Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1813 Today is a good day, today's fate is perfect

The Great Bodhisattva Sumeru Mount Sumeru has clearly attained enlightenment, and it will be five hundred years since his death!

Ming Zhi's senior brother and Xing Nian's master, Zen Master Ming Hong who was expected to be "hopeful to become a Buddha", entered the demon world nine times before his death, all in vain. The premature end of life is also due to the knowledge of the clock.

Before Mingzhi and Minghong, the monks of Mount Sumeru in all dynasties did not know how many monks came for this bell, and died because of it.

The treasure of the mountain gate, how can the EMI redeem it!

Xing Nian, as the world-renowned true king of hexagrams and Taoism, the great Bodhisattva who studied the "Future Stars Tribulation Sutra", did not settle the results for five hundred years, in order to write down a definite [future] today, for the monks of all ages on Mount Sumeru. Sacrifice is the last perfect stroke.

Thirteen copies of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of Buddha's Words" were lost in the world, and the contents of them had been tampered with by him.

Every revision is to pave the way for regaining the Zhiwen Bell.

God's will is impermanent, and cause and effect cannot be exhausted. What's more, how many peak powerhouses are involved in this divine game, and it is even more difficult to draw the line in it.

Of the thirteen chapters scattered in the demon world, only these three chapters finally entered the land of the heavens.

But these three chapters are enough.

Now this time point is already the best time point.

One step forward, the game of the gods is in the ascendant, and the layout of other chess players is difficult to understand clearly, and there are too many variables.

Taking a step back, Zhiwenzhong's battle has been settled. Even if he smashes through the chessboard and wins everything, it will be difficult to win Zhiwenzhong back.

At this moment, Ji Xingkong and Cicada Fayuan are fighting fiercely, and the time for the other chess players to accept their pieces is not yet ripe.

Separating the time of the land of the gods from the time of the demon world, the resulting time is lost, enough to win the time to win the bell. Regardless of Hu Taisui, Lu Ximing, Deer Xingkong, Cicada Fayuan, there is no chance of entering the game for the time being.

Only the power of great bodhisattvas such as deer xingkong and cicada fayuan cannot be traced back, which makes this situation have a certain gap.

He used means to compress the [plot], leaving this gap to the cause and effect of Spider Yi.

If Zhu Yi is thinking about her own layout, it doesn't matter if she doesn't come. He only left with Zhiwen Zhong.

If Zhu Yi dared to enter the game, he would kill him, so as to make up for the regret of his uncle Ming Xing's death five hundred years ago.

Going back in time and repeating the battle situation, he relied on the wreckage of the "Flying Light" treasure ship and the special characteristics of the land of heaven-he had already understood these in the future.

Taking advantage of the situation to make a layout is exactly what he is good at.

At this moment, the effect becomes the cause, changing the cage for the bird, and arresting Zhu Yi's true life is the display of his true strength.

The Tao that Zhu Yi is best at is puppetry and blockade. In the past, she didn't know much about cause and effect. It was after Zhu Lanruo was born that he studied Lan Yinxuguo's supernatural powers, and then he began to think about it.

Of course, this "doesn't know much", but it won't lose to the real monsters who study this way leisurely.

It can even be used as the layout of the land of the gods, echoing Zhu Lanruo who walks in the land of the gods.

But this level of causality, compared with the long-term insight into cause and effect, and peeking at the future Zen master Xingnian, is tantamount to playing tricks.

For Spider Yi.

Karma is only the path of descending power, the manipulation of the spider's hideous headless corpse, and the interweaving and blocking of thousands of spider threads are her real power.

But at this moment, the importance of cause and effect is magnified, and cause and effect have been reversed.

Spider Yi changed from "coming" to "going", her real body is still in Moyun City, but Zhenshou was detained here...

Killing this longevity body is like killing a spider!

The phantom spider's head temporarily replaced the spider's head. Her power is still in the demon world, and not all of it can be transferred. But her real life was actually locked in the body she manipulated.

This is the [cause] of her action, the [fruit] of her wanting to eat the trapped beast!

If the spider orchid was born with the terrifying supernatural powers of orchid yin and xuguo, it was only moved and woven by Zen master Xingnian at will.

