Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1809

Under the influence of Zhiwen Zhong, the Sanskrit sound of the Great Bodhisattva Cicada's Dharma Fate was transmitted from Moyun City to the land of the sky.

However, Chai Asi suddenly reacted, shining brilliantly.

All the monsters present paid attention almost at the same time, all curious about his background.

Chai Ahsi himself was startled.

Could it be that my old Chai's ancient magic mirror is about to be exposed?

Could it be that I can no longer hide my identity as the Demon of Destiny?

But after careful inspection, I found that the golden light did not originate from my own body, and it had nothing to do with the ancient magic mirror—the ancient magic mirror still hid its precious energy well, and it looked ordinary, without any brilliance!

He reached out and took it out of his pocket. The golden light was actually a book, an old book.

The "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection", which he found in a second-hand bookstore, was translated into the Canine language.


Is it not just the classic left by the King of Light?

Is it more than a simple translation book?

Chai Asi had carefully studied this book, but he didn't know a few words.

The great ancient god of this book also reprinted the text, and pondered over and over in Rumeng Token, but found nothing abnormal.

Only at this moment, knowing that the bell is ringing, the Bodhisattva Cicada dharma utters Sanskrit sounds. Said "Buddha said", said "fate to come".

It is the other book hidden in this book that reveals the truth and reappears in the world.

it's for--

"Buddha said fifty-eight chapters"!

Heilian Temple is looking for the fragments of this sutra, and Gu Nanshan is also chasing after it.

Cicada Dharma Yuan is the great Bodhisattva of the orthodox ancient mountain, and Zhiwen Zhong is the most precious treasure of the ancient mountain.

The land of the heavens has its own special features.

He not only wants to use the power of Zhiwen Zhong to help Yang Yu sweep away his competitors and win the competition for the Land of Heaven. It's not just about killing the sky demon seeds in the Black Lotus Temple. We also need to collect the "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" shown here by Buddha's enlightenment...

Take it all!

Therefore, while suppressing the offensive of Deer's Xingkong, he recited "Buddha said" and "Yuan Lai" to help Yang heal from the air.

The blood streaks that spread across Yang Yu's face were resolutely dispelled by the Buddha's light.

The incarnated blood lotus, which is about to destroy the Dharma and sentient beings, withered petal by petal.

Shu Jialan vomited blood, but still laughed loudly: "I searched for it thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, and it was so close in front of me! It's really good luck, hahahaha...uh!"

The golden Buddha light that suddenly lit up pressed him down into the dust.

Stacks of swastikas, connected like mountains, broke Shu Jialan's resistance time and time again, beating him until his Buddha's light was scattered, and his breath of life dropped sharply.

In front of the fallen blood lotus petals, Yang Yu turned his head to look at Chai Asi, and said with a smile, "The Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words is actually at your place, benefactor, it seems that we are destined!"

Under the golden light, the corners of Chai Asi's mouth had already reached the back of his head.

He has suddenly understood.

It's about why the Supreme Master asked me, who can't read a few big characters, to read Buddhist scriptures. It turns out that there is a real meaning here! It is also a good treasure to get an old scripture casually! Although I don’t know what the Buddha said about the fifty-eight chapters, it is a treasure in the world to be able to induce Zhong Sheng’s reaction when he heard about it, and to turn Gu Nanshan’s true teachings back!

It's a pity that I, Chai Asi, have eyes but no pearls, and I don't know it when I'm empty in Baoshan, making this baby lonely for many days...

At this time, Yang Yu actually looked over, staring at our precious book with teary eyes.

He, Chai Asi, has already regained contact with the Supreme Master, so he doesn't care about those old and new difficult mountains. Before the great ancient gods, no true biography will work!

Therefore, when he smiled ferociously, he wanted to curse. But anyway, with respect in my heart, I asked the great ancient god: "My lord! Do you want to get him?"

"Give it to him!" Shang Zun replied bluntly.

Chai Ah Si didn't quite understand why the Master had such a good temper, but the Master had his own reasons. Past experience always proves again and again that the Master is always right.

So his sinister smile immediately turned into a flattering smile: "So that the mage will know! I am going to teach you the scriptures!"

Jiang Wang in the mirror world also felt very tired. They just helped Chai Asi and Zhu Dali solve the crisis, and they finally had a rest, and they were about to sit down peacefully and watch the fire from the other side.

Unexpectedly, the fire burned back on his head again.

