Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1834 Going down the mountain with strong wind and snow!

If after observing the world in the mirror for so long, Jiang Wang still can't understand the threat of these demon seeds present, then he is really worthy of the name of arrogance.

Even though his various responses were perfect, from the very beginning, he didn't expect to be able to get away immediately.

After the plan to kill Zhu Lanruo was aborted, his attention had already fallen on the altar of the sky demon.

Killing the sheep is of course the key. If you don't kill the sheep, Zhiwenzhong may even rebel.

But after that, Fighting Mouse Jialan and Tui Ling Xihua turned eastward and westward, and responded in various ways, all in order to attract the attack of these demon kings. The result of letting him ignite the Heavenly Demon altar will not be affected.

Previously, these demon seeds were vying for each other, but he watched coldly in the mirror world, and he could see it more clearly than anyone else.

I understand that there must be a secret in the giant bronze cauldron of the Heavenly Demon Dharma Altar. At least that Shikachiro has always been very concerned about the spark in the depths of the black ash, and the giant ape god transformed by the ape Mengji also went towards that spark.

Although he doesn't know everything, and doesn't know what the layout of some forces in the demon world is on this sky demon altar, but as a human race, it is definitely not wrong to destroy it.

How to destroy?

This day, the altar of the demon altar was half destroyed. Even the giant ape's appearance failed to break it, and it was difficult for him to do so.

But that faint spark must have had its time.

Disrupting its timeline, making the timing and location unlucky, is of course also a kind of destruction.

He happened to kill Yang Yu, he happened to know something about Zhiwen Zhong, and he happened to have Samadhi True Fire, so he formulated such a tactic.

Even if those assumptions about the Chaos Sea come to nothing, Shizun and Yuzhen have no way forward, and the result of igniting the Heavenly Demon altar will inevitably lead to drastic changes in the situation. In this life-and-death situation surrounded by Tianjiao, only by muddying the situation can he survive.

As for Shu Jialan's impassioned question, can monk Mount Sumeru die?

He can only asked the wrong person!

The reason why he hasn't grown his hair after being in the demon world for so long is of course not because he has any thoughts about being a monk. The main reason is that once the golden chalcedony is damaged, it is extremely difficult to recover. Of course, flesh and blood, viscera and bones are given priority, and hair is not considered for the time being. Until now, the physical body has not recovered to its peak.

Seeing that the real fire of samadhi has been burned in the giant bronze cauldron, the black embers have been covered by the fire, the silent altar of the sky demon has been ignited again, and unknown changes have occurred in the entire world of Shenxiao——


A shocking change occurred in the sea of ​​gods!

at this time.

The giant ape's divine appearance is dead, it's just the majestic condensed divine power, which still needs time to dissipate.

All the shrines in the Flesh and Flesh Ten Thousand Gods Cave were extinguished one by one. During this period, the statues of gods naturally also lost their glory.

But the many god statues floating in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods are still shining brightly, and their divine splendor is brilliant!

Although the baby god is dead, the sea of ​​gods is still there.

The appearance of the giant ape has almost become a dead mountain, but the mountain platform is still there, the altar of the sky demon is still there, the giant bronze tripod is still there, and the related arrangement of the ancient imperial city's conferred god platform in the world of gods... still exists!

At the moment when Jiang Wang passed Shu Jialan who was about to fight for life and death, and forcibly ignited the altar of the sky demon.

The sea of ​​gods rose suddenly.

Thousands of waves, thousands of waves.

The golden divine power surged and roared, and on the top of the rolling golden waves, it was melted into a sacred golden platform!

This platform is square and square, like a nine palace. It gives people the feeling of solemnity, sacredness and rules.

There are different engravings on the four sides of the square platform.

The pattern is simple, but the spirit is profound.

Looking in this direction from Jiang, he could only see a sacred tree, a river, a golden sword, a fire bird, and an earth mountain. Since the five elements are hidden, it seems to describe some scene.

As soon as the golden platform came out, the flame in the huge bronze cauldron was instantly extinguished!

Even if there is the embers of the sky demon seeds as fuel, even if there is the real fire of Samadhi as the open flame, this tripod will not burn again.

All the bright light was quickly recycled into a spark and fell back into the ashes.

And in the golden platform, there is a magnificent sound, which is like a drum in the sky, and it is mighty throughout the world of God: "This person is the leader of the Yellow River in the Neifuchang in the Dao calendar 3919, and the name is engraved in the history of human cultivation. , It is the Marquis of Wu'an of the Three Thousands of Food Towns in the Qi Kingdom, Jiang Wang, the arrogance of the human race! I hereby issue a glorious mission, and we, the children of the monster clan, will kill them together!"

All the monsters are shocked!

If we say that in the past two years, we must choose one of the most famous human races in the demon world, Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in Qi State, not to mention the first and second, but also firmly in the top five.

without it.

Because of his death, the entire Frostwind Valley was flattened.

Because of his death, a battle broke out between the monster race and the human race involving four heavenly monsters and three true kings, a total of seven supreme powerhouses.

