Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1807

The deep woods, the solemn obelisk, the furtive ape Mengji, the mysterious tone...

Chai Asi was startled, and became vigilant.

I always feel that the shadow in the forest is not right, it seems to be the shadow of a certain dragon clan.

The monster clan and the dragon clan are incompatible!

Even though they all said that, if they found the traces of the Dragon Clan, they should pounce on them. However, my own strength is not enough, I have to keep a useful body for the Yaozu, and it is the best policy to avoid it.

No matter how much you despise the Dragon Clan, you must admit the strength of the Dragon Clan.

Although the monster clan is a family of the heavenly family, hundreds of genus and thousands of classes have their own strengths, but there is always a difference in length... No matter how they are arranged, the dragon clan is at the top.

Chai Ah Si has no confidence to face the situation without being able to contact the Supreme Master. Seeing Yuan Mengji's cowardly behavior, it's obviously not good.

"Young Master Yuan, why don't we hurry up?" Chai Asi suggested in a low voice.

Yuan Mengji nodded, his voice was also very low: "It's not that I'm afraid of anything, the main reason is that we are in a hurry."

The two demons tiptoed past the obelisk quietly.

That time has also passed.

The last demon emperor in ancient times had died in the process of opening up the demon world. Those who died together were his relatives. From then on, there is no trace, only one hundred and eight demon life orbs are left in the world, and only this stable new world.

Since the ancient demon emperor died, he sacrificed his blood relatives, paving the way for the next demon emperor appointed by him.

The new demon emperor succeeded to the throne, rose from the predicament, supported the sky, and led the demon clan to support that precarious time... That was the ancient era described by the human race.

From that time until now, the lords in the Taikoo Imperial City have been passed down for another four generations.

What Yu Zhen was fighting for back then was the position of the third generation of Demon Emperor after the opening of the Demon Realm. He lost to the statue still standing in the ancient imperial city, presided over the "Central Hill bloody battle", known as the most powerful demon emperor Yuan Xi since the New Territories.

That war, the most boastful in the history of the Yaozu New Territories, almost brought the human race back to the present world. It once changed the situation of the entire race war, turning the Yaozu from defense to offense...

To compete with Yuanxi Yaohuang, one must have a big picture and great courage.

"Dragon is originally a demon" is a historical truth and also Yu Zhen's political program back then.

Follow the example of the history of the beacon fire in the world and the hunting of demons by hundreds of clans. It can be said that it has learned a lesson from the disintegration of the glorious era, and must unite all forces that can be united to counterattack the human race.

But the ideal is always plump and moving, but the present world is always sick and bony.

Although the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

But when it comes to the "return of the Dragon Clan", it is far from easy.

For the monster race, the human race and the dragon race are life and death enemies, which one is more hateful?

That is to say, now that the human race dominates the world and overwhelms all worlds, the monster and sea races, as the underdogs being suppressed, have a basis for cooperation.

In order for the Dragon Clan to return, the first thing to solve is the mutual trust between the Monster Clan and the Dragon Clan.

For the Yaozu, they were already betrayed by the Dragon Clan once, so how could they hand over their confidants to the Dragon Clan again?

As far as the Dragon Clan is concerned, they also know how deep the stabbing in ancient times was. How can they believe that Yaozu really has the sincerity to cooperate, instead of trying to drive away tigers and devour wolves, and plot to settle accounts after autumn?

Yu Zhen dived into the world, went to the sea in person, and with the life and death of a peerless powerhouse of the monster clan, he pushed this matter forward a huge step... It has to be said that this was an act of extraordinary courage.

Every man takes life and death lightly, and does it in a fit of anger. It is not a great courage to show off your blood for a while.

When it comes to the son of a thousand gold, you have to "sit down".

At the level of Yuzhen back then, he didn't have to do anything. He was already at the top of the world, but he could still devote everything to his political ideals... It's no wonder that he has been away from the sea of ​​chaos for so many years, and he has never been seen again. Has been sung as a legend.

The return of the Dragon Clan to the Monster Clan led by Yu Zhen failed in the end, and the details were not passed on to the world. The so-called historical truth can only be explored in the depths of time.

The only thing Yuan Mengji knows is that there is indeed a vague record in history that the Dragon Clan was indeed moved by Yu Zhen's words. Some real dragons even returned to the demon world with Yu Zhen...

That is to say, it is really possible for the Dragon Clan to exist in the Land of the Heavens today.

But in today's general environment, there is no longer the possibility of the return of the Dragon Clan. If there is really a dragon clan in this place, if he really met him, he might not have the chance to say hello.

So he did as he wanted, and walked down the steps of Chai Asi, his steps were particularly brisk.

Not a monster, not a dragon, Jiang Wang, who viewed this period of history from the standpoint of the human race, had a different sense of grandeur in his heart.

Whether it is Yu Zhen who took risks with his own body, went deep into the sea, and led the return of the Dragon Clan.

