Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1811 Lost in Time

What's not right?

Who is talking?

This is not just a question of the sky monsters in Moyun City.

It is also the confusion of these competitors in the land of heaven.

But the doubts in Moyun City are still spreading. All the heavenly demons used their magical powers to try to penetrate that secret.

This kind of confusion in the land of heaven did not last long.

At this moment, the three copies of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" on Lu Qilang, Spider Hide, and Chai Asi are still emitting golden and brilliant Buddha light. And it is even more brilliant, the Buddha's light is connected with each other, surging like golden waves.

Zhu Lanruo strokes the string, Xiong Sansi presses the knife, and the few demon seeds have their own thoughts.

Yang Yu has already burned himself and struck the bell, and Shu Jialan has also withered. Zhiwen Zhong's phantom is disappearing, falling into that secret.

The carrier pigeon is flying back to the letter cage, and the Zhiwen bell is recovering its strength. It and its power are about to be lost from now on...

That mysterious voice happened.

This sound was described as "wrong" among the competitors in the land of heaven.

And in the secret that no one can hear, which accommodates the bell of knowledge, "re-enactment" is enacted.

So again.

What has withered, blooms again.

What has burned is being restored.

Falling into the hidden shadow of knowledge and knowledge, it returned to the sky.

The golden light and black light all over the sky have also cleared up their previous suspicions and are no longer entangled with each other...

All the swords that Lu Qilang had unsheathed returned to their sheaths.

Even Chai Ah Si took a few steps forward, but also retreated.

Jiang Wang in the mirror world didn't blink, but everything in front of him was so different.

What he saw was a deep forest, the road in the middle of the forest that Zhu Dali and Snake Guyu walked.

And what I saw through Chai Asi...

It is Zhu Lanruo and Zhu Ji who are still by the spring. Xiong Sansi was confronting him with a knife in his hand, the atmosphere was very tense, and the murderous intent was rising and falling.

At this moment, Shu Jialan and Yang Yu have not yet appeared.

Chai Asi, who chatted and laughed with Yuan Mengji, had just walked out of the forest.

This scene is too weird!

What is going on?

Back in time? Turn back time?

Huang Sheli's reverse journey?

Witnessing the process of the white mist devouring the mirage dragon, Jiang Wang has already realized the magic of the red makeup mirror, and at this time he also successfully accepted the fact that he was not affected by the mysterious power in the mirror.

The changes in the outside world are really unimaginable, who is related to it?

Jiang Wang kept silent, looking at the unchanging forest scene in the mirror world, looking at the lifeless Fountain of Youth through the divine seal, and observing every monster present.

"I said that the test in the land of Shenxiao is not very difficult! Along the way, except for a trick of beauty to seduce, there is no trouble! The ancestor of Shenxiao used this to test me? I can be captured by beauty Is it a mediocre monster?"

"That can't be! How noble your character is, how firm your will is!"

"Ah Si, you are good at everything, just one thing, you are too honest! You have such a character, it is easy to be excluded!"

"Then I am serving Mr. Ape. The so-called good king meets good minister, and only you are open-minded enough to allow me to speak out from the bottom of my heart!"

One is bragging, and the other accepts everything.

The two little demons walked out of the forest, belatedly feeling the chill by the spring.

"excuse me!"

Chai Asi waved his hands again and again: "I think there is still something to do on the way, you go ahead!"

Pull Yuan Mengji and walk back.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Pull out your sword!" Yuan Mengji yelled, "Didn't you see that he was bullying my sister Lan Ruo? I can bear it?"

Jiang Wang watched all this silently, as if watching a big scene repeat itself, and found that things began to change here.

Xiong Sansi, who was just on the sidelines before, turned his head to look at Yuan Mengji this time, and uttered each word in a rough voice: "You just said... what seduction?"

Yuan Mengji rolled his eyes: "None of your business?!"

Looking at Zhu Lanruo with concern, "Sister Lanruo, are you okay?"

Spider Hide said angrily, "None of your business?!"

Zhu Lanruo said softly: "No problem, thank you Brother Mengji for saving the siege."

Ape Meng doesn't even look at Spider Hide, but from Zhu Lanruo's voice, he has obtained infinite power. When he turns his head, he has to teach Xiong to think twice - he can't beat him, but who can not give me grandpa ape? Xianting's face?

Chai Ah Si grabbed his arm at the right time: "My lord, don't be impulsive!"

He even reminded with his ear: "Xiong Sansi is the eighth new king of the Tianbang. And he is known as the 'Tattooed Demon', killing monsters like hemp. And... Yu Xin is gone, did the lord find it?"

"Release—" Yuan Meng took a very careful look at Xiong Sansi's sharp blade, and for some reason, a wisp of cold air rushed towards Tianling. Finally, he became more awake, and patted Chai Asi's hand lightly: "What are you holding me for? If someone who didn't know saw it, they thought I was impulsive!"

He smiled at Xiong Sansi again: "Brother Sansi...are you also interested in this?"

Look at the sensuality in the corner of his grinning mouth.

