Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1836 If you are worshiping me

The mountain wind is too cold.

On the stone steps up the mountain, the black scarf-masked Taiping Guicha stood as a statue, more rigid than the statues in the sea of ​​gods.

"The mission of glory has been awarded, why don't you go after him?" Snake Guyu's voice suddenly sounded, colder than the mountain wind.

Jiang Wang jumped out of the mirror. The mirror was hidden in Zhu Dali's arms, and Zhu Dali brought him into the old Chai family house... These messages will not be ignored.

Logically speaking, Zhu Dali is the one who should prove himself the most. But he stood still here.

"Ah?" Taiping Guicha was stunned for a moment, seemed to have just realized the question, and said sadly: "The leader of the Yellow River, the first inner palace, Marquis of Wu'an...there are too many people, I don't know who to kill."

Thousands of words, just a sentence I don’t know.

have no idea.

Before meeting the Taiping Daoist, how did he Dali know what the "Tao" is?

Nothing more than unexamined, live a day is a day.

The one named Jiang Wang may be a bad person, maybe not.

The Taiping God Wind Seal has also disappeared, it seems to have existed, and it seems that it never existed.

But the sword skills learned from Taiping Baodaolu are still there.

I can still recall the wonderful feeling of fighting when the Taoist master's mind was splitting his body.

The first time I broke the cult and killed the mood of the evil god... I still remember it.

There is peace in my heart, fighting for power and profit!

What do you want in this life?

Nothing more than... "Looking at the bright moon in the long night, seeking peace for the common people."

He thought, the way of peace must exist, it exists in a certain corner of the world, and the ideal of peace in the world will definitely come true.

"Yes." Snake Guyu seemed to be touched by Taiping Guicha's answer, and said, "There are too many people, too many gods, and too many demons in this world."

"My strength is so great, it's useless to go." Zhu Dali said: "Then what about you, why don't you go after him?"

She Guyu's voice fell on the stone steps: "As far as the monster race is concerned, we are all unpardonable sins. What is the difference between me and him?"

She didn't hide her authenticity: "Of course, he is very dangerous, which is also one of the reasons."

So they were silent again.

The silence continued in the mountain wind, but was broken by the waves in the sea of ​​gods.

The golden platform cast by divine power shines brightly here. There are two terrifying phantoms in the bright light, which are solidifying, and the strong wind suddenly blows——

The real monster is coming!

"I want to live." Snake Guyu said suddenly.

"I wanted to live, so I killed them all."

"I don't know why I want to live, but I want to live."

As she said this, she stood up holding two sabers, with red streaks on her body, and she leaped out of the sacred mountain flickeringly.

After thinking about it vigorously, Zhu realized that what Snake Guyu had answered was the question he had asked earlier—why he slaughtered his own relatives.

want to live.

Not to participate in the pursuit of Jiang Wang, but also want to live.

Now that the real demon has come into the world, he immediately decides to escape, also wanting to live. Since she has no background to rely on, and her reputation has been handed down from generation to generation, no one will jump out and say anything when she is wiped out by any real monster.

It's a simple reason to want to live.

As for why he had to slaughter his own relatives if he wanted to survive, what was the logic behind it, and what was the specific reason... It didn't seem to matter anymore.

Snake Guyu just gave Taiping Guichai an answer.

I had no intention of convincing anyone.



want to live!

To survive is the greatest instinct of life.

Jiang Wang knew that he was invincible and could not be besieged, so after his plan to ignite the demon altar failed, his first choice was to leave the mountain. As long as the process of chasing and escaping is extended, and the speed of the pursuer varies from fast to slow, each space to break will naturally appear.

Of course, whether it can be grasped is another matter...

Shu Jialan's punch before his death was too heavy!

The seal of Zhiwenzhong could not be untied, and a series of battle plans corresponding to it were all declared disintegrated.

The body, which had never recovered, returned to the state of serious injury again.

