Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1814 How far away is the other side! (Ask for leave to make up for 2/8)

Chapter 1814 How far away is the other shore! (Leave to make up 28)

There is no need to repeat Jiang Wang's efforts in the demon world to return home.

He has imagined countless times how to pave the way home.

But every time I just started, I was interrupted.

Nearly half a year in exile in the demon world seemed as long as half his life had been spent. I tried everything, but I didn't even touch a real hope.

Until this moment, under the supreme supernatural power of Chan Master Xing Nian, he really saw the ferry boat going home!

How does this make him not excited?

While waiting to go home, he had already thought about many kinds of opening remarks in his mind, how to greet Master Nian with him.

If Uncle Xingnian asks, where does this uncle come from?

First of all, I want to talk about it, the Buddhist sects in the world are one family, we are honored guests of the Xuankong Temple, and the Sumeru Mountain is not waiting to see you?

Can you recognize Master Suffering? He is your junior, you may not know him well. It doesn't matter, going back to the Xuankong Temple, there is also a master Guanyan who has been the most enlightened in five hundred years!

In terms of character generation, the "Guan" character generation of Xuankong Temple corresponds to the "De" character generation of Mount Sumeru.

The so-called "Learn Xuanqing's silence and gain enlightenment, follow Yongpu Zhenji's wish to help the world."

I remember the generation of Mount Sumeru correctly, right?

Then senior Guan Yan is still your teacher and grandfather.

Master Guan Yan has a wife—yes, he is an old man—I call her mother-in-law. Based on this, I should call you Senior Brother.

You are highly respected and have a long history, how dare I be in the same generation as you!

I will come down to the next generation and call you uncle, what do you think?

If you are not satisfied, you can discuss again...

How about, we are strangers in a foreign land, and we go home together?

Master, I can also donate incense money!

I have a friend who is very rich. If you can take me for a ride, a temple can also be donated!

"Great Master!"

Zhu Yi, who was beaten to the extreme, suddenly pulled out her hairpin—it was just a phantom, but at this moment, she had real determination.

"It's want to take away Zhiwenzhong, and you want to take away the Fountain of Youth. Are you too greedy?"

She held the hairpin upside down and swiped it vigorously!

"My name is the lord of the wasteland with the breath of heaven. With this domain power, I will keep you one step!"

At this moment, the sky moat, which represents the distance between the land of the gods and the present world, is only one step away. The wind is fierce, the Milky Way roars, and I know that the ferry is sailing.

But as Zhuyi's hairpin was drawn down, before the natural moat, another natural moat appeared.

One step away, it becomes the gap between heaven and earth.

The moat twisted and turned again, directly enclosing Chan Master Xing Nian.

Similar to the Legalists, painting the ground into a prison!

In this game of the heavens, Spider Yi still has one of the biggest advantages - the portal that the land of the heavens opened this time is located in her home field.

She is a landlord and enjoys the land.

If it hadn't been calculated by Chan Master Xing Nian from the very beginning, to reverse cause and effect, and exchange true life, the power that can be exerted is not one in ten, and it should not be as embarrassing as it is now.

At this time, she mobilized her domain power from afar to portray the heavenly moat prison, which is also an excellent means.

But Zen Master Xingnian just turned his eyes, and in the past and future, he has already seen the gap in this prison, so he separated his five fingers... and pushed gently.

There was a gap in the Tianzhu prison.

The prison door has been pushed open!

The face of Zhu Yi was reflected in those deep Buddha eyes. Zen Master Xingnian said: "The person who knows and hears the bell is the inheritance of Mount Sumeru. The fountain of youth is the natural treasure of this world. Of course I will bring it back when I return to the world. This is the cycle of heaven, and karma is repaid. The benefactor said that I Greedy, but still missed a word... my uncle died five hundred years ago, today I should kill him and return to Yiyan Dao!"

The sound is like the sound of a big drum, and the Tao is scattered.

With five fingers spread out, the palm covers the sacred mountain.

At this moment, the golden brilliance has disappeared from this palm, but flesh-colored.

It shows that Zen Master Xingnian has collected his strength at this time and returned it to himself.

The flesh and blood of this palm fell down clearly, unstoppable. Immediately broke Zhu Yi's hairpin, shattered her spider web, directly pressed down her illusory head representing Zhenshou, and exploded the entire spidery and headless corpse she entrusted to manipulate on the spot, crushing it into a speck of dust!

"Pig Dali!"

The Taiping Daoist urges the Taiping Ghost Escort loudly, and it is hard to suppress his excitement.

Zhu Dali instinctively mobilized his body, and asked in his heart: "What's the matter?"

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst out!

The Taoist voice was very indifferent: "It's okay, you hid well. Just to remind you, my demon clan has another Tianzun to attack, you keep a good distance, don't be accidentally injured."

Pig vigorously and low-key hid in the edge of the forest, looking at the battlefield in the air, and said with admiration, "The Taoist master has a wonderful idea!"

The sudden burst of golden light was shining on Zhu Yi's phantom head that had been half crushed.

Chan Master Xingnian's Buddha's palm fell, and the shining golden light also shattered.

