Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1808

Anyone who has experienced the danger in the land of the heavens knows it well.

Fierce and vicious like a mouse, it is difficult to see the majesty.

He is as graceful as Shikachiro, no longer unrestrained.

The notoriety is as clear as a snake, and Guyu is also covered in injuries.

Yu Xin was gone, and the bloodstains on Xiong Sansi's body were still there.

On the contrary, this ghost of Taiping, with complete clothes and a clean mask, didn't even lose a single strand of hair... If he had to be extremely powerful, how could he survive the danger like a barbarian?

So even though he had a bad tone at this time.

Shu Jialan thought about it and thought about it, but he still accepted it. Thinking about how many times he wanted to take action against this Taiping ghost, but the other party repeatedly refreshed his deterrence with actual performance, so that he dared not move lightly...Thinking carefully, he was terrified.

But it is impossible to go back the same way like this.

The supreme Buddha, can tolerate the demons in the world, I can bear it!

"In this way, Mr. Lu, I will stay away and make way for you."

Saying that, the monk of the Black Lotus Temple straightly backed away, a full twenty feet back.

Lu Qilang had nothing to do, and with his sword behind his back, he stepped out of the deep forest Shi Shiran.

He had long been inspired by the dangers of Taiping Guicha, so he was not very surprised by the performance of this two-sword fat demon.

Of course, if the difficulty of the test of the six paths is the same. Chai Ah Si was able to come here with Yuan Mengji talking and laughing, and Zhu Lanruo brought Spider Grim to the spot... Just in this performance alone, the two of them were obviously stronger.

Although he, Lu, was not very convinced, he was still cautious about it for the time being.

This spring water...

The sudden reaction from the spiritual perception almost drowned out other feelings.

Fountain of youth!

Thinking of the legendary treasure in his heart, Shikachiro walked lightly and only asked with a smile: "Who was the first to arrive?"

Xiong Sansi glanced at Zhu Lanruo, but said nothing.

Spider hideously said: "By luck, I took the lead!"

"Amazing!" Kachiro praised, but turned to look to the side.

Yang Yu and Quan Xihua walked out at this moment.

They were also injured, and Quan Xihua looked particularly miserable, the black evil lines on the left side of his face were cut off by something, it looked bloody...but he was still alive after all.

Looking back at it this way, among the twelve monsters who entered the land of the heavens to participate in the competition, there was only one missing, Yu Xin, who had the blood of the Yu clan and opened the secret store himself.

Spider Hide looked at Xiong Sansi with playful eyes.

Although it is said that when the development of the secret treasury reaches a critical moment, all the competitors present are more or less murderous towards Yu Xin, but at this moment, they have not seen anything? Why do you start butchering pigs when it's not a festival?

Or did Yu Xin already get something?

"Unexpectedly, the poor monk was the last one to come out of the forest." Shu Jialan was in a good mood, and walked out with a hearty laugh: "The so-called good meal is not afraid of being late, good fortune is for the predestined demon, and the Buddha deserves to be lucky to embark on this great journey!"

For this kind of flattery, no one said anything about him.

Chai Asi even said flatteringly: "You are really an eminent monk!"

Calling Shu Jialan a little uncomfortable. What kind of conspiracy is this unpredictable guy playing, why is he so affectionate to every monster?

But at this moment, Master Yangyu, who had not said a word since he came out of the forest, suddenly took a step forward and recited the Dharma words: "Shu Jialan, you are originally a good talent, but you believe in the wrong Buddha and make mistakes. .The wrong path is far away, and the abyss is at hand... I hope you will find your way back!"

His voice was not loud, but when he heard it, it sounded like a bell ringing in his heart, and it was getting louder and louder.

The winding mountain road, the deep mountain without a complete picture, and even the secluded dense forest are instantly covered with golden Buddha light.

The ancient Sanskrit singing reverberates through time.

Compared with Shu Jialan's burly figure, this Yanghealer looks really thin and fragile. But as soon as he took a step, he stepped into the black Buddha light, and when he pressed his palm, he already overwhelmed the sky!

There are so many sky demon seeds and so many demon clan leaders participating in the land of the sky.

