Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1810 God's Firmament

What is faith?

Give it all you want.

For Heilian Temple's ideal of "getting the Tao in the world", Shu Jialan gave up the opportunity to go to the future of the sky demon.

Willing to sacrifice oneself and embrace the bell of knowledge.

As the treasure that Gu Nanshan has held for many years, Zhiwen Zhongben has no possibility of being plundered.

It has been enshrined in the Ancient Difficult Mountain for a long time. I don’t know how many Bodhisattvas and Arhats have been enlightened, and how many Buddhas have echoed it.

Regardless of the ends of the earth, Ancient Nanshan can recall it at any time.

In a sense, "moving the bell of knowledge and hearing is like moving an ancient and difficult mountain."

Who in the world can do this?

So a young demon king like Yang Yu also has the opportunity to take it out of the mountain gate. Walking in the busy city, involved in dangerous places.

Of course, in view of the importance of knowing and hearing the bell, the Great Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Predestined relationship is also accompanying and protecting, never leaving for a moment.

It should be said that Gu Nanshan was cautious enough to move and use Zhiwen Bell.

But the land of the heavens left by the legend of the Yu clan from eternity is a very special place.

It can self-destruct to prevent the invasion of Tiger Tai Sui in complete freedom. Being able to isolate the inside and outside, and even block the tracking of it by the heavenly demons, almost has the prototype of an independent world.

As the recognized Buddhist orthodoxy in the demon world, Gu Nanshan has been the only one for a long time. Cicada Fayuan takes the land of Shenxiao as a chessboard, and also regards other chess players as nothing. If you shake the bell of knowledge, you will take it all.

Zhiwenzhong, while piercing the secrets and penetrating time and space, also inevitably threw a part of himself into the heavenly place.

Shu Jialan's sacrifice was magnified to the limit in the Black Lotus Sacrifice Altar, and this part of the Zhiwen Bell was firmly kept in the land of the gods, which indirectly triggered the world rules of the land of the gods, and finally moved the Zhiwen away. Bell's possible!

If the phantom of Zhiwen Zhong falling in the sky is a carrier pigeon that can return at any time, what Shu Jialan is doing now is to grab the wings of this carrier pigeon and prevent it from returning to the cage.

The power of knowing and hearing the bell originally relies on the ability of knowing and hearing to shuttle freely between secrets.

But in this moment it is fixed in this secrecy.

Compared with the rules of a complete world, the connection between the ancient Nanshan monks and Zhiwenzhong for thousands of years is so fragile.

And at the critical moment when the connection was severed and the Zhiwen clock was fixed.

Ji Xingkong used the new believer of Buddhism in the end of the Dharma era, and in a very short period of time, he erased the imprint of the ancient Nanshan, and began to engrave the inscriptions that belonged exclusively to the Black Lotus Temple on the bronze bell.

Including the degeneration of Yang Yu and Zhiwen Zhong Xuying, it is just the aftermath of this process.

At this time, in the sky above Moyun City, several sky demons including Hu Taisui could clearly see the writing on the ancient bronze bell that resolutely moved forward.

The word says: "Self-cultivating Bodhi without falsehood".

The next sentence has already written "he has no proof".

The golden light is hidden, and the night is long.

The old age is gone, and the new age is coming!

The smile hanging on Cicada Fayuan's face has long since been shattered, and with it, his fate in this game of Shenxiao.

In order to take everything, he chose to close the game first, and he was the first to be out.

Right now, what is won is not important, what is important is not to lose anything.

His expression is incomparably serious, almost no one has ever seen him with such a serious expression... so he has real power.

With the help of Zhiwen Zhong who was still deadlocked in the secret passage, he solemnly asked: "Yang Yu, do you have enlightenment?!"

Yang Yu in the land of the sky is suppressing the black pattern that invaded his body, and at this point where he has not fallen, he puts more power into Zhiwen Zhong's phantom, so as to resist the black lotus ritual Altar clamps.

A monastic demon should be indifferent to the world.

He is also naturally boring and accepts everything calmly. There have been no waves since.

Shen Xiao escaped secretly and attracted more competitors, but he didn't care.

