Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1818 There Are Infinite Possibilities

Xing Nian is worthy of Xing Nian, and he is worthy of being a character who can play chess with Chi Zhiben for five hundred years.

Even if Yu Tianhe was intercepted and killed in the end, he took advantage of death to the extreme.

From Fayuan Chan's point of view, what is the real strength of Chan Master Xingnian's "Flying Light" move?

If he had known in advance that his turn would destroy Fei Guang, would he still turn?

He will still do it.

Because this is the only possibility to keep finding the Zhiwen Bell.

And...the life of Yang Yu, a sky demon seed who is willing to sacrifice himself for the sect, is also added.

So in this step, whether he knows or not, it is counted.

But the most hateful thing is that Ji Xingkong is majoring in the art of the end of the law, and he has a deeper feeling for destruction. Maybe he can perceive the destruction of Feiguang in advance than him...but he still relies on him to do this. Decide.

What kind of shameless act is this?

The race against time was finally won. Before the land of the heavens was completely closed, and before "there is no evil outside the sky", Cicada Fayuan finally found her own chess piece, got rid of the fate of being out of the game, and became the leader of this game again. Chess player.

But he didn't feel the joy of winning.

From this moment on, no matter how difficult it is to directly intervene in the Shenxiao Bureau, the last of his strength will also be taken away by that world.

"Take off your dirty hands!" Cicada Fayuan gritted her teeth.

The black light next to the golden light receded like a tide, and the deer smiled empty-handedly in the darkness: "That's not what you said just now, and you are in the same boat with me, working together!"

Thinking of the previous humiliation and humiliation, Cicada Fayuan's teeth were about to be gritted, but he took a step back and thought more and more angrily: "Just now you were sneaking around there, what did you say to the thief in the Black Lotus Temple? Is it a conspiracy against you? I am the pride of the ancient mountains?"

Ji Xingkong clicked his tongue again and again: "It is said that the disaster is not as good as a house monster, let alone a monk. You are also a thousand-year-old Bodhisattva, an old tortoise for many years, and it's nothing more than a stoma to me. child?"

"I don't just want to scold you." Cicada Fayuan's eyes widened angrily, and she raised her hand, the golden Buddha's light gathered into a big hand, like a mountain, and pressed it down with a slap on the head: "I want to kill you!"

The gathered darkness dissipated in an instant, scattered between the heaven and the earth, ethereal and vague, as if there was nothing there.

"Master, you have a picture!"

At this time, Ji Xingkong deliberately did not fight against him, did not calm him down, and said from a distance: "Didn't you also teach the secret method to your illegitimate son? Don't think I don't know!"

When the illegitimate child said it, it was an absolute rumor.

But when a great Bodhisattva with a cultivation level like Ji Xingkong speaks it out, no matter how false it is, it will inevitably spread widely. After all, who would believe that there is such a boring Bodhisattva in the world?

Cicada Fayuan was furious for a moment, and even the Tianlong under her feet didn't care, she jumped up and rushed towards the darkness: "Shameless nonsense, you should be sent to the hell of pulling out your tongue!"

The angrier he is here, the happier Ji Xingkong is smiling over there: "You are much cuter after you stop smirking, but you are so irritable every now and then, which makes the poor monk very distressed."

Anyway, there is nothing else to do for the time being.

The two of them fought fiercely here and scolded happily.

It was a tacit understanding that they didn't mention [Flying Light].

Not to mention that Feiguang has lost its magical effect long ago, and several great eras have passed, and there is no possibility of recovery.

The crux of the problem is, what does the wreckage of the flying light destroyed by the human monk Xing Nian have to do with the two of them?


Those young demon kings in the land of heaven, who saw us turn the rudder of the flying light boat?

Although we borrowed the power of flying light, we didn't break it. How can there be any inevitable cause and effect in this?

Who saw it?

Stand up and speak up!



The huge treasure ship, which was measured by tens of thousands of feet, finally could no longer withstand the wind and waves of time, and was shattered in time. The ripples of the world in the meantime cannot be seen by these young monsters who are in the Shenxiao Bureau at the moment.

But the scene of Yang Yu and Shu Jialan coming out of time is so clear.

They have already stepped out of time once, but that time it was all the participants together, so it was not obtrusive.

Only this time, Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong only adjusted the time of the two of them individually, allowing them to come to this point in time in a vivid state-wanting to adjust more time, so as to The current power of flying light wreckage really can't do it.

After all, it was a time period when so many extremely strong men shot one after another. Like the reef in the sea, the bank of a long river, it is not so easy to be influenced. Cicada Dharma Fate must use Tianlong Guardian himself and all-out efforts to complete this matter.

Yuan Mengji's jaw dropped in shock.

Yang Yu and Shu Jialan walked out now, but who died earlier?

