Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1833 Can Monk Mount Sumeru die?

He has a bald head, is a human race, and has a knowledge clock.

There is also a Zen master crossing the river in a lonely boat while walking on Mount Sumeru.

The young bald man who suddenly shot at this moment is not a young monk from Mount Sumeru, who else could it be? !

Yang Yu, the fifth new king of the Tianbang, finally fell into eternal extinction after dying twice and being resurrected twice.

He did not hesitate to live and die for Zhiwenzhong, and finally died before Zhiwenzhong, or it could be regarded as a fulfillment of his wish.

Of course, Yang Yu himself would never think so.

His body turned into ashes, and the Buddha's light no longer existed.

His cassock, the mallet he held in his hand, the hidden wooden fish...all were also seen, disassembled, and incinerated.

Only the last sound of anger, the three words of Mount Sumeru, was really like a mountain, rolling towards Jiang Wang.

Falling into the boundless sea of ​​flames, it was not burned, but was manifested by sound, one character jumped into another, and one character was replaced by another.

The golden glow circulates, and the characters shuttle through the sea of ​​flames.

Although they were still burned, they couldn't be removed immediately. They avoided Zhiwen, and then word by word, they fell on the top of the enemy's head, turning into a golden tower, covering it directly, and killing the bald man in green shirt who was killed by the sword. , ban this place!

Yang Yu knows Zhiwen Zhong too well!

If he is given a chance, he is even sure to lock the use of Zhiwen Bell by the little monk of Mount Xumi.

It's a pity that the incident happened suddenly, and the thief bald on Mount Xumi didn't give him the slightest chance.

At the last juncture of his life, he changed the [Shen Zhu Bu Bian Mantra] into the [Vajra Fu Mo Mantra], and used a momentary change in the essence of the Buddha's recitation to avoid the knowledge of the bell. And with the three-character sound of Mount Sumeru, it was stacked into an eight-treasure pagoda, and the little monk who killed him was sealed within it.

At this moment, there is no evil outside the sky, and the great Bodhisattva cannot intervene here.

If I don't do it, who can?

It is is true that he is dead.

It is true that the rat monk from the Black Lotus Temple is still nearby.

It can be seen that if Wen Zhong is taken away by the monk of Mount Xumi like this, he might as well stay in the hands of his old enemy!

In any case, it is still the knowledge clock of the demon world, not the human race clock!

This last remnant, of course, dissipated like smoke.

But the golden pagoda is already there after all.

Yang Yu's mood...may be known.

Or maybe not known.

The moment Shu Jialan heard the ringing of the Zhiwen bell and saw the Zhiwen bell, his eyes lit up!

There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

The more the sheep's front feet turned to ashes, the more he stepped through the sea of ​​gods with his back feet. Behind him is the fictitious image of the angry-eyed King Kong, and the golden palms of the Buddha hold out the black lotus altar for offering sacrifices. It's like holding a bowl and flipping it upside down on the Eight Treasures Pagoda in an instant!

At this moment, the Black Lotus Sacrificial Altar changed from reality to emptiness. It penetrated the Eight Treasures Pagoda and also the long sword with the bald head in the green shirt, and landed precisely on the Zhiwen Bell, annihilating the shaking bell for half a ring. , making it completely silent.

What is so great about the monks on Mount Sumeru?

The Great Bodhisattva Zen Master died.

This little monk who is in the presence of God can't die?

The result of Yang Yu being blown into fly ashes was indeed abrupt, better than the fifth place in the new king of the Tianbang, who died in an instant. But with his Shu Jialan's vision, of course he can clearly see what played a key role. So the first thing to do in this battle is to strip Zhiwen Bell!

And this is not impossible for him now. Because all his preparations for entering the world of Shenxiao were to capture Zhiwen Zhong, and he had already reserved enough ways to deal with Zhiwen Zhong.

Saying "deal with Zhiwen Zhong" is too flattering. But to deal with the little monk holding the bell, so that he cannot exert the power of knowing the bell, the great Bodhisattvas of the Black Lotus Temple have countless methods.

At such a moment—

The ancient god surnamed Jiang who just came out of the mirror world, when the primary target, Zhu Lanruo, was alert in advance, decisively turned his target, burned and killed Yang Yu, and completed the feat of killing the new king of the Yaozu Tianbang in an instant.

