Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1794 Buddha said

Under the reflection of the blood moon, Shu Jialan's face was hidden in the gloom, and the look in those very compassionate eyes was changing.

He came to Moyun City with the task of being a teacher.

Zen Master Xiong, who is recognized as the master of Buddhism in the demon world, taught the Dharma on the ancient Nanshan Mountain, "Shangzhi Shenhui Genguo Collection", which was recorded and handed down by his tenth dharma king. The original is still enshrined in the ancient Nanshan Mountain. It is an eternal classic .

The Tenth Dharma King later succeeded to the throne after Zen Master Xiong disappeared, carried forward the ancient Nanshan Mountain, achieved the orthodox teaching of the world, and his influence spread all over the world. It is the number one righteous Buddha in the heaven and earth here, named "Light King Tathagata".

Zen Master Xiong was posthumously named the Buddha of the past, also known as "Hidden Light Tathagata".

Take "He Guangyin, this light king", the meaning of the succession of Taoism and the great prosperity of Buddhism.

However, the founder of Heilian Temple and the former No. 1 Dharma King of Ancient Nanshan believed that many parts of the "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection" recorded by Guangwang Tathagata at that time deviated from the original intention of Zen Master Xiong. To expand one's own influence, seek to seize the upper hand of Buddhism, and secretly usurp the Buddha's will for my own will.

For example, there are many questions and answers between Zen Master Xiong and his disciples recorded in "Shangzhi Shenhui Genguo Collection". Most of those who asked very spiritual questions and very enlightened insights were the Tenth Dharma King. Those who ask stupid questions and are obsessed with obsession are mostly other dharma kings, and among them, the first dharma king is the most stupid and often disobeys Zen master Xiong.

This is not true!

It was through the process of sorting out Zen Master Xiong's remarks and compiling them into a canon that Guangwang Tathagata became the most influential existence in Gu Nanshan from the tenth dharma king who accompanied him at the end, holding the great treasure in his hand and successfully inheriting the Tathagata.

The demon master Tathagata who created the Black Lotus Temple by himself, when he took away a large number of believers to apostate, he also took away his recompiled Zen Master Xiong's mantra-"Dharma Canon".

Most of the contents of the two Buddhist scriptures are the same, and they are also passed down from Zen Master Xiong's orthodoxy and record the mantra of Zen Master Xiong. But because of the different editors, some minor adjustments and interpretations finally presented a completely different look.

"Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection" focuses on "wisdom", "spiritual wisdom", "root bone", and "cause and effect".

The "Canon of Crossing the Law" talks about the relationship between Buddha and faith, and mainly talks about entering the world, saving the world, and crossing the world.

It is worth mentioning that Heilian Temple also recognizes Zen Master Xiong as the Buddha in the past, and also recognizes his title of "Hidden Light Tathagata".

It's just that the meaning of the Heilian Temple is "the light disappears and the demon master emerges, and the world attains the Tao."

The same is Buddhism, and the same is the teaching of Yinguang Tathagata, and the two sides are fundamentally different.

The common source is more hated than its ancestors.

The purpose of Shu Jialan's visit to Moyun City this time is also related to this.

At the beginning, the demon master Tathagata broke with the light king Tathagata, rebelled against the ancient Nanshan, and built the Black Lotus Temple by himself.

Of the ten Dharma Kings under Zen Master Xiong's seat, seven of the remaining eight supported the Tathagata Light King. But there was another one who didn't support anyone, vowed not to set up a religion or stay in Xi'an in his life, walked down the ancient difficult mountain alone, and wandered around the world ever since.

He is Xiang Mi, who ranks fifth among the Ten Great Dharma Kings.

No matter in "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection" or in "Dharma Canon", he is a very positive image with Buddha nature. It is said in "Shangzhishenhuigenuoji" that he is as wise as a fool, and "Duofa Canon" says that he is solid and self-sufficient.

There is even an additional mention in the "Canon of Dufa"-"Buddha said, Xiangmi, my way is passed on!"

