Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1799

Those who enter the land of the gods, see this Taoist text, each has a mood.

At this moment, so stone text.

It seems that the legend of the feather clan in ancient times, in the long years, beckons to the latecomers and welcomes guests with secret treasures.

This boulder does not have any dazzling lights and shadows, nor does it have any power fluctuations, but it has a sense of historical heaviness.

Especially the words left on the stone. It is impossible to say whether the font is good or bad, and it is difficult to judge it from the structure of the characters. Looking closely, it doesn't even look like someone engraved it, but it has been polished naturally over time. Every stroke is like a trace of time. From the pattern itself, no matter how you look at it, you cannot judge whether it is natural or not.

If it is engraved here in the characters of the Yu clan, or other characters of the monster race, or even the characters of various countries of the human race, it is enough to show its traces of chiseling. Because the birth of these words is mixed with the influence of intelligent beings.

But here is the Taoism that was originally born in the Tao, and you know your mind when you see it, and it has the possibility of natural achievement.

Of course, its expression must come from the legend from all ages ago.

This will make the latecomers even more in awe!

What is a sky demon?

God's will is my will, just like the human race called "Yan Dao" with its peak.

Just these few words that seem to be achieved naturally are a kind of power beyond imagination.

Xiong Sansi silently swallowed back what he was going to say.

Of course Yu Xin was fascinated, if he hadn't just got out of the situation of being besieged and beaten, it would be difficult to escape, and he would have declared his sovereignty as "Xiao Yuzhen" at this time.

But even though he didn't say anything, his face was full of pride.

Zhu Lanruo opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just stretched out her hand to take the qin held by Zhu Hide. He pressed his hand on the strings, about to caress a song, but in the end he didn't move, he just hugged it into his arms.

There is no way to see the scenery in front of you!

But Jiang Wang, who was sitting alone in the world in the mirror, was startled!

I don't know how many years ago, Yu Zhen left a message here, saying, "Guests come from afar."

After a long, long time, the secret treasure of Shenxiao was opened, and the situation gathered.

Looking at this place, who is a distant visitor?

Does Xiong Sansi of Ziwu Hills?

Lu Qilang in the sea of ​​fragrant flowers, is the snake Guyu?

Yang Yu from Ancient Nanshan, Shu Jialan from Heilian Temple?

Or is it……

He is a man from another world curled up in the mirror world! ?

It's not that he is suspicious by nature, and everything is like a soldier. In fact, since entering the demon world, I have been constrained by God's will everywhere, and I always feel that good fortune tricks people. Although so far, every choice has come from the heart, but it often backfires. Constantly struggling and fleeing, constantly planning and failing, disappointing and embarrassing and rising again, but step by step, he reached an irretrievable desperate situation.

Seeing such a sentence at this time, he couldn't help but think about it.

But if you think about it carefully, it is also very unrealistic. During his time in the demon world, he has been working hard to understand the demon race. How many years ago did Yu Zhen exist? Corresponding to the history of the human race, it was probably in modern times.

How could it be possible to leave words to greet people of this era in such a long time?

And it's still aimed at him who only has the presence of God?

It's also a bit of a snake shadow...

"In the sense of time, we are all far away." Lu Qilang said with emotion: "I have never seen the great ancestor Yuzhen in this life, but from this sentence, I can see his heart. He is also a true hero! The younger Lu Qilang, thinking about the past and the present, Thanks to Siwai!"

Spider Hide said abruptly, "Don't be so busy thinking about it, it's not certain whether the words were left by the great ancestor of the gods or not."

In terms of appearance alone, Shikachiro is indeed the public enemy of the male monsters present.

And Lu Qilang's response...was just a slight smile at Zhu Lanruo.

At this moment, in front of all the demons was the vast land of the heavens, and behind them there was only a silver-white wall door compressed by the secret chamber of the gods.

Behind the wall door is the other side of this dense forest. There is no end in sight at a glance, and there is no road. It is deep and difficult to detect, hiding unpredictable dangers.