But Yang Yu is by no means a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch. Although he was known by Zhong Dongche, and all defenses were ineffective before the real fire of Samadhi, he still left his own counterattack when he was dying.

The eight-treasure pagoda suppressed by the vajra curse is aimed at the outstanding body skills of the monk on Mount Sumeru.

With his strength, he can make many judgments at a glance, and he is sure that the only chance for the little monk of Mount Xumi is to escape and kill. It would be unreasonable to be surrounded by the demon kings present.

So he wants to stop this, cut off his life, and return with him.

Although Jiang Wang holds the Zhiwen Bell, he is not superstitious about the Zhiwen Bell. Although Yang Yu was burned, he did not relax his vigilance. Because he is also the kind of person who will fight back hard before he dies completely.

The Buddha characters transformed by the King Kong's mantra suddenly passed through the sea of ​​fire and turned into eight treasure pagodas. He also shook the bell of knowing and hearing for the first time to analyze the Eight Treasures Pagoda.

It's a pity that the copper bell only rang for half a sound before Shu Jialan sealed it with a black lotus sacrifice altar. After all, it was the handwriting of Tian Yao Feng Zhong, no matter how fast Sauvignon Blanc comes out, it can't be cut off.

A black lotus imprint was engraved on the body of the bronze bell, and the power of "knowing and hearing like a messenger" came to an abrupt end.

The situation is critical!

Although Shu Jialan and Yang Yu were enemies who died together twice, they reached a perfect cooperation in this way.

The so-called succession of the dead is not a single family.

At this moment, Jiang Wang, who had activated the voice-hearing fairy state, also captured the news of more powerful men killing him, such as Zhu Lanruo and Ling Xihua, all of whom could fight him to the death!

He fell straight down—

Under the feet are flying flowers and real fire of samadhi, burning through the Eight Treasures Pagoda first.

For this technique of losing the host, half-hearing is enough.

Of course the Rat Garan has arrived!

The real fire dissipated, and Qingyun was crushed again.

There was a sound of broken jade, and the long sword cut three times in a row on Shu Jialan's fist. While blocking Shu Jialan's attack, he also turned his direction with the edge of the sword. Jiang Wang flew over quickly, almost brushing the shoulder of the True Inheritance of the Black Lotus Temple. too fast! People are like a frightened bird, only giving time for a glance.

Shu Jialan shook the sky with a seal, and the Vajra Xuxiang behind him opened his eyes glaringly, and two rays of Buddha's light shot out quickly, chasing Jiang Wang's now bald back of the head.

Jiang Wang turned around suddenly!

The clear eyes have turned into red gold, Qianyang's red pupils have been released, and the immortal light hits the Buddha's light!

The red golden eyes shattered the golden eyes! There was also a flame formed by the true fire of Samadhi, which fell on Shu Jialan's body.

Shu Jialan has a feeling that he is being targeted everywhere, and knows that this is not an illusion. This little monk on Mount Sumeru has been observing for an unknown amount of time since he entered the world of the heavens! He has to make a change and show a strength that he has never shown before, so that he can open the way to victory and stay out of the urn.

Grabbing it with a big hand, he tore off the cassock, like a roll of night, taking this dangerous flame flower away, not giving it a chance to continue to see itself.

The muscular upper body is then naked. Muscles are stretched out one by one, forming the back shapes of various Buddhas, as if they are all grasping on the cliff and climbing to the top of the mountain.

The secret of the Black Lotus Temple, Thousand Buddhas Worship the Mountain!

Unlike the compassion of ordinary Buddhists, it has majestic power. There is a majestic beauty that is rarely seen in the mountain gate.

At this moment, his physique is already approaching the limit of this realm, and the blood seeps out of his body, like hot mist evaporating. Therefore, it seems that thousands of Buddhas are competing with each other, and it is unstoppable.

Only one punch comes out—and a thousand punches fall from the void.

When the thousand Buddhas worshiped the mountain, the top of the mountain was actually Jiang Wang.

And Buddha Seal's thousand punches spread all over the body, each punch has various changes, locking all escape possibilities, and locking the "mountain" in it!

At this time, he was worshiped by thousands of Buddhas, only for this lonely mountain, but Jiang Wang's eyes turned slightly, and he found Shu Jialan's eyes.

The world of spirits and souls suddenly opened.

What Shu Jialan saw was still thousands of Buddhas worshiping the mountain, and thousands of fists were still hitting the little monk on Mount Sumeru.

