Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1805 Lan Yinxu Guo

The deep forest is getting darker, the road is farther and farther away, the spider is still in place, and its eyes are dull.

His demonic sign lies in his eyes, and he has already demonstrated related supernatural powers. But the pair of compound eyes, which can capture dynamics from multiple angles, did not respond at the moment.

It is a pool of stagnant water, with no waves in the wind.

He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice was also dull: "Five months ago, I got in touch with Uncle Hu from the Ziwu Hills, and he told me that Xiong Sansi was active in the Tianxi Wasteland. He asked me to pay attention to relevant news and pass it on to him at any time. Information...he paid me accordingly."

Hu Boqi is the wise general of Hu Taisui, known as the smartest brain in Ziwu Hills.

Before Xiong Sansi turned out to be born, he had always been the most famous demon king under Hu Taisui. Many major events in Ziwu Hills are planned by him behind the scenes.

Why should he pay attention to Xiong Sansi? Is it Hu Taisui's instruction, or his own idea?

If the spider orchid remained calm, she twirled her jade fingers lightly, let the sound of the piano curl up, soothing the danger in the old forest, and said softly: "What else?"

Zhu Hide said dully: "Uncle Hu also gave me a set of curse seals, saying that they are very targeted at Xiong Sansi. He said that if Xiong Sansi finds me, I can use this curse seal to protect myself."

"What is this set of spells like?"

The spider raised its finger stiffly in the air, about to draw it. But Dao Yuan circled his fingers and took a picture in mid-air, before he started, Zhu Lanruo stopped him again.

"Wait. Don't draw it for me."

Zhu Lanruo flicked a few notes.

Yujiao Shang Palace, Yujiao Shang Palace, Zheng Zheng Zheng.

Her voice also merged with the sound of the piano, jingle and melodious.

She said like this: "When I play this group of piano sounds again, you can directly issue this spell."

Spider Hide listened to the piano sound a little intoxicated, and his eyes became dull again: "Observe."

Hu Boqi is not a simple character, and the tiger Taisui is involved, and the danger is even more difficult to say. It is not a safe choice to see the curse mark rashly. Therefore, if Spider Orchid changed her mind temporarily, she would not feel the curse seal directly.

But it is also necessary to formulate a method of manipulation, and keep the preparations made by Hu Boqi for Xiong Sansi for his own use.

Zhu Yi played the role of thousands of puppet corpses, majestic everywhere.

She controls the heartstrings with the sound of the piano, and she also has supernatural powers.

This interrogation should have ended at this point, but Zhu Lanruo felt something, and asked cautiously: "What else?"

The spider froze for a while, with a struggling expression on his face.

Ding ding ding ding.

Zhu Lanruo plucked a few strings, but her voice became softer: "Don't be nervous, speak slowly, it's safe here, you won't be hurt. What you say... will not be heard by anyone."

Under the comfort of the piano sound, the spider's expression eased, and he said slowly: "Three years ago...Three years ago, I met Quan Yingyang in Mentougou."

Dog Ying Yang?

Ben just had doubts about the abnormality of the spider, and conducted a careful investigation in this environment that isolated the inside and outside and cut off the influence of all parties.

Finding out the design of Ziwu Hills is nothing more than that, so why did Ying Yang, the real demon dog, get involved?

Things are getting weirder!

Spider Orchid faintly felt that she seemed to have touched some kind of shadow at the bottom of the water. It was a gigantic and deep mouth that had sneaked in at some point, and was greedily opening its mouth to the Tianxi Wasteland!

Is it related to the land of the heavens? Or is it more involved?

How dare Quan Yingyang set up a trap against the sky demon, there must be something behind him!

From this, we can deduce the previous events. That time, Quan Yingyang made a big disturbance in Moyun City because of the death of Quan Xizai, and it didn't subside until the owner of Moyun City, Zhu Xian, made a move. Is there any deep meaning?

Thinking about it now, Quan Yingyang's reaction at that time was a little bit more intense, somewhat of a sudden surprise. Did he suspect that the death of Quan Xizai was related to the spider family? Are you wondering what the spider family found?

Even if you think about it simply, was the spider family's reaction at that time too gentle, so that the existence in the dark tested the existence of the sky spider empress, and glimpsed the reality of the sky spider empress?

Zhaoyun Peak is not far from Ancient Nanshan. Is there any plan by Gunanshan for this matter?

An undercurrent surged in my heart, but Zhu Lanruo's chords became more ethereal, and her voice became more gentle: "What is Quan Yingyang looking for you for?"

"He said he could help me become the Demon King sooner, so that I could truly become the direct blood of the Spider family."

"What about the conditions?"

Spider hideously said: "When the time is right, dedicate Zhu Lanruo to Quan Xizai."

The corners of Zhu Lanruo's mouth were slightly curved, and she smiled softly: "Whether this condition can be met, what will happen next?"

"Dedicated to Quan Xihua."

Quan Yingyang is a real monster, planning painstakingly, not just for the little things in his crotch.