He restrained Zhu Lanruo with Shu Jialan's body, drew Lu Qilang's sword from the sky, and then fled down the mountain.

Going up and down the mountain is not important, it's just a matter of improvisation, away from the Conferred God Stage, there are infinite possibilities.

But no matter Lu Qilang or Zhu Lanruo, they are the choice of Tianjiao, with the will of the strong, and not lacking in fighting wisdom, so it is impossible for him to lead the way.

If Jiang Wang jumped out of the red makeup mirror, he still had the advantage of knowing himself and the enemy. After killing Shu Jialan and Yang Yu one after another, his methods were also known!

At this moment, if Spider Orchid stands in the Fountain of Youth, a drop of blood jumps on the broken string, which is lying in front of her.

She has a pair of eyes to capture cause and effect. In her opinion, Jiang Wangqiang is strong, but he has not yet reached the level of sweeping the demon king of Tianbang.

Yang Yu and Shu Jialan died in battle one after another.

Although there is a reason for Jiang Wang, although it is also due to Zhiwen Zhong, and their choices in battle, it is also the inertia of history!

They have died twice, and both times they were found by turning time.

The cause of death is early, and the fruit of death is early.

Without the continuous intervention of the great Bodhisattva behind them, in this heavenly world, they would sooner or later be swallowed up by the backlash that reversed life and death. Unfortunately, in the world of Shenxiao at this time, there is no evil outside the sky.

The Tianjiao of the human race came from the mountain, and she greeted him on the mountainside.

The dead fountain of youth cannot nourish her, but it can bring her strength.

The blood drops on the broken string were smooth and clearly reflected the figure of the monk in green shirt in miniature.

As a result, the swords, lightsabers, lightsabers, arrows and flying arrows that followed the sound of the piano... all hit Jiang Wang's body precisely, no matter how unpredictable his movements were, none of his shots missed.

In front of him at this moment are Zhu Lanruo and the Fountain of Youth.

Behind him are Lu Qilang and Ling Xihua.

The attack transformed by the sound of the piano has nowhere to evade. He crushed dozens of blue clouds and approached the limit of movement in an instant, but he was still surrounded by the sound killing technique.

It seems that cause and effect are destined!

Such an attack undoubtedly makes people desperate.

But Jiang Wang's eternal red golden eyes were only looking at Zhu Lanruo's radiant eyes.

If it is impossible for Zhu Lan to truly achieve the fate of cause and effect, otherwise she is directly doomed to let Duanxian wipe her neck, why bother with such an offensive?

According to previous observations, her supernatural powers can transfer cause and effect, and can also change wrong results and regain a good start.

If lead her astray.

She can also go back and make another choice.

What a tough enemy.

Jiang Wang's ears glowed at this moment, revealing the color of jade.

In the fairy state of the sound and hearing, the eyes are enlightened and the ears are free again!

At this moment, all the swords, swords, lights, guns, and flying arrows have a clear trajectory in the world of sound and hearing.

Zhu Lanruo's appearance is naturally beautiful, and her figure is also impeccable.

But what Jiang Wang looked at was only her eyes, and what he observed was only the vitals.

"Those who stand in my way... die!"

This sound became the sound of thunder, billowing out, sweeping away the sword, lightsaber, lightsaber, light gun and flying arrows... all in one go!

Send down heretic King Kong Leiyin!

But the situation is not safe from there.

In the process of Jiang Wangfu killing Zhu Lanruo, he suddenly turned around in mid-air, and borrowed the force of this turning to pull horizontally with his sword.

Thousands of sword threads have been swept across the sky, forbiddingly turning the world into frost and snow!

The endless strands of sword energy, like the moon on earth, cast light from the sky instead.

Because at this moment, the torrential rain fell!

Lu Qilang's sword flew like out of the sky, and it was a coincidence that it happened at the moment when Jiang Wang smashed the sound of the piano with the sound of thunder. If he wanted to kill Zhu Lanruo, he would die before Lu Qilang's sword. So I can only fold myself.

