Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1819 Auspicious light and feathers should be there

"Land of the Heavens is an open world."

Hu Taisui was still sitting in the gap, looking at the dilapidated old house across the dark narrow alley: "It's not the owner who was helpless, it's not that the existence that created it has died, it's not that the lifeblood has dried up... it's in the When King Shenxiao was still at his peak and his own resources were the most abundant, King Shenxiao voluntarily relinquished his authority and opened himself to all creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Including demons, ghosts, people, demons, beasts, gods... He not only treats them equally, he doesn't even look at them. Then when he left the Chaos Sea, he left everything behind and let the user take it for himself. King Shenxiao's courage really amazes me. "

Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong, chasing one and fleeing, have circled the Tianxi Wasteland hundreds of times, and will continue to chase.

Lu Ximing watched the play from a distance, and said in his mouth: "I think his practice has long been beyond the reach of external objects, and there is no need to seek external things..."

Ji Xingkong continued to provoke Cicada Fayuan's anger, and took the time to pass a sentence: "There is really no need to ask, why did you fight for the position of Demon Emperor?"

Hu Taisui turned his amber eyes sideways, and said seriously: "He has great ideals."

Ji Xingkong didn't continue to argue, he couldn't be beaten twice at the same time.

Lu Ximing laughed: "Hu Tianzun seems to approve of King Shenxiao very much."

"Great ideals are destined not to get much recognition at the beginning." Hu Taisui said: "In many cases, I am one of the few in this monster world."

"It sounds like you have a lot of sympathy for King Shen Xiao..." Lu Ximing smacked and said, "The road is long, and those who are willing to go together?"

But Hu Taisui ignored her temptations that seemed to be nothing, but said: "Just now when they talked about the tongue-pulling hell, it reminded me of the hairy god who is known as the lord of hell... the faceless god, he also got into Shenxiao The land. Who do you think He will be, and what is he asking for?"

"Haven't you checked everything that needs to be checked?" Lu Ximing said here, turning his head to look at him: "Even this is something that I care about... I'm starting to be curious about what you want."

Hu Taisui said in a low voice, "Each to each other."



The flying feathers falling all over the sky looked like Yu Xin's chopped-up demon sign.

Of course, they are all white instead of silver, and they have no substance, smudged with golden brilliance.

Different from Shikachiro and Shu Jialan, they tried their best to block the flying feather, but they were still left behind in the end.

From the very beginning, Xiong Sansi looked up at the sky and directly felt it with his body.

Just like in the previous battle, he received Yang Yu's heart clock and sky clock.

The flying feather landed on his body without any feeling. When it dissolves, it feels lonely as if it happened in another time and space.

"Flying Light, Fountain of Youth, Buddha said fifty-eight chapters..."

Among the falling flying feathers, Xiong Sansi said in a hoarse voice: "Auspicious light and feathers should be there, what do you want for the snow and mud claws?"

He seemed to understand something, and kept looking up, and gradually became still like this.

Somehow, a change seemed to be happening.

There are still remnants of those precious things, but where can we find those traces of history?

Lu Qilang pressed the sword with his hand but did not come out, and the sheep healed his palm and recited scriptures without making a sound.

Zhu Lanruo has no qin in her hands, only a broken string...

All waves are gradually stopping.

"My lord! What... what happened?" Chai Asi asked in surprise in his heart.

The Master had no time to respond, because in the white mirror world, there were also flying feathers falling down.

The flying feathers dyed with faint golden brilliance, ignoring any tangible and intangible barriers, floated freely, covering everything.

They fall more and more, faster and faster.

Like a shower.

The flying feathers are as swift as a stream of light, like a fish and a dragon dancing.

At certain moments, the skimming tail marks still seemed to outline a series of complex images, but they were not real.

Without real awareness, I am in a trance.

At this moment, Jiang Wang can still feel the bell of knowledge, the longing for long-term lovesickness, the supernatural powers of Taoism, and himself.

I am still myself.

But now is not then!

After realizing the truth of this divine world, he is more able to accept and understand all the changes in this world. I can also fully understand what is happening now.

Where is the floating feather flying down?

It's time!

The wreckage of the Time Treasure Ship was indeed destroyed...

But as the Treasure Ship of Time, which once entrusted the hopes of the monster race in ancient times, and was hit hard by the strong people of the human race, the existence of the wreckage of [Flying Light] is not only watched by Zen Master Xing Nian?

How can its destruction be caused by Chan Master Xingnian alone?

Fly light, fly light.

Its complete destruction may represent the end of a period of history, but that is not all.

As far as this place is concerned, what it brings...

It is the chaos of time in the entire land of heaven!

