Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1796 Blood Moon Falls in the Mountains

The phantom of the self-generated spirit of Shenxiao has fallen, and this passage represents the true secret of Shenxiao's secret storehouse, which even Zhiwenzhong can't grasp. The monsters swarming in Moyun City are destined to be unable to catch anything.

The process of "Shenxiao Zhenmi" breaking through the Chai family's old house does not seem to have actually happened, because nothing was damaged. Not even the evening wind disturbed.

But it did happen again. Because of the ignorant Gaifeng Killing Sword, Zhu Dali who was overwhelmed and continued to pretend to be cold, and She Guyu who had just decided to leave the route, they were all put on the banquet that Shu Jialan said!

I don't know whether the red makeup mirror was counted as Jiang Wang's belongings, or Jiang Wang was regarded as a bonus of the red makeup mirror. The cloth-wrapped red makeup mirror placed in the shrine quietly landed not far from Chai Asi.

Of course no one will pay attention at this time.

All the monsters who entered the secret room of Shenxiao one step earlier could hardly hide their vigilance and suspicion when they saw the unfathomable Taiping ghosts and Gaifeng Shajian.

Yu Xin said that the process of entering the secret room of God's Firmament is quite complicated, and there should be few monsters who can arrive quickly. This is based on its own reasons, not blind confidence. It took a lot of hard work for him and Xiong Sansi to get here. Years of planning will not be in vain.

Even if they open the way and reduce the difficulty of entry, latecomers should not succeed overnight.

Although the Divine Firmament Chamber of Secrets is packed to the brim right now, who hasn't revealed their hole cards?

Think about how glamorous the scene of Shikachiro entering the secret room is, and how awesome Shu Jialan is to join the competition proudly.

But Taiping Guicha and Gaifeng Shajian, who are not obvious compared to their cultivation bases, but calmly waited in place, waiting for the real secret to fall... how much did they lose?

The other monsters are struggling to cross the sea of ​​bitterness, but these two are the ones who take the bait.

Dominating this scene, I don't know whether it is the Taiping ghost messenger or the blast killing sword, or did they cooperate in the first place?

He even brought along a Snake Guyu by the way!

Shu Jialan, who originally planned to invite Taiping ghost messenger to decide life and death, hesitated for a while, and stopped talking about the sword test. The depth of the water is bottomless, and the boat may run aground.

Of course, Zhu Dali didn't even look at the great monk of Heilian Temple, which further showed his unfathomable and dismissive attitude.

Everyone in the secret room of Shenxiao was afraid of these two mysterious demons.

In the entire area of ​​Moyun City, anyone who saw Chai Asi in the Mystery of the Heavenly Heaven would not be moved.

Gale wind kills the sword fiercer, and he is just a pawn in the Tao. Can he stand side by side with Lu Qilang, the new king of the heaven list?

It seems that his victory on the Golden Balcony was the result of hiding his strength!

Yuan Laoxi frowned, this kid usually hides so well, the city is too deep! Not necessarily a good match for my daughter. When you look back, you must pray to the great gods. Please ask the ancient god Yama to see the root of this guy, so as not to be deceived by him.

Yuan Xiaoqing saw that her lover was so mighty, she couldn't help being shaken: "Brother Xiao Chai..."

In the entire Moyun City, the monster who was most excited by this scene was not Yuan Xiaoqing, nor those younger brothers of Chai Asi, but in the old house of the Yuan family...

Yuanmeng stood up abruptly, blushing with excitement, pointed to Chai Asi in the True Secret of Shenxiao, and said to Yuanjia Zheng: "Who said I wasn't prepared? I have already taken this demon dog under my command! "

Yuan Jiazheng didn't want to get angry anymore, so he just let out a long sigh.

But no matter how the Moyun demons feel, no matter how fearful the arrogances in the secret room of Shenxiao are, what Shu Jialan said is correct——

At this moment, the table is full of dishes and guests, it is a good time to have a feast!

Behind the open silver-white gate, the entire dazzling and splendid land of heaven also began to "flow". The sculpture that has been in a trance and dusty for ages has been revived, and it is like a living spring injected into stagnant water.

Vitality has been revealed, and everything is revived.

Some kind of rule is taking shape somewhere...

So the clouds move in all directions!


Change happens in an instant.

Under the night sky, countless monsters rushing towards the Chai family's old house suddenly stopped and fell like dumplings. The roof smashed and the long street slammed.

It wasn't that they died suddenly, or lost their strength.

Instead, there is a terrifying pressure coming, it is a weight they cannot bear, and they are crushed into the dust.

The monsters looked up in horror.

All I saw was a big hand that covered the sky and the moon suddenly protruding from the night sky where the huge treasure clock hung.

The tendons in this hand are clear, like a river. The joints are distinct, like a pillar of heaven. The dim light is visible, but the Buddha-nature is deeply hidden. Every finger is as magnificent as a rolling mountain... The moonlight is gone, and the blood moon falls in the mountains.