The light of the sword is like a torrential rain, and the silk of the sword is like the moonlight and snow.

The two sides collided and strangled in one place, and the world was white!

Even if the billowing thick clouds are in the sky, even if the sea of ​​golden clouds is in sight.

The two long swords have already illuminated the mountain.

But he didn't make a sound.

Because the sound of the sword's cry was also transformed into the sword's momentum, and it was also colliding!

Jianguang and Jianqi are like two well-trained iron-blooded armies, silently fighting together, and winning or losing in every subtle execution.

"Seeing God's superb swordsmanship today, what a joy!" Lu Qilang roared in a long voice, and the depression of missing the baby was swept away.

The sword silk all over the sky disappeared suddenly.

Jiang Wang turned his body, shrinking into a sword circle, blocking the endless sword light from his body, and then turned suddenly under the impetus of the sword light waves. The speed was increased to the limit, and he rushed in front of Ling Xihua who could kill the sea of ​​clouds!

After crashing into Ling Xihua's door so abruptly, he stretched his limbs, stood upright, and cut out the herringbone sword.

If it's another environment, if it's in a certain arena, Jiang Wang certainly doesn't mind fighting with Lu Qilang to the limit of swordsmanship, looking for the end of swordsmanship in this realm.

But now that his life is hanging by a thread, what kind of swordsmanship improvement is he talking about?

Kashichiro has such qualifications, but he doesn't!

Ling Xihua asked himself that he didn't do anything wrong in the previous battle, and he also made the most appropriate response based on the changes in the battle. Shu Jialan couldn't react in time, and it was his own problem that Jiang Wang seized the opportunity.

But there is no guarantee that some people with ulterior motives will not pour dirty water on Ling Xihua. No matter what you say, no matter how complicated the emotions in your heart are, the spirit father's way has been cleared, and the spirit race will eventually walk in the world, he will always move forward as the spirit race...

So he still needs to do something to prove himself—preferably to take off Jiang Wang's head.

Although he was not as fast as Lu Qilang through the sea of ​​clouds, he still made up his mind, waiting for Lu Qilang's spider orchid to collide, and then he would attack with all his strength.

But even in this world of infinite possibilities, he never expected this possibility——

It was Jiang Wang who shot him with all his strength first!

And at the critical moment when he was seriously injured and fled in embarrassment, he killed him again!

This kind of sword power is like a raging crowd.

As soon as Ling Xihua came out of the sea of ​​clouds, he saw a vast sea of ​​people, all of them came here!

A pair of bone spears instinctively stopped in front of him, and the black spirit flames weaved into a giant curtain.

But a crimson line of fire flashed across the edge of the sword, and when the bright long sword landed on the veil of spirit flames, there was only a cracking sound, and it drove straight in without any hindrance!

Obviously, Jiang Wang stepped on the real fire of samadhi and stepped on the spiritual net of Qianjie before, but it didn't damage the spiritual net of Qianjie at all.

Obviously before Ling Yan and Samadhi True Fire were able to stalemate each other, but now the pure Ling Yan veil is instantly burned through! ?

Ling Xihua realized at this moment that in the previous life-and-death fight, Jiang Wang actually set a very inductive trap. This terrifying opponent, who had clearly understood Ling Yan, could easily disintegrate Ling Yan like burning Yang Yu's defenses, but still deliberately stood in a stalemate with him. For this very moment—

He wants to kill me, not just to gain the upper hand for a moment or gain an advantage!

This kind of thought brought Ling Xihua the fear of facing life and death. At this moment, all the bone spears on half of his body jumped up, leaving his body, burning in flames. Throwing spears like a torrential rain, crazily hitting in all directions!

The monk in blue and frost came tearing through the flames, and Jiang Wang, with his long sword out of its sheath, looked like a killing god! In the blazing rain of bones and spears covering all directions indiscriminately, keep moving forward!


