.

These words were certainly not his own decision. It was Jiang Wang who had been confused for a moment, regrouped, and challenged God's will through Chai Asi again.

From escaping from Frostwind Valley to returning to Chai's old home tonight. From realizing the targeting of God's will, to starting to target, evade, and fight against God's will... Almost all his efforts were slapped back by a slap.

He will also feel suffering after losing again and again, and he will also feel lonely when he is alone in a foreign land. All efforts are in vain, and he will also be powerless and fearful.

But he still won't hold back.

Life is all about... moving on.

He knew that he could not choose to wait. Lu Qilang, Snake Guyu, Shu Jialan, these favored sons of the demon world can all wait for themselves or possible opportunities, waiting for the favor of fate, but he who is hiding in the mirror world, cant.

Because he is not from this world, and God's will treats him unfairly.

If he left everything to luck, then what he faced would be a fatal situation.

But still can't do it yourself, because it is forbidden by God's will, it may cause a more violent reaction.

So he asked Chai Ah Si to jump out first, muddy the water, and break the deadlock. He calmly observed the situation in the mirror world, guessed the psychology of each demon king, and judged their possible choices. Let Chai Ah Si pull the tiger's skin, fake prestige, and bluff, so that this sudden melee can't be fought, or at least not around here.

Several big demon kings were reprimanded by Chai Ah Si, and they all remained silent.

And Chai Ahsi's relaxed posture of self-care and self-cultivation endows him with a kind of mystery and adds infinite room for imagination.

Even Zhu Dali, who was backed by Taiping Road, re-examined this upstart in Huajie in his heart.

Mr. Shu Jialan rate quit.

If the Taiping Dao is a gigantic underground organization, and he, who is leaning against the Black Lotus Temple, still has a long entanglement with it, it is unnecessary and should not be rushed for a while. It is necessary to re-investigate and review Taiping Dao. How can the Buddha cast down his unsure anger? In addition, the details of this dog monster should be checked carefully, it can't just be bold, right?

"My Buddha is merciful! It really shouldn't be destroyed. Deer Lord arrests the murderer, and I don't want to disturb you." He raised his palms and looked at Zhu Dali with a ferocious look: "The Buddha will let you go today, but You'd better know that you can't escape. If you offend me, Heilian Temple, there will be no place for you in heaven or earth."

Pig tilted his head vigorously, raised his hands confidently, and made a gesture of catching him: "This Buddha, I don't seem to have escaped."

Shu Jialan didn't hear anything, put away the black lotus offering altar, and jumped into the boundless night sky.

Lu Qilang glanced at Snake Guyu, and the tip of his sword was slightly deflected by two points, which meant that it was very obvious—you were given a chance to escape, and you should take advantage of it yourself.

Sheguyu's eyes were indifferent, and he was about to step into the shadows with all his knives.

Seeing that a scuffle was about to dissipate, suddenly——


A bell rang.

The entire Moyun City was awakened!

At this moment, no matter where they are or what they are doing, all the monsters who are still awake in Moyun City will walk out of the room consciously or unconsciously, and look up at the sky.

In the night sky of the entire Moyun City, a strange scene is happening.

But under the blood moon, the infinite moonlight gathers.

The moonlight dyed pale red condensed gorgeous light and shadows in the high sky, and gathered into a big bell between flickering and flickering. The top is like the sun and the moon, and the body of the bell is engraved with birds and animals.

Its voice is magnificent, running through the long years and the majestic country.

Awakens the body of those who hear it, and baptizes the soul.

Chai Ah Si was in his courtyard, looking up at the sky in a daze.

There is an even more interesting picture that was depicted this night——

Under the mouth of the bell, there was a phantom of a secret room.

This secret room is square and square, and the whole body is silver-white as the background color. One of the walls is a door with silvery white metal luster. On the seam in the middle of the gate, there must be a total of three inverted bells, one of which has already been lit up, glowing like water. Presumably all three bells are lit up, that is when the gate opens.

On the other three walls of the secret room, there are metal cubes of the same size that can be moved, and the cubes are painted with complex and gorgeous patterns. The light and shadow float, it is not very real.

There are two busy guys in the room, walking back and forth, constantly moving patterns.

One is wearing a black robe and a black mask.

A silver-haired black pupil, with silver wings spreading out from behind... Mo Yun's three talented Yu Xin!

While these two guys were busy, they were still communicating in a low voice, whispering.

Yu Xin didn't stop holding his hands, and suddenly laughed twice.

"What's so funny?" The guy wrapped in a robe spoke very rough.

"I laugh at that spider who is scheming, Lu Qilang has little wisdom, and Shu Jialan has no brains. The dog Xihua is not worth mentioning, and Snake Guyu is a lost dog!"

There was a smile hidden in Yu Xin's low voice: "Who would have thought that the secret treasure of Shenxiao will be opened tonight? Your split plum blossom plan is really amazing! Let me inadvertently leak the news to everyone, and wait until dawn As soon as the mechanism outside the city is activated, those idiots will follow the deer. A dozen deciphered treasures have been deciphered, and they are still stunned? When they finish fighting for it, our side is over!"

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