It was still the water tribe led by the dragon tribe, which retreated into the sea, and the dragon turned into a beast. From then on, the dragon of the East China Sea will never see the monster form.

It made him feel the magnificence of history.

A period of magnificent stories, ups and downs in the long river of time. No matter which passage you pick up, there are generous articles from that era.

For thousands of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years, the human race has been fighting against such a respectable opponent.

It was precisely in front of such a powerful enemy that the sages of the human race firmly controlled the present world, protected the peace of the human race, and consolidated the status of the master of the human race in the present world.

Today people look at the past, how can we not appreciate it?

At this moment, Jiang Wang needs to think more about his own situation.

From the road of Zhu Dali and Snake Guyu to the road of Chai Asi and Yuan Mengji.

From fountain of youth to mirage dragon.

This so-called land of the gods is far more complicated than imagined. It is not just a place to preserve the inheritance of skills. Tian Yao pays attention and settles down.

Tens of thousands of years of dust seem to have never buried this place.

This place has never become sluggish because of the long time, but it gave Jiang Wang a feeling that was close to the original mountain and sea environment.

Timeless and free to grow.

Dead water must not be like this, there must be a living source in it.

The "living source" of the mountain and sea realm is the legend left by Huang Weizhen, the memory of the people in Chu, and the natural evolution of all living beings in the mountain and sea realm... It is Huang Weizhen who will eventually return on the top of the mountain.

What is the "living source" of the land of the heavens?

Is it possible that it is the legendary deity of the Yu clan?

He was able to compete with the Demon Emperor at the beginning, which was far from being comparable to ordinary demons. Maybe it is the peak of the sky demon, or maybe it is already on the top. Is he really willing to disappear?

Is he somewhere, looking here?

Jiang Wang told himself repeatedly that he must think more. Even if it's just a chess piece played by God's will, even if there are big hands covering the sky outside the chessboard, even if the ending has already been determined by the chess player...

Also look up.

Now that you understand the fundamentals of the Six Ways, you know that several teams are actually practicing in the same place.

It has been determined that there must be a "living source" in the land of Shenxiao.

So, what is the connection between these six paths? What is the source of life in the land of the heavens?

Only by finding out the answers to these two questions, will it be possible to find a chance to get out of the current deadlock!

It's hard. But it is better to have a chance than to have no chance compared to the moment when there is no clue and no hope.

At this time, the sky is dimly lit, and the forest is deep and gloomy.

In the land of the heavens, the sun, moon and stars are not seen.

Jiang Wang silently drew a mark with his long sword, and wrote it down, this was the fifth hour after the six teams set foot on the forest path.



As you go deeper, the leaves turn a bloody red, and there are white catkins floating in the looks like broken feathers.

There are indeed broken feathers among them.

That is Yu Xin's demon sign.

Yu Xin's fragmented body was scattered in the forest meaninglessly.

Xiong Sansi held the bleeding knife in his right hand, looked at his open left palm, and muttered to himself: "Ten years... how many ten years are there in this life?"

Now he is walking alone in the forest, for some reason, Yu Xin's voice always echoes in his ears——

"If I don't spread the news, on my own, how can I fight with you?"

"I really treat you like a brother and share everything with you. But what do you think of me? What have you done behind my back, do you think I don't know? You really think I'm stupid!?"

"The attack was also arranged by you, right? Just to stand up and save me and gain my trust, right?"

"You have attracted so many sky demon seeds here, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Xiong Sansi! From the beginning to the end, you just used me as a pawn!"

"You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

"Didn't you think of it? I really have the blood of the Great Patriarch Yuzhen. My family has already prepared for me. As soon as I enter the land of the gods, I will have a sense! Today is up to you to try my jade body! "

"Brother Xiong, Brother Xiong! Let me go! Spare me once!"

"Brother Xiong, come, let's drink. I stole this from the old man."

"Nobunaga Yu is so old, he doesn't have any true friends. I'm really happy to know my brother!"

ten years.

Ten years is too long.

But the long time will eventually end, just like this road under the feet.

Xiong Sansi silently took out another black mask, covered his face again, and calmed all the waves in his heart, and then continued to walk forward.


The path in the forest goes to the end, and the road ahead is not bright. Looking up, it is a rugged path, steep and high cliffs... the road is far away into the clouds, and the mountains are so high that they can't see the top.

The dense forest they were in just now seemed to be coiled around the mountainside.

And they have always been on this mountain.

What's beyond the mountain? I can't see it for a while.

But the moment is right in front of you, and you can see a living spring.

The upward mountain road bends and wraps around here, as if encircling the clear spring in the arms, with a strong sense of protection. The spring was bubbling and bubbling, and the sound was a little strange.

The spring water is clear, and there are mayfly larvae in the water.

I just don't know why, this water obviously has living sources and living things, but there is still a feeling of death.