Of course, this might not be compiled by Heilian Temple to shake the orthodoxy of Ancient Nanshan.

In "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection", this sentence is said by Yinguang Tathagata to Light King Rulai.

Which of the two Buddhist scriptures is more authentic has been unclear for thousands of years. The two sides have debated countless times, fought countless times, each has its own outcome, and no one can convince the other. To clarify the truth, perhaps the only way to go back in time is to ask Zen Master Xiong.

After the fifth dharma king Xiangmi went down the mountain alone, he never returned to the ancient Nanshan Mountain, and never set foot in the Black Lotus Temple.

He wandered the world for three thousand years and left countless legends in the demon world.

Finally, he sat down in front of the Conferred God Stage in the Taikoo Imperial City.

It is said that on the day of his sitting, he "did not speak, but the voice of the Buddha came down from the sky to speak. He wrote non-stop, using the blood of the Buddha as the chapter."

In front of the God Conferring Altar, he wrote for three full months, using his fingertips as fine hairs and blood as ink, to write down his life's cognition of Buddha, leaving behind the infamous "Fifty-eight Chapters of Buddha's Talk".

As for why the fifty-eighth chapter was written, instead of the full version of the ninety-nine chapters as later generations guessed...

At that moment, it was "so far that the words have not been finished, but the Dharma has come to an end", so I stopped writing and sat down on the spot.

All this is recorded in the "Prime Ancient Classics", which represents the official history of the Yaozu.

Xiang Mi has never set up a religion or taught disciples all his life, and he doesn't even have a waiter around him. After sitting down, he is empty, and he doesn't even leave a single relic.

Only this "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" is considered by many experts in other religions to be a classic that can check for omissions and make up for gaps in "Shangzhi Shenhui Genguo Collection" and "Duofa Canon", and even correct errors.

Probably because of this, neither the Ancient Nan Mountain nor the Black Lotus Temple mentioned it much.

It was originally collected in the ancient imperial city and enshrined in the Tianyao Pavilion.

But in the long history, due to various reasons, thirteen chapters have been lost.

Shu Jialan's visit to Moyun City means that the Black Lotus Temple has captured information about the lost chapters of "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words". He needs to find this treasure and take it back to the mountain gate without attracting Gu Nanshan's attention...

Although it is not mentioned much, the importance of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" is self-evident. Whoever gets it has the right to speak, and whoever gets it is closer to orthodoxy. On a larger scale, it is a trip to promote Buddhism. Going far, it can be used to support the Buddhist lineage dispute with Gu Nanshan.

The destruction of the devil Arhat in Moyun City just gave Heilian Temple a reason to enter.

And the death of his junior brother exaggerated his anger.

He made a rampage in Moyun City and turned the world upside down. He was looking for monsters, but also for scriptures.

I just didn't expect to avenge it, razing an ignorant small organization, to be involved in such a situation, and to have a secret relationship with Wen Shenxiao!

He had to think about it. Was Zhiwen Zhong's appearance purely aimed at Shenxiao's secret treasure? Or, like myself, in the process of searching for "The Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words", came across this matter suddenly?

After all, it is too sensitive to appear in Moyun City during this period of time.

Especially when he feels his surroundings, Taiping Guichai is still confident, Rusty Sword Dog Demon is still calm, Lu Qilang is calm in the wind and rain, and Sheguyu is seems not surprising at all. It seems that everyone knows the secret of Shenxiao, and they are all prepared!

He had already intended to retreat and wanted to take it slowly, but now he couldn't move.

"Buddha said fifty-eight chapters" he must not let go.

Who wouldn't be moved by the secret biography of Yuzhen, the great ancestor of Shenxiao?

There's even...the bell of knowledge hanging in the sky at this moment!

He wants it all.

Although I know that behind this temptation is the danger like the undercurrent of the vast sea.

In order not to attract attention, the already high-flying figure was discovered by the strong man from the ancient and difficult mountain, and slowly fell down again.

The black lotus sacrificial altar turned quietly, and Shu Jialan frantically contacted the powerhouse of this sect, but his face remained calm.

