Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1835

The Conferred God Stage appeared, surrounded by all the monsters.

Jiang Wang was furious at Ling Xihua, turned himself to kill Shu Jialan, and then crossed the wrong sword with Lu Qilang, escaping from the sea of ​​gods...

All this sounds slow, but in fact it only happens in an instant.

Just a blink of an eye, and the fight starts and ends.

Then Lu Qilang, Zhu Lanruo and Ling Xihua chased him down the mountain one after another.

Only the sea of ​​myriad gods is still surging, and Ling Xihua's Thousand Tribulations Spirit Net still has a few residual flames. The mountain wind is mighty, and the snow is still there.

Chai Ahsi stared at all this in a daze.

He is naive, and he would love to be naive, but he is not a fool.

Once the mission of honoring the Conferred God Stage came out, he could no longer deceive himself!

Everything is connected.

Why did the great ancient god collect information on the southern battlefield, and why did the great ancient god ask him to read Buddhist scriptures.

The encounter in the Hundred Thousand Mountains back then, the fateful monster clan, the great ancient god who crossed the river of fate... It was just a scam!

Jiang Wang did not die on the previous battlefield of Fanshuangfeng Valley, but the human race built the city of Wu'an to remember him.

What Chiyun Mountain God is, is just a wild ghost that should have died in Shiwan Dashan.

Why are you different, you have a unique genius, what is "Aspirations do not lie in age, good monsters can see a long way."...It's all lies!

It's just coaxing him, Chai Ahsi, so that he can be the leading party and bring this broken mirror back to Moyun City so that he can avoid being chased and killed.

What a peerless magical skill, a promise of a god, a god of honor, only a fool would believe it!


At this moment, Chai Ahsi looked at the tumbling Sea of ​​Myriad Gods and the figure that had disappeared, and felt an empty and huge emotion that was beyond description.

"just kill me!!!"

Facing the scarlet heart seal in his body, he issued his last request to the ancient god. In an almost roaring manner.

This was the first time in his life that he had a conversation with the Supreme Master in such a tone.

You brought me into a fate that does not belong to me, and only now tell me that it does not belong to me!

Humans and monsters have been incompatible since ancient times, and I can't resist you either. Then you come and kill me.

The arrogance of the human race, kill the mediocre talents of the monster race, use my blood to embellish your honor.

It was you who opened my dream, and you also came to end my dream!

At this time, he felt the scarlet heart seal in his body, it only flickered slightly, and then it did disappear. More power passed through the golden sea of ​​clouds.

Only the calm voice of the great ancient god resounded in my heart for the last time——

"The fate between you and me is over, so we can do it for ourselves in the future."

I don't know why, Chai Ahsi, who thought he was going to die but didn't die, suddenly felt the surging emotions in his heart. It's like floating light shattering thousands of times, like the sea of ​​clouds gradually flattening. He held his rusty iron sword and remained still for a long time.

He knew that from then on he was alone again.

Just like in that dilapidated old house, the loneliness that lasted for many years.


The Conferred God Terrace is the most precious treasure of the demon clan, and one of the landmark buildings of the ancient imperial city. It can even be said that it is the most important treasure of the demon court today, with both symbolic and practical significance.

Its appearance meant that Jiang Wang's sword had indeed touched the secret arrangement of the ancient imperial city.

And its appearance in the sea of ​​gods, of course, not only reflects the details of this human race in an instant, nor does it just cut off a certain possibility of this human race's arrogance.

At the same time as the glory mission was being issued in the world of Shenxiao... the sub-stage of the Conferred God Platform located in Moyun City also rose brightly at this moment, piercing through the sky.

That magnificent voice resounded through Moyun City——

"The crusade against the human race is the responsibility of the world. The ancient imperial city, recruit the true demons into the battle!"

Although the world of Shenxiao at this time is innocent outside the sky, the Conferred God Stage has long been arranged "inside the sky". Moreover, the Conferred God Platform uses the Myriad God Sea as its power source to echo each other from afar, penetrating the outside world.

It is impossible for a sky demon to send in, but there is a chance to send in a real demon!

Lu Ximing's beautiful eyes rolled, and he immediately said: "Shenxiang Huahai is not far away, I will immediately send the true monster under my command to come here!"

Mountain darkly, vista!

At this time, the Fengshentai recruited the real monsters into the world of Shenxiao, of course, in order to kill that human arrogance without any chance.

But at the same time, the true demon is also the only force in the world of Shenxiao. After killing the Tianjiao of the human race, it is also reasonable to sweep it up and get something to go home.

Who can be a real monster here? It was nothing more than Yingyang, the dog of Zhaoyun Peak, and Zhuxian, the owner of Moyun City, who were brought in for questioning.

On the surface, Quan Yingyang is friendly with Gu Nanshan, but behind the scenes, he is controlled by her and serves her.

