Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1831

This stunning shot that set off a monstrous storm in the sea of ​​gods left an indelible mark in the eyes of all the monsters present.

No matter how many times you recall the past, you should not forget such brilliance.

It's a pity that Jiang Wang, who was hiding in the red makeup mirror, failed to notice this scene.

When Ling Xihua's two flying spears turned his eyes to his ears, all the gods in the sea of ​​gods screamed together, and he in the mirror world was ignited with a divine fire!

Although he reacted very quickly, the red fire flowed out of his body immediately, and extinguished the divine fire with the real fire of samadhi. But in the crimson surrounding flames, golden flames were born and extinguished, and then rose again after extinguishing...the divine fire was continuously produced!

This was the second time Wanshenhai called him.

For the first time, Ling Xihua mobilized the sea of ​​gods in advance and called the name of the faceless god. Because he had never absorbed the beliefs of the Faceless Sect from the beginning to the end, and he was blocked by the red makeup mirror, so he was not affected at all.

It stands to reason that Chi Yunshan God only has a name, and he just verbally fooled Chai Ah Si, let alone being found.

But this second call was entirely different.

Not only because Wanshenhai is in a state of supernatural power blowout, but also because Yang Yu uses his dark hands to ring the bell in his heart, and pours all this majestic power into the secret of Shenxiao to search this world.

But Ling Xihua seized the opportunity to change the search direction of Wanshenhai, and the power of summoning the gods generated by this was more than ten times or a hundred times stronger than the first call?

Just like Jiang Wang in Moyun City kept cutting off from the Faceless God early in the morning, Hu Taisui still traced back to his true identity.

There must be traces in the past.

When the power expands to a certain level, even the tiniest details cannot escape.

What's more, "Chi Yun Mountain God" is here. The only Chai Asi who is related to the title of Chiyun Mountain God, and who has one mouthful and one supreme deity, is also in this world.

What's more, Jiang Wang took away two Lingyans not long ago!

All the clues about Chi Yunshan God were caught in an instant, and then the nearly infinite power of responding to the gods called the god's name again and again. Although there is no "god" in Chi Yunshan God, "name" does exist.

Ling Xihua's use of force to pry the sea of ​​gods is the call of the gods to search for all things related to this world.

One breath is more than a million times.

Finally, even the red makeup mirror couldn't stop it any longer, and the divine fire ignited Chi Yunshan God himself!

Jiang Wang used the real fire of samadhi to burn off the divine fire, and tried his best to isolate himself.

But manpower is limited, but divine power is infinite. Sooner or later he won't be able to stop it.

What's more... Even if he really has infinite power and can easily suppress this divine power, or if the dragon-eating existence in the depths of the white mist wakes up and strikes, he and his red makeup mirror can't hide it.

The calls of the gods poured down like water, spreading to the entire world of God's Firmament, but at the red makeup mirror, there appeared a deep pit, which could only be entered by the power of the gods.

Now, just because the battle is fierce and the waves are magnificent, the Ten Thousand Gods Sea is a little calmer, and the deep pits at the bottom of the water must be reflected on the water surface, which is actually very obvious. With a little thought along the direction of the power of responding to the gods, he was able to catch the whereabouts of Chi Yunshan God.

So exposure is a foregone conclusion. The reason why Jiang Wang didn't draw his sword immediately was because he still had expectations for himself, and he would never break the jar. He struggled to resist the power of God, in order to find a relatively less bad choice in such a bad situation!

Time is always flowing and stories are always happening.

But at this moment, the eyes of all the demons were still attracted by Ling Xihua and Xiong Sansi.

Xiong Sansi, who raised the silver gun, stirred up the raging sea, and with one shot, he refreshed the audience's view of the new eighth king of the Tianbang.

Only Ling Xihua could see clearly that before a shot pierced through the chest of the giant ape god and crashed into it, Xiong Sansi was silent, speaking the language of the dog clan, and the shape of his mouth was saying——

"Follow me into the formation... and then kill!"

He specially gave him the language of Lingxihua's demon body period.