Above the sacred mountain, the sky is filled with light. Beyond the sacred mountain, there are many glimpses.

The entire Mount Shenshan seems to have turned into a huge treasure ship, carrying these ignorant young visitors through the long river of time.

Where is the end?

All the demons on the holy mountain could move at this time, but no one moved.

Fortunately or unfortunately, they have become time travelers, and everyone is extremely cautious.

Outside of the holy mountain, those snapshots have long been merged into a mass and disappeared, and what you see is a haze.

It's not the pure darkness that doesn't see things, but the kind of "remote" that hides many things.

You know that when you get close, you can see a lot, maybe the historical truth, maybe some rare treasures, maybe interesting people and things... But it's too far away, and you can't see anything yet.

I just feel faint.

Deep universe!

I don't know how long it has passed, when the time flowing in eternity starts to become chaotic, time loses its meaning. Either for a moment, or for thousands of years.

In the depths of the universe, a huge stone monument appeared.

This is a square and square stone tablet without any superfluous carvings. Its specificity has not yet been seen, but its thickness and correctness have already been seen.

Chai Ahsi recognized it at a glance, it was the kind of stele he had seen on the forest path before. It is exactly the same as the stone tablet engraved with Yu Zhen's political program back then, describing "the dragon is originally a demon".

It's just that this stele has been magnified countless times, and in the dimness, it seems that a unique world in the shape of a square stele has risen.

"The Stele of Truth?" Quan Xihua, who had read several books, exclaimed in surprise.

It wasn't until the moment he spoke that Zhu Dali remembered that there was such a scarred monster at the scene.

Snake Guyu is intentionally ignored, while Quan Xihua really has no sense of existence.

Walk out of the dense forest with Master Yang Yu, and then it will be all about Yang Yu's performance.

He was also a rampant in Moyun City, but he had been dealing with his injuries silently. Especially after Spider Hide's head was easily cut off, he didn't even dare to lift his head.

At this time, speaking in the chaotic time journey is really aphasia in addition to being frightened.

"It's a mantra stone tablet." Lu Qilang corrected: "How can there be eternal truth in the world? Only the mantra that asks the heart at that moment."

All the demons seemed to come alive all of a sudden, each with their own thoughts, each with their own vitality.

Of course, the Stele of Truth is just a rumor.

Every word engraved on the steles such as Gai therefore needs to undergo the test of "authenticity".

Its annual output is very limited, and the strong monsters often use this kind of stele to record history and write classics.

Chai Asi and Yuan Mengji looked at each other in dismay. As the first team to encounter this kind of stele in the Land of the Heavens, it was only at this time that they realized that the stele had a name and such a high style. truth? Mantra?

"The benefactor's words are absurd!" Yang Yu said with a serious expression, "Does it mean that there is no eternal truth in the world? Please try reading "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection"."

"Monk Yang's words are absurd!" Shu Jialan pursued, "If you want to read, you must also read the "Canon of Dufa", this scripture is the real scripture of Buddhism!"

Lu Qilang didn't want to pay attention to these two monks who were full of Buddhist scriptures.

In fact, although Buddhism in the demon world is a recognized orthodox practice, Ancient Nanshan is an orthodox religion recognized by the ancient imperial city. However, there are still a large number of monsters with traditional thinking in the Yaozu, who are very resistant to Buddhism.

They also resisted not only Buddhism, but also all the studies of the human race, thinking that these things would corrupt the thoughts of the monster race and subtly change the monster race.

Among these human studies, Buddhism is the most strongly opposed because of its pursuit of faith—and the fact that this religion has developed best in the Yaozu.

Although Shikachiro is not against it, he still feels that...the one who learns this may have some brain problems.

Reading "Shangzhi Shenhui Roots and Fruits Collection" and "Dharma Canon" is boring and boring. It is better to read my "Hundred Flowers Spot Fragrance Record"!

Time flew by while speaking, and the stele of the mantra was close at hand.

Then all the demons saw that the word Tao was also engraved in the middle of the stone tablet, a total of five characters, one stroke at a time, saying: There is no one in the world!

Boom boom boom!

It is as if there is a world in my heart!

This is a real historical surprise!

Every monster on the scene was shocked to the point of being insane, and it was hard to describe their emotions.

This is especially true for Jiang Wang in the mirror world.

"Dragon is originally a demon" is a historical truth and also Yu Zhen's political program back then.

"There is no one in the world" is also one of Yu Zhen's political programs back then. Does it is also a historical truth?

Jiang Wang easily accepted the previous period of history, but it was difficult to accept and recognize the so-called "truth" engraved on the latter mantra stele.

If it is said that the human race did not exist in the world, then where did the human race come from?

There is no one in the world, so who am I?