So why Hu Taisui said earlier that he was going to interrogate Quan Yingyang, she was the first to say that he would go with him. Because she couldn't let Hu Taisui accidentally kill Quan Yingyang, or at least she couldn't let Quan Yingyang reveal too many secrets.

The reason why she clamored to bring the true demon of Shenxiang Huahai here was to remind the heavenly demon present that the spider string was the blood descendant of Zhu Yi, and was a true demon belonging to the Tianxi Wasteland. Once entering the world of Shenxiao, it will inevitably bring injustice.

On the contrary, Zhao Yunfeng's Quan Yingyang, who is a bit detached from the world, is the most suitable choice at the moment.

Lu Ximing was the first to respond, and of course the other heavenly demons wanted to mobilize their own true demons to join the game, and even the quick-handed Dharma Fate had already contacted Gu Nanshan.

But the majestic voice of the Conferred God Stage only said: "In the name of the ancient imperial city, recruit the spider string nearby! Quan Yingyang!"

"It seems that this time it is a nearby call, and the time and space are limited." Lu Ximing frowned, seemingly analyzing, but actually explaining. Take the initiative to help Taikoo Imperial City appease the few sky demons present, and let them recognize this fair decision.

At this time, Cicada Fayuan from Gu Nanshan suddenly said: "Send me in! I want to fight for the monster clan!"

Lu Ximing didn't make a sound. Could it be that this monk has lost his knowledge clock and lost his mind? Under such circumstances, how can the sky demon get in?

The Conferred God Platform had been arranged in the Divine Firmament World for a long time, and they had a deep understanding of its time and space order, and the passage was only aimed at the Conferred God Platform itself, which actually penetrated the rules of the Divine Firmament World. It is equivalent to the small window on the prison door, and it is enough to send a meal in. How can a fully armed jailer be sent in?

Forcibly breaking through to the world of Shenxiao will inevitably arouse fierce resistance from the world of Shenxiao. Not to mention whether the world left by King Shen Xiao can be changed, even if the rules are really defeated, there is no need to count on anything.

Sure enough, the majestic voice in the Conferred God Stage immediately refused: "The passage is too narrow to send the sky demon."

But I only heard Cicada Fayuan Hong's voice say: "I am willing to cut down my way and become a real demon, just to enter the world of the gods, save the life of my demon clan's genius, and kill a human clan's genius!"

Everyone knew that he wanted to know about Zhong, but indeed, no one expected him to have such a determination!

At this time, the strong man who presided over the Conferred God Stage was also a little shocked for a while, and then replied through the Conferred God Stage after a while: "Even if the road is cut off, the body of the sky demon is still unsustainable, please forgive me Bodhisattva. "

After a pause, the voice added: "Zhiwen Zhong is the treasure of the Buddhist sect of the demon clan, and should belong to the Buddhist sect."

This is to give Cicada Fayuan a reassurance, saying that the ancient imperial city will never covet Zhiwen Zhong, and will not allow Quan Yingyang or Spider Xian to swallow Zhiwen Zhong.

Although Cicada Fayuan hoped that the Taikoo Imperial City would clearly know that Wenzhong belonged to the Ancient Nanshan, rather than the general demon world and Buddhism, but he also understood that this level of commitment was the limit.

Deer Xingkong, who was staring at the side, was not so easy to get along with.

The Conferred God Stage sent out a call, and several sky demons at the scene agreed.

This matter is a foregone conclusion.

The conscripted Spider Xian and Quan Yingyang had already appeared on the Conferred God Stage. They only had time to look at each other, and the bright light circled around, and their figures disappeared in a flash.

The entire Fengshentai suddenly lost its brilliance, as if it had turned into an ordinary stone platform, without any spiritual power. I am afraid that it will take a long time to be stored before it can be restored to use.

But this is the price that must be borne by "safety".

At this moment, the real monster has entered the battle!



In the gloomy flesh and blood pantheon cave.

Xiong Sansi fell to his knees in despair, silently becoming a sculpture.

The bright silver gun from Yu Xin was dyed into a gilt gun by Shenyuan, and it just fell powerlessly in the air. Falling into the golden sea of ​​divine power that is rapidly depleting, there is the last lonely sound of entering the water.

The gun fell to the end, and the divine power Jinhai no longer existed.

The laughter of Ling Xihua turning around and leaving, and the sound of fighting outside the Flesh and Flesh Ten Thousand Gods Cave, were all very far away. For some reason, the sound of entering the water struck in my mind.

The waves in my mind were like a mirror, reflecting blurred faces.

Who did I forget?

he thinks.

Master, senior brother, the already unfortunate fourth junior brother, has a chance to become the invincible junior junior brother in the same realm.


There is also that Zhaonan who claims to be the number one swordsman in Linzi.

That's right, the third junior brother with the best relationship.

Master is busy with military affairs, and often does not come back to Linzi once a year.