It was the Dharma King Yang Yu who seemed the most gentle and kind, who made the first move, and the moment he made a move, he wanted to drive Shu Jialan out of the competition.

The bell ringing at the top of the ancient mountain awakened the demon in the dream several times!

The voice prints rippling in the air several times, spread all over the place, and it might not be without the intention of testing other monsters.


The first sound was "Lost".

This is the heart clock.


The second sound is "knowledge".

This is the clock outside the sky.

The bell of knowledge hanging above the sky above Moyun City, outside the secret treasure of Shenxiao, was awakened again, and power descended from the air to help Yang Yu sweep the opponent!


The darkness above Moyun City rolled like a raging sea.

Ji Xingkong's voice was roaring: "Old bald donkey! I said, why are you so reluctant to take Zhiwen Zhong away? It turns out that you want to cheat off the court! The style of the ancient Nanshan family has always been like this, really shameless!"

The boundless darkness quickly converges towards the floating cicada's law, and there are living creatures hidden in it, trying to tear through the darkness and come out.

Hu Taisui, Lu Ximing, and Zhu Yi calmly withdrew their bodies to make room for the fight between the two great Bodhisattvas, for fear that they would not have enough fun in the fight.

Cicada Fayuan only smiled and said: "The Buddha said, it is so! Deer nature is empty, you should admit it!"

Lift the Zhiwen bell with the palm of your hand, and its sound can be heard throughout the long night.

And he radiated brilliant light all over his body, and the Buddha's body was like a golden sun across the sky, illuminating this dark night into day.

The Buddha contemplated that a bowl of water contained eighty-four thousand insects.

The [Evil Insect View] cultivated by Ji Xingkong has already reached the highest state of "thirty thousand insects in a ray of turbid air", and can get insects in the air, insects in the water, insects in the heart, insects in the void, insects in the night, and five insects evil in the world.

Self is a very powerful means. It's not really furious, it won't use such ultimate moves.

But the view of evil insects is strong, strong in the microscopic, strong in unobservable.

Knowing that the bell rings, how can one not know?

Under the illumination of Buddha's light, the darkness gathered by Deer Xingkong was almost suppressed into a curtain. The vesicles that kept swelling in the night were pressed down again and again. Thirty thousand worms were raised in a flash, but none of them could emerge.

Every tiny worm is clearly illuminated!

With such a bright smile, while suppressing Ji Xingkong, at the same time transmitting power to the mysterious place of the gods, giving Yang Yu vast support like the sea.



In the land of the heavens.

The cloud surrounds the sacred mountain, and the Luhuan Baoquan.

In the process of undergoing the test of the land of the gods, Yang Yu has been communicating with each other.

The fact that Quan Xihua was injured like this was not because he couldn't take care of it, but because he didn't take care of it at all.

His timing was unexpected, and who would start a fight when there was nothing to gain? At the gambling table, who has to weigh the gains and losses before deciding how much money to bet?

Although it is not enough to say that Shu Jialan, who just walked out of the deep forest, can be caught off guard, but the first move is already taken.

Moreover, Shu Jialan and Lu Qilang fought openly and secretly all the way, and the consumption will definitely not be low. But he only cared about himself and Zhiwen Zhong, and he was in better condition.

It is advisable to chase the poor bandits with remaining bravery.

At this moment, the heart clock and the outer clock are ringing together.

The sound of going astray confuses the heart of Dao, and the sound of knowing and hearing overwhelms righteousness and courage.

The main attack on Shugaran also affects other monsters present.

Spider Orchid Ruo's beautiful eyes flashed light, her jade hand moved slightly, just a flick of the strings...


Rolling flags on the battlefield, iron horses and golden arms.

The sharp sound of the piano cut the approaching bell directly!

From head to tail, the spider stood behind Zhu Lanruo, completely unmoved and unscathed.

Lu Qilang only turned his footsteps, and the rapier at his waist was out of its sheath... Clang!

Although he is not as deep as Zhu Lanruo's research on the way of sound and hearing, and the sound of the sword is not as powerful as Zhu Lanruo's zither, but he naturally follows a natural spiritual sense, just like a paoding undoes a cow, and the sound of a sword unifies a bell.

