Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1806

Jiang Wang looked at what happened before him in astonishment.

I couldn't see what happened in the depths of the white mist at all, I could only hear the moaning of the mirage dragon, which was very miserable.

How could there be any prestige of scorning God's presence and killing Tianjiao at will?

He has always been aware of the mystery of the red makeup mirror. Although he has benefited a lot, every time he goes through a catastrophe, he is close to death. So much so that now that he has achieved the realm of gods, he doesn't dare to try the catastrophe in the mirror again—without him, he used to have nothing, so he could only fight with his life. Look for opportunities. Now, relying on his own efforts, he has blasted the future out of the way, and can go straight forward step by step.

With a majestic formation, there is no need to seek narrow victory.

It has been several years since he got the red makeup mirror. This treasure has accompanied him through life and death. But until now, he dare not say that he really understands the red makeup mirror.

The origin of this thing is not clear to Hu Shaomeng and Hai Zongming, nor is he, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi.

There are not many clues, all in several calamities.

I probably know that the former owner of the red makeup mirror was a woman, and this woman had an enemy named "Fu Hai".

Later, he deliberately consulted a lot of overseas information, but he still didn't know who "Fu Hai" was.

In fact, if it weren't for this sudden trip to the demon world, he would have to hide in the mirror. As his status and cultivation continued to rise, he gradually no longer needed the red makeup mirror.

He must face the danger of the red makeup mirror with caution.

It's just that at the moment when he heard the mirage dragon moaning in the thick fog, he suddenly remembered that when Senior Guan Yan and the old dragon of Senhai competed for the jade balance, the red makeup mirror also had a special performance.

At that time, the Senhai old dragon had already invaded his body, and his life and soul were linked together, his blood flowed together, his muscles and muscles were integrated, and his life and death were linked together, which made senior Guanyan cast a taboo... The Senhai old dragon who defeated Yuheng, with this move, already Get out of the way. At that time, it was the red makeup mirror that jumped out suddenly, which determined the old dragon of Senhai, and gave Senior Guan Yan a gap to peel it off.

Coupled with the sudden pull of the mirage dragon into the thick fog this time, can it be said that the red makeup mirror has a strong targeting effect on the dragon clan? Is it possible to infer the power of the red makeup mirror from the direction of the Dragon Control Tool?

There is no doubt that Senhai Laolong should have some understanding of the red makeup mirror. But ten out of ten sentences that the old dragon said were unbelievable. The fact that he doesn't know the red makeup mirror is enough for the old dragon to make a fuss about. If you ask rashly, you will fall into a trap in all likelihood.

Jiang Wang believes in the cunning of the old dragon, and also understands his shallow experience.

Before the old dragon was completely subdued, Jiang Wang would never show his ignorance of the red makeup mirror in front of him, and would never ask him any questions about the red makeup mirror.

In this way, the red makeup mirror itself is an existence that the old dragon has to fear.

But having said that, why didn't Jiang Wang have any fear of the red makeup mirror?

The unknown is the greatest fear.

He knew that the red makeup mirror was special and powerful, but he didn't know how extraordinary it was. This unpredictability is itself a danger.

The power of the mirage dragon, at least at the level of spiritual consciousness, is absolutely infinitely close to that of a true god. But it was dragged into the white mist so easily, without even making a strong resistance.

What is in the white mist?

With the long sword in his hand, Jiang Wang stared closely at the depths of the white mist, only to see that the tumbling white mist gradually subsided, and the mourning of the mirage dragon gradually faded away...and finally became silent.

The mirage just disappeared.

Like a stone falling into the lake, there are only ripples at the first moment of entering the water, and after the ripples gradually dissipate, there is nothing left.

But the mirage dragon is definitely not an ordinary stone. What kind of terrifying lake is in the depths of this red makeup mirror?

Today, the mirage dragon is devoured, and the mirage dragon is powerless to resist. If Jiang Wang wants to devour him tomorrow, is there any way for him to protect himself?

Jiang Wang stayed for a while, but nothing else changed in the white mist.