In the endless darkness, this big hand, as wide as a mountain, rolled over with a thunderous thunder.

Like thick clouds rolling across the sky, like heavy curtains covering eternal night.

Like ancient gods, palm over the world!

Almost the entire Moyun City has fallen into the Dharma-ending era.

All the monsters in Moyun City felt the fear from the depths of their souls, and they even sensed their own death, knowing that they were about to usher in their doomsday.

Under such a big hand, the Zhiwen clock that awakens Moyun City is just a small toy, not enough for two fingers to play with.

And when it is covered, it naturally covers the Zhiwen Bell, destroying all the external glory of the Zhiwen Bell.

It's about to grab it.


The bell is still ringing.


The Buddha's voice suddenly came out.

The voice saved the demons from the horror of their doom.

Only at this time did the monsters realize that there was still a faint moonlight shining down between the fingers of the big hand that covered the sky. It was only because of the terrifying power of the big hand that covered the sky that they were ignored by the monsters.

The night is still alive, never gone.

How did it go away, and how did it come back?

At this moment, all the thin moonlight seemed to gather together and fall into the gap between the fingers like a moat - there was a small figure standing in the air.

Compared with the big hand that covers the sky and the moon, this figure is indeed as small as an ant.

Like a mote of dust floating alone in a huge canyon.

But in the eyes of all the monsters, he became more and more clear, more and more clear, and more and more radiant!

His eyebrows and eyes and even the folds of his cassock were clearly visible.

It was a very rich monk, with a round face and crooked smiling eyes, he didn't look intimidating at all.

But he is the one who shakes the bell of knowing and hearing.

It was he who made the Buddha's voice.

It was he who tore through the eternal night and pierced through the Doomsday.

It is also he who has robbed more and more attention at this moment!

He raised his Buddha-glowing hand, like a quarrel between friends, and casually slapped it lightly on the fingers that stretched like mountains beside him.


The mountains receded, the darkness faded away, and the red moon reappeared in the world.

The big hand that covered the sky and the moon disappeared into the dark night farther away.

Under the blood moon, for a while, only the fat monk bathed in the moonlight stood alone. He laughed and said, "Taking without asking is stealing! The nature of deer is empty. Is the Black Lotus Temple so ignorant of virtue?"

He had a great laugh and it was contagious.

Generally, strong people at this level rarely have such a happy smile. The more you experience it, the less likely you are to have it.

In the darkness, there were rustling sound ripples, those ripples one after another, gathered together like waves, and finally reverberated into a false voice: "If you see money on the road, why don't you pick it up? overbearing?"

The fat monk smiled even more happily: "I haven't seen you for so long, and you are still so unreasonable."

The voice in the darkness said: "You still like fake smiles so much."

"Hahahaha, Deer Xingkong, deer Xingkong, Yang Yuxiao's bald head is still in the secret room, how did Zhiwen Zhong become street money? You old man is not respectful, and you want to seize the child's treasure? "

"The Dharma of the Cicada, the Dharma of the Cicada, Buddhism is orthodox in Heilian. Before Yinguang Tathagata left, he personally handed it over to the Demon Master Tathagata to pass on the Dharma to the Buddha... What's wrong with returning the property to its original owner?"

"What crooked scriptures did you read? How did Yinguang Tathagata explain this? The golden body of the Buddha is carved in the ancient Nanshan Mountain. I have never heard of a famous demon teacher!"

"The ancient and difficult mountains are full of clay sculptures, and the real Buddhas of the world are walking in the world. The evil Buddhas weaving sutras can't fool a sober demon, but fooled a fool like you!"

If the attack by the demon body can be regarded as debating scriptures, the two Bodhisattvas of Gu Nanshan and Heilian Temple argued fiercely.

Words may not be like knives, but the turbulent Taoism in the long night is like the undulating tide of the sea, whistling near and far. Every tiny wave contains the power to destroy the world.

Regardless of the true temperament of the Bodhisattvas at Gu Nan Shan and Hei Lian Temple, there is no air of quarreling here.

Moyun City tonight is not just these two uninvited guests.

Or... there are others who came earlier than them.

At the same time that Shenxiao fell into the Chai family's old house in secret.

In the house opposite the Chai family.

The topless tiger clan man suddenly opened his eyes.

It was amber-like in color, flashing the fierce light from ancient times.

It's just this opening of the eyes, the muscles are full of bows, and the muscles are like graves. This body has been completely reborn, and it is very different!

He pushed the woman wrapped around him away, got out of the bed, picked up the iron rod, and walked out of the room in one step.

One more step forward, and he was about to step into the land of the heavens.

What juniors fight, arrogance competes. What is the true inheritance of Shenxiao, the inheritance of the Yu clan. Who is supporting and who is relying on, no matter how you plan, how much preparation you have.