This bloody general issued a final invitation to die.

So contemptuous, so arrogant.

At this moment Ling Xihua was furious.

Surrounded by black flames and holding a bone spear, he followed closely behind and plunged into the chest and abdomen of the giant ape god!

At this moment, the appearance of the great ape is still sluggish, and there is no majestic power, but it is unable to react in time.

Gradually regaining control of the palm, he was still trying to grab the bronze tripod, his body was turned upside down, and Lu Qilang, Xiong Sansi, and Ling Xihua broke in one after another. He didn't know where to pay attention to first, only the instinct of life was constantly mobilizing strength to resist Shikachiro, who was a god baby.

This in turn creates time for Xiong Sansi.

Huge flesh and blood wounds, like a cave on a cliff.

And the soldier who broke into the cave, with a silver gun in his hand, marched forward bravely.

It's like two armies rushing to fight. If the troops are concentrated here, they must be weak there.

Shikachiro is facing the main force, fists, and swords.

What Xiong Sansi attacked was his heart.

During the life-and-death struggle with Ling Xihua, he has been paying attention to the movements in the body of the great ape god.

Therefore, it is possible to strike first and come first, grabbing the key node of Lu Qilang's capture of the divine baby, and killing him with one shot.

When it starts, the stars are a little bit cold, and when it is released, the sky is full of stars.

Kashichiro felt the danger!

This is a danger he has never felt in any new king of the Tianbang!

It's extremely terrifying, and it's like annihilation.

And this is also a spear technique that he has never seen before.

You can only see the light of the gun but not the hand, only the galaxy, but not the demon body.

What does it feel like a whole galaxy of stars is coming towards you?


Is it brilliant?

Shikachiro, who was right in front of him, only felt angry! Fear!

Inspiration is cruising in the galaxy, and it has indeed grasped many opportunities.

But the gun light is connected to the gun light, and the gaps are filled with gaps, as if thousands of troops are rushing into battle, knowing the key points of each soldier, it is not enough!

At the critical moment when it was about to break the god's curtain and consume a lot of energy, Shikachiro had no choice but to retreat. But behind him is the approaching net of divine light, which comes from the uninterrupted offensive of the Ten Thousand Gods Cave itself.

This stupid baby! He hasn't even reacted to where his real threat is!

But no matter how unwilling he is, Lu Qilang can only throw his sword around and cut into the net of Shenguang.

Xiong Sansi grasped the best timing, he admits to losing this step!

The body of the giant ape's god-like body suddenly became noisy. The so-called Flesh and Flesh Ten Thousand Gods Cave welcomes the visit of the gods.

The dazzling gun light covered the entire Bagua altar.

Xiong Sansi, who was covered in bone armor, released himself without reservation at this moment! Repelled Shichiro Shikaka, overturned the golden sea of ​​divine power, shattered the fragments of the light curtain, without any delay, and pierced the divine baby sitting cross-legged on the gossip stage with one shot!

On the outer mountain platform, the big furry palm was struggling to grasp the sparks in the cauldron, but it collapsed with a loud bang. Dust and smoke filled the air.

From the moment he entered the world of Shenxiao to the fight with Ling Xihua just now, Xiong Sansi has always been suppressing himself, and has always kept his hatred and strength in the cage.

No, how can it stop at this moment?

It was time to wait for the opening of the world of Shenxiao in the secret room of Shenxiao.

It was ten years of being friends with Yu Xin.

It has been operating in Ziwu Hills for eleven years.

It was two years of suffering in the Cave of Thousand Tribulations, more than seven hundred days and nights...

All pain blooms at this time.

The entire process of snatching food from the tiger's mouth, precise, fast, and powerful, all contributed to this shot!

The bright silver spear left by Yuxin pierced through the spirit of the baby god, destroyed the secret layout of the ancient imperial city's Fengshentai in the world of gods, and plundered the majestic gods for his own use!

The bright silver gun was instantly smeared with golden brilliance and engraved with golden patterns.