He thought for a while, and said cautiously: "The junior has benefited a lot from bothering you for a long time. I want to express my gratitude to the senior in person. I wonder if there is a chance for this?"



No matter how you call, there is no response from the depths of the white mist.

I tried all the methods I could think of, but no matter what strength I had, I couldn't penetrate into the depths of the white mist. Dao Yuan fell into the white mist, still the same as before, without any feedback.

If it weren't for the remaining power of the mirage dragon, Jiang Wang almost thought that he had just experienced a fantasy dream.

"Hello, are you there?"

"Are you still there, senior?"

"Are you full, my lord?"


After changing the title several times in a row, he subconsciously called out "Shangzun". Jiang Wang was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

I feel a little more about the wonder of fate and the coincidence of karma.

How similar is his call to the unknown deep in the red makeup mirror at this moment to Chai Asi's call to him?

God's will is dark, all living beings.

He is the ancient god in the mirror, mysterious, great and profound. He is also Chai Ah Si, ignorant and ignorant, struggling to survive.

The chess game of heaven and earth is full of time, and the player who holds the chess is also a chess piece!

Anyway, the red makeup mirror swallowing mirage dragon helped him again. The secrets in the meantime, if you have enough cultivation in the future, you may be able to get it yourself.

Jiang Wang simply withdrew his sword, stopped paying attention to the depths of the white mist that made him worry about gains and losses, and turned his attention back to the outside of the mirror, into the heavenly place.

The future is unpredictable, so we can only cultivate ourselves diligently and wait in silence.

But just when Jiang Wang gave up on the investigation, the white mist was faint, and there was a cry.

It's like Haitangchun waking up, and it's like a big dream that people don't know.

Jiang Wang stays in the five mansions, grasps the supernatural powers, and treats them with dignity.

He has a long history of research on the sound and hearing, so of course he can hear that this voice is from the same source as the female voice he heard in the mirror before.

It's just that in Flying Snow Tribulation, the voice was indifferent and emotionless. In Covering the Sea, mentioning Covering the Sea is full of hatred. In the interrogation of the heart, there is a kind of sad emotion... To this day, although there is only a meaningless soft moan, it is so real and vivid.

It seems that a long-sleeping existence is waking up.

Think about it now. The changes in the three catastrophes of Feixue, Fuhai, and Wenxin, while he grew through the catastrophe in the mirror, did the red makeup mirror itself also absorb nutrients?

It's like he is hiding in the red makeup mirror and remotely controlling Chai Ahsi. In the depths of the red makeup mirror, is there someone who is really sleeping?

His purpose is to escape from the demon world and go home. If the owner of the red makeup mirror really exists, what is her purpose?

But deep in the white mist, there was no second sound.

But somewhere in the dark, Jiang Wang suddenly had a feeling that he seemed to understand the meaning of this whisper——


And 【Eating Dragon】.

She seems to be born to be understood, and the thoughts hidden in her every word and every action should be interpreted repeatedly.

The person who is closely related to the red makeup mirror must be a very noble existence. Even if it's just a soft moan, there's something natural about it. She has been served for about her whole life, and with a look or an expression, someone understands her needs. The world revolves around her.

Even Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi had to understand her unspoken words.

But having said that, where can I get another dragon?

It is unbelievable that a dragon appeared in the land of the heavens. After Jiang Houye's observation in the demon world, the monster race hates the dragon race even more than the human race!

In the three officials, seven officials, and nine missions of Taipingdao, he casually made a lie, Zhu Dali once resisted Taipingdao, and almost quit the organization. It wasn't until he explained that the position of the dragon guard was dedicated to hunting and killing the dragon clan that Zhu Dali smiled.

It can be seen from this that the monster race hates the dragon race.

As long as a dragon dared to appear in the demon world, it would be torn to the point that its scales could not be seen. I don't know what happened to this mirage dragon.

Maybe... the Senhai old dragon downstairs in Yuhengxing can be used?