When he comes, it belongs to him.

He let go of his fingers, and it was the other's turn!

Looking at the entire demon world, who really counted the location of the land of the sky?

Only him!

People never leave the road, and tigers never leave the mountain.

He, Hu Taisui, left the Ziwu Hills today. He used an ordinary skin and entered Hunyi briefly as a demon, just to complete the "deception" and be taken away by the land of the gods.

But there is still a short line, and there is still a step away.

It doesn't matter, this step is far away, he will take another step.

So he opened his tiger pupils to show his true power, and since then he came here in person and asked about King Shenxiao in ancient times.

He doesn't care about Zhiwen Zhong's pestering.

It is the same for two bodhisattvas who live and who die.

What he cares about is Yu Zhen, the legendary great demon of the Yu clan!

What he wants is the secret of history, the dusty truth, the "story" of that era.

But this imperative step has not been taken.

The night is so thick that it cannot be melted away, and the ancient atmosphere grows wantonly.

There is a power that runs through the long river of time, from the long past, came to this living place, and resisted the power of his level!

True monsters do not enter this door.

Heavenly demons do not enter this door!

Hu Taisui forcibly stepped forward, and the terrifying power penetrated the world, so he had to forcibly open another door and go his own way. But the land of the gods flickered suddenly, and the vitality that had just been revived quickly withered, and the colossal power rushed to the sky to resist the external force... The radiant streamer was like dust falling, and it was about to collapse on the spot!

If this place collapses at this time, all the monsters in it will die. Any genius is useless. Of course, there is no need to think about all the gains.

Tiger Tai Sui had to stop.

Turning his amber eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab the void, and when the big hand with sharp bones was brought back to his body, it had already pinched a neck in his hand.

Carrying a struggling banshee like a rabbit.

A pair of rapiers dropped from their hands.

All of Dao Yuan of Pang Majestic was suppressed.

Roaring and roaring are all speechless.

But it is the master of Moyun City, the real demon spider string!

In the past, the noble status is gone, and the majestic real monster, under the restraint of Hu Taisui, is completely embarrassed.

"Open the Shenqiao." Hu Taisui ordered directly.

Before, Zhuxian sent the juniors of the Zhu family to enter the country with his natal bridge, and now he wants to use his special natal life to hook up with Zhu Lanruo and Spider Hide, deceive the land of the gods, and break into it again.

As for how long the Shenqiao will burn if the deception cannot be completed, it is not something he needs to consider.

Even though Zhuxian was unwilling in every possible way, he could only watch helplessly as his natal bridge was pulled away!

But at this moment, there was a light-white jade hand, which broke through the rules, gently pushed back the divine bridge of natal life, and took the spider string away with just a swipe, making it escape from Hu Taisui's big hand.

This suddenly appeared in the alley, and the only one facing Hu Taisui head-on was the Spider Yi of Megatron Breathing the Wilderness!

She stood proudly, with a graceful posture, her long skirt reached the floor but was not stained with dust, Shi Shiran said: "You are so old, do you still want to bully the younger generation?"

Hu Taisui laughed loudly: "It makes sense!"

The big hand moved forward: "Then I will bully you?"

He didn't even give him any face!


In the previous bloody battle against the human race, the so-called Heavenly Spider Empress has not recovered from her serious injuries, so what right does she have to make him afraid?

It's all right to hide and recuperate, but he also cares about the friendship of the same world, so he doesn't go after him.

How dare you show your strength? How dare you block the way?

There is no reason to kill!

With a casual push, Zhu Yi sent the still-shocked Spider Xian away, and with a wrong footstep, she stepped on the gap between the "Tao" and avoided the palm.

His face darkened completely: "It seems that Ziwu Hills wants to start a full-scale war with Tianxi Wasteland?"

Hu Taisui laughed loudly: "I'm afraid you will shrink your head!"

Once the storm rises, the four seas are flooded with torrents. In a moment, the secret treasury will be opened, and in a moment, the demons will fight.

But tonight's waves do not stop there?

The continuous mountain shadow disappeared, and when the crimson moon crossed the sky... There were two big bodhisattvas fighting, two sky demons fighting, and another slim figure came from behind the moon.

The ink-like night makes the skin more beautiful than the snow, and the beautiful shadow shining on the moon is as graceful as a flying bird.

She came by moonlight.

And in the light red moonlight, flowers bloom one after another.

Blossoms bloom like brocades, paving a bright road from the nine heavens to the mortal world.

Precisely at the moment when Hu Taisui and Zhu Yi were separated, they stepped into Moyun City.

"So lively?"

The sound of a hundred flowers fragrance.

Naturally, she can only be Lu Qilang's greatest reliance when traveling across Moyun City, the master of Shenxiang Huahai, the ancestor of Shenxiang Lu's family... the sky demon Lu Ximing!

Thanks to the book friend "Amazsaber" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 383rd alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

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