He looked at his loyal subordinate Chai Asi in a daze, and found that Chai Asi's expression was even more bewildered. Also, a small family, what do you know?

Although he was dying of curiosity, he didn't say a word. No desire, no desire, no desire is rigid.

Chai Asi, who was known by the great ancient god, has a sense of intellectual superiority in the face of Yuanmengji. But he also said nothing and acted more obsequiously.

Because he witnessed the battle of Tianhe, he deeply realized the danger of the land of the sky. I thought that there were only a few young demon kings traveling with me, and the great ancient god could crush one of them to death with one finger... But I didn't expect that there were so many sky demons behind them, and they were very active in their attacks.

If I remember correctly, the great ancient god has not yet returned to his peak state, and he can barely deal with the real monster at present.

In order not to embarrass the ancient gods, he, Chai Ahsi, had to keep a low profile!

Sensing the different gazes of the monsters by the Fountain of Youth, Yang Yu remained calm and temporarily distanced himself from Shu Jialan.

I just died?

He thought in his heart, a little unbelievable. Why did I just walk out of the forest and say that I have already died? And died twice? I haven't done anything yet!

But quickly accepted this fact.

After all, it was the Bodhisattva himself who told him about it.

Yang Yu looked at Chai Ah Si, Buddha felt that there seemed to be some impression left in his mind, but he couldn't remember it at all. After all, during this period of time, he hadn't had time to test the group of monsters with the Zhiwen Bell.

Oh yes, the Zhiwen clock is gone...

Why am I so dazed that everything has changed? Didn't I just communicate with Zhiwen Zhong on the road, and when I came out, I would directly kill Shu Jialan, frighten this group of Tianjiao, and take all the benefits?

Have you communicated?

Tianjiao, the fifth-ranked new king of the Tianbang, is trying very hard to digest the bad news.

Shu Jialan, who walked out of time together with him, seemed much more relaxed.

Although death and rebirth are rather bizarre, being beaten to death by Yang Yu with a mallet in the past is really unpleasant. But after all, isn't it all over again?

The world is forgivable!

He really has no pressure now, and he is no longer so bitter and bitter.

The arduous task of snatching Zhiwen Bell has been cancelled. The task now is very simple - just keep an eye on Yang Yu. Report a letter to Zhiwen Zhong if you find it, and do something if you don't find it.

The Great Bodhisattva not only temporarily passed on a set of methods to fight against Yang Yu's heart clock, but also specially emphasized that let him do whatever he wants this time and have fun.

It is good to die once, my great bodhisattva is so gentle!

Zhu Dali felt that the ray of thought that the Taoist master placed in the seal of God seemed to be in a bad mood.

Although he still patiently answered his doubts, it was obviously a little serious.

what happened?

Is it because he saw the power of Zen Master Xingnian and worried about the future of the monster clan?

Thinking of these, he also became depressed.

Jiang Wang in the world in the mirror is really worried and hard to understand.

He was so sympathetic to Zen Master Xingnian's thoughts.

He also fully understood why a person like Chan Master Xingnian would rather spend five hundred years planning a game in the demon world, risking his life and forgetting death, to fight for a future that he may not be able to reach.

Surrounding Zhiwen Zhong, Na Zhizhi had too many means to fall. In addition to its own top value, Zhiwen Zhong also has a symbolic existence. If he stays in the demon world for a day, Xu Mishan will not know how much blood he will bleed.

The World Honored One left the world with three bells, and no monk disrespected him.

If we say that the obsession with going home before is just his own longing for relatives and friends, and his desire for life. After witnessing the battle of Zen Master Xingnian Tianhe and touching the Zhiwen Bell, he had another reason——Zhan Master Xingnian's sacrifice cannot be wasted, and he must send this clock back to the human race.

But growing up to this day, he has a deep understanding that this world does not revolve around anyone's will. No matter how many reasons you have, it doesn't mean you will be successful.

Who doesn't have his reasons?

Is there no Yuxin? Is there no spider? Wasn't there Sky Demon Spider Yi who was nearly killed on the spot?

Chan Master Xingnian left a clock of knowledge and hearing, but he did not leave, and it is impossible to leave, a way to leave this world.

Playing chess Zhiben in the midst of the demons, as long as there is a trace left, and if there is a little distraction, it is impossible to keep this last move.

Jiang Wang understands that he still has to rely on his own efforts.

Ming stops death, and action reads out. Thinking about death, Jiang Wangji.

The human race has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and it is nothing more than four words - passed on from generation to generation.

He also told himself.

Master Xingnian may have done something else, which may seem irrelevant, but it must be beneficial for the final return journey. You need to feel it with your heart.

Just at this moment, rubbing the mottled Zhiwen clock.