But Tianqiong abruptly withdrew from an ancient and noble portal, and a hole opened in the sky, and a Bodhisattva with kind eyes and benevolent face stretched out his bright and colorful hands, and greeted the fist with his palm.

The Bodhisattva of Six Desires sits on the gate of heaven!

At this time, Shu Jialan doesn't care whether it's illusion or reality, whether it's the physical body or the spirit. Power is everything, and the limit of power is the limit of Dharma. Thousands of Buddhas worship mountains and only go towards them.

He has shown his limit and will surely win.

So a thousand punches blasted the sky, killing the Bodhisattva and attacking the gate of heaven. No matter when, where, or under what circumstances, he will turn the world upside down!

But in a blink of an eye, everything is disillusioned.

The Bodhisattva who did not know what kind of honorable status it was from Mount Sumeru disappeared, and the ancient and noble door suddenly closed, which made him shut up.

Only the bald and shiny young monk in Tsing Yi walked through the fist marks all over the sky, like a fish in water, like an eagle in the sky.

Not to mention that now that his physical injury has not fully recovered, even in his peak state, Jiang Wang would not take this punch hard. It's even hard to say that it can be accepted.

Shenxiao Bureau is a place where sky demons are everywhere, and Shenshan is a place where demon kings are surrounded.

If it was not necessary, how would he be willing to confront someone head-on and consume himself easily?

Although the soul is fully recovered and has the confidence to meet any opponent, this bombardment at the level of the soul is still just a test.

What I was testing was the change of Thousand Buddhas Worshiping Mountains!

After seeing a change in the world of spirit and soul, his knowledge and insight can be supplemented. Jiang Wang's gait is extremely unrestrained, and after a few turns, he escaped from his fist.

Then he squeezed the Huo Dou seal with his left palm so silently that he turned it over suddenly, and it was printed!

The one-legged divine bird carried a sea of ​​red flames, rushing like a tide, just in time to meet the so-called spirit race who was still in a patchwork state!

In such a time of chasing and going, the cautious Zhu Lanruo hadn't caught up yet, but Ling Xihua, who had nowhere to vent her murderous intent, had already arrived with her spear!

But in front of him was a divine bird, a red flame.

Seeing how Yang Yu was burned to death, how dare he take it hard?

In particular, he felt a ray of sword intent soaring into the sky, and the tip of the sword seemed to have reached his chest.

Immediately, he pushed the bone spear in his hand, opened the bone cage on the spot, and stood in front of the sea of ​​flames. But he turned into a cloud of black mist and went up to the sky.

But the green-clothed monk withdrew his sword suddenly, another twist in the air, he had already got rid of all the air locks, and flew to the top of the mountain.

Take off the blue sky and blue sea!

There is no trace of shock.

Such a reaction, such a speed!

Killing Yang Yu, Escaping from the Pagoda, War Rat Jialan, and Tui Ling Xihua were almost done in one go.

Before Zhu Dali came back to his senses, the monk in green shirt who seemed to be a poor man had disappeared without a trace.

And Snake Guyu, who also saw the vanity mirror, of course understood the battle better, and thus understood the horror of this human monk better. He is worthy of being the successor of Zen Master Xingnian who crossed the river alone, and he is worthy of the name of Mount Sumeru.

It was just that mirror that instantly reminded her of that afternoon at the Lianxi Inn, when she faced the mirror alone.

She thought she understood why Lu Qilang suddenly rushed into that inn at that time. It was clearly the inspiration of the King of Inspiration, which captured the arrogance of the human race!

When she thought of every frown, smile, and every action at that time, there was a pair of eyes staring at her in the mirror, and she was such a powerful person... She felt extremely uneasy.

Why didn't he shoot himself at that time?

She thinks she also understands who discovered her and why Yuan Mengji suddenly looked under the bed at that time. There must be some connection in it that she didn't see.

So what is the relationship between that Chai Asi... and the Taiping ghost next to him?

Chai Ahsi, who was being watched, was also in ups and downs.

When he saw the mirror, he was startled.

Subconsciously feeling in his arms, he was relieved... Fortunately, the mirror is still there.

Although it is said that fetishes are self-obscure, it is not good to look too ordinary. Always easy to misunderstand!

With his cultivation level, he couldn't see that the green-clothed monk swam from a high place, and threw down a predestined net!

Spider Orchid made a move!

The little monk on Mount Xumi instantly killed Yang Yu and it was amazing.