It's not divine power, it's divine essence.

Even in the sea of ​​divine power, it needs long-term accumulation and long-term cultivation. I don't know how much hard work it took to have these divine essences, to give birth to this "spirit", and to achieve this divine baby!

Now it's all in Xiong Sansi's hands.

At best, he only has the strength of a squirrel, but with perseverance and planning, he became the last hunter to catch the net.

Of course, the battles with Lu Qilang, Yang Yu, and Ling Xihua, these monster kings and powerhouses, are not difficult, but without Zen Master Xingnian's previous Tianwai Wuxie, and without the reshaping of the order of time and space in the world of Shenxiao, this would have been impossible. become!

It is for...the successor.

"What a thief, you really have an impure mind!" Ling Xihua, who followed Xiong Sansi into the Ten Thousand Gods Cave, watched Xiong Sansi snatch the baby with a single shot, gritted his teeth with hatred.

He didn't care about the layout of the ancient imperial city, let alone Lu Qilang's mood.

But seeing Xiong Sansi looting the fruits of victory is even more uncomfortable than his own failure.

He never hesitated, and at the same time he penetrated into the Cave of the Gods, he was already burned by black flames, piercing through with his spear! It is bound to kill this rebellious spirit clan with the nobleness of the spirit ancestor.

This spear bone is white and cold, this flame is black and fierce.

One or two points of Ling Yan fell into the golden sea of ​​divine power, and they would smudge into a black color, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

Such power and influence came rushing to kill.

But Xiong Sansi, who was all in armor, just gave him a cold look, and Shi Shiran drew his spear back! Withdrawing the body of the gun, he took the golden child whose sanity had been shattered to mid-air, and clawed through his skull with his left hand, continuing to plunder the divine essence.

And the long spear that had been washed golden by Shenyuan drew a perfect spear arc with the most direct trajectory, and it was hitting Ling Xihua's spear point.

During the whole process, there was no unnecessary movement.

Point of spear hit point of spear.

It's purely hitting sharpness with sharpness, killing with killing.

Just heard a "crack".

Ling Xihua's bone spear, which burns black flames, breaks through the sea of ​​gods, and heals with strength... is like a bamboo being cut open from the tip!

Ling Xihua released his hand in time, so that his palm was not smashed, but even so, he was knocked out by the aftermath dozens of feet, hit the cliff of flesh and blood, and left a dent in the shape of "big".

The black spirit flames were still burning, making the flesh and blood of the giant ape look sizzling, but Ling Xihua's eyes were full of horror!


Why is this so?

Holding a knife and holding a gun, they don't look like the same opponent at all!

The most refined and pure spirit surged in Xiong Sansi's body, running through his flesh and blood, like a great river, like a dragon's pulse. Temper his flesh and bones, purify his divine channel element, and repair the countless cracks caused by the numerous dark wounds and forced patchwork of this body that has been tortured!

Regarding the relationship between Hu Taisui and the Three Evil Lords, he had long guessed in his mind.

After all, he had given many clues, even Hu Taisui couldn't find them. After all, there is no trace of a demon-level existence like the Three Evil Lords. After all, with Hu Taisui's level of vision, it seems that he has never doubted Xiong Sansi.

Under this mixed body of demons and people, what kind of soul is hidden? As the master of the Ziwu hills, doesn't Hu Taisui care?

The clues that connect history and the present with the letter worms donated by Deer Xingkong are just to verify guesses.

Before that, he came to this world of Shenxiao to fulfill the possibility he had been thinking about in this world of infinite possibilities!

he wants to go back...

He missed his master, his elder brother, his younger brother, and everything in the world.

Hometown, old country, old man, think twice!

Is Master still so serious, will you give me a smile?

Brother's leg eaten by blood soul ants, has it eased? Will it make him feel so miserable at midnight on the fifteenth day of each month, and make him, who is so strong, bite off a few pieces of iron wood?

The fourth junior brother who is already unfortunate...the tomb should not be desolate, but is it also lonely without the incense that I burn every year?