No one in the room dared to underestimate this dangerous feeling. Especially in a place with such a remarkable history.

Shu Jialan was a careful person, secretly lucking Dao Yuan, stretched out his hand and pushed the silver-white wall door, but it didn't move at all. Injecting spiritual consciousness is also like sinking into the sea. He urged the sacrificial black lotus, but there was still no response... Then he knew that this road was blocked, and if he wanted to return to the original road, it would be impossible.

"Let's divide the road!" He said decisively: "There are twelve demons here, and six roads are divided in the forest. This is a wonderful fate. It is certain that the two demons will go the same way. You must not violate it lightly. In the sky and on the earth, I am the only Buddha. I want to take the middle road. For auspiciousness, choose the third one from the left. Who will walk with Buddha?"

It has to be said that the monks in Heilian Temple are very powerful. Other monsters are still considering, but he has already chosen.

Master Yang Yu said faintly: "From the right is the fourth, which is not very auspicious."

He did not refute the statement that the two monsters went all the way. The word fate cannot be ignored. If you don't deal with it carefully, good can be evil, and luck can be sad.

Shujialanji pointed at him: "You unlucky donkey, stay away from me, it's auspicious!"

Yang Yu smiled slightly: "Big monk, you've got a picture.

This is the most annoying!

Shu Jialan wanted to roll up his sleeves, but he was afraid of the fisherman's profit, so he simply endured it. With a glance, he 'just saw' an object wrapped in coarse cloth on the ground.

"Hey, what is this?"

Talking to himself, he walked forward.

This thing was brought here together from the Chai family's old house, it was not conspicuous in the secret room of the gods, but once it is pushed outside at this moment, it is hard not to be noticed.

Especially since there are so many demon kings with the strength of the new kings of the Tianbang, almost everyone has seen them, but Shu Jialan made up a random excuse and went to pick them up first.

Although this thing has no precious light, it also has no colorful shadows. But if you think about it, you know, it won't be easy to be brought here. In the old house of the Chai family, there are also wooden beds and Ruqun bellybands...why didn't you bring them in?

Shikachiro also looked over subconsciously, frowning slightly.

But a fat hand blocked his view.

"Oh, mine." Said the Taiping ghost guard, picked up the small cloth bag on the ground, and put it in his arms.

Zhu Dali, who had already moved to the side of this object, was of course easier than Shu Jialan.

He didn't quite understand why the Taoist asked him Xingye to send a mirror to the Chai family's old house, and he already figured it out... The Taoist gave him a chance to participate in the competition for the secret treasure of the gods!

Compared with the fanfare of Lu Qilang and Shu Jialan, our Taiping Daoist's life is so calm and breezy.

Pig Dali is smart.

Yuan Xianting personally sent Yuan Mengji to the land of the heavens, so how could the other arrogances of the demon race not be there to rely on?

From the reliance behind Lu Qilang, Shu Jialan and the others, one can probably infer the current level of power of the Taiping Daoist.

It is definitely the sky demon going up.

At least it should be higher than Yuanxianting's style, right?

And this mirror is also extraordinary. This kind of treasure that can send him to the land of the heavens is of course the most precious treasure of the Taiping Dao. How could he let the mouse monk take advantage of the loophole and pick it up and take it home?

"Why is it yours?" Shu Jialan paused, squinting his eyes, and the pattern of the sixth-grade black lotus on his bald head became deeper and deeper.

Zhu Dali chuckled: "I just took it out tonight, whose is it not mine? What is this cloth wrapped in, what does it look like specifically, what are the flaws... Can you tell me clearly? "

In his heart, he was frantically asking the Taoist master how to use this treasure, and whether he should take it out and shine a few times on the monk of the Black Lotus Temple.

Rat monk is not easy to deal with.

Right now, he is in the land of the heavens, and the high-level officials of Taipingdao have not been able to enter here. By himself, he is indeed not an opponent.

