Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1837 The sea of ​​bitterness once heard the sound of the tide

In the vast sea of ​​gods, Ren Jiangwang flew back and forth. He only used the means of setting up the Conferred God Platform in the ancient imperial city as his own body armor and defense embankment.

Shikachiro gained momentum to reach a high place, but lost his opponent. In the sea of ​​clouds, it is like a swallow returning, and after chasing it, it is as mighty as a rushing flood!

His voice was also in the sound of the sword: "I think you are considered a hero in the world, but you dare not turn away from me? You come to visit the demon world, and you are the face of your human race. If you are a coward, why don't you die violently!?"

Of course, these words are nothing more than forcing a war with words.

Most heroes, although they can not hesitate to live and die, it is difficult to disregard honor and disgrace. If you speak provocatively, maybe it will have a miraculous effect...Anyway, there is nothing wrong with opening your mouth.

Lu Qilang scolded happily, but he admired it in his heart.

A man's courage is not enough to rely on, but perseverance is the hero.

The wider the field of vision, the more you can see that Jiang Wang is in a difficult situation.

In such a desperate situation, drawing the sword and dying is actually very easy. It is nothing more than gritting your teeth, slackening your heart, and rushing forward.

And he was able to frequently create fighting opportunities, killing sheep to heal, pointing to the altar of the sky demon, killing rats and killing rats... If he hadn't rescued him in time, Ling Xihua would have died instantly!

Now that the Conferred God Stage is being recruited, the sky demon has descended into the world, and this person is still struggling.

Apart from other things, with this indomitable will, who can't succeed?

That is to say, unfortunately, he came to the demon world... Shi Ye Ming Ye.

Not to mention how pity Lu Qilang felt.

The light of the sword was like rushing torrents, and the shouting and scolding were like the beating of drums.

Jiang Wang fell straight down, turning a deaf ear.

What a hero in the world died violently, a few years later, when he was still in Fenglin City, he might still hear it in his heart and turn back in a rage. But now, Lord Jiang has already experienced many battles, what battles have he not seen? What words have you never heard of?

You might as well say that you lost a few primordial stones! Maybe Benhou can go back and pick it up.

Traveling to the edge of the sea of ​​clouds again, Jiang Wang didn't rush out immediately, but started the Sword Immortal first, and cut out a flaming city to clear the way!

If anyone thinks that the prediction is accurate and wants to block the way, he must first eat a firework to burn the city.

Zhu Lanruo was not there.

She is not blocking the way ahead, nor is she in sight.

Such an opponent's movement should indeed be paid attention to, but Jiang Wang just glanced at it briefly, and gave up without gaining anything.

At this moment, he cannot be swayed by any opponent's rhythm, even a little delay here, because the two true demons of Fengshentai have appeared and are about to come into the world!

So he took a step forward.

Previously, he was the one who pushed the flames to burn the city and fell, but now he is the one who stepped into the flames city alone!

At this time, if Spider Orchid didn't know where to hide, he also used Yancheng to cover it. Let yourself be hidden in the dark even though you are in the open, and there is still the possibility of hiding your tactical intentions.

And Yancheng itself is advancing, attacking and defending together

But see—the silk of the sword is like snow, and the blue shirt is covered with frost, stepping on the city of flames.

At this time, Jiang Wangzhen was like a god king descending into the world, stepping on the city of flames, with boundless splendor.

He brought all the colors of snow and red, dyeing half of the sky, heading straight for Ling Xihua who was resting on the mountain road!

Ling Xihua:?

If you don't turn around and fight Lu Qilang desperately, if you don't guard against Zhu Lanruo, if you don't hurry up and run away, you're looking for me again? Do you know me well or what? Being an Eldar is easy to bully! ?

But at this moment, he also had to admit that in his current state, he was indeed that soft persimmon that was easy to pinch.

The resentment was hidden deep in his heart, Ling Xihua didn't say anything, his body collapsed like a shock, and he walked into the distance.

If you want to pass by, you can go there.

The real demon is about to come to the world, how far can you escape?

As for myself, of course I have to put a knife on my head, so that the green hills are there, and I am not afraid of running out of firewood.

But what Ling Xihua almost couldn't hold back was... the flaming city turned around and still came after him!

He really couldn't figure it out.

This is bald! Let the road go with you!

Do you have to pull a back before you die?

Why me?

He had already scolded all generations of Mount Sumeru in his heart, so he could only grit his teeth and continue fleeing down the mountain.

Of course, Jiang Wang would not have such a great hatred for Ling Xihua, let alone him.

It's just that Zhu Lanruo's threat is always with him, and he has to deal with it.

If Ling Xihua can calm down from the state of shock and seriously think about the battle situation, he will find that Zhu Lanruo's choice of hiding is too wise in battle, and it is really wonderful.

Jiang Wang was more uncomfortable than any obvious attack or interception.

The world is vast and the road ahead is clear, but where does Jiang Wang dare to escape?

As long as he can't find any trace of Zhu Lanruo hiding, he won't dare to run away recklessly.