Ape Fairy Court, Qi Guanying, Spider Yi, Shi Anxuan.

Zuo Xiao, Jiang Mengxiong, Qin Changsheng.

Which one is not famous?

Also because of his death, the human race built a new Wu'an city. The human race and the monster race have opened up a new Wu'an battlefield!

And now he actually said that he is not dead?

From Frostwind Valley to now, for several months, he has been lurking in the demon world, and even mixed into the world of Shenxiao?

How did he do that?

How did he become a monk of Mount Sumeru again?

But Fengshentai has issued a glorious task, this matter must not be false. They will never disobey.

No matter Zhu Lanruo, Ling Xihua, or Shu Jialan, they all jumped forward.

Even Lu Qilang, who didn't know what to think about in the cave of flesh and blood gods, immediately frightened his mind, and chased him out with his sword flowing.

At the same time when all the monsters were almost speechless, Jiang Wang's heart was also shocked!

He still doesn't know the layout of some forces in the demon world on this sky demon altar. But who this "certain force" is, it is clear at this moment.

That is the ancient imperial city! The highest authority in the entire demon world!

And this golden platform cast by divine power is clearly a replica of the God Conferring Platform in the ancient imperial city!

At this moment, he understood that what he had imagined was not wrong. The ignition of this Heavenly Demon altar would indeed cause changes in the Chaos Sea, and indeed there would be a chance to open up a short-term path.

But his possibility was erased.

There are countless possibilities in the world of Shenxiao, and all kinds of frosts compete with each other, but you can't let go of him!

In the world of "Innocent Beyond the Heavens", the Primordial Imperial City even did not hesitate to cast a projection on the Conferred God Stage and call for glory missions, but also to cut off his possibility and kill him here.

Of course he felt this unwavering, mountainous malice.

Of course, he also knew how insignificant he was compared to the ancient imperial city and the Conferred God Platform.

At this time, the Conferred God Stage appeared, even at this moment when Tianwai was innocent, he was not qualified to imagine what the power of the Immemorial Imperial City's Conferred God Platform could do.

He can say ten dead but no life!

But he just raised his sword and recoiled at the first moment, the red fire was like a torch, and the frost was spread in the sky.

At this moment, the demon kings from all directions come to kill them together, and he counterattacks all the demons, pointing his sword at Ling Xihua!

Under God's will, the realm of God's presence may still be small.

In the world of Shenxiao, under the means of the sky demon, the young duke who dominates the country may be just a dust.

But my thoughts about going home, the thoughts I entrusted to bring back the Zhiwen Bell, are not insignificant!

As for Ling Xihua, who was facing the enemy head-on, he broke a bone spear in each hand, and his teeth were about to be crushed as the spirit flames surged around him!

Looking at the eternal red golden eyes, looking at the young prince of Qi who rushed over without hesitation. He felt an uncontrollable anger... I have already demonstrated such strength, this little bald man of the human race still uses me as a breakthrough?

Not recognized by the spirit father, not recognized by the real first spirit race, not even recognized by the human race.

Anger burned his body and mind, but under the boundless anger, there was also a little fear that he refused to admit.

After all, this person and this sword... are too resolute!

The black spirit flame boiled up, burning through the sky. The black teeth and claws seemed to bring a dark night. Under the night that seemed to be sweeping from afar, Ling Xihua was holding two spears, and he would never lose courage at this time, and he was also confronting Jiang Wang!

But there was a pure white and flawless snowflake falling in front of his eyes.

Then came the second, third...

At this moment, it is snowing all over the sky!

is it a night


But it was more of a winter night!

There is a lack of sky in the northwest, and the frost and wind drop the long sword.

Jiang Wang's slender and powerful hand held the long sword with distinct knuckles. Sweeping the killing of God's will, vertically comes the sword of Daotu.

Although there are no star towers in the sky, there should be no evil outside the sky, but what my long sword points to, this world is also frost and winter!

How was Yang Yu killed instantly?

How was the Heavenly Demon Altar set ablaze?

In Ling Xihua's heart, there was never a choice to back down, and he had to use offense against attack. But at this time, there is indeed a possibility of retreat... Under the pressure of that extreme sword intent, under the gaze of those eternal eyes, it may become a reality.

The two spears in the palm of the hand made a mistake, and suddenly turned from attack to defense.

The pitch-black chains burning with black spirit flames criss-crossed in front of him, forming a chain net, weaving into a chain wall, standing firmly in the sky and earth, blocking everything that flows. The east cannot pass the west, and the front cannot pass the rear.

Every dark chain is like a chasm. And countless gaps burning together are the most resolute resistance in the world.

This Thousand Calamity Spirit Net was handed down by the Three Evil Lords, and it definitely has the ultimate defense of the Demon King. Each burning black chain can swallow too many attacks.

Exercising this technique can be described as impenetrable!

It is absolutely impossible for the evil monk on Mount Sumeru to pass by. He is by no means a breakthrough!

This change was really sudden, showing Ling Xihua's absolute strength.

But it was too sudden!

All of a sudden, all the demon kings surrounded by him couldn't react.

