Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1793 Moyun Demon Sleepless

Moyun City is in turmoil tonight.

There are many sleepless people tonight.

In the mansion of Moyun Quan's family, Quan Xihua gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Xin in the phantom of the night sky, and said in a very puzzled way: "Master, didn't you mean to find a way for us to see the true secret of the gods, so that we could get a glimpse of it earlier?" Do you have to take the lead? Why... the whole city knows about it."

The owner of the Moyun dog family, the demon king Quan Shou Zeng stood aside to guard the way, and his expression was also very strange.

Standing in the middle of the compound at the moment was a tall, thin young monk wearing a red cassock, with six red ring scars on his bald head and extremely bright eyes. Hearing Quan Xihua's question, he put his palms up on his chest, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm not good enough to control the power of Zhiwen Zhong, and I can't fully contain the secret of Shenxiao. I accidentally let this secret come out... "

The so-called "truth and secret" has a vivid meaning in his description, as if he has his own soul.

Quan Xihua's lips moved, and finally he said reluctantly: "Master Yang is really funny."

The cooperation between Moyun Dog's family and Gu Nanshan this time was facilitated by Ying Yang, a real demon dog. But to be honest, if Quan Yingyang hadn't made great concessions on certain matters, Moyun Quan's family would not be qualified to cooperate with Gu Nanshan at all.

Let's see that Heilian Temple Shu Jialan came to Moyun City, it was rampant, self-examination, self-examination, what to do, did you say hello to any local family?

It's not that they don't know the world.

It is really unnecessary.

Therefore, even if Quan Xihua has complaints in his heart, he thinks that the monk from the ancient Nanshan is baffled, and made a good secret, so that everyone knows about it, and he dare not say a word of dissatisfaction.

This sorcerer is ranked fifth in the new king of the latest Tianbang, two ranks higher than Nakachiro.

If it wasn't for the death of Quan Xizai, where would it be his turn to get a free ride?

Gu Nanshan True Master named Yang Yu turned his head at this time and gave Quan Xihua a strange look: "I did make a mistake, is this funny?"

Silence is worse than awkward flattery, especially when you're dealing with a straight guy.

After all, Quan Xihua lacked Chai Asi's life experience and failed to awaken the corresponding talent, so he was speechless for a while.

Inuju Zeng sighed appropriately beside him: "Probably this is what Buddhism calls fate."

I don't know if he thought of the dead Quan Xizai, or if he thought of something else, his tone was very sad, full of emotional details.

Master Yang Yu nodded: "The benefactor is very wise. I am a Buddha who is merciful to all living beings and loves all demons. Since I don't want to hide this secret, it's okay to let them know about it."

If any monster said such a thing, Inujusou would probably think it was hypocrisy. What kindness saves sentient beings and loves all demons, why didn't I see you love Heilian Temple? But from the mouth of this young mage, for some reason, he, an old guy who is used to the strange things in the world, felt a kind of sincerity.

He seems to be telling the truth...

Inuju Zeng nodded, then turned his head, but was speechless in the end.

Yang Yu looked up at the sky.

The Zhiwen Bell, the most precious treasure in the Ancient Nanshan Mountain, communicated with him from afar.

The night is as cool as water, and he bathes in the moonlight like Buddha's light.



In the mansion of the lord of Moyun City.

Hearing Yu Xin talking nonsense there, the spider who was born with compound eyes felt a burning pain on his face.

I am innocent? You can also comment on the heroes of the world here?

Grinding his teeth, he said bitterly: "This bird demon, sooner or later he will sew up his broken mouth!"

The master of Moyun City on the side, the real demon spider string, just smiled and said: "Yang Yu from Gunanshan has also come, and moved the knowledge clock. This secret treasure of the gods, who does not know whether it is true or not, is really a sweet potato "Lan Ruo, this is a big test for you."

Spider Hide lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, no longer speaking.

And Zhu Lanruo sat in front of the piano stand, her expression still calm, and said in a rambling voice: "I really believe now that once the secret treasure of the gods is opened, we can arrive within ten breaths."

Judging from the current situation, it is very difficult for anyone who has some ideas and methods to arrive at the scene within ten breaths.

This made the many efforts made by Zhu Hide on Yu Xin's body seem extravagant.

It's really laborious to fetch water from a bamboo basket, why so hard and so busy.



When the bell rang throughout the city.

Yuan Jiazheng, the head of the ape family, is drinking alone in front of the clay stove.

Yuan Mengji, a young talent from the Yuan family, is still casting his net, searching everywhere for traces of She Guyu.

I could hear the bell ringing, I could hear Yu Xin laughing and calling names and cursing all over the place.