What is dominating the world now?

No matter whether the monsters are surprised, lamented, or have other thoughts.

Time is unaffected by their will.

In this way, the mantra stone tablet fell in front of the demons, and fell into the vast universe.

And with the shuttle of the sacred mountain, there is a second mantra stone tablet rising slowly, like a square tablet flying on the land, appearing in front of the demons. There are also engraved words on it, which is also a Taoist text that says "you will know your meaning when you see it."

There is no one in the world, and the monster race does it for itself.

The ten characters of Dao completely describe a period of history, bringing the viewer to the depths of the distant time.

As we all know, from the present world to the past, it is the ancient times, the middle ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times.

The ancient era is the longest era.

It was untestable at the beginning.

Before that, there were only vague legends.

This is the era when the monster clan ruled the world.

This travel through time is certainly not enough to transport the monsters to such an ancient era,

However, the two steles of mantra in front of us are telling a history of ancient times.

In the first place in this world, there were no human races.

The demon is the bell of the heaven and the earth, and the beast is raised by nature.

Nature bred hundreds of different races, and there are also spirits of mountains and seas, who call themselves gods. There are strange beasts born with supernatural powers, and wild beasts are infinitely powerful...

But in this era where all kinds of races compete, the demon clan is born with manifested Dao veins, lives the same life as the gods, is born powerful, and rules the heavens.

"Human" was just a common form of the monster race at first, and with one stroke and one stroke, it means that the monster race stands in the sky and the earth.

In order to solve the problem of low reproductive capacity and insufficient ruling range.

There are monster races who use their own form as a template, and remove the talent that belongs to the monster race, and create the human race.

As a vassal of the Yaozu, assisting the Yaozu to rule the world, sometimes even food.

In order to avoid the tail too big. At the beginning of creation, the Dao vein was blocked, and a life limit of 129 years and six months was set.

After all, "the number of Dayan is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty."

There are a very small number of geniuses of the human race who can practice through accidents of inborn dao veins. In that era, he was selected and promoted by the Yaozu to help the Yaozu control the human race.

What do the Yaozu have in common after removing the demon sign?

Isn't it just "people"!

So why is it said that the human race and the demon race are so similar? Because in a sense, the two races have the same origin.

But this history has been erased. Not only was it erased from written records and word of mouth. It was also erased from consciousness.

This kind of erasing of cognition is not limited to the human race itself, but it exists in all ages, throughout the ages.

Only in the depths of this time can we gain a little insight.

So why is it also Yuzhen's political program, "Dragon is originally a demon" that integrates the power of the dragon clan, even Yuan Mengji knows it. "There is no one in the world" that established the self-confidence of the monster race, but it cannot be handed down to the world. Even if it is engraved on a mantra stone tablet, it can only be hidden in the depths of this time, which is why.

Unrestricted Human Race, Monster Race, Shui Race, Sea Race... Most of the wise souls only know that in ancient times, the Human Race was ruled by the Monster Race, enslaved by the Monster Race, and finally rose up to resist and counterattack the Monster Race, becoming Master of the world.

If there is no accident, the vast majority of intelligent spirits will never know that the human race is the creation of the monster race.

Because this cognition has long been erased!

The shattering of Feiguang was due to this accident.

History can be seen in the depths of time.

Monsters such as Lu Qilang and Shu Jialan inevitably felt a little strange in their hearts.

The human race turned out to be a race created by the monster race. But it is just such a group of "people" who were set with a life limit at the beginning of their birth, and most of them could not even practice cultivation. In the end, they changed their fate against the sky, rebelled against the demon clan heaven, dominated the world, and overwhelmed the heavens. Block all the monster races in this hell world!

Such good fortune is really embarrassing!

It was Xiong Sansi who asked a question after a brief silence. He said in a rough voice, "This is the mantra stele, engraved with the mantra of asking the heart at that moment. That is to say, if you deceive yourself, you will Wrong cognition is constructed into a cognition that you think is correct. It is also possible to engrave the truth on this... I understand it this way, right?"

Shikachiro thought for a while, and said: "Theoretically so. But the theory that the monster race created the human race can solve all the doubts about the two races since I grew up. I think..."

Booming... The huge mantra stele in front of him seemed to have sunk in the sea.

It looks like a boundary marker, and it seems to describe the mileage of this trip—the second mantra stone tablet that travels to the depths of the history of the land of heaven.

And the power of Time Flying Fracture this time can only support so far.

This time journey seems to have come to an end, and it can only stop here, so it starts to go backwards.

The streamer phantom that shuttled backwards began to fly forward again.

The sky and the earth are long, the chaotic universe.

The auspicious light and feathers should still be there, what more do you want for the slush claws?

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