The clear water reflected a stunning spider Lanruo sitting by the spring.

The spider hides behind her, guarding silently.

The land of the heavens is indeed wider than imagined. It doesn't look like a place like a treasure house, but rather a rather vast world.

Xiong Sansi was slightly moved, but just held his knife silently.

The wind hasn't moved, the strings haven't moved, the body hasn't moved...but the murderous intent is already floating.

"I said that the test in the land of Shenxiao is not very difficult! Along the way, except for a trick of beauty to seduce, there is no trouble! The ancestor of Shenxiao used this to test me? I can be captured by beauty Is it a mediocre monster?"

"That can't be! How noble your character is, how firm your will is!"

"Ah Si, you are good at everything, just one thing, you are too honest! You have such a character, it is easy to be excluded!"

"Then I am serving Mr. Ape. The so-called good king meets good minister, and only you are open-minded enough to allow me to speak out from the bottom of my heart!"

The voices of talking and laughing gradually approached.

Chai Asi and Yuan Mengji, one bragging shamelessly, the other accepting everything, just talking and laughing, walking out of the forest like a picnic outing.

So they saw the mountain road ahead, saw the spring water, and also saw Xiong Sansi, Zhu Lanruo, and Zhu Ji who were confronting each other, and felt the murderous intent spreading in the air.

"Excuse me! Sorry!"

Chai Ah Si made a bow: "Let's go back first, you continue!"

Pull Yuan Mengji and walk back.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Pull out your sword!" Yuan Mengji yelled: "Didn't you see that he was bullying my sister Lan Ruo? I can bear it?"

Chai Asi grabbed Yuan Mengji's arm and pushed him away: "The great cause is not yet accomplished, my lord, don't be impulsive."

"Don't stop me!"

Chai Asi listened to him and reminded him softly: "Xiong Sansi is the eighth new king of the Tianbang."

Yuan Meng turned back in rage: "Is there another evil spirit on the road that hasn't been killed just now? You can't let it cause harm to the common people, let's go, let's go back and have a look."

Xiong Sansi didn't move the knife.

Spider Orchid stopped talking.

Spider hides a look of contempt.

Just look at this pair of live treasures.

They turned back, but when they turned back, they couldn't see where they came from. There is only a deep forest, faint and faint, and I don't know what is hidden.

Thinking of the possible dragon clan, both Chai Asi and Yuan Mengji had difficulty moving.

"Do you think there is a possibility..." Chai Asi turned around and smiled, "We'll just stand by, so we won't bother you?"

"Do not bother who?"

At this time, a road was lit in the forest, Taiping Guicha with two straight knives on his back, and She Guyu with eight chopping knives, one in front and one behind, walking slowly.

It also relieved Yuan Mengji's embarrassment.

Look at the two walking together, one is breathing calmly, the other is wounded. Obviously strength has been divided.

That is to say, this Taiping Guichai is indeed a demon king stronger than Sheguyu, and he is enough to be listed as the new king of the heaven list.

It was Taiping Guicha who spoke, with a deep tone and unpredictable eyes.

Chai Asi smiled suddenly: "I hope I don't disturb Brother Guicha's elegance!"

To these monsters who participated in the competition, his attitude towards Chai Asi was still as friendly as before.

Because no one could defeat the Supreme Master before.

Now he can't beat anyone.

He didn't feel humbled. Let go of the pattern a little bit, and stand on the top of the mountain in the future, this is called Lixian Corporal!

Zhu Dali took a deep look at Chai Asi, and without speaking, continued to walk forward in an unpredictable way, and stood still in front of the spring.

Sheguyu didn't say anything, just adjusted his breath silently.

Jiang Wang in the mirror world still ignored Chai Asi's response, it would be better if this kid calmed down a bit. He just silently observed the surroundings, guessing that the strange spring in front of him should be the Fountain of Youth. Guess who the next wave will arrive here...

According to the conjecture of the six paths, if the connection of these paths must exist. The arrival time of several groups of teams should not be too far apart.

"Please benefactor first!"

"Buddha first please!"

"Master Lu should go ahead."

"Master Shu is too polite, the elder should go first."

"Actually, I'm about the same age as you..."

A new road appeared in the forest, and two voices sounded on the road.

Shu Jialan and Lu Qilang, one has a torn Buddhist robe, and the other has disheveled hair. Keep a great distance from each other and stop at the end of the road.

The intersection is narrow and only one person can pass.

And none of them would show their backs.

It can probably be imagined that along the way, they have encountered many dangers, and they have also played tricks on each other.

At this time, you push me to please, and the humility does not stop.

"Shenxianghuahai is famous far away, how can Young Master Lu attach himself?"

"The ancient temple of the famous religion in the Black Lotus Temple, why didn't Master Shu take the lead?"

"You should go first!"

"No, no, please go first!"

Zhu Dali was really impatient when he heard it, and said in a vicious voice, "Why don't you go back the same way?"

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