Yuan Meng was stunned for a moment: "Huh? How did Yu Xin mention Snake Guyu? Does he know where Snake Guyu is?"

As the head of the Yuan family, Yuan Jiazheng is very old. Of course, his life is always passing away, and his cultivation will not decline until death.

He wanted to cultivate a successor for himself early, but it was obvious that Yuanmengji was still far behind.

At this moment, the old man raised his glass and shook his head, scolding with a smile: "You still miss Snake Guyu! You really don't change your mind!"

Yuanmengji smiled: "I'm fully prepared, I will bite off the fat in Lu Qilang's mouth, and see if he dares to look at you! He really treats Moyun City as his own home!"

Yuan Jiazheng grabbed the jug on the table with his hand, shook it to hear it, and said: "The Yu family kid has said so much, you don't pay attention to the half point?"

Yuan Mengji hurriedly brought over a jar of old wine next to him, and filled up the jug that was baking on the small clay stove. Then he thought about it, and said angrily: "That guy Yu Xin dares to say that I'm not worth mentioning, I won't let him go!"

Yuan Jiazheng rolled his eyes and raised his beard extremely high: "The secret treasure of the gods, are you not indifferent?"

"Ah!" Yuan Mengji finally sighed, and sat down next to him: "How can it be possible not to be tempted, but I have no preparations in advance, so how can I have any room to intervene? Don't look at Gu Nanshan's knowledge of Zhong Bayu's letter." So clearly, he and the guy in black may be hiding somewhere now! How can I find it? Even if I find it, I hurried to the door, and I can get a good deal? Let’s forget it, I might as well take a bite and see for myself The meat you got... Patriarch, you have to help out when the time comes."

Yuan Jiazheng snorted, but didn't say anything else.

This ape dream is extremely stupid, it doesn't seem to be so stupid, and it doesn't seem to be too smart when it is said to be smart. I don't know how to evaluate it properly.

I simply drank another glass of wine——

Don't worry about it, latecomers will have their own blessings!



In the extremely deeply hidden secret room of the divine firmament, all waves of divine channeling techniques were isolated.

It was very difficult for Yu Xin and Xiong Sansi to come in, and it took a lot of hard work. It can be said that more than half of the preparations over the years have been devoted to it. So after coming in, I feel more at ease in my heart.

It's not easy for them to come here, let alone a demon?

After all, no one could have imagined that Zhiwen Zhong would be activated.

This pair of people who have been planning the secret treasure of the gods for many years, of course, do not know their every move, and are being watched by the entire Moyun City... they are still enthusiastically working on the development of the secret treasure of the gods.

Yu Xin was especially excited, but for some reason, he always felt a chill down his spine, as if someone was staring at him—this is of course impossible, how could there be room for another pair of eyes in this unobstructed view of the secret chamber of the heavens?

The riddle on the first wall was solved by Xiong Sansi and him together. Mainly Xiong Sansi, but he also provided some input...although it was not adopted.

At this moment, each is responsible for closing the lock, and they will go hand in hand to crack the door of the secret storehouse.

It's just that he pondered here and there in front of the wall he was in charge of, moving left and right. After a while, he still made no progress, and then turned his head to see Xiong Sansi's flowing movements... he was puzzled by his usual ingenuity .

I couldn't help frowning and asked: "Brother Xiong, why can't I spell it well? Is there any trick for this?"

Xiong Sansi stood in front of the silver-white wall, moving the blocks casually, with indescribable confidence and calmness: "Do you know that 'winning is not enough'?"

I don't know why, he is obviously wearing a mask, hiding his figure, and his voice is so rough and ugly, but it just gives the viewer a strange certainty - he should be a handsome man.

"I just read it a few days ago! It's one of the nine numbers in the human race!" Yu Xin memorized it proudly: "There is more than enough to borrow, not enough to find the hidden number."

"It has nothing to do with that." Xiong Sansi took out a piece of animal skin from his arms: "Just follow the pattern on this one and put it together."

Yu Xin took it over and took a look, the description on the animal skin was indeed very clear, just follow the picture to find out. The originally chaotic pattern of squares on the wall is now very clear when compared.

It means how can this brother Xiong be so relaxed and freehand, co-authoring is an outside trick!

Yu Xin glanced at Big Brother quietly, his eyes were very sad.

Xiong Sansi was unmoved, and while completing the movement of the last few metal cubes, he said: "This thing can't be given to you too early, lest you get carried away. We have to control the opening time of Shenxiao Secret Treasure, even if the information can no longer be hidden, And try not to be discovered by too many monsters. The birth of the treasure house is inevitable, and there may be some strange phenomena. I guess the layout outside the city will not attract them for a long time...At most fifteen minutes, we have to grasp the time of this quarter advantage, get the secret key."