And the big golden hand that made Zhiwen Zhong Xuying into a small bell, at this moment, swung away the golden thread entangled in the five fingers, clenched it into a fist, and slammed it down!

There is a bell ringing in the fist, it is Gu Nanshan's call to Zhiwen Bell. But they were all suppressed in the fist.

This fist falls.

The frozen space was instantly blasted, and the shattered Spider Yi's way was blocked.

Afterwards, thousands of threads were woven into golden thread cassocks.

The fist falls on the holy mountain, and the cassock subdues the devil!

But since Zhu Yi chose to settle in the game of Shenxiao, since she chose to let Zhu Lanruo enter the game, and wanted to gain could she be unprepared?

Even if the time is not right now and what she wants can no longer be achieved, the means she prepared are still there.

Zen Master Xingnian began with the theft of the "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" from the Tianyao Pavilion. It was indeed unexpected for her to lose a son in five hundred years, and none of the few sky demons in Moyun City thought of it. Zen master Xingnian was able to turn the effect into the cause, vacate the cage for the bird, and capture her true life, which is even more unpredictable.

But to say that she, Zhu Yi, has no ability to resist, would be to underestimate the Heavenly Demon!

at such moments.

The beautiful Zhu Lanruo, who used the strings to kill the spider, has been playing the piano since Zhu Yi finished manipulating the spider's corpse and uttered his voice in the sky.

What I caress is a song "Mountains and Flowing Water".

With her own strength, she borrowed cause and effect from the ancestor Zhuyi.

But at this moment, with ten fingers pressed suddenly, the sound of the piano stopped, and the seven strings were stained with blood!

As beautiful as she was, she stood up in a hasty and decisive posture, held the lyre upside down, and slammed it hard at the blue boulder by the spring.

The strings of the piano were strewn on the bluestone, making a "tight and tense" clang.

Very heavy, very sad, very painful!

The seven strings are all broken, and the body of the qin is also broken. From the crack in the body of the piano, you can especially see the dense wood whiskers, entangled with each other, as if reluctant to part.

This is the best among real pianos.

It's a pity that I fell!

But look at the determination of that beautiful woman in throwing the piano, the firmness of her eyebrows and eyes.

What's the pity?

There is no bosom friend in the world, and the stringed qin is broken.

With this cry, wake up the knowledge!

The Zhiwen bell Xuying wrapped in his fist seemed to ring again. But still firmly suppressed.

It is known that the bell is originally the most precious treasure of Mount Sumeru. Although it has been enshrined in the ancient Nanshan Mountain for thousands of years, the monks of Mount Sumeru are very familiar with this clock and have many ways to deal with it.

The huge golden fist was not stopped by the sound of the bell.

Majestic as a mountain.


The phantom Spider Yi's head seemed to be pressed down an inch.

The headless spider's hideous body already showed clear bloody cracks.

But at this inch, it stopped.

Under the golden fist, on the top of Zhu Yi's cloud bun, a thin blister quietly appeared. There is one-fifth of the water in the blister, which is as calm as a flat wave.

The fist pressed it down and down, but it couldn't be broken no matter what.

What rang out over the bell was the sound of gurgling water.

The sound of bubbling springs!

No matter how much Zhu Lan hides her cultivation, no matter how talented she is, she is only a demon king, and it is absolutely impossible for her to participate in a battle of this level.

But the Fountain of Youth can!

Just like Zen master Xingnian used the wreckage of the flying light treasure ship to lay out the layout, and took advantage of the situation. Spider Yi's layout also borrowed strength, but it was borrowed from the dead fountain of youth.

The Fountain of Youth, which has lost its spirituality, has its own power of degeneration, from the extreme of life to the extreme of death.

In the entire game of the gods, there are six competing teams and twelve young monsters.

If the spider orchid was the first to find the fountain of youth, it would be the first to come here.

The relevant arrangements have already been completed.

At this moment, he just used his hand in advance...

The so-called smashing the stringed qin is to call out knowledge and hearing with this mournful sound.

It is not Zhiwen Bell that is called, but Zhiwen from the Fountain of Youth!

In the time, there is an old and decayed voice, so lamenting.