Zhu Lanruo looked at the beautiful reflection on the water, and for a long time, she didn't know what she was thinking. At this moment, he suddenly said: "If we keep the reflection on the water surface, is it also immortal in another sense?"

Beauty facing the mirror, sighing at youth, is naturally a landscape.

"But as long as a stone falls, it's like this—" Shu Jialan picked up a stone and threw it into the water. Watching Zhu Lanruo's reflection being shattered, he said with satisfaction: "The reflection is broken."

He came up with the argument: "So it's not really not old."

"That's wrong." Yang Yu had calmed down at this time, and came to face this complicated situation again, and said casually: "The ripples caused by the stone will eventually disappear, but the reflection will still remain there. It is a kind of How can eternity that is not affected by the ripples of time not be old?"

Shu Jialan smiled: "The moment the stone fell, the reflection had already been shattered. Is the reflection restored after that, or the previous reflection? You said you waited for the ripples of time to subside, and pursued those who are not yet old. How can you wait?" Got time?"

The two monks argued about this.

Zhu Lanruo, who was the first to ask the question, stood by and became a monster outside the situation.

Shikachiro glanced at them and had to admit that there was a reason for these two guys to become monks.

After thinking about it, I didn't bother.

They are vetoing each other's paths, and this is the start of another fight.

"So is this really the Fountain of Youth?" Standing by the spring, Xiong Sansi asked, "Why don't I feel the vitality?"

This hoarse voice cut off the discussion of the two monks.

Zhu Lanruo said softly: "The sage who brought the Fountain of Youth to the demon world has long since died.

The fountain of youth, which has been constantly pursued throughout history, has dried up a long time ago.

His blood descendants moved the Fountain of Youth to the Land of the Heavens, hoping to use this open world as a layout, to continue the myth... Obviously he failed.

The current Fountain of Youth is just superficial. Of course you don't feel alive, because there is only death in it. "

As the chess player who set up the Fountain of Youth from the very beginning, Zhujia obviously has a better understanding of the Fountain of Youth, and the explanation is more authoritative. He even knows that the current Fountain of Youth is the product of a round of failed layouts.

But compared to the demon kings who thought about the organizer many years ago, Jiang Wang in the mirror world was inspired by the other five words.

Open world!

Before the Fountain of Youth, there is a bubble of fate.

The path in the forest runs across the mirage dragon.

There is also a time treasure ship named "Flying Light".

Mace Zhiben, Cicada Fayuan, Ji Xingkong, Spider Yi, Hu Taisui, Lu Ximing, and even Zen Master Xingnian are connected in this layout...

He suddenly understood what the connection between the six roads in the forest was, and what the fundamental rules of the Land of the Heavens were.

It is reincarnation, openness, and infinite possibilities!

Zen Master Xingnian had a conversation with Tianyao Spider Yi before, and said—"It's all because of the specialness of this place... If this is not the case in this world, how could the poor monk come?"

The Zen master is a guest from outside the sky, and he is playing chess with Zhiben, so he can't speak clearly. But there have been hints.

What is "special" about this place?

Different from the mountain and sea environment, it is the back garden of Huang Weizhen, which is like Wang Changji said, the home where the owner is temporarily absent.

Many years ago, Yu Zhen, the legend of the monster tribe, completely gave up the ownership of the land of the sky with great courage, and opened this world to all living beings in the heavens and myriad worlds.

This place used to be Yu Zhen's home, but it was the home where he opened the door, threw away the keys, tore up the deed, and allowed all visitors to visit.

This is a completely open world without an owner, which can accommodate anyone who exists in this match... No matter whether Yu Zhen is alive or dead, he can't interfere with anything.

That's why there are so many sky demons, and they come here to settle their children with confidence.

Therefore, Zen master Xingnian of the human race will also regard this situation as the only hope.

Take a look at the entire game between Zen Master Xingnian and Ji Zhiben. The land of the heavens itself is indeed not biased, and even supported Zen master Xingnian in the end, calling it "There is no evil outside the sky". It's just that Zen Master Xingnian faced the pressure of the entire demon world alone in his own round.

So what is the lifeline of this trip?

Just in this "open world" lies in this "infinite possibility"!

It is the ants that can ford the mountains and seas, and the mayflies that pull down the towering trees. When the mantis arm is like a cart, the cart should be overturned, and the knife will cut off the water and the water will not flow!

Because there may not be results, the results may not be met.

Chess pieces can become chess players.


The holy mountain shakes.

The demons looked up at the sky.

But I saw the flying feathers with a faint golden glow falling from the sky, falling on the mountains, trees, and water...they fell on the heads and clothes of these young monsters present, and they melted away like snowflakes.

Something about the world.

If the spider orchid mentions it, Jiang Wang reads it.

For a moment the world was shaken.

The Tao of Shenxiao Tianzun Yuzhen... was touched!

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