Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1830 This life is like being on stage

The statues floating in the sea of ​​clouds are clay sculptures without emotion.

No matter what kind of gods the original body is, in this world of the gods, they are indeed only used as instruments to carry divine power.

Xiong Sansi made his saber silently, every time he cut it seemed to be repeating the past.

In the Thousand Tribulations Cave where the sun never sees, he suffers day after day.

In the hostile purple hills, black robes cover the body and black faces cover the face.

He has no friends, and indeed no enemies.

Killing has no emotions of its own, and everything it does is management.

It is an eternal enmity with the three evil robbers, and this enmity will probably never be avenged.

After all, after escaping from the Cave of Thousand Tribulations, he didn't even find the shadow of the Three Evil Lords.

And now it is finally clear that those operations are in vain - the backbone he bought, the puppets he manipulated, and the subordinates he subdued were just a funny drama from beginning to end.

The Three Evil Tribulation Lords are sitting under the stage watching quietly!

See how the characters in the play struggle to get up, how they painstakingly plan, and in the identity of Tiger Tai Sui, give them cold spectating gazes and superior advice.

How hateful.


This sea of ​​clouds is brilliant, and the statues of gods float and sink.

The appearance of the giant ape staying there became still as a mountain-like background.

This bone armor sword is silent and tough, really like an old general on the stage.

Not without youth.

It is those young moods that are compressed in the days that are trimmed wantonly like potted green plants.

Dang bang bang bang!

The sound of knives and guns is like the ringing of bells and gongs.

The show is beginning.

At this moment, Ling Xihua was fighting against Fang Han, and it was the first time that he publicly showed his strength so unscrupulously, and he could fight openly as a spirit clan.

He doesn't care whether the Three Evil Lords are Tai Sui, he only knows that it's not a disaster, but a chance that he became what he is today.

If you don't become the body of the spirit race, how can you have the power you have today?

The Lord of the Three Evil Tribulations promised him that after this round of Shenxiao is over, the Spirit Race will walk under the sun and stand between heaven and earth!

And as the world's first spirit race, he will become the spirit ancestor and enjoy endless glory.

He used bone spurs as spears and five fingers as daggers, constantly interlacing the blades.

Amidst the clanging, sparks were wiped out.

The black mist on the left half of the body instantly solidified into a black armor, and the white bone spurs on the right half of the body straddled it like a lock.

The right half is like a cage, and Ling Xihua's pectoral and psoas muscles, which don't have a trace of blood, are half hidden and half exposed.

He showed a more powerful fusion state, his angry eyes just stared, and one of the sparks exploded from the interlaced blades of the fingers fell on Xiong Sansi.

A little bit of red turned to black, and instantly black flames rose, covering Xiong Sansi completely!

Xiong Sansi made a quick decision and turned around with his saber, the blade moved close to his body, and cut the black flame covering his body with unparalleled strength.

The black flame was extremely corrosive, and scattered in the sea of ​​clouds, it actually dissipated the divine power and made a sizzling sound.

Although the knife was released in time, all the clothes and hair were burned, and the mask on the face was also turned into black ashes.

If it wasn't for the bone armor covering his body, he doesn't know how many pieces of good meat he would have left!

So all the monsters present saw his ugly face like ravines and hills.

"Look! Look at your appearance!" Ling Xihua yelled frantically: "Monster, demon, human, which race are you?"

The bone spear stabbed in the chest, hit Xiong Sansi's breastplate, and drove him into the sea of ​​clouds for more than a hundred feet!

But Xiong Sansi was still retreating, and the black flames rose from his body again. This fire is actually burning forever, and it cannot be ignited again!


Xiong Sansi stopped with one foot, stepped on the sea of ​​clouds, seemed to have stopped the vast land, and the flying figure suddenly stopped.

Endless ripples spread around him.

The god statues that were knocked away along the way seemed to stand on both sides of the road, guarding him with a guard of honor. The long cloud corridor seems to have become his honor. He doesn't seem to be blown away, but he seems to be returning.

He was on fire.

On the white bone armor, a bloody fire ignited!

The blood fire immediately drove the black flame out of the body.

The vigorous figure stands in the forest of god statues.

His eyes were lowered, and his face flickered under the bloody flame. Its ferocious and terrifying place is comparable to the ugliest devil.

