Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1795 Already outside Baoshan, why not enter Baoshan?

The secret treasure of the gods, which I have been seeking for many years, is close in front of my eyes, and I only need to take one step to step into it.

But Xiong Sansi suddenly turned around.

The body covered by the black robe exudes undisguised power fluctuations at this moment, and firmly resists the prying eyes of Zhu Lanruo and Zhu Xi from ten steps away.

Yu Xin also reacted immediately after, turning around to see...

Surprises immediately filled his face: "Miss Lan Ruo! Brother Spider! You are coming too? Just in time, God bestows its treasure, this secret treasure of the gods is born, it's time for us brothers and sisters to prosper!"

If Zhu Lanruo heard nothing, she just quietly looked at Xiong Sansi. Zhu Hide looked at Yu Xin, but his eyes were not friendly.

This attitude made Yu Xin very puzzled. We have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the present. We even had a drink together a few days ago. Why do you still show me the face when I greet you with a smile?

Could it be that just a mere secret treasure in the sky has indifferently called brothers and sisters?

Since ancient times, wealth and silk have moved the demon's heart, and the sages have never deceived me.

It's really a downturn in the world, and the demon's heart is unpredictable!

Although he thought it would be no problem to hit a spider, Lan Ruo was innocent and innocent, and he didn't need Brother Xiong to do anything! But how did the two members of the Spider family come here, whether there is any other reliance, planning things as well as Xiao Yuzhen, naturally they have to think about it and test it out for a while.

"Cough!" He cleared his throat, and was about to show off the art of speaking, trying to find something out without a trace.

Suddenly a bell rang.

The Zhiwen bell that resounded through Moyun City also rang in this Shenxiao secret room, and Yu Xin trembled so much that he almost bit his tongue off.

Look up again——

The silver-white wall on the other side of the secret room suddenly seemed to be rippling with water, and amidst the swaying ripples, a phantom of a familiar courtyard appeared vaguely. The pavilions, terraces and pavilions are graceful, decorated with flowers and green trees.

Before Yu Xin could see clearly, two people came out from the phantom in the courtyard. One in front and one in the back, they stepped forward, and in the process of stepping, the body shape also changed from virtual to real. There is a sense of unshakability in it.

So he stepped into the secret room of Shenxiao.

The appearance of the two new players was displayed in front of the demons.

One of them has a sullen face and demon marks on his face, it is the dog Xihua, the young master of the dog family.

The other is bony and thin covered in a red cassock, with precious light flowing outside the skin, and his eyes are piercing. Like a branch of iron tree Bodhi, with deep wisdom and firmness, it is the master of Yangyu, the true master of ancient Nanshan.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Yu Xin was almost choked by himself, and smiled abruptly again: "Brother Xihua! You are here too! I was just about to ask you to join me! It's really where the monsters don't meet, fate It's fate! Come, come, stand next to brother, we will explore together later, this one next to you is..."

Quan Xihua didn't pay attention to him at all, only snorted from his nostrils. But he turned his head to look at Zhu Hide: "Zhu Hide, what are you thinking? You even tricked Lan Ruo into coming here!"

Honestly holding the qin, the silent spider standing behind Zhu Lanruo felt extremely speechless.

Between Zhu Lanruo and me, who is in charge, isn't it obvious now?

I have become a piano boy!

Besides, where did you, Quan Xihua, have the guts to talk to me like that?

Isn't it time for your son to be long and son to be short, wagging his tail at me?

Is it the courage that Yang Yu gave you?

It's Yang Yu.

Tianbang new king fifth...

That's fine.

Zhu Hide turned his head away, too lazy to pay attention to this dog's pretentiousness.

Yang Yu, who was wearing a red cassock, clasped his palms in respect, and bowed to Zhu Lanruo and Xiong Sansi respectively: "I have seen Miss Lan Ruo, think twice about benefactor..."

His eyes scanned for a week: "I have seen you."