Casually asked Chai Asi to go out and buy a scripture, and unexpectedly he hid the legendary lost "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words".

How evil is the turmoil in the demon world!

I have always felt that God's will is probably a cold arrow. There is no warning in advance, and a blow may come flying at any time, and there is no way to prepare for it. But be careful, it might not be impossible to deal with it.

But now it seems that God's will is a spider web, and I am a mosquito, and I am already in the center of the web.

In those calm days, the trap of fate has long been hidden.

In ignorance and unconsciousness, causal lines are everywhere around the body, and each line affects the way of death.

Only now did he deeply understand the feelings of Yu Beidou, who was the number one real person in computing power in the world at that time in Duanhun Gorge, laughing and saying, "Forget him powerless!"

If he could see these things clearly, how could he have the courage to challenge God's will?

Just a little Jiang Wang, there is such a turmoil.

I really don't know how the World Honored One was able to retreat completely!

Chai Asi stretched out his hands to worship the scriptures, although Yang Yu already felt that there was something wrong with this guy, but he was also worried about ruining the scriptures, so he still wanted to take it over first.

But at this time, another brilliant golden light lit up one after another.

One shines on the body of the spider, and the other shines on the body of Lu Qilang.

See also "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words"!

Yang Yu looked at this, and then at that, with a warmer smile on his face. With the presence of Zhiwen Zhong Xuying and the support of the Great Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Fate, he is confident that he can subdue any demon king on the scene.

The original of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" has always been kept in the ancient imperial city and enshrined in the Tianyao Pavilion.

But in the long history, due to various reasons, thirteen chapters have been lost.

Unexpectedly, there are three chapters in this suddenly let go of the heavenly land!

It's really a meeting of wind and cloud, no coincidence.

Dharma Fate Bodhisattva's fall is extremely wonderful.

Zhu Hide took out the dazzling scriptures from the storage ring, and explained to Zhu Lanruo: "I really don't know why this is here..."

Of course Zhu Lanruo knew why!

Either Quan Yingyang or Hu Boqi.

What is the plan here, and why the chess player behind the scenes put one of the chapters of "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" on the body of the spider, so that it could be brought into the heavenly place... She does not know yet. But she is good at sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight.

He just said in a gentle voice: "I really believe it. But this precious book is a Buddhist classic, not my property, so I'd better hand it over. I just don't know..."

Her beautiful eyes flickered: "Should I give it to Master Yang or Monk Rat?"

At this moment, the situation is clear, how can Shu Jialan still have the qualifications to compete? What she asked was interesting.

Yang Yu just smiled warmly: "The poor monk first thanked all the good believers. If you have formed a good relationship today, there will be good results in the future."

The eyes are looking at Kashichiro.

Chai Asi and Zhu Lanruo are very knowledgeable. Among the three chapters of "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" collected here, only the last chapter is left. Can they also be obtained easily?

Sensing the eyes of this Buddhist true biography, Lu Qilang smiled sassyly.

Different from Chai Ahsi's ignorance and ignorance, the spider hides involuntarily.

He was very aware of what he was wearing, and tried to cover it up, but he couldn't cover it up. Zhiwen Zhong forcibly awakened the scriptures left by Xiang Mi, the Fifth Dharma King of Ancient Nanshan, and now Yang Yu thanked him first. Ordinary monsters may just go with the flow, but at least they have a good relationship with ancient and difficult mountains...

But he just smiled handsomely and brightly, but he didn't have the slightest intention to take out the scriptures. He only smiled and said: "Brother Chai is generous and grand, Miss Spider is good at understanding the heart of dust, but Lu is far inferior. My eyelids are shallow, and I can't wait for another day... If the mage wants this good fate, he will give me good fruit today. !"

This is a treasure he found hard with his natural inspiration, so why would he give it up so easily?

How amazing is the new fifth king of the Tianbang?

Is Zhiwen Zhong amazing?

Yang Yu smiled slightly. If you really want to talk about good fruits, talk about the benefits of making Lu Qilang's heart move, it's not like he can't give it today.

But there is no reason not to ask. Today, there is Zhiwen Zhongxuying hanging high in the sky, and there is a great bodhisattva cicada with the means of dharma outside. Lu Qilang doesn't want to get married, so there is no need to get married.

He pulled out a wooden mallet from his palm, and with a light tap, it actually smashed the head of Shu Jialan, who was firmly suppressed by the seal of the Wanzi Buddha!