It makes no difference whoever fights with him or who blocks his way forward.

This is his truth.

He is also proud. We must use the bell to force all the competitors, we must tell Shu Jialan to know how to return from the lost path, we must let Shikachiro recognize the ranking..."I am the only one in the sky and on the earth".

This is also his truth.

This is the moment.

He is struggling, struggling with all his strength in the power of the Fallen Buddha that has come to the end of the Dharma. With the ability of the fifth-ranked Sky Demon Seed in the new king list, he has already struggled to become an independent and sober self, and he still has to struggle to belong to the sect's treasure.

But at this time, he heard Cicada Fayuan's shout.

The struggling look on his face disappeared in an instant. Restoration of warmth, calm.

He only said in a low voice: "Under the Bodhi tree, the cause and effect of the heavens. On the ancient and difficult mountain, there is an eternal spiritual relationship. The true biography of my generation, the King of Light, sacrificed life and forgetting death for the Buddha's faith. Who is behind?"

Before my true teaching of the Buddha, of course nothing was important. Including the doubts about Chai Asi and Taiping Guicha, including the victory and defeat with Lu Qilang, and including himself...

His last voice was not as intense as Shu Jialan.

But while responding to the Great Bodhisattva, he had already given up the suppression of his own body.

Black lines instantly covered his warm face.

Make him strange, dirty, and unseemly.

But the golden light burned all over his body!

The whole body burns.

He burned in the air like this, the flames became more and more intense, and the golden light gradually became stronger... Finally, he ignited into a ball of blazing golden flames, and using his bald head as a hammer, he hit Zhiwen, who was already half-wrapped by black stripes. Enter Zhong Xuying.

To be a monk for a day is to strike the clock for a day.


The bell on the top of the ancient mountain rang.

No one wakes up, only other sheep fall asleep.

The bald head split, disintegrated, and the entire golden body of Buddha fire disappeared...but the blood was still there.

Blood flowed silently down the upper part of Zhiwen Zhong Xuying, "draining" the black stripes climbing up.

Obviously Shu Jialan from the Black Lotus Temple chose to sacrifice himself first, but his body is still withering, and there is still a thin part.

Yang Yu, who was still high-spirited just now, went first.

All the monsters in the arena are all moved.

Yuan Mengji swallowed his saliva, his brain, which has always been slow, now occupied the high ground, conveying an emotion called "fear" to him.

When I met that stunning woman earlier, there was not much trouble. With just a flash of golden light, he woke up. This time, before Yang Yu rang the bell of knowledge, he felt Yuan Xianting's methods personally, and his self-confidence arose accordingly.

But the scene in front of him was really scary.

The journey of exploration in the land of the heavens has only come here, and everyone has not seen anything yet.

Yang Yu, who is ranked fifth among the new kings of the Tianbang... is gone?

Shu Jialan, who also has the strength of the new king of Tianbang, has little chance to live. Withered and withered, only a chest remained.

Life and death are nothing at all, Yuan Mengji is not a child who has never seen blood.

Doesn't it matter if Yu Xin is gone? Not intimidated at all.

But do you want to die so violently?

Do you want to make such a big fuss?

I, Yuan Mengji, was born noble, but I just came here to exercise casually. My long-lost Grandpa Yuan Xianting is still waiting for me to go home outside!

He looked at the golden mask covering himself, expressionless. I already shouted in my heart: "Grandpa! I won't play anymore. Can you take me back in advance?"

At this moment, he is not the only one who calls grandpa in his heart.

His capable general and loyal younger brother, Chai Asi, was also shocked at this time.

The Buddha said that the fifty-eight chapters are still in hand, and before the sheep can take over, the sheep will die...

Wait, is this also in the plan of the Supreme Master?

In addition to his astonishment, he also gave birth to a trace of regret. These are the future pillars of the Yaozu, and they are the available talents of his Four Great Emperor Chai Ah. Wouldn't it be detrimental to the overall situation of the demon world to just die meaninglessly like this?

So I asked in my heart: "Grandpa Grandpa! It's a pity that the casualties are too great. Shall we come out to persuade him?"

Shang Zun didn't bother to pay attention to him.

What do you advise?

