Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1800 God's will touches a hidden reef in the deep sea

Chai Zhengzhou, who has a strong personality and has been tough all his life, is approaching old, and only teaches his grandson two words - bow your head.

Although he didn't do it himself, the scene of the blood splashing on the innocent face still taught his grandson the last lesson. Tell this little demon to remember, what is a lesson from the past, and what is not to repeat the same mistakes.

Before getting the ancient magic mirror, Chai Ah Si had always been like this, living with his tail between his legs as his grandfather taught him.

If you don't have true friends, you won't be accepted.

Yuan Yong blackmailed him arbitrarily, and Zhu Dali also looked down on him.

His childhood sweetheart fell into his arms, and he worked hard all day...for those blood-sucking leeches.

He went to the mountains to collect herbs so many times, it's not like he hasn't picked good herbs. But none of them were willing to use them for themselves, and none of them sold for a good price.

There are regulations on where you can sell it and at what price you can sell it. It has never been apparent in the text, but every monster must abide by the rules.

The herb shop he often goes to is even owned by Shenxiang Huahai, but it is opened in Moyun City, and must abide by the rules of Moyun City.

One herb, the Moyun City official eats one, the Moyun ape family eats one, the flowers and fruits that are handled will eat one, and the medicinal material store also has to make money... In the end, there are very few that can fall into the hands of the herb-gathering demon. .

Sad to say, Chai Asi has never owned so many five baht imperial coins. So even though he knew that the money was dangerous, he still kept it.

Of course, he wasn't careless. He also turned his hand several times through the black market to turn the money picked up from these corpses into clean money before he dared to spend it.

But under the full investigation of Moyun Dog's family, there are loopholes everywhere in his clumsy money laundering process.

One day the money was seen by the monster of Moyun Dog's family, and it is not difficult to trace the clues back.

Not today, but tomorrow.

At that time, Chai Ahsi was poor and then rich for a long time, and he was reluctant to let go. At that time, the ancient god in the mirror came to the demon world for the first time, and lacked sufficient understanding of the currency in this world. He did not find the hidden marks on these five baht emperor coins, and he did not realize the purpose of God at that time. Ideas for long-term development along the line...

So that this omission is left.

God's will, this might not be one of the causal lines to be exploded.

It could even be said... because of Jiang Wang's existence. The dangerous side of this causal line is almost inevitable.

Now it is just triggered in advance because of a little doubt of Hu Taisui.

Naturally, shortly after Quan Shouzeng finished the interrogation, Yuan Laoxi, Yuan Xiaoqing, father and daughter were escorted to Chai's old home.

Those who were escorted here together even included Chai Asi's younger brothers in the Huaguohui, crying for father and mother, wishing to confess when Chai Asi went to fart—not Dog Shou I didn't want to catch more, but Chai Ahsi really didn't have any relatives.

Yuan Laoxi, Yuan Xiaoqing, father and daughter were all scarred, obviously they had learned their lesson before they were brought here.

It was still Hu Taisui who said: "This is?"

"It's Chai Asi's Taoist companion." Quan Shou Zeng replied respectfully: "The dress in this room belongs to her. The one next to her is her old father, who is also the demon who led Chai Asi into the Huaguohui , contributed a lot in the process of Chai Asi's emergence."

The demon king Yuan Jiazheng, who was also called over for questioning, quickly nodded and said: "That's true. This Chai Ahsi has only joined the Huaguohui not long ago, and I didn't even have time to meet him."

Yuan Xianting's prestige is still there, but he is not slapped like Quan Juzeng. But the alcohol still dissipated, and he was very low-key, leaving no trace of responsibility.

"Everyone related to Chai Ahsi is here?" Hu Taisui was sitting at the gap in the courtyard wall at the moment, with a casual posture and majesty.

"It's basically here." Inuju Zeng replied.

Rusting in the darkness, is the voice of Deer Xingkong: "No father, no mother, no relatives, no relatives, not even many friends. If you want to do something, this is a very suitable identity."

"You guys are used to doing this..." Cicada Fayuan said with a smile, his face suddenly sank: "Move your hands away!"

"Ho ho ho." The deer, who is still hidden in the darkness, said, "Why don't you send this bell back to Gu Nan Mountain first? I'll help you watch it here. Your sheep The younger you are with the bald head, I, the uncle, will also help take care of it."

Cicada Fayuan once again repelled the power of Ji Xingkong, and said with a smile: "Keep it and kill you later."

Hu Taisui ignored them and only asked: "Basically?"

Quan Shou never dared to hide it, and said in a panic: "In the whole northern district, there was no one who got close to Chai Ahsi before, but he always hung out at the Old Ape Tavern. I have brought all the little demons involved. The whole In the Old Ape Tavern, only one of the top thugs who watched the field left, and he belonged to the pig clan. No one can tell where he went."