At this time, he finally spoke: "At first I didn't know that the Three Evil Lords were Tiger Taisui. In order to hide myself and survive in the Ziwu hills, I intentionally frayed my vocal cords and cut my face with a knife... Yes, I know what I look like now."

The voice that tortured the ears of the listeners was like the whisper of a demon.

"Now that I think about it, Hu Taisui must be very happy every time he sees me trying to pretend?"

"He controls everything and never misses. But I desperately escaped from the Thousand Tribulations Cave, tried every means to escape to the Ziwu Hills, and tried my best to hide my identity and manage power, but I just asked him to cultivate him in another way. I."

"Now that I think about it, why did the purple hills become my choice, why was that the one who lived in the cell next to mine, why did we find a chance to escape... all behind his manipulation."

"These years have been like a dream."

"The nightmare never woke up!"

His eyes looked deeper than blood, and sharper than a knife: "Qu Xihua...or Ling Xihua. Do you think it will be different? Will he give you self-esteem and freedom?"

Black flames surround the outline of Ling Xihua's body, like a stroked line of fire. With a sudden movement, the afterimage was gone, and it reappeared in the sky above Xiong Sansi's left rear, condescending, and fell with a spear!

He seemed completely unmoved, looking at Xiong Sansi's eyes, with jealousy hidden in the fierceness: "What are you using against me?!"

Xiong Sansi turned around and slashed, the blade was slashing right on the spear.

Ling Xihua disappeared and reappeared again, and launched a stormy attack on Xiong Sansi in the air. A bone spear, pear blossoms falling like snow.

However, Xiong Sansi was as firm as a mountain, his feet hardly moved, and he protected himself with a long knife, so that the wind and rain could not enter.

The blades and spears collided again and again, creating long streams of sparks, dancing like flying belts. Some of them turned into black, some of them turned into blood, and some sporadic points... crimson scattered and disappeared.

Ling Xihua's attack was too fast, and under the overlapped afterimages, black mist and bone spurs almost formed strange patterns one after another.

And he gritted his teeth: "You drive the spirit flames and use the spirit body. But you talk nonsense, talk about freedom, talk about self!"

I am here wagging my tail and begging for mercy, prostrating and kowtowing.

Why are you talking about self-esteem?

Why can you talk about yourself with just one mouth?

Don't you, like me, have tasted the most extreme humiliation in the world, being grafted into such a nondescript body?

You Xiong Sansi... what a big deal!

Bone spears and long knives, black flames and blood fires rolled over and over again in the sea of ​​gods. Killed the viewers silently.

Jiang Wang in the mirror world also sat cross-legged quietly.

He is slightly concerned about Xiong Sansi's story, but not very concerned.

In other words, he cared more about the composition of Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua's strength than their respective demon life experiences.

At this moment, there are two flames floating in front of him, one black flame and one blood flame.

The fire wires generated by the real fire of Samadhi are intertwined into two small cages, wrapping them in them, burning and decomposing slowly.

Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua fought fiercely, causing sparks to fly. They scramble for each other's strength, invade the enemy's body, and even fight for the sparks wiped out by this weapon.

But one point was originally red, and it was red from the beginning to the end. Of course, it is the remote control in the mirror world.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he was contaminated with black flames and burned with blood fire... So the current scene happened.

Jiang Wang took the risk and plucked his hair when the two tigers were fighting, just for this kind of thing that Ling Xihua called "Ling Yan".

Regardless of whether the "spiritual race" is established or not, the body created by the Three Evil Lords, which is a mixture of demons, demons, and humans, does have its unusual features. It is difficult to say how much knowledge can be added just by observing with the naked eye.

Although it is not yet clear where the road is, the collision of all parties will give birth to countless possibilities, and the opportunities are fleeting.

With the continuous evolution of the Shenxiao game, he may jump out of the mirror world at any time to fight for the game. Every arrogant in the game is his opponent.

And his biggest advantage is that he hides in the dark, which gives him a lot of time to observe his opponent. He has experienced many battles like him, so of course he knows how to take good care of it.

Samadhi real fire is the fire of supernatural powers.

He has also imitated the flame flower and re-engraved the soul flame flower, but in essence it is still just a Taoist application of the power of the soul, and it cannot be regarded as the fire of the soul with the original nature.