It's all come to this point.

How about persuading Shu Jialan not to die, and persuading the sheep to come back to life?

Shu Jialan was so angry that he took you, Chai Asi, away.

It was what Yang Yu said at the end, "Sacrificing life and forgetting death for the sake of Buddha's faith. Who is behind?"

But it made him suddenly think of the "three hearings and three Buddha beliefs" that Tu Hu, the new high priest of the grassland, told him on the grassland.

He never knew how to interpret the "faith" in the Buddha's letter in this sentence.

Is it true, is it sincere, or is it a message?

I only know that the "Three Hearings and Three Buddha Faiths" are "Learn widely", "Know what I hear", and "I hear like this", and also represent the three precious bells that exist in the world.

Now, he has seen it all.

The bell ringing on Gunan Mountain for thousands of years seemed to have brought him some kind of inspiration at this moment. It's right in front of you, looming.


"My Buddha is merciful!"

In Moyun City, the Great Bodhisattva Cicada Fayuan looked compassionate.

At the moment when he should make a decision, he directly gave up on Yang Yu and tried his best to keep Zhiwen Zhong.

But Yang Yu, who was abandoned, not only had no resentment, but took the initiative to burn his body, ringing the bell, and fulfilling his duty as a Gu Nanshan monk.

The bell of Zhiwen Bell rang again in the land of the sky.

The phantom hooked up with the deity, and once again described the secret to Fayuan Cicada.

The power of the sky demon that makes the cicada's fayuan can capture the trajectory and trace back to the sky.

So Cicada Fayuan flipped his palm and pushed it, and the Zhiwen Bell, which had been hanging high in the sky and hadn't moved, suddenly jumped forward.

It should not say "forward".

Because the direction it jumped was not in the direction of the demon world.

It is the secret of jumping to the heavenly place it knows and hears!

Still take the pigeon as an example.

Shu Jialan and Ji Xingkong tied the pigeon's legs so that it could not return to the cage. The distance between the carrier pigeon and the letter cage is the secret of the land of heaven, and it does not exist in the sense of time and space.

The secrecy of the land of the gods touched the world rules of the land of the gods, directly freezing this distance and the pigeon cages on both sides of the distance.

During this process, Ji Xingkong used his supreme supernatural powers to leverage the world rules of the Land of Heaven, and severed the connection between the carrier pigeon cage and the cage owner. Then take the opportunity to erase the imprint on the letter cage, and engrave the imprint of the Black Lotus Temple on it, so as to complete the replacement of sovereignty. At the same time, Shu Jialan is also working hard to tame the bound carrier pigeon, and with the help of Ji Xingkong, he degenerates into Yangyu, using the true life and death of the ancient Nanshan to restrain the movements of the cicada Fayuan.

Afterwards, when the pigeon returns to the basket, both the pigeon and the letter cage will be prefixed with black lotus, and will be reborn.

However, Cicada Fayuan's emergency response at this critical moment was to give up on Yang Yu directly after being informed. Then push the letter cage back to the distance that represents the true mystery of Shenxiao, the pigeon can't fly back, so push the letter cage over. This is the so-called "if the mountain doesn't come, it will be me, if I come, it will be the mountain."

During this process, the sheep took the initiative to sacrifice themselves and burn the ropes that bound the pigeons so that the pigeons could return to the cage early. He didn't know what Cicada Fayuan was going to do, because it wasn't in the plan in advance, he just tried his best to do something else.

But it has reached a wonderful cooperation with the cicada.

The two monks, the old and the young, have the magic of Bodhi in their hearts, which shortens the process of knowing and hearing the bell to recover its power.

On the bronze bell, the phrase "His heart does not permit to open a lotus flower" has been engraved to the last stroke of the word "lotus". But Ji Xingkong, the so-called believer in the new transmission of Buddhism in the Dharma-ending era, has fallen into nothingness!

Zhiwen Zhong has already fallen into that period of truth.

It is not any place within the demon world, nor is it in the land of heaven. It does not exist in a specific space, but advances into that "secret".

There are hundreds of millions of secrets in the world, how can all living beings find them?