But Lu Qilang followed closely, and there were two more real demons who were about to make a move, so he didn't even have time to stop for a moment of hesitation.

It is too easy to make mistakes in this situation, and any mistake will be infinitely magnified by an opponent like Zhu Lanruo, and will eventually become the cause of death.

If Spider Orchid doesn't have to do anything, just hide, it will bring huge pressure to Jiang Wang!

After understanding Zhu Lanruo's fighting wisdom, he was able to understand Jiang Wang's choice.

Compared to Ling Xihua who stayed on the mountain road and saw the spider orchid hiding, but was still ignorant of the battle situation, Jiang Wang saw the situation clearly when he passed through the sea of ​​clouds, and the moment the flames burned the city, he immediately made a decision. response.

Yes, he did have to face Zhu Lanruo's pressure, and he really couldn't see where Zhu Lanruo was hiding.

But one thing is clear -

Zhu Lanruo would never hide next to Ling Xihua.

Among other things, Ling Xihua, who was seriously injured, would not agree.

How dare this so-called spirit clan from the Moyun dog family hang his neck in front of Zhu Lanruo's string knife?

So Ling Xihua's escape route is the safe route on the mountainside. Only on this route, Jiang Wang didn't have to worry about Zhu Lanruo's ambush.

That's why he pursued Ling Xihua so hard.

He doesn't need to hunt down and kill Ling Xihua who is now timid, all he wants is Ling Xihua to open the way for him!

So there is the present scene. On the winding mountain road, Ling Xihua, who was seriously injured, ran desperately at the front, followed by the burning city of flames, and after that was the figure of Lu Qilang with his sword flying across the sky.

It's not that Ling Xihua doesn't want to flee in other directions, but the sword intent of the damned human race has locked the surroundings, only giving him this choice!

Jiang Wang stepped on Yancheng, like stepping on a galloping gorgeous chariot, majestic and majestic.

Ling Xihua is like the horse that pulls the cart and the dog that leads the way.

And Lu Qilang in jade-faced brocade clothes has a tail attached to him.

I really don't know who is the one who ran away desperately!

Seeing that this line is about to rush down the holy mountain, the mountains will be long and the rivers will be far away, and the world will be vast. I don't know what tricks this human arrogance can escape...

A bloodstain suddenly appeared on Ling Xihua's neck.


If the spider orchid who was hiding couldn't hold back, she blocked herself on the mountain road, blocked Ling Xihua, and also blocked the flame city.

In the process of speeding down the mountain.

Ling Xihua, who covered her neck with her hands, fell down in despair. Get out of this chase first.

Only the slender Zhu Lanruo was left, lying in the majestic and gorgeous Yancheng. A Youlan cuts off Yancheng, like a slender mantis arm trying to be a chariot, but Jiang Wang in Yancheng is suddenly alert!

Ling Xihua, who fell on the mountain road, covered his neck with his hands, his eyes widened in shock, anger and fear, and he let out a hoo hoo sound on the verge of death.

He was already trying his best to avoid Jiang Wang's pursuit, never thought that Zhu Lanruo would attack him suddenly!

The true demon is about to come to the world, the Conferred God Stage issued a glorious task, and the spirit father is watching this place, how dare Zhu Lanruo? !

But the fact has already happened, no matter how frightened and angry he is, he can only be trapped in the fear of falling into the abyss infinitely. In remorse, waiting for the eternal darkness to come.

But he covered it with his hand for a long time, although it was also soaked in blood, the wound on his neck was not as deep as expected... The head was not cut off!

He fell on the ground and turned back with difficulty.

Just saw the young bald head of Mount Sumeru in the gorgeous city of flames, a long stream of blood flew out of his neck, and the wound expanded rapidly!

Although Zhu Lanruo resented Ling Xihua's lack of success and failure, she did not intend to kill him in full view, especially now that it was a critical moment to pursue the human race's arrogance, and it was especially difficult to explain her actions against her own race.

So even though she was attacking Ling Xihua, it was Jiang Wang who she wanted to kill.

The second way of grafting cause and effect is no longer "marry the other person's fruit, and take your own orchid cause", but "the other's orchid cause and fruit, all on this branch".

To put it simply, the damage that should have been suffered by Ling Xihua is now borne by Jiang Wang.

This so-called supernatural power!

Under the "nurture" of the Three Evil Lords, Ling Xihua's strength and fighting skills have caught up, but things that cannot be obtained from outside, such as heart, will, and combat vision, are far from the real Tianjiao.

It's not that you can bear the pain, it's the top will. It doesn't mean that being cruel enough to oneself can be regarded as a strong person.

Zhu Lanruo's broken strings were all cut on his neck, and it took him a while to realize that he was not dead.

Jiang Wang, who was driving Yancheng to chase him down, became alert the moment Zhu Lanruo appeared.

In this difficult battle, Jiang Wang should be thankful countless times. Before the battle, he observed for too long, plundered too much information, and added too much knowledge.