"Isn't this a coincidence?" Lu Ximing, who was standing beside the fragrant flowers, laughed softly: "There is also a hidden head and a naked tail in the land of the heavens. What is the way of peace, no one can tell where it came from."

"Old Ape Tavern again, this Laoshizi Old Ape Tavern is very complicated." Hu Taisui looked at Yuan Laoxi: "You opened it, right? You are very complicated?"

Just took a look at this, and continued: "Well... I was once sucked by evil things, and I was crippled long ago. Later, I went to the way of gods, but I recovered a little bit. But this life is just like that, interesting. Say Tell me, how did you get rid of that evil thing, and what kind of god do you believe in?"

Yuan Laoxi thought that he came here to stand trial because of Chai Asi's stealing into the land of the gods. This matter really has nothing to do with him.

I just didn't expect to pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, the sky demon took a look at him, and asked him about his deepest secret.

Immediately knelt down on the ground, hiding his mind with a respectful gesture. He also stated his evil deeds truthfully, showing that he had nothing to hide: "The old man was disturbed by a demon at the time. He was bloodthirsty and cruel. He had to be offered with blood regularly. But if there was a short period, he would suck my blood." I am obsessed with ghosts, and I took advantage of my identity as the Fragrance Lord of the Flower and Fruit Association to secretly collect blood for it for a long time. This is a sincere and evil deed, and it is really not a pity to die. But please be a lesson to the gods, the young female ape Xiaoqing is pure and innocent , not involved in evil..."

Xu is the heart of loving daughters, the world is the same. Zhuxian heard this, and added from the side: "There is indeed a corresponding record in the government office, and the time is right. However, the blood-eating activity did not continue later, and the government's willingness to investigate was not so strong. A newly hired magistrate is slowly investigating there. According to the laws of Moyun City, Yuan Xi cannot escape the death penalty, but this crime will not affect his family members..."

If Jiang Wang could hear this, he would be restless.

Because this is another dangerous causal line, even though he has made so much effort in the demon world and prepared so much hard, there are still troubles buried everywhere.

Even if he didn't come to the Chai family's old house tonight, even if he had the foresight to wipe out the dozens of five baht imperial coins, at Yuan Laoxi's place, he still might be caught by the vine.

And in the case of being targeted by God's will - all possible dangers will inevitably happen.

He steered a broken ship, repaired it, fought the wind and waves in the sea of ​​bitterness, moved forward bravely, never gave up for a moment, and desperately wanted to go home...

But in the deep sea of ​​God's will, there are too many reefs waiting to be touched!

Right now, the sky demon is in town, surrounded by armored soldiers. Ape Xiaoqing was so frightened that she was dumbfounded, sometimes it was her lover who had an accident, and sometimes it was her father who was in trouble, which made her heart shattered. Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I didn't know what to do. At this time, she thought of Chai Asi, but Chai Asi could not respond to her, nor could he save her old father.

Hu Taisui was still just sitting there with a big horse and a golden knife, sitting on the broken wall that had not been cleaned of broken bricks and stones, looking at Yuan Laoxi without saying a word.

Feeling the weight of this gaze, the ape old Xi Fudi's body was a little stiff, so he said stiffly: "As for the god that I believe in, I don't know him very well. I only know that he is a faceless god. Good deeds. Focus on doing things wholeheartedly, without fear of criticism. His image is allowed to be smeared by all living beings. At that time, He shot out the possessed demon and saved me from fire and water, so I believed in it. Since then, there has been no evil deed, and I have saved myself. He saved..."

Hu Taisui is still silent, and the silence is not enough.

But Yuan Laoxi prostrated himself on the ground, weeping, "The faceless god is mysterious and unpredictable. I don't know more about this old man!"

From the current point of view, this faceless teaching is indeed a good teaching. Yu Xin had also described it in Shenxiao Zhenmi earlier, and the whole city knew about it.

And what does this have to do with Chai Asi?

Yuan Xi didn't enter the land of heaven!

After all, it was the demon clan in Moyun City, Zhuxian opened his mouth, about to say something.

Hu Taisui turned his eyes away, and looked at Quan Shouzeng majestically: "You said before that you suspected that Chai Ah Si was the murderer who killed your son Quan Xizai and destroyed his body. However, other evidence has been found out. ?”

Quan Shou once said: "At that time, Zhu Lanruo of the Spider Family issued a bounty task of collecting poison on the Fengshentai. My son, Quan Xizai, admired a good relationship, and accepted the task to go to the mountain... At that time, Chai Asi also accepted it. The same mission. And it was after that trip down the mountain that Chai Asi stopped hiding himself."

"This Chai Ah Si, is it possible that he is not Chai Ah Si anymore?" said the voice of Deer Xingkong in the darkness.

Lu Ximing said: "No. Although it is blocked by the place of the gods and cannot really see clearly, but this Chai Ah Si's words, deeds, and spirit are in harmony with the body, and there is no inconsistency. How long has he returned from Shiwan Dashan? Even a true demon who is good at taking possessions, it is difficult to achieve such a level in a short period of time."