"The Fountain of Youth is dead, who in the world is talking about longevity?"

"How old were you when you were born?"

"What is the longevity?"

"How much for fun?"

"Because it's bitter...cough cough! Bitter too!"

This voice does not exist in the present, but a fragment of history. Like the sigh of a witness when the fountain of youth is exhausted.

After the sound of the shattered harp.

The sigh of history is sighed by the latecomers.

The still water and the waveless fountain of youth swayed layer after layer of ripples.

From the central point of the dense ripples, there is an endless, debilitating power.

"Look, master!" Zhu Yi raised her eyes and said, "Fate is determined by the sky, why force it?"

The dementia power of the fountain of youth was continuously attracted by her. The blister hanging above her head seemed to reflect countless phantoms, there were people, monsters and beasts, flowers, birds, insects and fish, and so on... and all of them were disillusioned.

At the same time, the giant golden fist pressing on the blister unexpectedly dripped golden liquid, which was being rapidly melted!

Zen Master Xingnian wants to destroy her true life, but she uses the power of the fountain of youth to dissolve the rest of Zen Master Xingnian's life first!

In the dark, the voice of Zen Master Xing Nian sounded again——

"Is this the method you prepared, Zhuyi?"

"Old but not old, born but not born, orchid cause and fruit, the former are all dreams... It is a wonderful method!"

"It's a pity... I have already seen it one step earlier!"

The "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" that the headless spider held in his hand suddenly began to turn pages. Although half of it was tightly grasped, the other half kept turning upwards.

Every page is turning.

That kind of berserk strength, like countless giant dragons, are shaking the world in the palm of their hands, trying to smash through the universe.

Zhu Yi tried her best to hold it.

But the other two "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" hanging high in the air also began to slowly turn the pages.

The Sanskrit characters in the book jumped out one by one.

Like warriors charging forward, scrambling to be the first, quickly gathering behind the giant golden fist.

Accumulate soil to form mountains, accumulate water to form rivers...accumulate words to form a golden body!

For many years, Chan Master Xingnian has decomposed himself, turned himself into tiny things, and hidden them in these many words.

At this time, the golden Sanskrit characters were shaped into golden arms, golden torso, golden legs, golden head... even the eyebrows, nose and lips, and even the mouth and ears.

Vivid and lively, Buddha-nature is compassionate.

The true face of Zen Master Xumi Mountain Xing Nian appeared in front of the demons for the first time in the form of a golden statue.

He looks handsome, with a nose like a mountain, and deep Buddha eyes. Especially with a shiny bald head, Jiang Wang in the mirror world felt very friendly, so he wanted to come out to make friends on the spot... because he was worried about affecting the battle of Master Xing Nian, he gave up.

The golden statue of Chan Master Xing Nian hangs high in the sky, and the process of dissolving the golden giant fist has come to a standstill!

The dripping golden liquid covered the ground in gold.

The floor is paved with gold bricks, and the Buddha lectures!

Then the fist clenched even tighter.

More real and deeper.

The joints are clearer and the texture is more distinct!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of fist bones ringing, it seems that a mountain is moving.

Chan Master Xing Nian hangs high in the midair of the holy mountain, pushing his fist downward.

Fist has five peaks!

The five peaks all show characters.

Densely packed, engraved with gold and jade, it is a big scripture.

You don't need to look carefully, the words have already jumped into your eyes.

The word says: "A man who cultivates goodness and good fortune is a sign of evil and disaster. He is clear and clear. But few believe in enlightenment. He lives in this evil world with five turbidities. Five yin afflictions and three poisons are blazing. There is no end to life and death in reincarnation. When the Buddha was alive in the past .The people are as numerous as Hengsha..."

It is for the "Future Constellation Tribulation Thousand Buddha Famous Sutra"!

His Hong Sheng said: "Fountain of Youth, Fountain of Youth!"

"How long has it been since the treasure of this world moved to the demon world?"

The fists fell unstoppably, and Chan Master Xing Nian's voice was like a drum.

"Today is a good day, and today is a good day."

"For me, it's angelic!"

The water bubble linked to the power of the Fountain of Youth was blown away with one punch!

The water splashed in all directions, and the water waves rolled up, rushing into the air and forming a river.