Which of these demon kings who shot at this time is not a genius? Who hasn't experienced all kinds of battles?

But precisely because of this, they all saw Ling Xihua's determination to fight with all his might, and the preparations for the battle were all the result of the confrontation between Ling Xihua and Jiang Wangzheng.

Ling Xihua's sudden change of move did not deceive his opponent, but made his teammates stagger!

Because no one could capture his reaction more accurately than Jiang Wang, who was fighting him head-on. He even said that his reaction was exactly what Jiang Wang wanted.

Wrestling with God's will for so long, although he has been defeated repeatedly, but after all defeats and battles, he has made some progress. At this time, Jiang Wang used his swordsmanship and will to force him to achieve his tactical goal, and he did not use the wrong way to see the wrong way.

Before this body killed Ling Xihua, he turned around in front of the sudden rise of the Thousand Tribulations Spirit Net!

His body was entwined with the light of heaven, and the real fire of samadhi was jumping on his boots. Just like that, he stepped on the spiritual net of a thousand calamities, and suddenly broke down!

The sword is also broken.

Monks covered in snowflakes.

Shu Jialan, who was naked from the waist up and worshiped thousands of Buddhas, was naked in the cold winter snow at this moment, even if his physique reached a certain limit, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He never expected that Ling Xihua would stop fighting halfway through the fight, and he also never expected that the monk from Mount Sumeru would collide with him head-on, because every time before, this person was just scratching the surface and swayed him away.

But at this time, the world of spirit and soul opened up.

The ultimate sword intent came to kill.

The overwhelming fire of supernatural powers and the wind of supernatural powers came here without thinking!

The real fire of samadhi turns into fireworks, and the wind blows into killing nails.

So snowflakes covered the whole body.

A few flames melted the snow and were buried by the snow again.

Six cold long nails fixed the limbs, the heart, and the spirit of the sky.

In the duel between the soul and the soul, the Bodhisattva of Six Desires opens the gate of heaven.

In the duel of supernatural powers, the real fire of samadhi is not in the wind.

In the duel of the road, the handle of the bucket points north to the winter.

Jiang Wang almost used all his strength to kill Shu Jialan on the spot at the moment when he noticed it early but Shu Jialan failed to react in time!

With a swipe of the red flame on the hand, it is necessary to rely on the impact of Shu Jialan's death on the black lotus altar at the moment of death, deepening his samadhi, erasing the black lotus brand on the Zhiwen bell, and erasing the Zhiwen bell's seal!

He wants to reactivate the power of the clock of knowledge and knowledge, and sweep away all the monsters present with the knowledge that is fully filled in an instant——

This is of course the best choice for the battle, the best result of the battle, and also the reason why he chose the first Qiangshashujialan.

But at this moment, Shu Jialan, who was already stiff, suddenly opened his angry eyes!

"Damn bald donkey!"

The burly rat monk roared like this.


Its sound is like thunder, and its fist strength is like a drum.

Jiang Wang's blue shirt suddenly tore open, his sternum was broken, and a deep fist mark was sunken on his chest!

And Shu Jialan, who was facing him head-on, had his eyes wide open and disappeared.

Hoo hoo...

Snowflakes are still flying.

But the body of the Thousand Buddhas worshiping the mountain, which represents the ultimate power, is covered with frost and snow.

Finally, like his deadly rival Yang Yu, he ushered in the third and last death.

If Shu Jialan died any slower, this punch would surely be able to pierce Jiang Wang's chest.

Although he was not directly killed at this time, he was seriously injured, which stopped his process of lifting the seal of Zhiwen Bell.

Don't take it lightly!

Jiang Wang gritted his teeth tightly and didn't say a word, he refused to spit out blood, he refused to vent his breath.

Of course, the best result of the battle was not achieved, but he has long been used to the unsatisfactory world, and he never thinks that the opponent, the Yaozu Tianjiao, can be rubbed by him and write the script as he likes.

There are people's efforts, and demons' efforts.

He just swiped at Shu Jialan's body with his backhand, and used this vigorous monster body that was still covered with frost and snow as a throwing spear to kill Zhu Lanruo, while he used this reaction force to rush forward.

With Hengkong's sword right in the throat, the jade-faced and brocade-clothed sky demon seed was killed without any waves.

Inspiration king Shichiro deer!

Sheep Yu is dead, and Shu Jialan is dead.

Facing the Tianjiao of the human race who killed two demon kings in a row, he had no fear at all. Still accurately captured Jiang Wang's movement trajectory, and stopped him abruptly!


The long sword was against the long sword, and the sword edge cut the sword edge.

The two swords wiped out a long stream of sparks, and Jiang Wang and Lu Qilang lost their bodies in the process.

Then fall!

The monk in Tsing Yi turned around and fell directly into the Sea of ​​Myriad Gods.

Like an eagle spreading its wings in the sky.

Go down the mountain with strong wind and snow!

It was supposed to be at eight o'clock in the evening, because I forgot to mention it last night, and I was afraid that everyone would wait, so I wrote it overnight, and rushed to now in the morning...

Twelve noon tomorrow.

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