Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1797 The sky demons face each other, sitting alone on the cornice

Under the moon, deer mingling from the west came to step on the flowers. The sea of ​​fragrant flowers, the purple hills, and the wilderness of heaven, the supreme existence of these three places, gathered in one place at this moment.

Qi is in Moyun City.

The world was suddenly quiet, and different rules were happening. Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong also reduced the intensity of the fight and gradually smoothed the ripples.

The drama of the night may really start when the secret of Shenxiao completely reveals the truth and leaves a huge gap that is enough for the peak powerhouses to approach!

"Yeah, it's very lively tonight!" Hu Taisui looked sideways, and there was a sea of ​​flowers hidden in the amber: "Sister of the Lu family, why are you here?"

Lu Ximing smiled, but he was not gentle, his eyebrows were like a lancet: "Why did you come, so why do I come."

Hu Taisui said: "Where did King Shenxiao go, it is still unclear. I want to go back to the past and ask in the depths of time... Will the sister of the Lu family want to go with me?"

Lu Ximing's tone was relaxed: "But you don't seem to be welcomed."

Hu Taisui glanced at the direction in which Zhuxian escaped: "I'm trying to figure out a way."

Lu Ximing smiled and said nothing.

They talked and laughed happily here, as if there were no monsters.

But Zhu Yi couldn't bear it any longer. Looking directly at these two peak powerhouses, his eyes were full of coldness: "It seems that tonight can't be good. It's a natural law for the weak to prey on the strong, and I can only blame myself for not being careful when I get injured. But don't forget, the injury on my body , It is for the monster race. It is to resist the strong human race, so I am so weak. The human race understands the truth of joining hands with the outside world, but our monster race is not as good? ?"

Hu Taisui frowned: "Which of these heavenly demons here has not fought bloody battles several times? Which one has not fought for the demon world? Even Gu Nanshan's bald head is quite stained with blood. Who are you talking about? let go?"

He said coldly: "I have been planning the secret of this realm for many years, and I have to ask King Shenxiao. Whether you are injured or not, I must do it. Why did the injury you suffer become your body armor?" ? You are injured, so you have the right to influence my decision? How can you be so naive! Spider Yi, let me tell you, you retreat now, I will not chase after you. If you insist on blocking, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

His determination is not concealed, and his ruthlessness is known to the world.

This is an ultimatum.

It was his last chance.

As a sky demon injured in the racial battlefield, Spider Yi can retreat freely, and then recover from the wounded treasure hunt...

But what about the spider string?

What about Zhu Lanruo and Zhu Xi who are in the land of the sky?

Once she leaves, these children will be ripped apart in an instant.

Although it is said that the Yaozu's concept of blood relatives is not as serious as that of the human race, blood descendants are sometimes just more trusted subordinates. Just like Hu Taisui didn't think it was a big deal to kill a few descendants of the Zhu family, and he didn't think Zhu Yi had a reason to take the risk to stop him.

Although it is said that the sky demon is strong, there should be nothing important outside of this body...

But when it comes to each of the thousands of people, the specific emotions are different.

That was her offspring after all.

Demons are not plants, how can they be ruthless?

Zhu Yi looked at Hu Taisui, at Lu Ximing, then at the unheard-of Cicada Fayuan, and the deer Xingkong hidden in the night...suddenly smiled.

On this precarious night, she smiled gracefully and said: "When Yuan Xianting left, he left me a word. I was wondering if it is necessary for you to listen."

Lu Ximing watched this scene with great interest.

"Ha!" Hu Taisui also laughed: "Are you ignorant of your own state, or do you not understand me enough? You want both face and face, and you want to use Yuanxianting to suppress me?"

How can that one who is unrestrained and unrestrained, walking alone in the world be so easy to move?

But Zhu Yi didn't say any more, just picked out a golden hair, and blew lightly on her red lips.

The golden hair fluttered and fell alone in the night sky.

A figure wearing a battle armor and a red cloak on his back landed on the highest place in the city - the top of Feiyun Building, and was on the cornice that looked like an eagle spreading its wings.

He sat on the cornice, facing the sky.

The blood moon was just behind him, and the red cape was stretched in the wind.

"Listen." His eyes were slightly closed, a little sleepy: "I don't know who is coming, who is lucky enough to see me. But, listen!"

"Spider Yi fought side by side with Lao Tzu, not long ago. Normally I don't care, but now she is injured..."

He opened those scarlet eyes, slowly looked at the tense battlefield here, and gritted his teeth casually: "Who dares to touch Zhuyi. I will kill his whole family!"

His voice was not vicious, but the wear of the armor and the color of the cloak had already described too much.

Tiger Tai Sui did not speak.

Cicada Fayuan didn't speak.

Deer Xingkong did not speak.

In the end, Lu Ximing said softly: "If you want me to say, why should we be at war with each other? It hurts our friendship for nothing, and it also loses our identity. Whether it's the secret of the gods or the possibility of surpassing the peak, it's all in between, and it's very ethereal. What is it worth? Everyone here, don’t you all have juniors among them? Opportunities are determined by nature, so let the juniors fight for themselves, what do you think?"