But of course she will not react slower than Shu Jialan and Ling Xihua, the reason why she arrives late is to be just right.

In the escape direction that the little monk on Mount Sumeru would definitely choose, she opened this net, and if she touches it, she will catch it.

This net uses the spring of immortality as the rope, and the knot of cause and effect. Once entangled, the cause and effect will not be worn away, and the spirit will die.

But just when this predestined net was about to unfold its predestined destiny, the monk in green shirt fell down like a goshawk breaking its wings... just avoiding the giant net that appeared from the sky!

Zhu Lanruoxiu frowned. My prediction...was predicted?

But it is said that Jiang Wang just got out and turned back, from the high sky to the mountainside-boom!

The red line of fire flowed through the body, the frosty wind long cloak unfolded, the light of heaven shook, and the sword killed the mouse and the blue sky spirit.

At this time, there is no evil outside the sky, and his star building cannot be used.

But it doesn't affect his way to kill the sword, and it can still bring disaster to the opponent.

This is the second form of the True Self Dao Sword. It is not me who praises me or me!

Press down with a sword, like a thousand mountains sinking suddenly.

The pressure of terror fell directly in the depths of Shu Jialan's soul.

It seems that countless demon clans are pointing at him and scolding him, and his fellow apprentice brothers have turned against him.

You who recite the Buddha, you evil seed, you might as well be the dog of Ancient Nanshan!

Just ask one question about all kinds of grievances——

Can you bear the world's slander?

At first glance, it seems that the monk in Tsing Yi from Mount Sumi had no intention of escaping from the very beginning. After killing Yang Yu, he wanted to kill Shu Jialan again!

This is such a terrifying sword, Ling Xihua only felt the sword's intent from afar, and the corners of his eyes were cracked with blood lines.

And Shu Jialan was still worried about losing the enemy, and was flying high, trying to chase this person, but happened to meet Ma Yijian this time!

His naked and muscular upper body bulged like a Buddha statue. Under the terrifying pressure, he gritted his steel teeth and refused to give way.

Instead, he let out a "Zha" in his mouth, and took only the palm of his flesh as a steel knife, and slashed at the enemy's neck viciously!

He still doesn't believe it, even if there are so many demon kings Tianjiao in the scene, even if they don't agree, they can still turn the world upside down by a human god?

It's nothing more than exchanging injuries for injuries, risking lives for life.

He slashed out with the knife in his hand, and he roared furiously: "The monk of Gunan Mountain will die, the monk of Heilian Temple will be injured, and you monk of Mount Sumeru, will you be injured? Can you die?!"

For some reason, he seemed to feel the other person's eyes froze for a moment, probably shocked by his courage to die?

But what surprised Shu Jialan the most was that sword...inaccurate.

The majestic sword of the green-clothed monk passed through him, and the stagger was ridiculous.

A true young monk who is as strong as Mount Sumeru, the existence that instantly kills Yangyu, can actually cut through the air with a single sword?

Shu Jialan suddenly turned around, only to see the green-clothed monk carrying a mighty momentum, slashing down the mountain platform with a sword, breaking through the hairy palm of the giant ape, and landing on the huge bronze cauldron...

The spark sparked by the long sword and the tripod's ears was blessed by a wisp of crimson red, concentrated by the majestic sword intent, and fell on the spark in the depths of the ashes.


This Heavenly Demon altar was set on fire!

What to light it with?

Use Samadhi True Fire, use the embers of a demon seed!

What is the Heavenly Demon Altar?

The monster clan used it to open up the chaotic world and light up the light of civilization.

What kind of existence is Shenxiao Wang Yuzhen?

Once traveled back and forth to the Chaos Sea.

Where is beyond this divine world?

Jiang Wang didn't know, but there must be a sea of ​​chaos outside this world.

So if the Tianyao Dharma Altar is ignited again, can a short path be opened up from the sea of ​​chaos?

Knowing that the clock is in hand, can you sense the journey home of the World Honored One?

This day, the demon altar is ignited in the world of Shenxiao, will it echo Yu Zhen's plan to sneak into the world?

What's more, can the changes in the Chaos Sea attract the attention of the strong human race? The human race has blocked the Yaozu for so many years, it is impossible not to pay attention to the Chaos Sea!

There was no hope, and he came to create hope.

This was the first way he imagined for himself to go home—

The sound of the heavenly drum, the bright future of humanity!

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