Still looking at the fat Taiping ghost messenger, looking at each other coldly, projecting just the right amount of anger: "Okay, since you don't want me to go, then the Buddha will not go. Let's see what you want!"

Zhu Dali snorted coldly: "Grandpa Guicha is here, how are you doing?"

During the scolding, he did not forget to give himself a promotion.

But in words, even if you come and go, no one will let anyone else. But in action, you just stare at me, I stare at you, and no one moves.

Shu Jialan didn't want to fight in the first place, but his fear of Taiping Dao was secondary, and the most important thing was that he couldn't move his eyes away from Shenxiao's secret treasure.

Zhu Dali is because... the top management of the organization has not yet arrived, so he really can't do it himself.

What's the hurry?

Let's scold each other first.

Hearing the barking sound of a dog, Lu Qilang remained calm.

The night wind blows the corners of his clothes, he has the chicness of his noble son.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful to himself for his persistence, and even thanked Snake Guyu who had escaped all the way here. And Yu Xin, who blatantly said that he was Lu Qilang and Shaozhi, was so cute!

What's wrong with giving gifts to your door and scolding a few words?

Although his posture didn't change at all, and the hand holding the sword was still like his lips, there was indeed a frenzy in his heart.

There is indeed a big secret in Yu Xin.

His spiritual sense did indeed respond.

And what is about to be opened right in front of you is the secret treasure of a generation of legendary Yu Zhen!

At this moment, his aura was still entangled with She Guyu, but his thoughts and eyes fell on the night sky.

Yu Xin, Brother Xiong...Think twice about the tattooed demon bear?

Zhiwen Zhong... who is coming? If it's a Bodhisattva, Zhu Xian won't just sit back and watch, and the Yu family doesn't have a backing either. The one from Ziwu Hills is not far away.

Thousands of thoughts are mixed together, and his spiritual sense leaps like a dragon in it, exploring the smooth way to win the final victory.

The scene of all parties coming together to clash with the wind and clouds made him feel a rare sense of pride.

But Snake Guyu, who confronted Lu Qilang, was the least excited one in the audience.

She is not in the mood to watch Shu Jialan and Taiping Guicha playing the game of "Come here", and she doesn't care about the secrets of the gods. Watching Shikachiro vigilantly, he retreated slowly.

In today's Moyun City, strong people gather. It is foreseeable that because of the emergence of the Divine Firmament Secret Treasure, there will be more powerhouses coming in a steady stream.

If she, the Scarlet Moon King who is despised by the world and who cannot see the light, wants to leave, tonight is probably the last chance...

Chai Ah Si repaired for a while and broke the door, but he kicked it open, watching the play with a displeased expression.

But my heart was calling for the great ancient god, very excited: "My lord, I don't know how much power you have recovered now? Can we swallow this secret treasure of the gods alone? If we can eat all of the inheritance of the great ancestor of the feather clan, gods, Isn't your road to return to the top a big step forward?"

It's not just Chai Ah Si.

At this moment, the Red Fire God Seal, the Immortal God Seal, and the Frost Wind God Seal are all sending messages non-stop.

The ancient god in the mirror calmly dealt with it, allowing the ape old Xi'an to develop the church steadily, without doing anything other than preaching. Let Zhu Dali wait patiently, the senior officials of Taipingdao have already entered the city and are playing games with other powerful players.

Let Chai Asi...

Get out!

Of course, words don't say that. How could the great ancient god be so restless?

"Si, your filial piety is commendable, but you have underestimated this deity. What is Yu Zhen? It's just a small bird, and it's nothing more than a small bird, and it's nothing more than a rare treasure in the world. But what help is there in this seat's state? Benefit? The wounds I have suffered are the sorrows of the long rivers of time, the sores of the eternal world, which can only be adjusted internally, and are beyond the reach of external forces... To put it simply, you retreat first."

Chai Ah Si was confused, but at least he understood the last sentence.

