Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1815 EMI He Hu!

The vastness of the Mysterious Land has not yet been explored by the visitors who participated in the competition this time.

For example, only Chan Master Xing Nian knows where the wreck of the time treasure ship "Flying Light" lives.

Like Lu Qilang, Yuan Mengji and the others, their footsteps only stop at this sacred mountain, and their eyes are only limited to this place for the time being.

Zen master Xingnian planned a game for five hundred years, using the Shenxiao game to make things happen, usurping the content of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words", counting the flying light of the mysterious place in Shenxiao, the plan of Zhuyi, the layout of Hu Taisui, and borrowing Lu Ximing's Luozi, in the battle between deer and cicadas and cicadas, took the treasure, and used the ancient Nanshan monk's call to the Zhiwen bell to get the bell.

From non-existence, it manifests the distance between the land of the gods and the world. Fill the eternal moat with spring water of immortality. With the treasure boat of knowing and hearing, it can isolate the power of degeneration and the endless dangers in the eternal sky, and even let Yuan Xianting give him a ride...

This five-hundred-year-long layout is not far-reaching.

But the knowledge book that ranks the heaven list and reviews the heroes of the world is the existence with the number one computing power of the sky demon in the world.

This world has never been anyone's private chessboard. People count as tigers, and tigers count as people. Since ancient times, there have been many layouts.

At this moment, cause and effect are strangled, the river of fate is tumbling, and the secrets are in chaos!

Chan Master Xingnian could think clearly at this time. Five hundred years ago, when Master Mingzhi died, Ji Zhiben had doubts. Because at that time, the net that wanted to capture more Mount Sumeru Bodhisattvas and more human races to develop the Dao did not yield more... For the past five hundred years, he has been looking for himself!

Five hundred years is the dormant waiting of his thoughts, and why is it not the silent patience of Chi Zhiben!

Kizhi didn't necessarily have a glimpse of his own overall situation. But in the case of doubts, there are several key nodes, which are not difficult to catch.

For example, the critical moment of the battle between Ji Xingkong and Cicada Fayuan is the best time, or even the only time, to win the Zhiwen Bell. Then no matter how much you confuse cause and effect and cover up the secret, as long as you choose to make a move this time, the timing of the move will be determined.

This is not a fair fight.

Ji Zhiben didn't need to figure everything out, not even him at all. It is only necessary to ambush a dark hand just in case in the Divine Firmament Bureau where there are so many possibilities.

Being in the demon world, Ji Zhi could have mobilized too many resources, but he had too few choices to make!

About these things, Chan Master Xingnian didn't just want to understand them at this time.

He actually knew it all along.

But if you miss this time, when will you have to wait next time?

Is there a next time?

Once Zhiwenzhong is lost in that secret, no one can find it.

If it is taken away by the Black Lotus Temple in the end, in order to avoid Gu Nanshan's counterattack, one can imagine how the Black Lotus Temple will guard the bell.

And if Gu Nanshan succeeds in keeping the bell of knowledge and hearing, with the experience of being almost taken away by the Black Lotus Temple this time, I am afraid that he would rather hang the treasure mountain in the air than move again...

Five hundred years in the past and five hundred years in the future, this is almost the only chance.

Although he planned a lot, he had to do it!

The so-called "Three Hearings and Three Buddha Faiths" refer to the Buddhist scriptures passed down through the ages. Now I Wenzhong and Guangwenzhong are both there, but Zhiwenzhong is lost in the demon world and will not return for many years.

This is the greatest humiliation of Mount Sumeru since the establishment of the sect.

How many eminent monks and great virtuous monks are thinking about it when they are dying, and they look at the demon world every day.

It's time to draw a conclusion to this matter!

There should be no more regrets like Master's.

Sacrifice like Uncle Ming Zhi's, should not be repeated.

In order to avoid being captured, he spent most of the five hundred years scattered in scriptures in silence. In every thought interval that arises according to conditions, he will ask himself a question——

Is my preparation enough?

Realize the long distance, enough to reach the other side of the world.

The spring of immortality is enough to fill the eternal moat.

Knowing the treasure boat is enough to isolate the power of degeneration.

But at this moment, there is a sudden turmoil, and infinite turmoil is in Tianhe!

The first ones to descend are the deer's Xingkong's Dharma Extinguishing Zen Staff, and the Cicada's Dharma Yuan's Ferry Wheel.

When Chan Master Xingnian shines in the world here, time lost has lost its effect.

The two great bodhisattvas who also lost the true inheritance of their sect but gained nothing, and felt that they were being fooled and treated as snipe and clam, were obviously really angry. They ended up fighting at the same time, and at the same time surrendered to the eternal moat.

The dark Dharma-extinguishing Zen staff dizzy the sky into a dark color, and beat the void into nothingness... With this Zen staff, the Dharma will be destroyed in the world, and the voice of compassion will no longer be heard. The entire Zhiwen Treasure Boat and the Fountain of Immortality are all sinking. The farther the other shore is, the higher the cliff is, and the water level of the Tianhe River has been lowered by three hundred feet!