But with this block, the broken hairpin has pierced a faint hole in the air. The remnant of Zhu Yi's true life fell into it, and she has escaped into the lost path of time!

The golden light that saved Zhu Yi's life was not any kind of Buddha's light before.

It is not an ancient and difficult mountain, nor is it Mount Sumeru.

Not compassionate, not good.

But proud, but arrogant.

Amidst the scattered golden light, there was an unruly voice: "Bald's eyes are so good, I must have seen you too!"

Yuanmeng was very pleasantly surprised to see the golden mask covering him jumping up in mid-air, condensing into a brilliant figure with golden armor and red robe.

His grandfather Yuan Xianting, who had been lost for many years, held a huge and exaggerated war halberd, aiming at the Zen master outside that day, it fell like an axe!

"A dead bald head, came to the demon world alone to stir up the wind and rain. You treat me as if I don't exist!"

Ape Immortal Court came forward to protect Spider Yi, which was an act of will, and throwing Yuan Mengji into the land of heaven was just a matter of will. Because the other participants had more or less backgrounds, he also left some means to protect the little ape.

He was given three chances of trial and error.

It was only at this time that he sensed the existence of the thoughts, and then he broke out into trouble.

Arrive as you like, and cut it as you like!

This halberd shattered all visible and invisible obstacles, crushed the Buddha's voice and Buddha's words and Buddha's light, and slammed on Zen Master Xingnian's body.

The flesh and blood body that had become pristine was split out and golden light splashed everywhere.

Brutely beat Chan Master Xing Nian back to his golden body state.

The golden body staggered forward, already being shaken fundamentally. But Zen Master Xingnian, with a golden body, just took advantage of the situation...and set foot on his knowledge ferry!

The sky and the earth are faint, and the spirit is flying.

For a moment, only Chan Master Xingnian's chanting echoed in the entire holy mountain: "Thank you ape benefactor for giving me a ride!"

"give you--"

The phantom of Yuanxianting was furious, but it had no choice but to dissipate.

He didn't have much power on Yuan Mengji's body, and the temporary raise was only for this blow. Not even a bad word is enough.



90,000 zhang asked the peak.

Located at the east pole of the demon world.

Farther to the east, there is a large area of ​​chaos that has not yet been explored.

This peak has been famous for a long time, but there are very few people who can climb it.

At such a high place, the wind does not pass, and the thunder does not pass.

The top of the peak is very flat, I don't know who cut it.

On the top is a bluestone platform, and a chessboard is chiseled.

The chessboard is weather-beaten, with many scratches.

There are also white stones and black stones as sons, fighting and entangled on the chessboard.

It is probably not accurate to say "struggle to kill".

It should be said to be "massacre".

Obviously, the sunspots on the chessboard have lost their power. What a big dragon, blocked in nine ways and running around, with nowhere to go.

The two who are playing chess are two very different sky demons.

Dama Jindao was sitting there, wearing golden armor and red cloak, swaggering freely, with a look of discontent in his eyes, showing off everywhere, naturally it was the famous Tian Yao Xian Ting.

But the sky demon sitting opposite him was unusually low-key. Wearing a gray uniform, cloth boots, and a blue hat, with thin eyebrows and gray eyes, he looks sick and thin. The only thing is that the monster has a strange sign and was born with six ears.

"The 80-year-old mother is lying on the baby, my mother Xipi's eyes have been opened!" Yuan Xianting was indignant: "If I didn't come to the real body, I can go wherever I want, how could this bald boy pretend to be majestic!"

With the scolding sound, the surrounding clouds moved, and the sky flickered as if afraid of this power.

Tian Yao, who was sitting opposite him, just gently picked up a white chess piece with two long and thin fingers, and pressed it down on the chessboard.

After further strangling Heizi's living space, he said lightly: "Where did you learn such obscene language?"

Yuan Xianting stared at him: "Does it have something to do with you?"

Simply messing up the chessboard, he stood up: "Ears are not idle and mouth is idle, I listen to you farting all day long! I am impatient to play chess with you!"

The black and white pieces on the chessboard were mixed together, and a few sporadic pieces fell to the ground, making a crisp crash.

Without waiting for the six-eared demon to say anything, he lifted his boots and disappeared.

The six-eared celestial demon with a sickly and thin face was not angry, and silently picked up the layout. Take two fingers freely in the air, there will always be chess pieces flying up.

He was not in a hurry, and fell down one by one on this Wendao Peak, where the mundane world is extinct.

In the end, it happened to form an endgame, which was exactly the same as the previous chess game between him and Yuan Xianting, and the position of each piece was not bad.

Then he picked up a sunspot and whispered in his mouth: "You will bet here."

The voice was very calm and very determined. It seems that it is not a judgment, but a statement of fact.

Heizi fell.

Another white stone fell.

Then he picked another sunspot and said to himself: "You will bet here."

Another white stone fell.

After doing this for a few times, Baizi calmly slays the dragon.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

It was as if an extraterrestrial meteorite hit here, and the whole Wendao Peak shook violently.

"I'm sick of your grandfather!" Yuan Xianting's cursing sound rolled away like thunder.