The Taoist Master Taiping in the mirror drew out his long sword dumbly.

how to use? If you yell that the world is peaceful, I will just jump out! Kill your pig Dali first, and then kill the mouse Jialan.

Tell you to be more natural, be more natural and put away the mirror.

You can't do anything well, you move exaggeratedly, and your big butt is twisting and twisting, which makes Shu Jialan notice something strange!

The Taoist master was tired and gave up. What a fart... just like what Chai Asi said, just do it.

"Whatever it is!" Shu Jialan said arrogantly: "The Buddha saw it first, it belongs to the Buddha! You said it was yours, why didn't you pick it up first, the Buddha must see it before picking it up?"

"My things, I can pick them up whenever I like, can you control them?" Zhu Dali also stared back without showing any weakness.

His confidence comes from the response from the Taiping God Fengyin.

Master Taiping said let him do whatever he wants!


Daoist Master, if the old man was not prepared, how could he send him, a Taiping ghost messenger with a low cultivation level, here? It should be known that there are so many strong people in the organization, but none of them were selected.

On this mirror, the master of Taoism must have set up a backhand.

Among the three officials, seven officials and nine missions, although Zhu Dali respectfully accompanied him at the bottom, he would not embarrass Tai Pingdao!

Seeing that the two sides are not giving in, there will be a bloody battle.

Lu Qilang suddenly said: "It is indeed the object of this Taiping ghost messenger."

"This object has the breath of this Taiping ghost messenger. Uh..."

At the moment when Shu Jialan confronted Taiping Guicha, his spiritual sense felt a kind of danger, as if some extremely evil existence was about to be released.

If he is allowed to be released, there may be a lot of blood on the scene, and he may not be without him...

At this time, the true face of Shenxiao's secret treasure was not revealed, and he didn't want to make any disturbance first. Therefore, the tone was very sincere, and he looked at Chai Asi again: "There is still the aura of this dog brother."

What he described was the fact of breath, and what he exported was a temptation.

Is there any connection between this Taiping ghost and the mysterious Chai Ahsi? Or even belong to the same organization?

Chai Ah Si waved his hands generously: "Oh, they were all at my house just now. It's inevitable that they brought my breath."

He hasn't forgotten his own structure yet, he can't kill needlessly, fight after fight, grab after grab, and try not to cause death or injury to these future pillars. So if he can persuade him to fight, he also persuades him.

After all, he is carrying the ancient magic mirror, God's will favors, the ancient god is with him, and the secret treasure here is already within easy reach. And why let these little monsters who are destined to be happy in vain, sweat and blood flow in vain?

Shu Jialan originally wanted to test the Taiping Guicha by force, and after arguing for so long, he couldn't really stay still, but Shikachiro has already stated his position, so there is no need to continue.

Lu Qilang's spiritual awareness is well known in the world, since he can feel the horror of the Taiping ghost, he took the initiative to ease the conflict. Then this Taiping ghost must be very scary...

So I just snorted: "Choose your way! After entering the secret treasure, each will use his own means!"

The softer the sheep smiled, the warmer the smile was, the more it made Shu Jialan feel ridiculed. The more he felt that the sheep were mocking him, the more cautious he became.

If he was injured here, the monks of Gu Nan Mountain would never show mercy to him.

If he kills a Yangyu, he will gain less than what he gained in Shenxiao's secret store, and the other party is no different.

"I choose the third road from the right." The mage of Gu Nanshan clasped his hands together and said, "My Buddha is merciful, cut meat to feed eagles, and walk with evil. If you can't walk together, you can also get neighbors."

If the twelve monsters present were to be assigned to these six roads, Xiong Sansi and Yu Xin, Zhu Lanruo and Zhu Ji, Yang Yu and Quan Xihua, these would naturally be three groups.

Lu Qilang looked at Chai Asi, Taiping Guicha had an extremely evil danger, and Haifeng Shajian had an unpredictable mystery. Compared with him, he was more interested in Haifeng Shajian.

"Si, this way!" Yuan Mengji had an expression of "I won't hide it" on his face: "Come here quickly, I'll take you away!"