The elder brother has played the role of master for a long time, and sometimes he has to force a bit of authority to control them. Worrying about this practice every day, worrying about that school, I still have to participate in the military strategy of the Nine Soldiers and manage the army...

It's too easy to be the second senior brother by yourself, you just need to play with the juniors.

Zhaonan is the one who likes to follow her the most.

Ask about the north and south of the gun, and test the east and west. It's a joy to show off your might.

If there is a misfortune, let's go together, and if there is a responsibility... the elder brother will bear it.

He thought it was impossible for him to forget the third junior brother, because many of the sword skills he used in the demon world were inspired by Ji Zhaonan back then.

It's just that slowly, those people and things that impressed me are becoming less and less afraid to mention them.

Because the possibility of going home is getting more and more slim, the more you work hard and see more, the more you will know what the word despair is.

After painstakingly planning, participating in this Shenxiao game is his last gamble, but he has blazed the way for Hu Taisui to reach the peak.

Those struggles in the Cave of Thousand Tribulations, all the hard work in the past thirteen years... were not in vain. Yes, all contributed to Tiger Tai Sui.

The harder you work, the more unfortunate you are. The more struggling, the more painful.

Why didn't he die immediately on the battlefield!

Why are you still trying to live when you are so miserable!

These hot emotions, like a branding iron imprinted on the wound, quickly faded away.

really tired...

"I'm going to Guanhe Terrace, can senior brother be the first?"

"Brother, we have agreed! You will win this year, and I will win the next one!"

"You actually lost, shouldn't you? Well, you bastard, you don't want to drag it until the next session to compete with me!? Oh no, you will be over the age of the next session, ah ha ha ha ha, lie down! Lie down! You should watch me!"

"Going to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters again? You're not in a good position yet! Okay, responsibility, responsibility, you are becoming more and more like the big brother now, it's so boring! Go, go... Take care!"

There seemed to be such a voice in my head. But further away.

Those who are high-spirited and those who are full of ambition.

It's all over...

Xiong Sansi felt that his consciousness was dissipating.

The body is also falling.

Like all those past events, it will eventually leave without looking back.


What is the sound?

Who is talking?

What are you shouting for?

"This person is—"

Who is this person?


The Yellow River... the leader?

Qi's... the leader of the Yellow River?

The leader that Qi won at the meeting of the Yellow River?

Qi State, the meeting of the Yellow River, the leader! ?

Ji Zhaonan? !

Xiong Sansi, who was falling, suddenly opened his eyes!

Not Ji Zhaonan...

Jiang Wang?

do not know……

But it doesn't matter.

Did you win the glory I didn't win?

I, Daqi, from now to the future, have all wished to stand among the hegemony, have you fulfilled it?

why are you here

Also like me?

At this moment, Lu Qilang's figure just pierced through the Bloody and Flesh Ten Thousand Gods Cave, and he just fell to the bottom of the dry golden sea of ​​divine power - that is the deep pit of flesh and blood of the chapped giant ape god, the gilded gun, Just standing upside down.

His vigorous body fell to the bottom of the pit of flesh and blood, and there was a huge, slumping sound. It was extremely lonely in this cave of flesh and blood.

But he stretched out his hand to the side, grabbing the spear infused with divine energy.

His eyes brightened.

His long hair spread all over the sky!

The leader of the Yellow River in Daqi has not been seen...

It's a pity in my life!



From the awarding of the glorious task at the Conferred God Stage, to Lu Qilang's killing of the flesh and blood Ten Thousand Gods Cave, he passed by Jiang Wang, and saw him fall into the sea of ​​clouds and descend the mountain...

It was just a flash of lightning.

Of course Kashiro refused to let him go.

Not to mention the unavoidable nature of the Glory mission, and regardless of its generous rewards.

Just because of his responsibility and pride as the arrogant of the Yaozu, he is doomed to have no other choice.

He jumped into a rainbow, pierced through the sea of ​​clouds at a much faster speed than Ling Xihua, and chased after Jiang. Open your eyes for inspiration and wait for the opportunity. The sword light almost converged into another sea under the sea of ​​clouds, and the mid-mountain was destined to have a heavy rain today!

But there was another figure, faster than him——

That Zhu Lanruo who has been stuck at the intersection of the downhill and has been faked several times!

She has even more reasons not to indulge lightly, because there is her Fountain of Youth under the mountain!

But seeing his body shattered like a shadow.

Crashing, the fountain of youth on the mountainside, the flowing water roared, and the body of the water condensed into a demon body.

The hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and she comes out of the fountain of youth!

The broken string that had been cut off appeared in his hand again at some point, and recovered at some point.

The jade hand pulled the string, and the blood beads walked on the string.

The figure that spread its wings like an eagle, soaring in the wind and snow, cut through the sea of ​​clouds with decisive momentum, and could even separate several god statues and fall halfway down the mountain.


The sound of the piano resounds between heaven and earth.

Swords, swords, guns, flying arrows... all head on!

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