At this moment, She Guyu held the two sabers upside down, and Chiwen even crawled up to his chin. Her aura was completely suppressed, and her figure still existed in the viewer's vision, but her aura was not in the perception of other monsters. I also escaped from the world of sound for a short time! Both the heart clock and the outer clock can't find her.

The demon kings present except Shu Jialan used their own means to deal with this tentative range attack, and it was not difficult.

Only Xiong Sansi just groaned and didn't move... It was a life experience!

The easiest one is of course Yuanmengji.

The heart clock and the outer clock are ringing right now.

Before this guy realized what happened, a golden mask was already protecting him from all threats. He looked around and suddenly smiled.

Yang Yu sang Sanskrit once, and the bell rang twice, using various means.

But the busiest audience was Jiang Wang who was hiding in the mirror world.

He must not only protect Taiping Guichaizhu Dali, but also protect Gaifeng Killing Sword Chai Asi, and he must also pay attention to concealment, so that the demon kings present cannot be noticed, and he must pay attention to methods. He must protect Zhu Dali and Chai Asi. Use the same method... It's really hard to go around all day long, and you can't be idle for a moment.

However, at that time, Chai A was laughing three times when he met the demon, and was still working on building friendly relations with multiple parties, preparing for win-win cooperation and a peaceful passage through the land of heaven. With a glance, I just saw Yang Yu stepping forward and uttering the sound of Buddha.

In his heart, he scolded Zhi Niang as a traitor, secretly yelling bitterly!

Just as he was about to rub against Yuan Mengji, he brazenly rubbed a golden light body protector. A familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ear: "Don't be alarmed."

The Supreme Being can be counted as appearing!

A ray of mysterious power emanates from the Chixin Seal. He felt that in his ears, there seemed to be an abyss, a cage, and the sound of the Dharma from outside fell straight into it, and it couldn't fall into the ear consciousness at all.

I only feel stable in my heart, but I have a sense of immortality.

The clock outside the sky fell into the prison in the ear, and the clock in the heart couldn't shake the seal of the heart.

He stood still suddenly, looked around, with proud eyes.

You are not so proud, but who is as calm as me, Old Chai?

Hmm... That Laoshizi Taiping Guichao is doing pretty well.

I couldn't comprehend the several slashes in the air, but they also resisted the sound of the Sanskrit bell. If you have a chance, you can get in touch with this Taiping Dao, maybe you can use it for yourself.

Yang Yu's method of ringing the clock in his heart and the clock outside the sky in unison is done by knowing the sound of the clock, and even the affected demon seeds must be taken seriously.

Shu Jialan, who bore the brunt of the blow, fell straight down on the spot!

His sense of hearing was destroyed, and his sense of Buddha was shattered.

The moment he stepped out of the deep forest, he stepped into the abyss.

But what is Hei Lian?

This is a flower that blooms in a desperate situation!

It is the Buddha lotus born in the turbidity and filth when the way of heaven is not prosperous and the end of Dharma is coming.

In the midst of extreme evil, compassion arises.

In the time of destruction, give birth to bodhichitta.

He strode forward, facing Yang Yu directly. That ferocious face was covered with a light of mercy.

The black Buddha light is quiet, bringing tranquility, peace and sleep.

His big hands were lifted up, very still and very dynamic for an instant, and his fingers shuttled back and forth, as if weaving a cassock...With this extraordinary skill of good faith, he quickly formed the anti-lotus seal.

There is also a Sanskrit chant in the mouth: "I have no vain Bodhi, and his heart does not realize the lotus blossom!"

This is the Buddhist gatha left by the demon master Tathagata, a classic passed down from generation to generation in the Black Lotus Temple.

Above Shu Jialan's head, a crystal clear black lotus blossomed, echoing the black lotus tattooed on his bald head, each petal corresponding to another petal.

The black lotus hanging high in the sky has a sense of tranquility in a broad sense, calming the restlessness of all viewers. The petals are carved like glass, and they are connected to each other, like a black jade bowl, filled with the moon——

There is no sun and moon in the land of the sky.