The wet heads of the headless spiders and spiders looked extremely embarrassed.

Spider Yi is a body that has not recovered from serious injuries, so the arrangement in the Shenxiao Bureau is just to take advantage of the situation. Right now, the real body is still isolated from the Shenxiao Bureau, and the only real life left in this body is not enough to play at all.

In front of the Zen master Xingnian who burst out with all his strength, the struggle is too weak!

At this moment, Chan Master Xing Nian did not immediately make up his fist to kill Zhu Yi, but turned around calmly and punched the void.

All the monsters were shocked to see that a huge gully had been punched out of the void. I can't see where the other shore is, I can only see that the sky wind is like a knife, killing souls and destroying souls, the abyss is endless, and the darkness cannot be filled.

Only Zhu Yi can see clearly that this is a "distance".

The distance between the land of the heavens and the present world was actually manifested by Zen Master Xing Nian in this way.

From "nothing" comes "being".

Among the endless possibilities, find out such a possibility!

Although the land of the heavens is very special, although the cause and effect are always unpredictable, even though the "Future Stars Tribulation Sutra" is well-known.

But this is also unbelievable!

With her sky demon vision, she was also shocked for a moment!

Although you can't see the other shore, you can know it if you think about it... There should be the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters standing there.

Because there is no other possibility to go out from the demon world. Either the Chaos Sea, or the Ten Thousand Demon Gate. All other possibilities have long been cut off by the strong human race in the past.

Although Chan Master Xingnian turned from the demon world to the land of the gods and then to the present world, he can be regarded as coming out of the demon world, so he has to go through the gate of ten thousand demons in the end. But somehow, he crossed the vast land of the demon world, and got rid of the interception and killing of countless strong monsters in the boundless world.

But... the distance between the land of the heavens and the present world, although it has been blown out, is here.

It is also a huge ravine that is unpredictable up and down, and the other side cannot be seen from one side to the other. It is the eternal moat, and life and death are difficult to overcome.

How does Zen master Xingnian fly?

This thought, this question had just been born, and was instantly extinguished by the raging fountain of youth.

Zhu Yi suddenly discovered that the power of the fountain of youth she designed to pull had all fallen back into the spring water, and was now pouring back into the huge ravine in the void.

The eternal spring water is like the Tianhe River, filling the gap between the natural moats.

The water level of the Tianhe River is high. Looking at it at this time, I don't know how deep the sky is!

The terrifying abyss caused by hastily grabbing the future and realizing the distance was filled by Zhu Yi's backhand.

Zen Master Xingnian's calculations are so deep that Zhu Yi, a majestic demon, is playing around like a child, making only steps!

However, the depleted spring of youth is not so easy to swim through. With the power of extreme death and degeneration, combined with the unpredictable danger of the sky, even the true king of Yan Dao will suffer a lot.

If Zen Master Xingnian waded rashly...a little trick on the shore, maybe he could be killed halfway through.

But these demon kings present are not enough. It just depends on whether Moyun City has time to break the time lost.

Zhu Yi was thinking about it.

It was also seen that Zen Master Xingnian's giant golden fist slammed upwards. This time he did not open any natural moats, but from the secret, a bronze bell fell down!

Surrounding the ancient bronze bell, there are still many monks chanting faintly.

Seeing the wind, the bell grows, falls into the Tianhe River, and turns into a ferry.

Zen Master Xingnian spread out that giant golden fist, and the clenched Zhiwen Zhong Xuying flew down on the ferry and turned into a sail.

On the other side of the demon world, the monks of Gu Nan Mountain tried their best to call Zhiwen Zhong without knowing it. But in the lost time of time, cause and effect were confused, and he helped Zen master Xingnian in secret, pushed out the clock of knowing and hearing, and turned it into a ferry at this moment...

Help him cross the Milky Way and return to the present world!

Chan Master Xingnian simply calculated everything without missing anything.

At this moment, Spider Yi knows what "today's happy relationship with angelica" is!

On this day, the Fountain of Youth returns, the Clock of Knowing and hearing returns, and Zen Master Xing Nian also returns!


If there is no eight o'clock, there will be ten o'clock.

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