The smile on Yu Xin's face disappeared. Obviously, he is included in "everyone" just like Spider Hide and Quan Xihua. It might not even be included, because Yang Yu calmly looked at every monster except him.

He finally realized something was wrong. Not to mention why so many monsters flooded into Shenxiao's secret room all of a sudden, why do these monsters who came in seem to have a problem with him?

Thinking that on weekdays, he, Yu Xin, donates money out of righteousness, greets and sends guests, treats guests a lot. She speaks nicely, looks handsome, and her charm as a monster is not bad.

Could it be because they all know that this time the secret treasure of the gods is my destiny. So deliberately targeting me?

Sensing the danger, Xiao Yuzhen subconsciously walked a few steps towards Xiong Sansi.

Xiong Sansi, who was covered in black and wore a black robe, was not as imaginative as his companion, but just looked at Yang Yu calmly, and there was a sound of stones hitting stones: "Do you know me?"

Yang Yu said in a warm voice, "I want to know."

He heard the bell ringing just now, and his body and soul were frightened for a short time, and now he heard the word 'knowledge' again. Xiong Sansi couldn't help being a little sensitive, and said without emotion: "Oh?"

But Yang Yu didn't respond anymore, he just turned sideways, escaped from Xiong Sansi's air mechanism lock, and also gave way to his body, and his averted eyes seemed to be pointing.

So where his gaze fell, a gap overflowing with brilliance appeared.

At first it was just a gap, but later vines climbed out of it, flowers bloomed on the vines, and a faint fragrance floated between the heaven and the earth! At this moment, it is more like a door decorated with flowers, pushed away by a ray of sunshine-like sword light!

The handsome and extraordinary Lu Qilang came with his sword, and with a flip of his palm, he took away the flowery door in his hand, and took away the dark fragrance that filled the room. Star eyes swept across the audience, and said with a smile: "What are you waiting for, you are already outside Baoshan, why don't you enter Baoshan?"

"The dishes are not ready, how to start the banquet?" The voice resounded in a black lotus flower.

This black lotus appeared in the secret room at some point, and soon expanded in size. From the unfolded lotus petals, Shu Jialan stood upright with a ferocious face.

The one who came to Moyun City with the bell of knowledge and hearing was Yang Yu, the new king of the Tianbang of Ancient Nanshan, not some Bodhisattva Arhat.

Shu Jialan has the courage to compete with it.

The information to be passed on has already been spread, and the organization of the world, Black Lotus Temple is not afraid of anyone. The demon king of the same generation, Shu Jialan was not surprised by many.

A naughty boy can't move a jackhammer.

No matter how strong Zhiwen Zhong is, how much can Yang Yu borrow? It's not false at all!

Not only is it true, but if you have the opportunity, you have to grab it for fun.


In the dream, there are faint tears of loving mother, and the king's banner changes at the top of the city!

In the secret room of the heavens, which was reflected in the night sky, wave after wave of monsters rushed in like a fleeting sight.

Yuanmengji in the old house of the Yuanjia became more and more uncomfortable: "The whole world is ready, so you just carry my Yuanmengji behind your back, right? It's bad, I was targeted by a gang!"

Yuan Jiazheng finally couldn't drink a glass of old wine.

Thinking of him as the old ape hero, he just relied on his own strength to kill an upper-class family in Moyun City, which was able to take root in Fanye and compete side by side with the Yu family and dog family. However, the hero is late, and there are no demons in his successor!

"Look at the members of the Spider family, the Dog family, and the Yu family, each of them has an idea long ago, each with their own scheming, even Lu Qilang from Shenxianghuahai and Shu Jialan from Heilian Temple have found their way! Only you You don’t have any brains at all! A group of monsters are having a banquet in Feiyun Tower, and you are the only one who really eats?” Yuan Jiazheng became more and more angry, and glared: “What is the lack of you at home?”

Yuan Meng said aggrievedly: "Then I also arrange to deal with Snake Guyu?"