No, that was reserved by senior Guan Yan for his own use.

If you want to fully understand the secrets of the red makeup mirror, you may have to wait for the success of your practice in the future, and go through the sea...

"It is said that the land of Shenxiao has a lot of secrets and dangers, and everyone is like facing an enemy. I don't think so, it's very easy to walk!" On the forest path, Yuanmeng spoke nonsense.

"I don't even look at who is going this way! Wizards are blessed by God, you are deeply blessed, and the land of heaven will not make things difficult for you!" Chai Asi followed suit, boasting from the hair. to the sole of the foot,

Compared with the treacherous and miraculous paths taken by Zhu Dali and Snake Guyu, the paths taken by the two of them are indeed calm—if the mirage dragon is not counted.

Even the whirling shadows of the trees are somewhat beautiful.

Ape Dream is protected by means left by Yuan Xianting, and Chai Asi is protected by a great ancient god. In a sense, they are indeed blessed.

So much so that when the other teams were struggling desperately, the two weakest could still talk and laugh happily and enjoy the scenery.

Jiang Wang sits alone in the mirror world and compares and observes the two roads to the sky, but he has different feelings.

The red makeup mirror is obviously hidden in the body of Dali, a ghost in Taiping.

But the mirage dragon that Chai Asi and Yuan Mengji encountered directly penetrated into the red makeup mirror.

At that time, Jiang Wang suddenly realized——

The six roads in the forest in the land of the gods were originally one road. Six groups of twelve demons, Ben walked together... Although they couldn't see each other, their experiences were different.

There must be some kind of connection between these six roads. If this connection can be found, perhaps we can gain insight into the deep rules of the land of the heavens.

What is the key to this connection?

"What's in front?" Yuan Mengji's voice suddenly sounded.

Chai Ahsi looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "It seems to be a stone tablet."

Yuan Mengji raised his chin: "Go and have a look."

Chai Asi scolded his mother secretly in his heart, he responded obediently, raised his sword and poked forward.

Yuan Meng walked behind very carefully.

Jiang Wang, who came from the perspective of the descending of the seal of God, didn't say a word, there was really some danger, he would pull this Mr. Ape to prevent the disaster... Let's see what Ape Immortal Court does.

But maybe it was really a good fortune, and the two demons went all the way to the stele, but nothing happened.

Walking through the curved corner, the few big trees that obscured it were no longer in the field of vision, so I could see the true appearance of the stone tablet clearly.

This stele is very simple, square and square, without any extra decorations.

There are four characters of Dao engraved in the middle, with silver hooks drawn on iron, and there is a sense of correctness that cannot be changed, as if what is engraved here is the truth of the world.

The word says——

"The dragon is originally a demon!"

In front of the solemn obelisk in this quiet old forest, the two young monsters looked at each other in blank dismay.

How many years ago did that happen to the Dragon Clan! After the demon clan retreated from the demon world, they never saw a dragon clan again, nor did they have any discussions. Seeing this word suddenly now is a bit strange.

Jiang Wang, who was hiding in the world in the mirror, was stunned on the spot. These four words instantly helped him clear the fog of history, allowing him to vaguely see the silent truth in the long river of time.

At this time, he felt that the supernatural power seeds representing the true fire of samadhi were very transparent, and his "knowledge" of the world was greatly supplemented, and his heart suddenly became enlightened!

In the records of the ancient history of the human race.

Monsters and humans have coexisted in ancient times, and monsters are the advanced form of monsters after they have cultivated to a certain stage. In ancient times, the monster race was evil to the world, enslaving hundreds of races including the human race. Later, the human race rose up, and the flames continued to unite with hundreds of races to resist the monster race. After successive sacrifices, they won the final victory.

Of course, at the level of Lord Jiang, he is already qualified to know part of the historical truth. Understanding that monsters are actually human creations is also an important reliance for the human race to fight against the heavenly monster race.

In the historical records of the Yaozu, demons are monsters, and beasts are beasts. They have recorded in detail the process of the human race stigmatizing the Yaozu and confusing monsters and beasts.