And according to the incineration and decomposition of the real fire of samadhi, the composition of this spirit flame is complex, and it is a kind of power that is naturally born from the manifestation of spiritual consciousness, combined with demonic energy and demonic energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the fundamental power of the so-called "Spirit Race".

During the process of the samadhi real fire "understanding its samadhi", Jiang Wang was not idle either. He watched the six directions, listened to all directions, carefully analyzed the battles of each demon king, and even repeatedly deduced them with the Rumeng order.

Yang Yu and Shu Jialan, Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua, even She Guyu who was just showing off his body skills, and Zhu Lanruo who was also observing...Of course his ear consciousness has already touched the belly of the giant ape god.

Shikachiro didn't know what was happening outside, not because he didn't have the ability to capture outside information, but because he had fallen into the danger of the Ten Thousand Gods Cave.

At this moment, the densely packed shrines have burst into divine splendor one after another.

The giant ape god that governs all these has gradually touched his spiritual wisdom, and began to realize that there is something in his body that is shaking the river and the sea.

With the support of almost infinite divine power, His giant palm covering the mountain gradually became conscious. You can feel the temperature of the inextinguishable spark in the bronze cauldron covered by the palm - it is calling for instinct.

So in his abyss-like body, in the shrines deeply embedded in the cliff of flesh and blood, the ancient seals were released, and the statues of gods opened their eyes one after another!

The divine light in his eyes burst out!

It is not simply the gaze of the gods, but the instinct of destruction born of the inspiration of the great ape god.

This light cuts off gold and jade, and hits the flesh and blood cliff, forming deep pits.

Such pits look like innocuous spots on the cliff of flesh and blood, but if they fall on Lu Qilang's body, they will be broken into several pieces in an instant.

Almost in an instant, the entire Ten Thousand Gods Cave was covered with such dense divine light, criss-crossing, almost without a gap!

Shikachiro, who fell at a high speed, was not disturbed, and the inspiration to capture the danger even opened his eyes before the statue.

A thin sword flicked left and right, and the sword light flew around his body. Either pick or wipe or stop directly, the divine light is beyond the sword light! Kachiro walked through the gap created by the sword light.

The fluttering clothes were cut off several corners, and the long flying hair fell into pieces.

But in the end, there was no injury all over his body, and he fell faster and faster.

Constantly accelerating and accelerating, in the deadly divine light net, it turned into a startling rainbow!

It's a pity that there are no observers in the cave.

Fortunately, someone outside the cave listened.

The giant ape figure is still expanding in size, and it is already a thousand feet tall at this moment.

But the abyss in the belly is not bottomless after all, this cave of flesh and blood gods... finally Kachiro saw the end——

After passing through countless shrines, in the deepest part of the dark and gloomy, there is a sea of ​​gold manifested by divine power.

And in the sky above the golden ocean, hangs a gossip-shaped altar.

It is not accurate to say that it is empty.

Because every corner of this altar has a line of divine power connected to the golden sea. Nearly infinite divine power flows continuously into the altar through these divine power lines. With the appearance of gold liquid, it flows freely in the stone gully, filling the schemas representing gossip.

Therefore, the eight trigrams on the god platform appear brilliant gold, which is distinguished from the eight trigram-shaped mountain platform outside.

At the center of the intertwining of the two yin and yang fishes, there is a golden baby sitting cross-legged.

The whole body is naked, the eyes are closed, and there is no sexuality.

The golden glow on his body has already poured into substance, flowing freely.

The ten fingers of the fleshy little hands were folded together, forming a simple plain heart seal on the chest.

The baby god is here!

Willing to take risks for this time!

At this moment, Shikachiro's whole body burst into a brilliant light that was difficult to look directly at, piercing through the last few layers of divine light nets with unparalleled killing power, and flew towards the divine baby.

But it was also at this time that the divine baby opened its eyes!

Those were a pair of ignorant eyes that hadn't shown much wisdom yet.

But there is an extremely thin golden light curtain, and as the eyes are opened, it just blocks Shikachiro ten feet away.

The strongest killing sword controlled by Shikachiro with the way of [Penetrating], hit this golden light curtain, only hitting golden ripples like water.

This sword pierces the screen like a needle thrown into the sea.

Lu Qilang felt that he and his sword had plunged into the abyss and vast sea. It was obviously only a thin layer of light curtain, but it could not reach the end at all.