This is the general I have taken under my command a long time ago! It cost a lot of money!

Not at this time, but when?

He is not stupid, even though Grandpa Yuan Xianting personally sent him in, but the inside and outside of this room are isolated, what happened really happened, Grandpa and his old man may not know it. And there are so many demon kings here, he really can't do anyone.

He knows Chai Ah Si's strength well. He has observed it several times in the arena, and at most he is a demon general. It doesn't matter whether you really want to take refuge or not, it's always not a problem to decide for yourself.

Walking with this kid all the way, all the gains are not all in my hands?

As for the mystery felt by other monsters... He didn't think about it in that direction at all. The cultivation level that Yuan Mengji saw with his own eyes, can there be a fake?

Chai Asi bared his teeth and smiled brightly: "Okay, Mr. Ape!"

He had already pre-determined the final victory, looking at these young monsters now, he really had the mood of "watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court". And let them make trouble, and let them laugh.

The fourth team hit it off.

All the monsters present looked at Yuanmengji with sympathy.

Only he himself has a kind of complacency that he tries to hide.

The teams in front are determined, and the remaining four monsters have no choice. It is impossible for Lu Qilang to walk with Snake Guyu, and it is impossible for Shu Jialan to walk with Pig Dali, both of which must be divided into life and death on the road.

Lu Qilang smiled softly, and said to Shu Jialan: "Monk Shu, I wonder if we are destined to travel together?"

Between Shu Jialan and Taiping Guicha, he made a choice. The latter gave him a dangerous premonition just now. Although he didn't lack courage, he didn't want to ask for trouble.

Shu Jialan didn't care about Snake Guyu and Lu Qilang, so he said with a smile: "You have a predestined relationship with my Buddha."

See this fight, that grab.

Zhu Dali didn't talk, he just felt vulgar.

You can go all the way with anyone, anyway, the Taoist master has arrangements.

Of course, being able to walk with Snake Guyu is a lot more pleasing to the eye.

She Guyu didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but after all the monsters had chosen their path, he silently followed Zhu Dali and walked into the tree-lined path.

Although they were on the same road, both sides were vigilant and kept a beautiful distance.

This is the first road from the right among the six passages in the Land of the Heavens, which is just the closest to the boulder that welcomes guests.



The exploration in the land of heaven has just begun.

The investigation outside Moyun City has ended.

Several sky demons were standing or sitting, scattered around the old Chai family house.

The real demon dog Ying Yang and the demon king Quan Shouzeng stood in the middle of the courtyard with bruised noses and swollen faces.

The owner of the Moyun dog family will report carefully.

"The parents of Chai Asi died in a mission on the Conferred God Stage. He grew up with his grandfather. His grandfather's name was Chai Zhengzhou, and he was indeed a general of my dog ​​family when he was young. Later, as he got older, I backed off..."

"When Chai Zhengzhou was alive, he wasn't outstanding. He didn't see any difference. He just had a relatively strong personality. He offended many colleagues. So the life of retiring was not easy, and he was even kicked out of the family by random excuses from his old rival... I am responsible for negligence in this matter.”

"As for the background, I haven't seen anyone for so many years. It's just that Chai Zhengzhou boasted when he was drunk, saying that he has the thin blood of Chai Yin, the great ancestor of the dog clan. Those soldiers will say a few words. , can’t be counted.”

"Chai Zhengzhou's demon was indeed killed by the bad boy Quan Xizai driving a car. At this time, I intervened. There was no reason, it was just because he didn't dodge and salute in time... It was my fault."


"After investigation, it was discovered that these imperial coins flowed out of Chai Asi's hands!"

Inuju Zeng spread out his palms, and there were a few five baht imperial coins piled up in his hands, which were also stained with blood from unknown origin.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Quu Xizai disappeared in Shiwanda Mountain a while ago, and most of the accompanying guards also disappeared. The imperial coins found this time have secret marks on them. This is what Quan Xizai's accompanying guards brought. money!"

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