But the Treasure Wheel of Dushi is like the reflection of a bright moon, floating and sinking in the turbulent Milky Way. Its influence continues to expand, shining forever, and the entire Tianhe water surface has formed the phantom of the treasure wheel. It is really like a terrifying circular abyss, connecting the unknown world of silence.

The ferry boat returning home, and the passengers returning home, are in the center of this terrifying circle of abyss, surrounded by monstrous and huge waves, and it is the fountain of immortality with the power of degeneration.

There is no rising sun above the head, no bright moon, no hometown, only the future of extinction brought about by the nature of deer.

Zen master Xingnian stood in a small boat, alone and without support. The huge waves are all in one, so precarious.

At this time, knowing that the ferry boat is in Tianhe, how is it like him being in the demon world?

Jiang Wang, who hid in the world in the mirror and watched this scene, fully empathized.

But I could only hear him singing, and the singing said——

"If you have regrets in life, you can't bear to turn around, and the world is impermanent, so it's hard to grind."

This handsome monk has experienced ups and downs in the world.

Although he is a great Bodhisattva now, how many times have all living beings turned back?

He looked up at the Miefa Zen staff that brought endless shadows like a mountain, and there was no pain, resentment, or grievance on his face, only peace, calmness, and indifference!

He spread his hands, as if embracing a world that didn't welcome him. He folded his palms together, as if he was bridging all the gaps in people's hearts.

He sang aloud—

"The sea of ​​bitterness once heard the sound of the tide, and I sailed the boat to calm the storm!"

The monstrous turmoil stopped in an instant!

The Zhiwen Ferry under our feet rang for no reason, and the bell rang like oars.

The shadow of the terrible circle abyss was cut open by the Zhiwen ferry. The tide diverges from this center, bringing the same clarity to both sides.

And Zen Master Xingnian on the ferry finally folded his palms together and caught Miefa's staff!

He looked up at the high sky, as if piercing through time and space, and saw the deer-like space on the other side, and said in a rambling voice: "The future is not what you want, and the black lotus can't save the world. Go!"

One wrong palm!

The towering mountain-like Miefa Zen staff exploded into spiral fragments from bottom to top.

Large tracts of night were shattered, and the high vault of the land of the gods returned to the sky. The era of Dharma extermination that Ji Xingkong awakened to seems to have never really existed, and it is destined not to appear at a certain moment in the future.

Although Ji Xingkong and Cicada Fayuan shot with all their strength, they were after all a lifetime of force reduction, and their strength was less than a point.

Chan master Xingnian is here with his true body, and he has long since realized that he will die with the world.

He wants to go home!

Control the spring of immortality, and drive the treasure boat of knowledge and hearing.

But at the next moment, countless flowers suddenly appeared on Zhiwen Treasure Boat.

The flowers are like brocades, surrounded by Zen master Xingnian.

The treasure ship turned into a flower boat.

Tianhe is like that world.

The cause and effect of the world of mortals is bizarre.

Inexhaustible power, self-growth. At this moment, Zhiwen Baozhou seemed to have given birth to his own will. Love the demon world, cling to this place, nostalgia for the world of mortals, don't want to leave again!

The waves beat the boat, and the sound of oars shatters dreams.

In the collision of the power of Taoism, an infinitely beautiful voice came as promised: "Shenxiang flowers, sea deer and Ximing, borrow a fate from the Zen master!"

This sound is like a river tide, ups and downs.

Illusions are like a sea of ​​flowers, born and extinguished endlessly.

Among the thousands of mortal threads, Zen Master Xingnian only raised his deep Buddha eyes: "Do you also understand fate?"

The golden body stretched out with a palm, but the infinite power dissipated like fluttering catkins, and fell lightly, extremely gently... picked up a flower.

This branch is red and beautiful, with beautiful lines. There are three leaves, nine petals, and a drop of dew.

Thinking about flowers...

Throw it down!

He fell hard into the Milky Way!

The power of dementia instantly withered the flower.

Knowing that the flowers on the treasure boat also withered one after another.

Prosperity is far away from here, and I enter the empty door alone.

Hate only hate, the old monk regrets. Read only read, blue light and yellow scroll.

This natural moat is almost infinitely far away, and it is only because of the filling of the spring of immortality that the distance can be seen.

And knowing the treasure boat, knowing the "visibility" of this long journey. With the possibility of carrying people home.

At this moment, Chan Master Xing Nian stood on the bow of the boat, fighting against the heavenly monsters in all directions, sailing to the other shore without looking back.

But Jiang Wang in the mirror world knows that he can't go back...

A person who can see the past and the future as thoughts, how can he not know?

At the moment when the heavenly demons are attacking, he is no longer fighting against any one. The gravitational force of the entire monster world is so heavy.

There was a big tide in the distance.

It was the river waves towering high, like giant mountains and dangerous peaks. It's overwhelming, and it's become a torrent!

This terrifying power seems to have uprooted the entire Milky Way.

Drain all the water in the Tianhe River, and don't let this person return!

The boat is still on the other side until the other side, and I can't see the shore clearly.