Of course, the fate of cicadas is not to make Zhiwen Zhong lose. His reliance lies in the connection between Zhiwen Zhong and ancient Nanshan's incense for thousands of years, and in the Buddhist fate left by many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on Zhiwen Zhong. That kind of connection was only temporarily cut off. When the world rules of the land of the gods lost their guidance, and the method of Su Xingkong was worn away by time, the long-term connection that has been going on for many years can still be restored.

With the help of this connection, Gu Nanshan can find the bell of knowing and hearing again.

It doesn't even take long.

Because at this moment, Cicada Fayuan had urgently communicated with Gu Nanshan, and there were already countless Sanskrit sounds floating around him!

That is Gu Nanshan's call to the Zhiwen Bell, and it has not sounded yet, just because it is not the best time yet!

I have to say that Cicada Fayuan's response is really a stroke of genius. In the deadly situation where many sacrifices were made in Heilian Temple, he struggled hard to get a chance and won the possibility of keeping Zhiwen Zhong!

In this situation, a sheep healed in Gu Nanshan, a mouse Jialan died in Heilian Temple, the plot against Zhiwen Zhong failed, and a large number of believers in the new teaching of Buddhism in the end of the Dharma era were sacrificed.

If a cruel comparison is made, it is really impossible to say which side has the greater loss.

This moment. Knowing the clock fell into the secret. The engraving on the clock body has not yet been completed, which also means that it is not stable and will be worn away soon.

But Shu Jialan had already burned out the last bit of life just now.

Shu Jialan is dead, and he has been chasing Zhiwen Zhong until his death!

But the opportunity to take Zhiwen Zhong away has been lost...

How can Deer Xingkong be reconciled?

His terrifying eyes covered with black spots and white spots suddenly closed.

The power of terror is being born.

In the secret that no one can see, the black characters engraved on the Zhiwen bell began to self-destruct one by one, hitting the bell one by one.

To break it, to sink it, and at worst, to knock off all traces of it.

Or destroy this secret directly.

I can't engrave it, and you can't recall it.

Let this clock of knowing and hearing be sunk in that secret forever!

I have never owned the Black Lotus Temple, and I lost it after I got it.

"you wanna die!!"

Cicada Fayuan glared at him, no longer caring about any bodhisattva's dignity, roaring and punching, smashing the boundless darkness like glass.

In the darkness of every piece of shattered glass, there is an echo of Ji Xingkong's wild laughter: "But I will not kill you, this bitter fruit of losing knowledge and hearing, I will let you swallow every night for the rest of your life!"

Cicada Fayuan was furious, but now how can he stop Deer Xingkong?

Gu Nan Mountain is still far away from here, and the few heavenly demons who were on the sidelines were afraid that they would not be able to make a move if they wanted to know that Wen Zhong had disappeared.

Seeing a Buddhist treasure, it will disappear.

In the land of the heavens, a voice suddenly sounded.

"No, not quite," said the voice.

"Let's start over." The last sentence belonging to the same voice resounded in the secret of the land of heaven.

Cicada Fayuan's rage and Ji Xingkong's roar stopped abruptly in an instant.

Because at this moment, both of them lost their vague perception of the land of the sky. Neither Hei Lian Sacrificial Altar nor Zhiwen Zhong Xuying could send back messages.

Of course, they couldn't find that secret, and they couldn't destroy or recall the Zhiwen Bell.

It's not just the two great bodhisattvas who are frightened and angry at this moment.

Hu Taisui, Lu Ximing, and Zhu Yi, who had been sitting and watching the two bald-headed fights, all changed their colors.

Because like Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong, their ability to intervene in the chess game outside the field was all lost at this time!

So far, the third chess player who participated in the game of the gods has made a move!

But it's definitely not the fate of cicadas, and it's definitely not the emptiness of deer.

It's not Hu Taisui, it's not Lu Ximing, it's not Spider Yi...

Who is it? !

Just finished writing.

Tomorrow's update will be at 8:00 pm, and the day after tomorrow's update will resume at 12:00 noon, and the day after tomorrow will start to pay off the debt owed for the leave.

That's what I'm planning at the moment, and I hope it stays in good shape.

come on.

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