While operating according to the atlas, Yu Xin laughed and said, "Bless the Great Patriarch Shenxiao, bless the Light King Tathagata, bless the Demon Master Tathagata, bless the ancient God Yama..."

Xiong Sansi laughed when he heard that, if you really want to let the Light King Tathagata of Gu Nanshan and the Demon Master Tathagata of Heilian Temple bless you together, why don't you beat Yu Xin to death first?

Listening to it, I was taken aback for a moment, as if something strange had been mixed in.

"What is this ancient Yama god?"

"Oh, what is the God of Assassins? It belongs to a new cult. I saw it in the relevant materials of the Public Security Bureau a few days ago." Yu Xin said casually: "What is it called the Faceless Sect? It's interesting. The teaching seems to be 'I don't want this face, let them say what they say', Tiantian is either helping this person to cure the disease, or helping that disaster relief. Other evil gods knock the marrow to suck blood, but they are better, sending food and money! How strange and weird."

Xiong Sansi had already put together the last block on the wall in front of him, lit the second lock on the gate of Shenxiao, and then simply turned around to watch Yu Xin operate.

Idle is also idle, and said with great interest: "Healing diseases and disaster relief is a good deed, how can they be a cult?"

Yu Xin let out a 'huh': "Whether it's evil or not depends on what our officials say. Those bald donkeys in Gu Nanshan are really kind-hearted and compassionate? Not necessarily!"

Master Yang Yu in the dog's mansion bared his teeth and smiled.

This person named Yu Xin really explained what it meant to be a sharp-tongued sword. It's such a cheap trick, it's a precise shot at everyone in Moyun City, even a monk who just arrived, he can't be spared.

In the secret room of Shenxiao, Xiong Sansi asked again: "You said that they donate food and money, do they just give it as soon as they join the religion? Then their family background is very rich, I am afraid it is not a small sect."

Yu Xin shook his head: "That's not true, it seems that there are some conditions to be met. What is said about 'rescue the emergency but not the poor'... I don't know very well. If you are interested, I will find some information for you later."

"But you don't have to." Xiong Sansi said: "You move slowly, and no one is urging you, so why worry?"

"Hey, how can I not be in a hurry to inherit the inheritance of the great ancestor Yuzhen?"

"...After getting the inheritance, what do you want to do?"

"Let's marry Zhu Lanruo first. She is rich, innocent and good-looking. If you are looking for a wife, you have to find someone like this."



The entire Moyun City knew about the Faceless Sect and the ancient God Yama tonight.

Regardless of what they believed in before, it is difficult to calm down when they hear about food and money, medical treatment and disaster relief.

So here comes the question... Where is the Faceless Cult? Who do you want to teach?

Since the establishment of Faceless Teaching, it has been word of mouth and one-to-one teaching form. The Faceless Pope has set three don't pass on, don't pass on the unfamiliar, don't pass on the sincerity, and don't pass on the good deeds.

The development speed of the sect itself is not slow, but it is not easy to touch their roots.

Yuan Laoxi, who was explaining the teachings to believers, never expected that the Faceless Sect would enter the public's field of vision in this way.

Moreover, it is the young master of Mo Yunyu's family who personally promotes the sect to the people of the whole city.

It is foreseeable that after tonight, the Faceless Cult will inevitably lead to explosive expansion. How vast is the divine power that he, the pope, can use?

If it weren't for his status as Yuan Lao Ximing and he had to earn a living in the Huaguohui, he wouldn't be able to climb up to Yu's house, and now he has to stand up and give Yu Envelope an honorary guardian or something.

Great God Yama, is this also your arrangement?


I arrange a chicken!

The ancient Yan Luo God in the old courtyard of the Chai family was already going crazy at this time.

Even the Sauvignon Blanc can't be held down in the sheath!

After finally grasping the psychology of all parties, he commanded Chai Ahsi to disrupt the situation successfully, and broke through the embarrassment under the will of God. He was about to persuade the three demon kings to retreat, so that he could take a breath and think about where to run... You suddenly came here ?

What is the secret treasure of the gods.

Brother Xiong and brother Yu, it's not enough to win the nine numbers of the human race, I've never heard of it.

Yuxin dog thief, I will kill you!

In fact, in this situation and in such a chaotic night, it may not be that only the ancient god in the mirror is anxious.

Even the few demon kings standing under the night sky, no one can be indifferent.

Especially Shu Jialan.

That damn bell is ringing!

The most coveted treasure of Heilian Temple, the treasure of ancient Nanshan!

Did you just move out?

Which Bodhisattva Arhat came here, so he doesn't talk about martial arts?

Is it to deal with him, Rat Buddha?

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