See you now.

The black Buddha light hangs down like a waterfall, so that the wind and rain cannot enter, and protect the pious believers in the world.

At this moment, Shu Jialan also broke out with all his strength, wanting to get rid of the crisis of annihilation.

But Yang Yu, who is ranked fifth in the list of new kings, since he made a move, since he moved the bell of knowledge, how could he be allowed to escape so easily?

Aquarius seal on the left and lion seal on the right.

With kind eyes and kind face, he opened his mouth and said, "Dang!"

If it is a child urchin, innocent and innocent, it is intended to be the ringing of a bell.

The secret connection has been known.

His Buddha consciousness and thoughts have formed the phantom of the bell of knowing and hearing, descending to the land of the gods, covering the sky above the sacred mountain... just one pressure, and the crystal clear black lotus was crushed!

The blossoming broken lotus is like flying jade, scattered and invisible.

Shu Jialan spurted blood wildly, and fell on his head.

But the more the sheep feel the power of the bell, the more they want.

When the bell rang, all monsters present had to respond.

All kinds of means, by thinking and hearing.

When dealing with the aftermath of the bell, one must also be understood by Zhiwen Zhong.

Yang Yu is trying to grasp the information of all competitors while suppressing the death of rats, and see through each other's that "heaven and earth, I am the only one"!

He did grasp too much at this moment.

Zhu Lanruo is really powerful, and the technique of killing with sound is tyrannical. Lu Qilang is extraordinary, his sword intent is unstoppable. Yuan Mengji was protected by the means of the sky demon, and it was not available a few times, so it was not worth mentioning. Xiong Sansi is like a bone of copper and iron, with a heart of stone and a gall of steel. He has gone through many hardships and is already extremely difficult to be shaken.

The Taiping Guichai and Chai Asi seemed to be unpredictable, but they were actually external forces.

Especially for the Taiping ghost, those random slashes were not the key to deal with Sanskrit at all. The key lies in another kind of power in his body, which has taken over the ear consciousness and made the sound invisible.

wrong! There is actually some faint connection between this Taiping ghost messenger and Chai Asi...

Just when Yang Yu was aware of it with the help of Zhiwen Bell.

The accident happened suddenly.

Shu Jialan, who fell with his head up and was supposed to have been suppressed, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

His only benevolent eyes turned to glaring at this moment.

The blood sprayed from the mouth actually formed a blood lotus.

King Kong glared and subdued the heretics.

The blood lotus came to the world, destroying all sentient beings!

This method does not see any external phenomena, and it seems that it has not affected Zhiwen Zhong.

But Master Yang Yu's kind and compassionate face was gradually covered with blood marks.

The blood streaks twisted like spirit insects, giving Yang Yu a strange look on his face.

He is falling!

The treasure bell does not move, the monk does not move?

The golden body doesn't move, but the clay sculpture doesn't move?

The Black Lotus Temple is not recognized by the ancient imperial city, but Shu Jialan is definitely the undisputed new king and powerhouse of the Tianbang. In a real life-and-death fight, it might not be possible to lose to Yang Yu.

At this moment, with life and death as the focus, and blood stains, it is precisely to pull Yang Yu together, to get rid of the influence of Zhiwen Zhong, and fall into the eternal night forever.

But Yang Yu just stood there and didn't move a step.

Putting palms together, said softly: "Nan Wuguang King Tathagata!"

The void is faint, and the bell is ringing.

Within the Sanskrit sound wrapped by the Zhiwen bell, a voice sounded.

Not here, but also here.

It is the voice of the Great Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Fate expounded in Moyun City, which penetrates the distance of time and space and lands here, saying——

"Buddha said, it's fate!"

That Gai Feng Killing Sword Chai Ah Si who was standing by the side happily watching the show suddenly became radiant!

Although you can see book reviews in the background, but without the discussion of book friends, I always feel lonely!

I asked for leave before, and I owed an update of 2,000 words in eight chapters in four days.

I will salt fish for a few more days.

When the book reviews came back, I started working hard to pay off the debt.

(Leave the words as proof, no more salty fish)

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