Real monsters can't do it, and real people can't do it either.

Zhu Yi originally wanted to mention that that period happened to be the Southern Heaven War, so she gave up.

"Really." Hu Taisui's tone was very light. Then he asked Inujuzeng, "All the monsters related to Chai Asi are here. Didn't you find anything useful?"

"No, their mouths are very hard." Quan Ju Zeng shook his head and said, "Because considering that several great ancestors still have to question, I dare not use too severe punishment."

Hu Taisui looked at Yuan Xiaoqing slowly, in the amber eyes, the depth was invisible and the power was unpredictable.

"It's not hard-spoken, it's not hard-spoken! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!" Yuan Xi, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, his expression tense: "I'll tell you what I know!"

Hu Taisui said in a regretful tone: "You have already said..."

Still looking at Yuan Xiaoqing: "Now tell me what you know."

"I...I..." Yuan Xiaoqing was very nervous, and said in a murmured voice: "I fall in love with Brother Chai, Brother Chai Ah Si, he... practices hard, he is very kind, and he received it. All the money is distributed to the subordinates..."

"Not these." Hu Taisui sighed with regret: "Forget it, I will do it myself."

Raising his big hand casually, Yuan Xiaoqing's delicate body was already kneeling in front of him, his whole head was held down by his big hand... his body froze suddenly!


Yuan Xi was like a fish that had been thrown ashore, his whole body twisted backwards. But I can't make a sound, and I can't move forward!

"Ah, she really doesn't know anything." Hu Taisui's tone was a little surprised.

With a loose hand, Yuan Xiaoqing's body slid down.

In an instant, her delicate body turned into dead flesh, and her youth was crushed into dust.

There is no time to say a last word in the future, or even a cry of pain in the future.

At this time, Hu Taisui sensed Yuan Laoxi's struggle and felt the pure and surging divine power, so he intentionally relaxed the confinement, and looked over with great interest——

The old and useless ape Laoxi was crying at the moment, looking embarrassed and disgusting.

From his throat, from the deepest part of his heart, he made a sound of anger, pain, and resentment.

"Since the ages, no one has died?"

"It's the same in life, there is no love or hate."

"You and I have no face, so they are painted by all living beings!"

At the last moment of his life, he did not call out his daughter's name, nor did he cry.

Because there is no hope in this world anymore, because there is no possibility to find any rationally, he can only pin on Misty, can only pin on...God!

His body and soul were burning, all as sacrifices, dedicated to the legendary ancient god.

He does not beg for the power of vengeance, knowing that is impossible. Even if it is the highest god in the divine way, it is impossible for him to give him the power to avenge the sky demon.

The more awake, the more painful.

At this point he just wanted to die.

Even if he burns everything to self-destruct, it is impossible to break a piece of Pohu Taisui's clothes.

Even if his secrets are insignificant, and his information cannot bring any help to Hu Taisui, he will die resolutely with his secrets and information!

This is his humble counterattack as a weak little monster.

Relying on his hard work during this period of preaching, the surging faceless divine power instantly filled his body.

But in the next moment, everything is still again.

God's will is mine.

Tian Yao decides everything.

If you die, you are not allowed to live.

If you want to live, you are not allowed to die!

You have no right to life and no freedom to kill yourself.

Hu Taisui didn't have any emotions, he still raised his hand casually, and pressed it on Yuan Laoxi's forehead... This body that was surging with vast divine power suddenly froze, trembled, and then went limp.

"Ancient Yama God?"

"Lord of Hell, King of Yama, God of Assassins?"

"King Biancheng?"

"In the glorious era, corresponding to the demon clan's hell in the demon clan's heaven?"

Hu Taisui finally laughed this time: "Interesting!"



"Great God Yan Luo, if you really exist, if you really have ancient power, please avenge me...please avenge me!"

This is the last message received by the ancient God Yan Luo in the land of the heavens.

From his devout followers, from the hard-working Pope of the Faceless God Sect.

From a frail old man.

A useless father.

The so-called ancient gods trapped in the mirror world have no response but a long silence.

But at this moment, the exploration of the land of the gods by a group of Yaozu Junyan is still going on.

Chai Asi, who was walking with Yuan Mengji, was still flattering cheerfully: "I have long seen that Mr. Yuan is destined to be noble and born extraordinary! But I never thought that you are the descendant of that Heavenly Venerable! You Tell me, how else can you say that your face is noble! Your eyebrows are so unruly..."

"Hahaha, speaking of this, Yuan Xiaoqing from the Old Ape Tavern and I are in love with each other! When we go back, I will ask you to marry me!"

"That's true! You are my half-brother. I have no father or mother. I was lonely since I was a child. Your eldest brother is like a father. Why can't you sit on the long seat?"

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