Yuan Jiazheng breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't get down: "Repay your mother's worries about snakes!"

He raised his foot and kicked Yuan Mengji all over the sky.


Shikaro and Shu Jialan appeared one after another.

In the secret room of Shenxiao, Yu Xin's expression became more and more ugly. The secret room, which was empty just now, was packed to the brim in a blink of an eye... Except for Yuan Mengji, everyone who could or could not come came. Why do you seem to be hiding in the dark, just staring at Laozi opening the door?

In this situation, coincidence can no longer explain it.

Premeditated planning is the only answer.

I don't know when this piece of meat and potatoes has been targeted.

These sinister little monsters! Shameless bandit!

"What does it mean that the dishes are not ready?" Zhu Hide held the qin still, and asked Yu's confident question.

In the game where the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, he, Mr. Spider, is of course very satisfied as the oriole. But it's hard to be happy with a group of orioles next to it... There is only one praying mantis, but the orioles come one after another.


Is it over?

How the hell did Yu Xin keep it a secret?

Go to the street to sell cooking cakes, so good at publicity!

Shu Jialan didn't even bother to answer such a ridiculous question, and just looked down.

Even though he was in the secret room of the gods, his eyes could only see the silver-white floor tiles, and he couldn't penetrate this tangible and qualitative barrier. But he believed that the mysterious dog demon and the organization represented by the Taiping ghost messenger must also be watching here.

He believed that the Taiping ghost who had a high self-esteem would never refuse such a challenge.

Come on, Taiping Guichai, come to the secret treasure of the gods, put aside the influence of our respective organizations, let us have a showdown! Let me see if your knife is sharp!

Not only Shu Jialan.

Seeing this situation, Lu Qilang also thought of Chai Asi, who was unpredictable and difficult to distinguish between good and evil. It would be really dangerous for him to enter the secret storehouse of the gods first, and be followed by that guy doing some small tricks.

Therefore, he raised his sword and turned around, lowering his eyes and looking down.

Come on, Chai Ah Si, let me see how divine you are.


what are they looking at

This is the common question of all the monsters in Moyun City who are watching the phantom in the secret chamber of the gods.

It was also a question for several other monsters in the Chamber of Secrets.

Shu Jialan and Lu Qilang were waiting, so Yang Yu and the others naturally couldn't leave first. Everyone is at the level of the new king of Tianbang, and no one can hold back a few knives in the back.

Therefore, the Zhiwen bell is still hanging under the blood moon, and in the phantom shadow of the secret room under the giant bell, all the arrogances are silent.

And Chai Asi and Zhu Dali in the Chai family's old house, of course, also know what Shu Jialan and the others are looking at.

Of course I understand that this is an invitation to compete for the secret treasure of the gods.


I really don't know how to go!

There is no road, no door, and no map. I don't know how those puppies found their way.

Just bite the bullet and fly upwards, flying into the phantom and not being able to fly, isn't that just showing off and making the whole city a joke?

"Please first." Chai Ah Si made a gesture of invitation with a reserved expression.

Although he wanted to participate in the secret treasury of Shenxiao, he also believed that the ancient gods could easily send him in. But since Empress Tianzhu was also in the city, he had no choice but to be patient. Let's keep a low profile for a few more years!

Now he just wants to leave here according to the instructions of the ancient gods.

As long as this Laoshizi Taiping Ghost Emissary also entered the Shenxiao Secret Treasure, he went to look for Yuan Xiaoqing in the starry night. Avoid the limelight for a few days, and keep warm for a few days. Let it be turbulent, and I will be turned into a red wave. You grab the big treasure, and I hug the little girl.

Among all the monsters gathered in Chai's old courtyard tonight, Zhu Dali should be the one who fears Chai Ahsi the most. This one thinks that Chai Asi is unfathomable, the other sees Chai Asi with fear, is Chai Asi really that scary?

If you have the opportunity, you may want to try your hand, but tonight is not a good opportunity.