There must be gaps, there must be clues, and they must be able to penetrate.

Shikachiro believed in himself as always, kept drawing his sword out of his sword, and danced alone in the cave of the gods, looking for the mysterious trajectory to dismantle this layer of light curtain. But suddenly he felt something was wrong, and the inspiration warned him, telling him that he didn't have much time!

He held his sword, now hanging upside down in the air. Instead, he closed his eyes.

He avoided staring at the baby god, but outside the sword light, there was a ray of clear light jumping on the body surface, suddenly back and forth, left and right.

The fine clothing on his upper body has almost become transparent because it has been pierced by light. In the middle of his chest, there is an oval-shaped piece of sapphire, with divine patterns on the outer edge, and a vertical pupil inside, and the surrounding jade patterns penetrate into the flesh and blood like tentacles.

This is his natural demon sign.

At this time, the vertical pupils are opened, and at this time he sees things with inspiration!

No one in the world has ever seen him in such a state.

Why was he able to control his record and allow himself to be ranked seventh on the new king list? Naturally because he possesses absolute upstream strength.

There's a crack in everything, and that's where the light comes from - but it's also the door to inspiration!

The speed at which he drew his sword became slower instead, but the golden light curtain blocking the Bagua altar vibrated violently.

The moment the sword tip touched the light curtain was almost frivolous.

But the originally flowing golden light curtain was easily shattered like glass!

Fireflies are flying all over the sky.

The brocade-clothed young man passed by through the broken light, pointing directly at the slow and dazed baby god.

But he suddenly saw a little cold star!

Although only a little bit, it is as bright as a galaxy!

Too bright, too bright stars, covered the field of vision, covered the gossip altar, and also enveloped the ignorant baby of the gods——

The time was pulled back to before the three breaths.

Outside of the giant ape god that Shikachiro hadn't noticed, the battle never stopped.

Tens of thousands of shrines in the Flesh and Flesh Gods Cave were unsealed, and as the gods opened their eyes, the gods floating in the sea of ​​gods outside also reacted accordingly.

Jinhui shines on the sea of ​​clouds, and the gods open their eyes.

Why is this mountain called a sacred mountain?

Why is this world called Shenxiao?

At this moment, the power of the gods was almost condensed into substance, and all the creatures in the world of Shenxiao were trapped in a feeling of insignificance.

Of course, those who can claim the title of king from the monster race and those who can win the presence of gods from the human race already have the power and majesty of gods, so they won't be deterred.

What's more, Yang Yu only respected the Buddha, but never looked at any god in the world.

While he was fighting with Shu Jialan, his body suddenly turned into a golden phantom, and Shu Jialan punched him apart!

When the golden shadow condensed again, it was already in the sea of ​​clouds.

In the sea of ​​clouds, surrounded by gods.

This is the right time, and the opportunity he has been waiting for for a long time is in this fleeting gap.

The lion's fearless seal in the left hand and the wisdom vase seal in the right hand shake the Buddha's light all over the body, so that the Buddha illuminates the divine light, so the clock in the heart is shaken!


Only this time, not against all the competitors, but against all the gods.

All the god statues in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods must hear the ringing of this bell. The Buddha's light on his face replaced the divine light, and at the next moment, the divine eyes turned to scan all directions!

Right now, right now, use the power of all gods to search for all the secrets in the world of Shenxiao, and find the bell of knowledge!

But just when the clock in Yang Yu's heart rang again——

There is a sharp sound between heaven and earth.

It was Ling Xihua, who was fighting fiercely with Xiong Sansi, who raised his hand and threw a bone spear surrounded by black flames. Its speed was so fast and its force was so determined that it pierced the void with a broken black line!

There is no god in Yang Yu's eyes, and a person like Ling Xihua who claims to be a newborn spirit from the heavens and worlds will not take the so-called clay sculpture gods to heart.

Lu Qilang stirs the wind and rain alone in the belly of the great ape god. The eye-opening of all gods caused Yang Yu to see the opportunity, and also let him see the opportunity!

He resisted Xiong Sansi's attack, and let out a malicious growl: "You use power, but you don't respect power."

"Lucky to be a Spirit Race, but don't understand the Spirit Race!"