And the little junior with outstanding talent that day, I don't know how much he is now, might he be able to secure the first place?

Inextricable emotions are cast in a gun.

At this moment, this man named Xiong Sansi...

Holding the divine baby in his left hand and the gold-plated gun in his right, he stood sideways while maintaining an offensive posture against Lu Qilang in the Shenguang net and Ling Xihua on the flesh and blood cliff.

"There is no snow on the Ziwu hills, and I haven't held a gun for thirteen years!"

Xiong Sansi's voice was still hard to hear, but now every word he said, no matter who it was, had to be listened to carefully.

He raised his eyes and looked at Ling Xihua who was hung on the wall with a gun, and said slowly: "It doesn't matter if you are Gou Xihua or Ling Xihua. Although you are not worthy, I still want to say——you are fortunate to witness my most Strong state!"

Does Tiger Tai Sui like to watch operas?

Today I am wearing armor and holding a gun, and I am on the stage, how colorful do you see me?

At this time, Lu Qilang had already cut through the Shenguang net again, and saw the divine baby he begged for, being caught in Xiong Sansi's big hands... The sword energy was surging like a river and sea, but he couldn't escape.

There is infinite inspiration in my heart, but I can't grasp the only fatal flaw.

What kind of demon king is that?

What kind of spear technique is this?

Obviously sharp and unparalleled, but it seems that he is not in this world.

Unpredictable, but invincible, powerful!

He could only watch helplessly, watching the incomparably precious divine baby being smashed to pieces with violence. And the most refined and pure spirit poured into Xiong Sansi's body almost infinitely, making this man's strength infinitely improved!

It's close to the real demon, it's close to the real demon!

Ling Xihua hated her heart to pieces, but after all, she didn't dare to make a move, or even move. Because Xiong Sansi's eyes nailed him so cruelly.

Every time the gap in strength passed, it widened further and farther... He could almost see his own death sign!

Three evil robbers? My spiritual father?

where? !

Lu Qilang didn't move, Ling Xihua didn't move.

But Xiong Sansi, who was holding the divine baby, moved. While absorbing the divine essence, he walked towards Ling Xihua. The power expands infinitely, and the momentum rises infinitely——

But suddenly froze.

It is obvious that his body is constantly evolving, getting closer to perfection, becoming rounder and more exciting.

But his spine is not so straight.

Because the void was faint, a voice sounded.

That was the voice of Tiger Tai Sui.

It was Hu Taisui's ecstatic voice!

This sound penetrates Moyun City and Shenxiao World, and cannot even be blocked by the separated space-time order. Because it is close to a Tao resonance.

"I see……"

"I see!"

"My way is done!"

Xiong Sansi planned for many years, endured for many years, and finally took the prey in the Shenxiao Bureau, competed for the arrogance of heaven, and won the divine baby...but he helped Hu Taisui complete the last step!

Bloody spirit flames ignited all over his body, such as demonic signs, demonic energy, and human hearts, all disappeared.

He no longer has real flesh and blood, he himself is the "spirit".

He truly became an Eldar, completing the final piece of the puzzle for this new race.

In the two years of suffering in the Cave of Thousand Tribulations, there were more than seven hundred days and nights.

Eleven years of operation in Ziwu Hills.

Ten years of being friends with Yu Xin.

Even now when fighting in the world of Shenxiao...

He is still walking in the layout of Hu Taisui, and he is still trapped in the cell of the Thousand Tribulation Cave.

Never, never run away!

He did have the power of a true monster, but the deeper sense of powerlessness knocked him down like the tide of the sea!


The gold-plated spear flew out of his hand, and he knelt in mid-air!


Ling Xihua, who was still embedded in the cliff of flesh and blood, laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face.

Thanks to Dameng Phecda for rewarding Xinmeng! The P alliance blade was not sent, and it was quietly sent to me in a blink of an eye... This money must be spent... O, O

Thanks to the book friend "Hou Ran, you really deserve to die" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 389th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! (Author's note: Hou Ran is very good)

It will be updated at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.

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