"You go." Zhu vigorously clasped his hands together, and acted even more coldly: "My way is not in Shenxiao's secret treasury."

The way of Taiping does not pretend to seek outside, how can it be done in a vulgar way?

Besides... the high level of Taipingdao is still in secret, confronting some powerful people.

Taiping Guichai and Gaifeng Shajian confronted each other for a while, and finally, under the instruction of a great ancient god who couldn't stand it, they reached a tacit agreement and separated.

As for who is waiting in the Chamber of Secrets...

Did you ever play hide and seek as a child?

Yes, that's it.

I'll go home when you're done hiding.

Even more straightforward than Taiping Guicha and Gaifeng Shajian is Snake Guyu. As soon as Lu Qilang left, her back foot had already stepped into the shadows.

What is the secret treasure of the gods, what is the grievance between Gu Nanshan and Heilian Temple, what is the conflict of interests of the major families in Moyun City...

She really doesn't care.

On this point, the great ancient gods have a lot in common with them.

It's a pity that the two sides can't have any communication on this.

But it is also a kind of tacit understanding for each of them to leave decisively.

They are also counter-currents in the tide of fame and fortune.

Sitting in the world in the mirror, lay out the situation in the demon world. The great ancient god has instructed the followers of the Faceless Cult to come and get the mirror. Old Chai's family can't stay any longer, Chai Asi is too bad!

This time he intends to "live in" the homes of ordinary people. Those who sell cakes and sell clothes can do whatever they want. It doesn’t matter if they just lie down and do nothing. The most important thing is to be ordinary.

For a rising star like Chai Asi, I command them remotely.

I respect and stay away from the noisy places like Lianxi Inn.

Just hid in the house of an ordinary little demon and kept his own place. He couldn't believe that the monster in Moyun City was so unreasonable, and even trespassed on people's houses at every turn!

If you really want to talk about it.

Opposite the Chai family's old house, the home of the big man of the tiger clan is also a good place to stay. It's close to Chai Ahsi, but not so close, so it's not easy to be affected...


The Zhiwen bell suddenly rang again, interrupting the plan of the great ancient god.

The monsters were surprised to see that the phantom of the secret room hanging under the giant clock suddenly decoupled from the giant clock and fell straight down.

No, it's not just the Chamber of Secrets. It is the phantom of the entire Shenxiao secret store, including the secret room.

The silver-white secret room, the vast and bright world of the gods.

It is obviously just a phantom of the reflection, the "true secret" captured by Zhiwen Zhong, and in essence, it is just a simulation of information... But at this moment, it seems that it is really like what Master Yangyu said, it is true. With its "spirit".

It broke free from the capture of Zhiwen Bell and flew freely in the night sky.

Never look back...

come down!

The phantom of this secret room fell at an unimaginable speed.

The entire Moyun City was shocked! There are many dark shadows under the blood moon, and there are monsters everywhere in the sky, rooftops, and long streets, swarming from every corner of the city, gathering towards the phantom's landing point for the secret treasure of the gods.

But the speed at which this "true secret" falls is too terrifying.

Almost at the same time as leaving Zhiwen Zhong, he had already landed in Moyun City.

It just happens to fall in the North...

And in the old house of the Chai family.

Virtually penetrated the Chai family!

The entire Chai family's old house, as well as the surrounding land, were completely covered.

Cover the Taiping Guicha who has jumped out of the courtyard wall, Gaifeng Shajian who is about to slip away, and Snake Guyu who has sneaked into the shadows!

Of course, including the spirits in this old house.

Of course, it also includes the... vanity mirror wrapped in coarse cloth in the shrine on the wall!

Thanks to the leader "Miss OP next door keeps pretending to be busy" for rewarding Xinmeng!

Book friends don't give rewards recently.

I really can't write, can't add updates, maybe I have to stop updating and ask for a leave.

very ashamed.

Don't give a reward, just read a book.

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