"Don't, my lord, you don't need it, the little demon needs it! Once you get the secret treasure in the sky, won't the little demon soar into the sky? It can also serve you better, right?"

"This petty profit, why do you, a little thief, see it in your eyes?" The great ancient god had no choice but to reveal his weakness: "Although it's okay to pick flowers by hand. The spider-stringed demon is only mediocre. But It is still inconvenient for me to take action now... According to my observation, the little spider is watching this place, and I have not recovered to the level where I can easily wipe out the sky demon. To tell you the truth, it is to deal with the spider string, You have to go out of your way!"

Of course he didn't know where Spider-Yi was hiding to recuperate, but he was talking nonsense, could Chai Ah Si still verify it?

Hearing that Empress Tianzhu is also in this city, Chai Asi is really honest.

After all, it is an existence standing on top of the world, no matter how arrogant he is, he dare not underestimate it now.

All the tricks of the fox pretending to be a tiger and sweeping away the pride of the heavens, and stepping on the bridge of the demon kings all disappeared in the bottom of my heart.

"Where do we go?" He asked in his heart.

"Whatever, just stay away from the center of chaos. You can also go to Yuan Xiaoqing..." The great ancient god was thinking about how to let this little demon lure the other demon kings away, and let the red makeup mirror stay in this secluded courtyard alone, away from disputes .

Suddenly, there were repeated explosions outside the city, and Baoguang shot up to the sky one after another, as if a strange treasure had been born.

But none of the monsters in Moyun City wavered, and all stared at Ye Qiong more seriously.

If at the next moment, the sky suddenly changed——

The big bell hanging high in the night sky rang repeatedly.

In the phantom of the Chamber of Secrets under the giant clock, Yu Xin finally completed the last piece of the puzzle, the silver-white wall flashed endlessly, and the mysterious and gorgeous door burst open!

It seems that there are endless streamers that explode in your vision.

It seems that all the sounds in the world are confused in your hearing.

Past and future, thinking about delusion.

All feelings are compressed in an instant.

All the living beings who witnessed all of this and felt all of this "exploded" at that point.

It's chaotic, I really don't know why.

at some point. Everything in the world changes. Floating is clear, sinking is turbid. Rising sun and moon, surging mountains and seas. One thought is light, one thought is darkness... Chaos is chiseled, and the world is divided for the first time!

The vision became clear again, and Wan Lai happened.

In the secret room of the gods, which hangs under the bell of knowledge and is seen by all the monsters.

As if there was a whole bright world, it opened its arms to Yu Xin and Xiong Sansi.

"Why didn't you wait until dawn?" Yu Xin asked.

Xiong Sansi's voice was rough: "I always feel something is wrong, as if someone is watching, it's better to activate it earlier, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Yu Xin was extremely excited: "Brother Xiong, don't worry, the route to get in is so complicated, I don't believe it, who can be so fast—"

In the old house of the Yuan family, Yuan Mengji also sighed with emotion at the same time: "It's a pity, I didn't have time to prepare this time. The little bird named Yu Xin took advantage of it. But it's not too bad, who would have thought of it in advance? Spider hideous , Quan Xihua and the others are the same, big brother don't have to laugh at second brother..."

The voice is not over yet.

Suddenly, a white rainbow rose from the City Lord's Mansion, drawing a perfect arc across the night sky, as if piercing through a blood moon!

Its starting point is in the Mansion of the Lord of Moyun City, its height seems to be in the blood moon, and its landing point actually penetrates into the phantom of the secret chamber of the gods.

Reality runs through illusion!

And on this Hongqiao, the beautiful spider orchid is like a flying bird, and the spider hides with fierce compound eyes is holding the qin, followed closely by stepping on the white rainbow and piercing the blood moon. In front of Xiao's secret treasury, he walked behind Yu Xin!

Buddha said: Don't lie.

In fact, there is another reason why it is called "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words"...

I didn't set this number originally, but when I write this chapter, it happens to be the fifty-eighth chapter.

So it was temporarily changed to this when I just revised the text.

This is a kind of text echo.

Fate is wonderful.

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