Before appearing in Moyun City, Hu Taisui did not expect that Spider Yi would hide in this city to recuperate. He really wanted to forcefully kill Spider Yi who was wounded on the battlefield after the race war, but it was actually very difficult for him to explain the past in the ancient imperial city. So it has always been mainly about driving away.

It was his last effort to win Lu Ximing together to ask about the passage of time.

At this time, Yuanxianting was so strong in protecting the Dao, and Lu Ximing immediately expressed such an attitude that it was no longer possible for him to forcibly break into the land of heaven and let so many sky demon seeds accompany him to take risks.

"Okay, okay, okay." Hu Taisui said yes three times, and said: "The younger generation will fight. But everyone must be prepared, fight secretly, life and death are fate. Who lives and who dies, Don't take the blame."

He has confidence in Xiong Sansi, regardless of his strength or the city, this tattooed monster is the best choice, otherwise he wouldn't be able to gain fame in the Ziwu Hills so quickly, and he would soar into the sky just by giving him a chance.

The only worry is that the relationship between Xiong Sansi and him is not as close as other sky demons and sky demon seeds.

Xiong Sansi's plan for the secret treasure of the gods was a private act, and he was not informed.

He just guarded the landing point of the land of the gods, and did not tell Xiong Sansi.

Let the juniors fight for themselves, there is a high possibility that the juniors will hide their secrets... But it is better than fighting for nothing.

Cicada Fayuan should have great confidence in Yang Yu, and said cheerfully: "The poor monk has no objection. Speaking of which, let's... Duh! Rats! Stay away from my precious bell in Ancient Nanshan!"

Compared with the full confidence in his junior in these few words, Ji Xingkong's performance is more direct. He didn't pick up on it, expressing his acquiescence, but at the same time went to touch the bell. There is a posture of "two flowers bloom, each showing one branch". As soon as Cicada Fayuan stopped him, he stopped.

In other words, since the golden hair fell, the ape fairy court was sitting on the cornice.

Yuan Jiazheng, the demon king in Yuan's mansion, immediately left the table and bowed down, respectfully.

Yuan Mengji, on the other hand, was still ignorantly sitting on the stone bench, looking up at the legendary distant relative. Some don't know that wine is in dream. Although he said he didn't care, seeing the whole city of Junyan going to participate in the Land of the Heavens, while he was kicked at home by himself, it was somewhat boring.

After Yuan Xianting completed the deterrence, he stopped looking at those heavenly demons, but looked down and saw the little ape clan demon sitting in the courtyard, and asked casually: "The other little demons in this city have gone to the Heavenly Heaven Why don't you go?"

"I...I..." I suddenly saw the legendary big demon, and got on with the conversation. Yuan Mengji, who claims to be very smart, stuttered for a while: "The little monster is naturally... indifferent! Don't care about those things." , too lazy to rob them."

After speaking, he raised his neck, looking very proud, obviously he believed it.

"Let's go play around." After Yuan Xianting said, regardless of whether the little guy was willing or not, he grabbed and let go, and took Yuan Mengji from the courtyard, as if placing a small Building blocks, put them in the Chamber of Secrets!

The ape armor fell to the ground and couldn't afford it, and all the drunkenness turned into old tears flowing sideways.

How can they have any blood relationship with Yuan Xianting?

But it was on the battlefield that year, because of the relationship of the same genus, he fought under the command of Yuan Xianting. The so-called battle is nothing more than Yuan Xianting rushing in front and they rushing behind.

No words were spoken.

On the contrary, he has always called himself Yuan Xianting's cousin and former department, and it is because of his reputation that Moyun Yuan's family has gone through many troubles.

I didn't expect that such an existence known as Yuan Xianting, who was known for being fierce, would not care about seeing his family with such a bad reputation, but instead gave Yuan Mengji a chance!

Even this opportunity is only secondary... What I said casually today is the key point. After that, even if he clarified that he had nothing to do with Yuan Xianting, the other monsters couldn't believe it. From then on, the Moyun Yuan family really had a solid foundation.

It can be said that his hard work for most of his life is not as good as the casual words of this peerless sky demon. How can this make him not grateful?

Just as several powerful beings were speaking, the phantom representing the true mystery of Shenxiao finally disappeared.

It's like falling into the depths of the ground, into another time and space, and there is no trace of Moyun City anymore.

Even Zhiwen Zhong couldn't manifest anything anymore.

Only the dilapidated old house of the Chai family, the old shrine, and the wooden bed were left, and the four walls were nothing but silence.

It was still Hu Taisui who said: "Speaking of which, why did the land of the heavens land in this old house? What is the origin of that dog monster just now?"

In order to complete the "concealment", he entered the muddle for a short time as the king of the sky demon, and used his ordinary skin to hide himself, only waking up at critical moments. In this muddled state, there is no insight into the surroundings.

This state is also a very dangerous period for himself. It is easy to fail to react in the face of emergencies.

That is to say, Zhu Yi was seriously injured, lost control of the Tianxi Wasteland, and it was difficult to catch it in advance, so he was willing to take the risk.

And he counted the deadly landing point, and in the end he was separated by a street. This can't help but make him have a lot of doubts.