Red, white, and black are all smudged in the Buddha's light.

And he didn't look over there, just looked at Lu Qilang mercifully, and said: "The benefactor's words are rude, and it is righteous to return things to the original owner. Please don't insist, otherwise..."

Shu Jialan, who had the strength of the new king of Tianbang, was killed like a dog. It's not that he didn't resist, it wasn't that he didn't show strength, but it didn't help.

Lu Qilang, who came with him all the way, fighting openly and secretly, should especially know the strength of Shu Jialan, and especially should understand the horror of this Yang Yu at this moment.

But regarding this situation and this scene, this Mr. Lu still did not lose his charm, he just smiled and said: "Otherwise what?"

Yang Yu just raised the gavel with a smile, pointed at him casually, and said, "I want to teach you why Tianyao Zhiben is the new king of the Tianben, the poor monk is the fifth, and you are the seventh!"



At this moment, all the demons in Moyun City also understood the plan of Cicada Fayuan.

Knowing that the bell shakes all directions, the power is not hidden.

But neither Hu Taisui, Lu Ximing, nor Zhu Yi made any response.

These existences standing at the pinnacle of the world, unless they have an indelible enmity, unless their paths are blocked, they generally have some unspoken tacit understanding.

Pieces on the chessboard depend on their means. Life is long, is there only one time and one place?

In the darkness of being sealed off, Ji Xingkong suddenly laughed viciously: "Wu that bald donkey, put away your smirk, do you really think you've figured everything out?"

Because the land of Shenxiao has been isolated from the inside and outside, it is not here, and it may not be at this time. Therefore, all the monsters in the land of the gods can't find out that the laughter of the Shu Jialan in the land of the gods and the deer Xingkong in the city of Moyun are superimposed and echo each other from afar.

In the wild laughter that spans time and space, the voice of Ji Xingkong is no longer rustling, but grand and magnificent, spreading out his unique Buddha nature and majesty in the brilliant golden Buddha light dominated by the cicada law .

Occupying Lingshan, according to Baocha, the Buddha is my Buddha...

The light disappears and the demon master emerges, and the world attains the Tao.

Hei Lianfang is orthodox in the world!

He is in the darkness, Purdue the darkness. He lights up the Buddha's light in the long night.

If there is no Buddha in the world, if everything is still.

Where the light of the heart is bright, such is my Buddha!

At this moment, his power expanded infinitely, opened up the existing Buddhist principles, and reshaped a new era of propagating Dharma.

His facial features were revealed in the darkness.

His lips moved together, and he recited the sound of Miefa Hongyin: "You have everything you want, and you still want to have it all!"

His eyes were looking directly at Cicada Fayuan... Dense white spots appeared in the pupils of his pupils. In the white of the eyes, dense black spots appeared. This is the Dharma-ending era, a believer in the new transmission of Buddhism!

"Cicada's Dharma Fate, Cicada's Dharma Fate, the three unvirtuous roots of greed, hatred and ignorance, are all in your heart..."

"Today is falling!"

Fall! Fall! Fall!

This sound is like in an empty valley, echoing in all directions.

Although the power displayed by Ji Xingkong is terrifying, but at this time, it is far from overturning the bell of knowledge.

But Cicada's face changed for the first time.



In the land of the heavens.

Yang Yu has already taken control of the situation and is holding a gavel, trying to knock Lu Qilang's head as a wooden fish.

Lu Qilang showed no signs of fear. He raised his eyebrows and drew his sword out of its sheath, pointing at the Gu Nanshan who had moved the bell of knowledge: "I also let you know. I am ranked seventh. It's not that I can only rank seventh. It's that Because I like the number seven, I intentionally controlled the record! Today I will be fifth, and I will look three times, two, and one... so what!?"

Zhu Hide silently glanced at Zhu Lanruo's back, hiding his thoughts deeply.

It's nothing for Lu Qilang to fight for the fifth place, but he wants to "look first".

If Spider Orchid took the initiative to enter the land of the gods this time, to show her strength, she wanted to "be the first if you don't sing, and you will be the first if you sing". This number one seems so simple, everyone is confident that they can get it?

The existence of the two top ten new kings on the celestial list is on the verge of breaking out, and a bloody battle is imminent.

But at this time, there are still changes!