He would not be so foolish as to think that if he lost himself to any young master of the dog family, he would dedicate himself wholeheartedly. The spider family will have corresponding sacrifices of interests.

Zhu Lanruo guessed that the key to this matter may lie in the details of the so-called "dedication". For the blood of the sky demon in his body? For your own natural supernatural powers? How will it involve the ancestors?

"Who is behind Quan Yingyang?" Zhu Lanruo asked softly.

"I don't know..." In the leisurely sound of the piano, the spider's eyes changed several times, as if he finally remembered something: "Maybe it's..."

At the moment when he opened his mouth and was about to come out, Spider Hide's expression changed suddenly, and he was about to wake up!

A jade finger was pressed between his eyebrows!

That kind of warm and gentle touch instantly soothed the waves in my heart.

If Zhu Lan knew that it was impossible to get any more information, if she continued to ask, she might suffer instead. There was some concern in my heart, and I only said calmly: "When you wake up, nothing happened, we are moving forward, and there is still a long way ahead."

She withdrew her fingers, the chords continued, she moved lightly with lotus steps, and continued to move forward.

There is a girl named Lan Ruo in the spider family, who is born with rainbow light.

Fate is extremely expensive and talent is extremely high.

When she was born, Zhu Yi came to her personally, and she inherited the name of the descendant. She does not need to be a demon king to become the descendant of the Tianxi Spider family.

He has been hiding his strength for a long time, so as to avoid attracting evil spirits.

And the innate supernatural powers that she brought out from her mother's womb are myths in myths, legends in legends, named "Lan Yin Xu Guo".

It originally refers to the beginning and end of separation, an unfortunate ending, and describes the marriage of men and women.

But the supernatural power in this name emphasizes the grasp of cause and effect.

If the sea of ​​bitterness turns around, you will realize Lan Yin early. If you don't fall in love with the passing water, how can you taste the fruit!

Just now she took advantage of the spider's life path to safely observe several karma.

It can be seen that the snake is entangled in blood and evil, or has extremely evil things, or has extremely evil abilities.

It can be seen that there is a specific existence hidden behind Chai Ah Si, not only leaving behind some means, but also possibly accompanying him personally.

It can be seen that Yu Xin is not a simple person, and it really has something to do with this secret treasure of the gods.

It is not easy to see all kinds of monsters and all kinds of things, and they all have "Lan Yin".

Just look at the end, who will serve "Xuguo"?

The graceful figure was swaying in front of her, and the spider walked along blankly for a while, then opened her eyes in a trance, her spirit returned to her place, and she didn't feel any difference. The compound eyes inspected the surroundings, and did not see anything amiss.

"Let's be careful of Xiong Sansi, Hu Taisui might use him for something." He continued to discuss.

Zhu Lanruo said softly, "It's dangerous here, brother, be careful."

"Hey." The spider was stunned for a moment: "Hey!"



Chai Ahsi seemed to have had a very long dream.

In the dream, he accidentally picked up a precious mirror while going into the mountains to collect herbs.

In the mirror lies a benevolent and ancient deity.

The ancient god admired him very much, passed on his magical skills, taught him how to practice, and taught him how to please the banshee.

In the dream, he had already made his mark and became a high-ranking member of the Flower and Fruit Club. He became famous in the Jinyang Martial Arts Club, won the Beauty Girl, and competed with the demon seeds from all over the demon world for the legendary secret treasure of the gods...

Wake up, wake up is a big dream.

He is still in his dilapidated old house, still lying on a hard bed.

There are only four walls around.

There are no shrines on the walls... there are no shrines on the walls.

He sat on the bed in a daze, feeling lost.

Although I have lived mediocrely for so many years, I have been used to it for so many years. Life is sluggish, without surprises, without expectations. Ten years ago, ten years later can be predicted.

He has long been used to it, and never feels that there is anything wrong with it.

But after such a dream, everything that should be normal around him becomes unbearable.

So... is it really just a dream?

"Si, Si?"


With a crisp slap, Chai Asi opened his eyes somewhat at a loss.

Immediately, he felt the burning pain on his face, and saw Yuan Mengji's rounded palm.

"Are you awake?" Yuan Mengji grinned.

what happened?

Chai Ahsi jumped up, holding the sword and looking around, his eyes were alert. But I saw the forest was deep and faint, the road ahead was winding, the sun was not visible, and the wind was not heavy... I really don't know what happened!

This slightly rough fighting posture once again verified Yuanmengji's judgment of his strength, and also made Yuanmengji smile more sincerely.

"Look at you, you're too young! You couldn't stand the wind and waves, so you fainted?" He waved his hands indiscriminately: "It's a good thing that you are with me. If you want to call Quan Xihua and the others, you can't do it." Easily solved you?"

Looking at the big teeth bared at close range, Chai Ah Si really wanted to stab them with a set of secret swordsmanship. This incompetent son, brother, doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and can't tell the difference between east, west, north, and south! Smile at you a few times, you really feel that you are amazing. Do you know that Lao Tzu's master can crush you to death with one finger?