Only the oncoming majestic wave, roaring and rolling, formed a mighty giant fist.

The giant fist was in front of him, and he was hitting Zen Master Xing Nian.

It's not to beat him back to this shore, but to beat him to death directly!

This is Tiger Taisui's fist!

Hegemony dominates this world, and those who oppose me will die!

The water of the Tianhe River seems to have soaked Zen Master Xingnian's monk's robe. He dresses simply and sighs poorly.

He only sighed and swallowed.

The three volumes of "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words" have been returned to him with all the words erased.

One of them suddenly jumped out, buzzing, and automatically without wind.

The roaring torrent seems to be a story that happened in another time and space. Although it was noisy and vigorous, it swept past silently.

Pierce the Zhiwen ferry, or be pierced by the Zhiwen ferry.

Anyway, there was no contact.

A ferry is still a ferry, and a Zen master is still a Zen master.

A scripture turned a page.

This punch turned the page.

The way home is still going on.

Almost killed Zhu Yi, entangled cause and effect with Ki Zhiben, fought fate, and resolved the offensives of Yuan Xianting, Cicada Fayuan, Ji Xingkong, Lu Ximing, and Hu Taisui one after another...

One by one passed so many demons.

Zen Master Xingnian looked at the black line on his palm, but there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

What really can't be fixed is this.

This deadly vesia has become entangled with the life wheel. In this round when the spider is dead and dead, it cannot be shaken off. Although it does no harm, it will dissipate after twelve years at most.

But where is he going to find these twelve years now?

Where can I seek true longevity?

Heaven does not grant, God does not grant!

At this moment, many demon kings and young demon clan geniuses present at the scene looked at the human monk sailing on the Tianhe River, their eyes were already filled with hatred and admiration.

Except for a dying and fleeing Zhu Yi, all the sky demons participating in the Shenxiao Bureau have already taken action. Could it be that he was told to go away?

What they have seen is such an earth-shattering scene, but what they have not seen——

It is still a long night in the demon world at this moment.

There is no starlight and blood moon hidden tonight.

Thousands of miles long night, so lonely!

And a voice said...

The voice said, "You will come down here."


In the endless dark night, a fire peak soaring to the sky was ignited!

Or it was just a figure, the figure of an extremely strong man. Its seething power becomes a torch in the long night.

Mountain of torches.

His voice burst out: "Do you treat me like nothing?"

One shot of the sword, cut through time and space, and landed in Tianhe!

There is also a blazing light piercing the sky, and the colors of the fire meet each other.

"There is no strong person in the monster clan!"

The sound of unsheathing pierced thousands of miles, and the long sword lay in front of the ferry.

There is also the red flame Xiongfeng, shaking the long night.

"If you come, you will come, if you go, you don't have to!"

A big rough hand wrapped in cloth strips turned the world upside down, covering the bald head of Chan Master Xing Nian.


This night, the vast number of monsters either saw it, or unfortunately didn't see it, but they will definitely hear about it later.

The land of the demon world is full of flames!

Countless sky demon powerhouses, through the chessboard laid by Jizhiben, headed towards the beacon anchored by Jizhiben, descended on the eternal moat, and intercepted and killed Zen Master Xingnian!

Chan Master Xingnian sailed the boat back home with his supreme supernatural powers, but he knew that he could not move an inch further on the boat after hearing the treasure.

Knife cut.

The sword falls.

palm over.

The Milky Way is surging!

The tides come and go, the tides ebb and flow.

The golden body is bright and then disappears, and when it disappears it is bright again.

The scriptures are turned page by page.


The last scripture has already turned its head.

Standing on the Zhiwen Ferry, Zen Master Xingnian finally just sighed: "How far is the other shore!"

How can EMI redeem the loss of inheritance.

His shattered golden body ignited a karmic fire.

The ferryboat under his feet, which was constantly spinning, ignited a fire of karma.

When the ferry boat got off the Tianhe River, where the waves were rolling back and forth endlessly, a fire of karma was ignited.

The crimson karmic fire burned him.

He clasped his palms together, closed his eyes, and recited...

"When I attained Bodhi, there would be no karma in the world, suffering and delusion would be innocent, and all minds would be self-satisfied."

"When I got Bodhi...God! Outer! Nothing! Evil!"

The soaring fire of karma swept everything, burning the Zhiwen Ferry, the Tianhe River of Immortality, the eternal moat... the monk who wanted to bring all these back home, and burned them all.

Then the Fountain of Youth continued to flow falsely, and then there were still clouds in the sky in the land of the sky. On the sacred mountain, there is a group of silent monsters.

In the mirror world, a person with red eyes fell down.

The void has been filled.



Ninety thousand feet asked the peak.

Ji Zhiben just happened to be the son of the dragon slayer.

"I'm sick of your grandpa!"

Yuan Xianting's shouting and cursing circled around Wenwen Peak, fading away like thunder.

Sorry to keep everyone waiting for almost twenty minutes.


Thanks to book friend 20221031193139823 for becoming the leader of this book, for the 386th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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