Shu Jialan, who fell on the ground, had his head crushed, but from the mixed red and white mud, he let out a terrible voice: "Ho ho ho, ho ho ho, we haven't finished fighting yet, the sheep healed, How dare you find another opponent?"

Yang Yu frowned and looked back.

It's strange how Shu Jialan died but not dead, and why he has already concealed it...and didn't continue to pretend to be dead.

But a flower bud protruded from the mixed red and white mud, and when the flower bud bloomed, it was another black lotus. There is a base on the bottom and incense lines on the top.

This black lotus is not the blood lotus and black lotus before, and has nothing to do with Taoism and supernatural powers, but the black lotus altar that first led him to find Chai Asi.

The reason why he didn't die even after his head was smashed was because his soul was hidden in the black lotus sacrificial altar!

He used the black lotus sacrificial altar as his head, and instantly burst into a powerful momentum.

All the ten thousand-character Buddha seals on his body were smashed, and his body just stood up.

Lu Qilang took the opportunity to join forces: "Master Shu, Gu Nanshan is arrogant and rude, bullying you too much! We are destined to go together, I will help you!"

Zhu Lanruo's eyes flickered, and she was also a little moved. Maybe it's time to work together to lift the Zhiwen Bell away first...

But Shu Jialan with Hei Lian as his head showed a completely different vigor at this moment, and only said: "Hei Lian Temple is doing business, please avoid other things!"

All the monsters present felt it, and had to feel it.

The bell ringing that covered the sacred mountain was completely overwhelmed by another sound at this moment.

His voice said——

"Falling! Falling! Falling!"

There is such a strange confusion between the land of the gods and the sky above Moyun City.

The blood lines on Yang Yu's face faded, and the black lines appeared again.

But the place where the black Buddha pattern is really rampant is not his Buddha body.

It's the phantom of the Zhiwen Bell hanging high in the sky!

The plan of the Black Lotus Temple has only really surfaced so far.

At that time, Ji Xingkong scolded Cicada for cheating outside the court, but that was exactly what he wanted. He repeatedly hinted that Cicada Fayuan could not leave, and repeatedly harassed Zhiwenzhong without pain or itching... It was tantamount to paralysis itself.

Shu Jialan was echoed by a powerful force.

At this moment, the black Buddha's light completely countered the golden Buddha's light.

The still resplendent Buddha said fifty-eight chapters, and three chapters are on his side, all of which are not far away.

But Shu Jialan, who had been begging for a long time, didn't even look at it at the moment.

Buddha seeks from above, from the middle, and from below.

The lower one kills the sheep and heals, the middle one Buddha said fifty-eight chapters, the upper one knows the bell!

Those who get the best, why bother to ask for it? !

He looked at the phantom of Zhiwen Zhong, and opened his arms extremely devoutly and enthusiastically... He exhausted all he had, and embraced what he wanted. Following his movements, a huge phantom image of the Dharma was also born in the sky, and it has been pasted on the Zhiwen Bell...

Then I saw the monk holding the bell tightly!

Yang Yu was not reconciled, so he rose up and fought, and the boundless golden light grew wildly.

However, the flesh and blood of Shu Jialan's body grew black lotus petals, which withered one by one. He is withering, and the golden light around the sheep is also withering!

At this moment, Shu Jialan completely sacrificed himself, and his life and soul declined.

Only murmured in the black lotus, and the murmur turned into a loud voice: "If I don't become a Buddha, there will be someone who comes after me!"


Knowing that the bell vibrates!

Cicada Fayuan in the sky above Moyun City vomited blood, his eyes were tearing apart at this moment.

Shu Jialan's sacrifice is applied to the altar of the Black Lotus Sacrifice, providing support to Ji Xingkong and building a channel of power. Taking advantage of the particularity of the land of the gods, directly cut off the connection between Zhiwen Zhong and Gu Nanshan!

Cicada Fayuan plans everything and wants to take it all. The more the sheep will win, the more the cicadas will win, and the more ancient mountains will win.

The deer's nature is empty, but it only wants one thing, as long as it knows and hears the bell!

Seek the orthodoxy of the ancient Buddhism, the true relationship of the supreme Lingshan.

From the moment they entered Moyun City, a sky demon seed like Shu Jialan was determined to sacrifice. All the waiting, patience, and pain are for this moment.

In this situation in Heilian Temple, abandon the car, abandon the cannon, abandon the horse and abandon the elephant... just want to win the commander!

Thanks to book friend 20221006024859681 for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 385th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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