The six-eared demon beside the chessboard put down the pieces and smiled slightly.



Let's say it is in the land of the sky.

Jiang Wang in the mirror world was in ups and downs.

For a while, he was happy because Zen Master Xingnian opened the way home, and for a while, he was worried because of the tricks of the sky demon that appeared one after another.

Until the moment Zen Master Xingnian was sent to the ferry by Yuan Xianting, he couldn't help shouting: "Okay!"

Immediately found something wrong.

"Hey, wait! Uncle Xingnian! I haven't boarded the boat yet!"

As soon as he decisively retracted the long sword, he was about to jump out of the red makeup mirror and go back with his uncle.

Goodbye demon world!

Goodbye, bastard!

Pig Dali, goodbye!

Chai Ah Si, goodbye!

Each has its own fate and method, and see you in the future!

But the body on this side just jumped up, and on the other side - in the Milky Way, there was a sudden turmoil!

He looked at all this outside in disbelief, and fell powerlessly.


At that moment, Chan Master Xingnian calculated all kinds of countermeasures, borrowed a blow from the ape fairy court, stepped on the Zhiwen Ferry, waded in the Tianhe River, and was about to return to the other side of the world.

The natural moat of the next generation contains spring water of immortality. The spring of youth carries the boat of knowledge. The boat of knowledge carries the lost.

This man has been homeless for five hundred years.

For tens of thousands of years, this boat has not called its homeland.

This spring has lost several great eras!

This water, this boat, this person, return to their hearts like arrows.

After the phantom of the ape fairy court dissipated, Chan Master Xing Nian was on the ferry, but suddenly he spat out a mouthful of golden blood with a "poof".

Although the conversation is easy, who can really understate it so lightly, and let Yuan Xianting "send a ride" with a war halberd?

This mouthful of blood spurted out, it was not a serious problem at all.

But in the golden blood, Chan Master Xing Nian suddenly saw a few black lines.

When he saw these black threads, golden blood jumped out and wrapped around his life wheel!

Cause and effect are strangled, and the river of fate is rolling.

The Milky Way, formed by the entire Spring of Immortality, set off huge waves in an instant!

Zen master Xingnian, why should he be human? When I saw these black lines, I understood everything.

Carefully replaying this round, Ying Yang, the real demon dog on Zhaoyun Peak, was not influenced by him.

A true demon who takes refuge in my Buddha is easy to be discovered in the plot, not concealed enough.

He had a new buddhist relationship, and without Quan Yingyang's knowledge, he completed the guidance of Quan Yingyang, so that he put one of the chapters of "Buddha's Fifty-eight Chapters" on the body of the spider.

Similar to this backhand, he prepared a lot. It's just that there are only a few that coincide with the opening of the land of the heavens.

Quan Yingyang himself is actually supported by Lu Ximing behind his back, and all his actions in Moyun City are to find out the reality of Tianxi Wasteland.

Of course, Quan Xizai, the descendant of Quan Yingyang, is really dead, and the anger that Quan Yingyang felt because of the death of Quan Xizai is also real. Zen master Xingnian also borrowed this chess piece.

The right time, the right place, and the right people can all be perfect. The more you want to see the future, the less you like to make moves that are too big. Pushing the boat along the way, doing whatever you want. It is best that the waves are elsewhere and the situation is within oneself.

He saw Spider Hide, and of course he saw Hu Boqi. He also fully knows that behind Hu Boqi is the son of Hu Taisui.

But what he didn't see was that behind Hu Boqi, there was another existence—the peerless sky demon Ji Zhiben who made the list!

Just as he borrowed Lu Ximing's move to complete his own move. Ji Zhiben is also borrowing Hu Taisui's chess to play his own chess!

The corpse of the spider hideous cannot be destroyed.

Or, at least it cannot be destroyed by his thoughts.

Because the body of the spider hideous has already been planted with visi insects!

His compound eyes, which can capture all movements, are his demonic signs. It was also with his innate demonic signs that he hid these worms.

While alive, a vexa does not affect its host in any way.

It is only triggered after death, becoming an existence of irreversible cause and effect!

Those who destroy corpses must be possessed by vipers!

Ji Zhiben obviously has seen the possibility of Zhuyi descending on the spider, and also knows that he can be regarded as the dead Zhuyi, so he set up this game!

If the design is too dangerous, it may be foreseen by him. If the trap is too turbulent, there is a chance that he will see it.

The vesper works just fine.

Although cause and effect are negated, it does not cause harm in itself.

Its only function is to become an indelible beacon!

Lost in time and separated from the world, it will no longer work at this time.

That is to say, from this moment on, he, Chan Master Xing Nian, has become a living target for the vast number of strong men in the demon world. And it shines brightly in the dark night, like the red moon hanging high in the demon world.

Anyone can see it, do whatever they can.

The turbulent waves created by the spring of immortality are exactly the waves of successive attacks by all the powerful demons in Moyun City!

I wanted to kill for several days in a row and pay off the debt in minutes, but I obviously overestimated myself...

Friends, tomorrow's update is at eight o'clock in the evening.

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