What's so special about this old house?

Is there anyone secretly targeting?

Who is fighting with him?

In ancient times, God's will was unpredictable, and his heart was hard to understand. In the long river of time, no one can tell how many wills are hidden and how many things are left behind.

Although it is already at the top of the world, who doesn't want to go one step further? When you already have everything, you still have to work hard and take risks, of course you want what you want.

The extraordinary mountain has already reached the top, and above that absolute peak... haunts my dreams!

Yuan Xianting defended Zhu Yi once, and he was willing to back down.

If Yuan Xianting wants to rob him of the opportunity he saw, even if this opportunity is very illusory.

He also has to work hard.

Now that the disputes between the heavenly demons have come to an end for the time being, we just wait for Chou Yinmao to come out from the land of the heavens.

As a peak powerhouse who stands at an absolute height and is qualified to sit and share meals openly, the first thing is of course to eliminate hidden dangers. Any doubts must be resolved, and chess players in the shadows cannot be allowed to exist.

Lu Ximing also turned his attention to Zhu Yi, this is the Tianxi Wasteland, so naturally he wanted to ask the Spider's family for information.

Zhu Yi said in a low voice: "Shu Xian, let me clear up the doubts for a few distinguished guests."

Not long after, the real demon Spider Xian flew back to the arena, subconsciously kept a distance from Hu Taisui who almost tore her down, and said without emotion: "This house has been passed down for many years. The current owner is a dog A monster named Chai Asi. Now he is the incense master of the Huaguo Club controlled by the Yuan family. Not long ago, he scored in the top 24 in Moyun City in the Golden Balcony Fighting Club, and has a chance to hit the top ten.

He and his grandfather were members of the Moyun Dog family. Later, he was expelled for unknown reasons, and his grandfather also died at the hands of the dog family.

He is considered an orphan, and his character has always been quite cowardly, and he is often bullied and does not resist. To collect medicine for a living.

Suddenly reborn not so long ago.

It is said that he was bullied severely. The original incense master blackmailed him and smashed his grandfather's spiritual seat, he couldn't bear it, and then he showed his skills. Later, he took the initiative to join the Huaguohui, worked hard at every step, gained a firm foothold, and made a name for himself, which also shows that he is actually very smart... His swordsmanship and body training are good, his body skills are outstanding, and his fighting talent is very good. "

"This little demon has a problem." Lu Ximing said calmly.

No explanation, no details, but it has become a fact.

Zhu Xian took a look at Zhu Yi, and immediately declared: "Quu Shou once spoke back!"

The sound travels far in the long night.

The owner of the Moyun dog family immediately rolled and crawled out, flying from his mansion.

In front of all the sky demons, he didn't even dare to raise his head, let alone have the courage to talk directly, so he just looked down at his boots: "Why is the city lord summoning you?"

Zhu Xian pointed to the old house of the Chai family: "There lives a little demon here, who was originally a member of your dog family. His grandfather was hit and killed by your dog family's carriage...Now we think there is something wrong with him, you have to tell me, What's wrong with him."

Inuju Zeng was stunned for a moment: "I'll investigate right away. Before, within half an hour, there must be results!"

Seeing that the heavenly demons had no objections, Zhu Xian waved his hands: "Go."

Inuju Zeng flew away without stopping.

Hu Taisui frowned again and said: "This is the blood of Quan Yingyang from Zhaoyun Peak? Even if there is some secret, what can a mere demon king know? Forget it, I will go and ask Quan Yingyang. "

"Then why bother you?" Lu Ximing said softly, "I'll go with you to ask."

Now it has been determined that the Chai family's old house is not simple, and Chai Ah Si has a problem. There may be some secrets in Quan Yingyang's place. She couldn't let Hu Taisui enjoy it all alone.

On the contrary, on Moyun City's side, the land of the gods has disappeared, and we only need to wait for the news, and there is no need to guard it for a while.

"Idle is idle." Cicada Fayuan from Gu Nanshan said with a smile: "The poor monk also walked with the two benefactors."

"Since Yinguang Tathagata left, Gu Nanshan has been worse than the previous generation, and even the Buddha nature has been lost! Together with so many demons to bully a real demon?" Ji Xingkong in the darkness condemned loudly: "I must go Supervise you. Or don't take Zhiwen Zhong away, I will stay and watch for you."

"Why is it so troublesome?" Zhu Yi frowned. These demons come and go calmly, but she is not easy to walk around, so she said: "I will send a letter, and Quan Yingyang will come over immediately to ask questions. What's the problem? , everyone can face to face. No one can hide from anyone."

Zhao Yunfeng's dog Yingyang is also the overlord of one party, he came to Moyun City because of Quan Xi's disappearance, and he had some disagreements with Zhu Xian. But in front of these sky monsters, they are just existences that come and go when they are called.

The so-called nature is one and the same, sometimes it is cruel and clear.

On this turbulent night...

Under the red moon, all the monsters stood side by side.

But at some point, that wisp of golden hair has disappeared.

It is said that Yuan Xianting is arrogant and unreasonable, fierce and arrogant.

What a night! Who knows my heart?

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