Otherwise, if he suddenly collided with this group of sky demon seeds without any understanding, he might not be able to survive a face-to-face meeting.

If Zhu Lanruo used Lan Yinxu Guo twice, he sat in the mirror world and carefully observed and analyzed it. I have rehearsed countless times in my heart.

He fully admitted that this Lan Yinxu Guo was one of the most terrifying supernatural powers he had ever seen in his life.

But there are never invincible supernatural powers, only invincible people.

He has also seen Ni Lu, He Tian has also seen it, and they are not invincible.

Zhu Lanruo saw the two uses of supernatural powers in his eyes and kept them in his heart. He tested a lot of assumptions with Rumeng Token, and designed many ways to deal with them. Know.

It was precisely because he studied Zhu Lanruo seriously and knew how terrifying this woman was, that's why he put her at the top of the kill list...but he couldn't do it.

Zhu Lanruo's combat wisdom is even more reflected in that she has obviously realized the matter of "knowing yourself and the enemy", which is of great help to Jiang Wang in the battle. So seeing that Jiang Wang almost escaped with the help of Ling Xihua, she chose to show the third application of Lan Yinxu Guo when she had to intercept it.

It has not been used in the world of Shenxiao before, so Jiang Wang must not be able to understand it, so it is the most likely to make contributions.

She seemed to have indeed killed Jiang Wang by surprise!

The flying blood that circled half a circle around its neck in Yancheng had a cruel romantic feeling.

And amidst the flying blood and flames, Zhu Lanruo caught Jiang Wang's eyes again, those red golden eyes that seemed to be eternal.

There was no pain, no shock, just the same, relentless drive forward.

She felt the crisis!

Jiang Wang never let down his vigilance against Zhu Lanruo.

In this confrontation, when Ling Xihua was driven to lead the way like a dog, he had an inevitable correct prediction-Zhu Lanruo would definitely show up to stop him, and it was on this route down the mountain .

So he had already made sufficient preparations for Zhu Lanruo's attack.

Why did Zhu Lan want to kill Ling Xihua?

Is there such a need?

No matter how you think about it, it would be unwise for Spider Lan to kill Ling Xihua. But Zhu Lanruo is a woman with great wisdom and fighting talent!

So Jiang Wang immediately realized that this string attack was aimed at him!

The so-called "the other's orchids are all on this branch".

The cause and effect that Ling Xihua can't bear doesn't mean Jiang Wang can't bear it.

The so-called "hemp rope is only picked and broken, and bad luck is only found for the poor", but in fact, who has fate ever taken pity on? We are in the same sea of ​​suffering, but the boat cannot bear the storm.

In other words, Jiang Wang had a chance to block the blow.

But why didn't he?

Due to time constraints, he has no time to waste with Zhu Lanruo.

Because this is also his chance!

Zhu Lanruo cut a gap in his neck, and he also caught Zhu Lanruo's sight.

I not only inherit its fruit, but also its cause.

Ling Xihua's fruit is on my neck.

What is Ling Xihua's reason for?

The black spirit flame instantly ignited on Zhu Lanruo's body!

The severe pain that burned body and soul at the same time made Zhu Lanruo's thin eyebrows twitch like strings.

She really did not expect that Jiang Wang could grasp her supernatural powers so clearly, and be able to have such a clear and accurate judgment on her fighting intentions. It never occurred to her that at this critical moment of life and death, Jiang Wang's thoughts were completely devoid of self-defense, and all of them were killing the enemy!

So the Bodhisattva of Six Desires opened the gate of heaven, and a golden watchman blasted out of his palm!

So Yanhua Burning City rumbled forward, bumped into her directly, and ran over her!

The blood on Jiang Wang's neck stopped immediately.

Lan was forcibly broken due to the supernatural effect of Xuguo!


How could this supernatural power, which can be regarded as a myth, be so simple? How could Zhu Lanruo, who possessed such supernatural powers, be subdued so easily?

In the process of vomiting blood on her back, she activated her magical powers again.

He's orchids are tied to this branch because of the flowers and fruits!

Between you and me, exchange cause and effect!

So Jiang Wang was attacked by black spirit flames outside his body, and was suppressed by Tianmen in the world of spirits and souls, and was attacked by the Bodhisattva of Six Desires, and Dongjin Tuo, and his body was also run over by the city of flames!

But Jiang Wang has already experienced the cycle of karma, so how could he be unprepared? All his attacks were deliberately chosen.

In the sea of ​​five houses, the sword fairy hangs upright, with his heart shining alone.

Tianmen suppresses the world without disturbing me, Bodhisattva of Six Desires, I have no doubts, catches the cave gold watchman with one palm!

The invading black spirit flame burns out as soon as the true fire of samadhi circles around.

The crushed flames burn the city, let it run over, how can the red fire hurt me?

At this moment, he was shining like a god, and he came directly out of the city of flames.

Let this heroic city resist the deer Qilang behind him.

And he was flying in the sky in frost, facing the Spider Orchid Ruo whose neck had been cut open and slashed with his sword again!

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