"Grandpa Ancient God?"

"Say something, don't scare me!"

The heart called out one after another, but there was no answer for a while.

Feeling the silence of the precious mirror on his chest, Chai Asi's temper also became silent.

"Young Master Ape!" He looked over gratefully: "What happened just now?"

"You don't have any memory at all?" Yuan Meng said in surprise: "Just what happened just now, it's not been a few breaths."

Chai Asi said obsequiously: "How can a little demon compare with Mr. Ape?"

He smiled wryly and shook his head again: "I really don't remember anything!"

Yuan Mengji smiled, and said in a loud voice: "Just now there was a stunning woman who blocked the way and asked me how to choose Jiangshan. The stunning beauty is not my intention, this life is only for cultivating the pinnacle...severely rejected her..."

This guy explained in detail how the stunning woman seduced him coquettishly, and how he refused with dignity.

Hearing that the veins in the back of Chai Ah's four hands were twitching, he couldn't help holding the sword.

Only then did he conclude: "...When I came back, I saw you lying on the side of the road. Maybe she didn't like you, she just stunned you!"

"Yes, how can I be as heroic and powerful as Mr. Ape?" Chai Ahsi angrily endured.

He didn't know whether the ancient gods and gods were sleeping again to recover their strength, or if they were affected by some kind of influence from the land of the sky... In short, they couldn't talk to each other for a while, and they felt empty and hopeless.

"It's a long way to go, and the storm is dangerous, so I have to rely on you a lot, Young Master Yuan!"

"Fine! Follow me, you can be regarded as smoke from the ancestral grave!"

The ancient god venerable who was repeatedly called by Chai Ahsi stood in the mirror world at this moment, holding the long sword in his hand, his eyes turned red, and he did not dare to move, let alone respond to the believers.

When the real body enters the world in the mirror, outside the space opened up by several calamities, there has always been a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing can be seen.

For the first time this time there was an accident.

At this moment, in the white mist, it seems that some monster is struggling, and the white mist is rolling endlessly!

I don't know whether this change was good or bad, but it undoubtedly made him very nervous.

Speaking of which, when he accidentally entered the land of the heavens, he also thought about the mechanism of the land of the heavens and whether he could detect his existence. If he walks here in the mirror, will he also undergo the same test as other monsters.

The red makeup mirror hidden in his real body was clearly placed on Zhu Dali. But on the road that Zhu Dali walked, he was calm in the mirror.

The fate that Zhu Dali encountered was in vain. He directly manipulated Zhu Dali's body to run it over without any impact.

On the contrary, Chai Ahsi only used the divine seal method to contact, but suffered setbacks!

Of all the nonsense that Yuan Mengji said, only the first sentence is true.

There was indeed a stunning banshee before, blocking the way forward.

It's also really colorful.

But he didn't make any gestures.

Because the moment she appeared, it was just a look up...Yuan Mengji and Chai Asi were already fascinated, one was more stupid than the other, and each of them grew longer than the other.

With such a poor performance, it is difficult not to be at the bottom of the six roads.

But Jiang Wang, who has been paying attention to the situation on Chai Asi's side, couldn't just watch Chai Asi be erased casually, so the power descended through the red heart seal immediately.

Things change at this moment.

There was a circle of golden light around Yuan Mengji's body, presumably it was the method left by the Heavenly Demon Yuan Xianting to help him block the danger.

But Jiang Wang in the mirror world opened his red eyes, and what he saw through the red makeup mirror was not a woman at all, but...a dragon!

It drives thick clouds, soars high into the sky, and turns thick fog.

In this old forest path, explore the towering dragon's head.

Its long beard is like a whip, shaking in the air. Between breathing, you can see the towers and pavilions.

The dragon eyes are as big as a house, dark golden in color, and indifferent.

There are forked horns like a deer on the head, a red mane grows from the neck to the back, and the dark earth-colored scales grow backward from the waist to the back.

"Youyang Zazu" contains: "less than half of the body of the mirage is completely reversed."

This is Mirage Dragon!

There shouldn't be dragons in the demon world, but in this land of heaven, there is such a majestic mirage dragon.

When Jiang Wang saw him, he was also seen by him.

The mirage dragon whose real body stretches like a mountain range just slightly raised his eyes.

There was not a single word, but Jiang Wang already felt the contempt and cruelty in it.

Then it moved.

Brought up by a strong wind like a tornado, his body flowed like a torrent...Jiang Wang seemed to see a towering giant mountain and bumped into it head-on.

This mirage dragon... unexpectedly found his real body through the connection of the god seal, and crashed into the mirror world.

The power of his spiritual sense that he was proud of, was as weak as a catkin before this majestic torrent, and it was hard to beat it!

The possibility of destruction that he felt at that moment almost caused him to see the boundless darkness.

The sauvignon blanc he held tightly, also couldn't see the possibility of cutting out bright colors in the dark.

But in the next moment—

The mirage dragon let out a wail, passed by him unexpectedly, and crashed into the white mist.

roll! endlessly!

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