A bone spear passed through the abdomen, and a little bit of residual flame flew out of the body.

Lingyan's burning pain made Jiang Wang's forehead throbbing with veins.

But he deliberately landed in this position, chose to be pierced through his abdomen by this bone spear, and chose to suffer from the burning pain of this spirit flame, for the sake of gaining more!

The sauvignon blanc, which was surrounded by the line of fire, slashed horizontally with a sword like this, blocking Ling Xihua's waist!

At this critical moment, Ling Xihua also showed top-level reflexes, his body exploded into a cloud of black magic mist.

The sword of Burning Sword slashed across, cutting off a large amount of magic fog in an instant, but after all, some remained.

But Jiang Wang could no longer make up another sword, secretly said it was a pity, endured the severe pain, and quickly burned the spiritual flames in his abdomen with the real fire of samadhi, and flew forward without looking back, flying high, and then rushed into the golden sea of ​​clouds. Just avoided the sword that Kashiro Kawasaki pierced the heart!

The remnants of the magic mist gathered into Ling Xihua with a pale face. He was not stable in the air for a while, so he could only grit his teeth and slowly fly down the mountain road.

Lu Qilang followed closely into the sea of ​​clouds, and the sound of the sword rolled: "Human Tianjiao, don't you dare to fight swords with me?"

In the golden sea of ​​clouds, there came a painful thunder sound: "Whenever you come to Zizi, I will burn incense and build a platform to fight swords with you. It will last for a hundred days!"

Lei Yin slashed at the ear, and Lu Qilang cut through with the light of his sword. Divine power is rolling, all diverting in front of him. And there was only a sigh in response to the Human Race Tianjiao: "I wish it too! It's a pity that you are no longer here at that time!"

Jiang Wang didn't go out of the sea of ​​clouds at this time, but just dived in the golden sea of ​​divine power, trying to use the turbulent divine power to block the pursuit and gain a breathing space for himself.

But Shikachiro can always accurately capture his position, and it is obviously faster than him diving in the golden sea of ​​divine power!

After all, he was the demon king who had the idea of ​​a divine baby, so he was more fully prepared for divine power.

Jiang Wang sprang out of the golden sea of ​​divine power, just in time to see two phantoms of real monsters appear on the golden apotheosis platform!

What a poor way!

The light of heaven was still shining brightly in the golden sea of ​​clouds, but Jiang Wang's hand holding the sword was already cold. Shu Jialan's fist, Ling Xihua's bone spear, his wounded body that hasn't healed since he entered the demon world... He manifested his supernatural powers, driving the last of his blood to rush to his limbs and bones.

In the golden sea of ​​divine power, he suddenly turned around, turned his sword backwards, and the sound of thunder rolled: "I will fight to the death with you today!"

Across the vast sea of ​​golden clouds, Lu Qilang also saw the red gold eyes of this human race's arrogance, and almost caught the blood bleed from those eyes... So he held his sword and greeted him.

Although it is said that the other party's outcome has been determined.

Although it is said that there will be a real monster coming to the world on his side, he can calmly watch.

But facing such a strong enemy, such an opponent...

Always give the last respect.

Always give the name of the sword to the sword.

At this moment, the roaring sword intent boiled in his body, almost forcing out a huge space inside the golden sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, all the gods are silent, as if they are worshiping the sword, as if they are worshiping me.

Flying in brocade clothes, Lu Qilang's aura is getting higher and higher. He was full of anticipation, almost recalling the joy of lifting the sword for the first time as a child, and was about to meet the final peak duel, capturing the supreme inspiration in life and death——

And the bald head of Mount Xumi in front of him suddenly pressed a handprint, a faint light flashed on his body, his aura was concentrated like a stubborn stone, and he fell down!

Falling into the sea of ​​clouds again without looking back. Go down the mountain again!

Several times of repetition, several times of struggle, several times of bitter seas come and go.

He hasn't given up yet.

He still wants to escape? !

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