In the frantic fight, Xiong Sansi cut off a bone spur with his half body facing the knife unexpectedly.

Then turned around and kicked away!

Using this bone spur as a spear, it ignited black flames and pierced through the sea of ​​clouds.

"Respect me as the ancestor, recite my honorable name, let me teach you the real usage of Lingyan!"

He really exerted the power of the spirit race body to the limit, after throwing two flying spears in succession, he twisted the distance with a shake of his hand, and the bone spear in his palm hit Xiong Sansi's chest again.

Just like the hit earlier.

He just wants Xiong Sansi to know that if he doesn't know how to respect his body and respect the spirit race, he will only repeat the same mistakes and suffer again and again.

This hit directly knocked Xiong Sansi into the air.

It even broke the treasured sword that was lying in front of him!

In this round of fighting between rabbits and falcons, Ling Xihua threw a total of two bone spears in addition to the fight with Xiong Sansi.

The first bone spear pointed directly at Yang Yu, and the sudden piercing scream sounded, smashing the "dang" of the bell to pieces.

But the castration of the bone spear is still ongoing, forcing Yang Yu to respond immediately.

The second bone spear pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, and the power related to the soul in the black flame touched the god.

The eyes of the gods were moved!

Influenced by Yang Yu's heart clock, the gaze looking for the Zhiwen clock is tampered with sound at this moment.

All gods sing together——

"Where is Chi Yunshan God!?"

There are two reasons why he has to make a move at the critical moment of fighting Xiong Sansi.

One is that he wants to prevent Yang Yu from recovering Zhiwen Zhong, so as to avoid being swept away in the game and losing the right to compete. What the Three Evil Lords have done is destined not to receive much recognition. Therefore he must not place himself in a state of powerlessness.

The second is to continue the strategy of the three evil robbers, and then eliminate hidden dangers.

The faceless god can't be summoned, so let's regard this god as a fake, and no longer consider it from Shinto. But in the Shenxiao Bureau, there is another existence, which also involves the gods.

That Chai Asi claimed to be appreciated by the ancient gods who can cross the river of fate with their souls, so at such a critical moment, we have to verify it-whether the ancient gods who don’t know if they really exist will also participate in the Shenxiao Bureau, Is it also in this world!

This attack completely leveraged Yang Yu's power, and exerted multiple effects...and further leveraged the entire Ten Thousand Gods Sea. Such divine power is enough to cover the entire Shenxiao world. But whoever is here, no matter what the state is. Don’t be afraid of not being called by God’s name!

At this moment, Yang Yu can completely understand the mood of his great Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Fate. These heretics, no matter what gods you want to find, the poor monk will never stop you... You will not find it yourself! ?

Do you have to rub the poor monk?

The food in the poor monk's bowl is extra delicious?

If the poor monk doesn't move you don't move, if the poor monk moves you move blindly!

But at this moment, he didn't have time to yell or curse, because the bone spear burning with terrifying spirit flames was already in front of him...he could only smash it with a hammer in hatred!


Also facing the threat of the bone spear was Xiong Sansi who was covered in full armor.

He was knocked into the air by Ling Xihua, who was at full strength, and only half of the precious sword remained in his hand——

But the position where he flew down was wrong!

Ling Xihua keenly judged the problem.

One's own strength is clear to one's own.

That spear was aimed at breaking the heart, and it strengthened the penetrating power rather than the thrust, focusing on one point, not on one side.

Xiong Sansi either blocked it and flew backwards several feet, or was pierced by a spear.

Why did it fly so fast and so far?

It actually flew to... the chest and abdomen of that mountain-like great ape god!

At this moment, Xiong Sansi, with the blood flame burning the bone armor, the broken knife in his hand.

With an ugly face with a bee waist and ape arms, he grinned when he looked at Ling Xihua.

His lips moved, and he said something silently.

He actually threw away the precious saber in his hand. Then he turned his palm and held a gun. It seemed like frost was flowing, and there was a touch of bright silver——

Moyuncheng Xiao Yuzhen... Yu Xin's bright silver gun!

At this moment, he jumped like a dragon, setting off a turbulent storm in the entire sea of ​​gods, and hit the chest and abdomen of the giant ape with a single shot...

The gun is out of me!

6,000 words, of which 2,000 words are to ask for leave to make up 6/8.

It will be updated at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.

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