The glorious era described in the history of the monster race is the dark age recorded in the history of the human race.

The brilliance depicted in the history of the human race is all soaked in the blood of the monster race.

Looking back at history in this way, the truth in the long river of time gradually wiped away the dust...

The human race and the monster race have their own positions, but regardless of the history of the human race or the monster race, it is recognized that the dragon race played a very critical role in the decisive battle in ancient times.

Although there is no more written evidence to support it, after living in the demon world for so long, combined with the knowledge he has gained in the past, and seeing the four words in front of him, Jiang Wang instantly understood all the clues. This judgment was confirmed in my heart——

At first, the Dragon Clan, the Sea Clan, the Water Clan, and the Monster Clan... were originally a family!

The Dragon Clan was originally a branch of the Monster Clan, a category among hundreds of genus and thousands of species, and it was the existence that ruled over all water monsters.

It's just that at the end of the ancient times, for unknown reasons, the dragon clan led all the water monsters to join the human camp, officially breaking with the monster clan.

Hereafter referred to as "aquarium".

The Human Race and the Water Race formed an alliance from that era, and it has continued until now. They can always be regarded as close comrades-in-arms. In some countries, the Water Race can even enter the palace as ministers... Of course, the relationship between the Human Race and the Water Race, in the development of history, There were also huge changes.

For example, in the Middle Ages when the troubles of the monster race had been completely resolved, conflicts arose among the human and aquatic races, and finally reached the point of irreconcilability.

So there was the Lieshan clan who chased the dragon clan into the sea, making the dragon clan extinct from the world, and disappeared from the world. There is only one true dragon in the world, and that is Changhe Dragon Lord of Yongzhen Changhe.

The Shui Clan split again, and one branch was still the Shui Clan. Under the command of Changhe Longjun, it recognized the sovereignty of the human race over the present world and belonged to the existence of the human race. The other branch followed the Dragon Clan retreating into the sea, and gradually evolved into the current Sea Clan in the harsh environment of the sea.

Since the dragon clan is a monster clan, why don't they show a monster shape, but a beast body?

Why both the mirage dragon I just saw and the old Senhai dragon suppressed in the Yuheng Star Tower all appeared in the body of a beast?

That's because in the process of fighting against the sea, for the continuation of the group, the sea clan has undergone fundamental changes, and the real body has become a beast shape that is more suitable for the environment of the sea.

until today. The demon clan trapped in the demon world still sticks to their self-awareness and regards themselves as the most noble race in the heavens and myriad worlds. A demon is a demon, a beast is a beast, and the two are clearly distinct.

But in the definition of the Sea Clan, those who have not yet opened their minds are sea beasts. If the mind is open, then it is the Sea Clan...Under the pressure of survival, all previous norms are untenable.

The dragon clan is in the shape of a beast, but they are the first soldiers, the first of the sea clan!

"Why such a stele?" In front of the solemn square stele, Chai Asi said in puzzlement, "There are no dragons here either!"

"Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness." Yuan Mengji, who also didn't know that he had just encountered a mirage dragon, was still talking loudly, teaching his younger brother: "You know nothing about the great ancestor of Shenxiao!"

"I would like to hear more about it!" Chai Ah cast four thirsty eyes over him.

After all, Yuan Mengji is the young master of the Moyun noble family, so he has some real talents and knowledge, and has a certain understanding of history.

"This is a historical secret, and I am the only one who can tell you about it kindly!"

He looked at the obelisk in front of him, recalled the history, and sighed: "The most important move of the Great Patriarch Shen Xiao when he fought for the title of Demon Emperor was to lead the return of the Dragon Clan, so as to gain enough bargaining chips to fight against the Demon Emperor. For this For such a big event, he once ventured into the present world and went deep into the sea... but this plan failed in the end, and the great ancestor of the gods also left the sea of ​​chaos."

In the increasingly quiet deep forest, the ape demon looked around and said mysteriously: "Maybe there really are dragons here!"

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