Yu Xin said that he had taken him to a prostitute earlier, it can be seen that it is not a lie!

At this time, the sky and the earth are covered with golden light, Xiong Sansi's pitch-black mask is more or less conspicuous.

His entire face was hidden under the mask, except for his eyes.

There was neither disgust nor like-mindedness in those eyes.

He only said in that ugly voice that tormented the listener's ears: "What did you encounter? Explain clearly."

"What are you talking about?" Taiping ghost messenger swaggered out of the forest, his posture relaxed: "I just want to listen to it too!"

Snake Guyu also came out after him, his movements were light and agile, and his breath was deep and hidden.

"Talk about being seduced by beauty on the road! Did you meet Brother Guishi when you came here?" Chai Ahsi was still actively trying to smooth things over, getting acquainted with all kinds of tyrants.

The great ancient god in the mirror world held his breath.

If the scene just now was a time regression, under the same situation, the performance of each monster should not change much. Except Yuanmengji and Chai Asi, who made up the numbers, they were all talented people who were able to get here, and the choices they made were usually the best choices they judged under the current situation.

This is true no matter how many times you start over.

Just like when he faced Huang Sheli at Guanhetai, no matter how many times he tried again, he still chose to spare no effort to decide the outcome. Let Huang Sheli reverse time, but cannot reverse the outcome.

As far as just now, although not every word of what Chai Ahsi said is the same, the general attitude is also the same. Xiong Sansi's attitude has changed a lot, so that it caused a series of reactions from other monsters.

There must be nothing wrong with Chai Ah Si.

Can it be said that Xiong Sansi is also not drawn by time retrogression, thinking and memory jump out of time?

Of course, it is not certain now, this scene must be a change of time. The land of the gods is so weird and unpredictable, it is not uncommon to have other rules.

To judge the particularity of the scene in front of you.

Shu Jialan, who was supposed to appear next, is the key.

Jiang Wang watched silently...

"Please benefactor first!"

"Buddha first please!"

Yuan Mengji is telling vividly how he was seduced and how he refused the temptation. In the same order, Shukalan and Kashiro appeared again!

The monk of Heilian Temple, who had completely withered in the previous scene, once again appeared in front of his eyes with flesh and blood.

For Jiang Wang, it is also an experience that breaks cognition.

This at least shows that the changes just now are not illusions, nor are they simply modifying the memories of other monsters. But it does involve time...

Who is secretly manipulating all this, intervening in the struggle between Heilian Temple and Gu Nanshan, and what is it asking for?

Jiang Wang originally wanted to direct Zhu Dali or Chai Asi to react to see what happened next, so as to find out the source of the disturbance. But with a change of mind, he maintained restraint and still waited for development.

Shu Jialan and Lu Qilang on the forest path are still afraid of each other, neither of them is willing to go first.

But this time, they didn't wait for them to continue pushing and giving way, nor did they wait for the Taiping ghost messenger to persuade them to return.

The spider standing beside the Fountain of Youth already said: "Master Shu, take a few steps back and let Brother Lu go first, so everyone will be happy, what is there to give way?"

Zhu Lanruo, who was sitting by the spring and fingering the strings of the piano, also said leisurely: "Brother Lu, you might as well go ahead, the Tianxi Wasteland and the sea of ​​fragrant flowers are close neighbors, and Lan Ruozi is here to hold the battle for you... Master Shu has profound Buddhist teachings. Not to do anything."

It turned out to be a spider, and there was a change in attitude!

His memory jumped out of time too? What does he also want to test?

In other words, regardless of human beings or demons, intelligent beings have one mind and one mind, and at the same time, it is possible to have any thoughts and happen anything. My own judgment on Xiong Sansi may not be accurate.

Jiang Wang is constantly constructing cognitions in his heart, and constantly subverting, supplementing and repeating them.

He did feel a pain of confusion.

Something seems to have been overlooked somewhere.

Where is the crux of the problem?

"Miss Lan Ruo said so, I will go first!" Lu Qilang smiled sassyly, and walked out of the forest first.

This time Jiang Wang clearly observed that when he saw the spring water, his eyes flashed with splendor.

The golden light reflects the water, and the water patterns on the surface of the spring are like golden scales.

Lu Qilang naturally walked two steps towards the spring, and said with a light smile, "I don't know who came here first?"

Yuan Mengji, who considers himself an arrogance, said: "We arrived in the third group, mainly to take care of Chai Ahsi, a lot of time wasted!"

Lu Qilang only glanced at Chai Asi, the look in his eyes was asking, you have come here, you still find this idiot to cover for you?

Chai Asi smiled brightly: "Thanks to the lord for being considerate!"

"We were lucky, we didn't encounter any danger on the way." Zhu Lanruo smiled and said, "It's only a few breaths faster than Brother Xiong."

Shu Jialan walked out of the forest at this moment, heard this, glanced at Xiong Sansi's saber, and said meaningfully: "The eighth saber of the new king of Tianbang is indeed fast!"

Of course he was talking about the fact that Yu Xin had disappeared.

Xiong Sansi's voice was calm: "A certain family feels that it's not fast enough! Monk, would you mind lending me your bald head to sharpen your knife?"

He didn't say that it was Yu Xin who attacked first, using his hidden doom magic power to continuously trigger dangers and consume his strength... Finally, under the siege of scarecrows, he tried to kill him. He also didn't say that the law of the jungle preys on the strong, each according to his means.

These words are unnecessary.

Anyone who wants to talk about Yu Xin, come to try the sword.

Shu Jialan laughed: "The poor monk has always been stingy, of course he minds! Those bald people in Gu Nanshan always like to pretend to be kind and generous, Yang Yu may not mind!"

Whether Yu Xin dies or not, what does it matter to him?

Because there is less time to pull.

In the current scene, Shu Jialan walked out of the forest first, and Yang Yu and Quan Xihua were the last group to come to the spring.

The bruised Quan Xihua and the warm-hearted Yang Yu came out at this time, and they also heard this sentence.

Quan Xihua was busy enduring the pain.

However, Yang Yu turned to Shu Jialan the first time he stepped out of the forest, and uttered a Sanskrit voice: "Shu Jialan! You have lost your way and you don't know how to return!"


The suspended bronze bell seemed to be affected.

A bell rang in the hearts of every audience present.

heart clock!

The clock outside the sky!

Everything repeats itself!

The next scene almost reproduced the previous one.

With the help of Zhiwen Zhong, Yang Yu crushed Shu Jialan's skull with an overwhelming advantage. Shu Jialan's feigned death broke out, and he continued to fight with Hei Lian as his head, sacrificing himself, and in turn fell into the bell of knowledge.

Yang Yu burned himself as the hammer again, and made a final sound...

Here is where things change crucially.

The Zhiwen Zhong phantom in the air was staggering so far, and almost fell into a certain "secret".

Suddenly out of thin air, a big golden hand protruded out of nothing, pinching Zhiwen Zhong Xuying. Squeezing that huge copper bell phantom into a small bell is like...holding it in the palm of your hand!

Jiang Wang in the mirror world suddenly realized what he had overlooked!

That is, although everything is repeating itself, there is always a golden light between the heaven and the earth, and the spring water is always illuminated into gold—that is the golden light emitted by the three "Fifty-Eight Chapters of Buddha's Words" here, and it continues!

From the last scene, it shines all the way to this scene.

However, in this scene, the great Bodhisattva of the ancient Nanshan Mountain has clearly not yet come to the Sanskrit sound, and the Zhiwen Bell has not yet awakened the "Buddha said" and "Fate to Come".

But such an obvious point was erased from his cognition. He didn't notice the strangeness until the moment when the golden light gathered into a big hand.

Or it could be said that the mysterious force concealed this point far more powerfully than others, so that even the red makeup mirror could not block it. Either this "covering" already exists at the level of perception. Not to any individual, but to all perceptions.

To be perceived is to be isolated.

He saw it in the mirror world, so he also ignored it in the mirror world!

The owner of this big golden hand should be the third chess player who has ended the game in the land of the sky so far. And the goal of this chess player is surprisingly also Zhiwen Zhong!

At the moment when Yang Yu and Shu Jialan died one after another, what was also aware of the abnormality and reacted immediately was the sound of a zither.


The sound was extremely sharp, and there was a false sense of cutting off the ears.

As soon as the strings moved, the spider standing behind Zhu Lanruo...'s head rolled off immediately.

He, who has already been penetrated into cause and effect, has no time to resist at all!

But the "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" in his arms jumped out, still shining.

"I see!"

"You can dial the time, you can change our state, but you can't dial the power of the two great Bodhisattvas. The time you dial is incomplete, the cause and effect are incomplete, and the drama that repeats...the plot doesn't match at all."

"I see. You let everything repeat itself in order to confuse the time of the land of the gods and the demon world, make them lose contact in time, and create a time loss. Use this method to isolate the power of other chess players, so as to provide you Create the time to steal the bell of knowledge."

"Your real purpose is to take this clock away. And for this day, you have been planning for many years."

"Spider hide... Quan Yingyang... what else?"

Zhu Lanruo had already realized it, and raised her finger to pick the string.

The spidery, headless corpse stood up abruptly, grabbing the "Fifty-eight Chapters of Buddha's Words" that jumped up.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless spider threads are born, and they travel through this place, like weaving brocade.

Seal the three copies of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of Buddha's Words", the golden glow all over the sky, and even the big golden hand holding Zhiwen Zhongxuying who was about to leave.

However, there are countless threads of locks to lock the golden light!

The graceful voice belonging to Zhu Yi resounded from the headless corpse of Zhu Xi: "But there is no second Buddhist sect in the demon world that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Ancient Nanshan, Are you? Who?"

At the heart of this corpse, an orchid bloomed.

If you realize the orchid cause early, you will not get the fruit.

Borrow the supernatural power of Spider Orchid Ruo to guide the way.

Zhu Yi, the lord of Tianxi Wasteland, was the first to get out of the time lost and found the connection with the land of heaven. As the fourth chess player to receive a piece, officially make a move!

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