Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1841 The first shot in this world

When the distance is the closest, both parties can feel each other's breath.

And after one breath, one of them was turned into flying ashes, raining blood all over the sky.

Indeed, Jiang Wang treated Zhu Lanruo very unusually.

Just like just now, Lu Qilang was waiting to fight him to the death. He was full of energy and blood, and he pursued the victory with a great possibility of winning. Ling Xihua was even more gutted after being killed, as weak as a defeated dog, and it was only a matter of a sword to get rid of it.

But he still did not hesitate to go a long way, and resolutely killed Zhu Lanruo.

From the very beginning, Zhu Lanruo was the opponent he most wanted to kill. This priority of killing has never changed in his mind.

This firmness was beyond Zhu Lanruo's expectations.

During the whole battle up to now, it was obviously Lu Qilang who caused the most damage to Jiang Wang.

When Jiang Wang came out of the Fountain of Youth, he used his skills against Ling Xihua, Shen Zhen Zhu Lanruo, and pointed his sword at Lu Qilang. The distribution of the severity of this attack also seemed to reveal his intention to kill, and he clearly regarded Shikachiro as his biggest opponent.

But just when the strangulation of sight was over, and the battle of souls was still going on... At this moment, the vision was lost, but the string domain was still there.

But he suddenly rang the knowledge bell, and came back on the clouds!

Seeing those red golden eyes at such a close distance, Zhu Lanruo understood what a beautiful tactical misleading Jiang Wang, who had just died from his own death, had accomplished in his first shot after recovering.

This man was probably thinking about fighting at the moment when he was dying!

What kind of experience can temper such a killer star?

It's a pity that Fei Ash can no longer speak, and Blood Rain can't express his thoughts, life and death sometimes lie in a belated thought.

The Fountain of Youth, the Bell of Knowing and Listening, with these two, Jiang Wang will naturally sweep away invincible.

Ling Xihua, who fell in an emergency, had no intention of fighting, and ran up the mountain along the mountain road. While running and looking back anxiously, he only saw the figure with the sword going away in the broken string field under the rain of blood all over the sky.

A blue rainbow, a flash of cold light.

Its person is insignificant.

Only then did he realize that there was still a real demon descending on his side, and the human race, a monk who suddenly grew hair, was still alone in the world of Shenxiao.

Stopping on the bloody mountain road, he suddenly lost all his strength, knelt down, panting heavily.

At this moment, he couldn't tell whether it was the blood rain from the sky, his own blood, or the tears of fright that wet his body!

Why did you come here? ! !

When Shikachiro reacted, it was too late.

When the Zhiwen bell rang, he swallowed the warning that he couldn't keep up with, and his whole body, which was thrown in the air and cut into a bowed state, suddenly rebounded and tensed at this moment.

Draw the bow and shoot Sirius from the northwest.

Is it invincible to hold a knowledge bell? When the sheep summoned Zhiwen Bell, I also wanted to fight it!

The sword style prepared to deal with Jiang Wang's pursuit stretched in the sky at this moment, swept into a shocking lightning, and struck the battlefield where Jiang Wang and Zhu Lanruo were facing each other.

But only a wisp of flying ash, an afterimage...

A rain of blood.

At this moment, Jiang Wang, who has recovered his qi and blood, wears the fountain of youth, and holds the clock of knowing and hearing, is indeed terrifyingly strong.

The full recovery of qi and blood meant that this was Jiang Wang at his peak.

Carrying the Fountain of Youth with him means that Jiang Wang has a great possibility of fault tolerance... In the hands of Jiang Wang, who is extremely good at fighting, it is not only a possibility of fault tolerance, but also countless opportunities. Just as he suppressed with qi and blood, and used force to break through cleverness. Just as he smashed the seal unscrupulously, blood stained the Zhiwen bell.

And holding the Zhiwen bell in your hand means that in front of such Jiang Wang, you can't make a mistake again. Because all defenses can't stop the terrible Samadhi real fire!

Who dares to say that facing Jiang Wang can never make mistakes? !

But Kachiro still went forward with his sword, still walking through the rain of blood.

Also chase down the mountain!

This is just a fight between young arrogances with few spectators, but it is the epitome of countless years of struggle between the monster race and the human race.

Countless figures fell in the bloody flames, and some of them had their own reasons, either walking to the opposite side or becoming deserters. Those who were still standing at last propped up their backbones.

Thousands of statues of gods stand in the sea of ​​clouds, and the rain of blood all over the sky turns into grief.

In this world, a heavenly pride with unrivaled supernatural powers will be lost forever, and the demon clan will lose a demon king with infinite possibilities.

The gods should weep.

At such a moment, the entire land of the heavens seems to form a kind of mournful response.

The lower the sky, the heavier the cloud.

On the golden platform that suppressed the sea of ​​gods, two vague figures solidified at this moment.

One is the hairpin with slanted clouds on the temples, and the palace is majestic. One has a slim fit in a long gown and a plain complexion. He looks more like a teacher than a strong man who penetrates the truth of the world.

The spider string in Moyun City, Zhaoyunfeng Dog Yingyang.

The summoned true demon has come to this world!

It's a pity that the sea of ​​gods divides the mountain platform and the mountainside, and you can't see the other from one place.

The golden sea of ​​clouds surrounds the mountains.

The Conferred God Platform is in the very center of the sea of ​​gods, surrounded by statues of gods.

Like a silent giant ape in the mountains, the waist down is deep into the sea of ​​clouds, one ape arm is still resting on the mountain platform, the back of the hand has been blasted away, revealing the giant bronze tripod and the altar of the sky demon that carries the tripod.

The giant ape god is dead, and the god baby is gone, but if this mountain-like god wants to be completely eliminated, it won't be over in three to five months.

It is foreseeable that in the next quite a long period of time, there will always be the scenery of this giant ape god climbing the mountain platform on this sacred mountain.

On the belly of the giant ape, there is a gap as high as a person.

That was the passage that Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua had rushed in earlier. If you have good eyesight, you will be able to see the gloomy flesh and blood Ten Thousand Gods Cave from this gap.

At this time, in the Flesh and Flesh Ten Thousand Gods Cave, the golden sea of ​​divine power has been exhausted, and tens of thousands of shrines have been extinguished. The gloomy cliffs of flesh and blood are more like ghost nests than divine caves.

At the moment when the Fengshentai penetrated the two worlds and penetrated the innocence beyond the sky, the postures of the two true demons became completely clear on the golden platform.

In the dark and gloomy flesh and blood ten thousand gods cave, a little cold star suddenly lit up!

The star lights up, and the God's Cave is all lit up.

The entire gloomy Flesh and Flesh Ten Thousand Gods Cave suddenly glowed brilliantly. The rays of light even overflowed, exploding from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the giant ape's face... At one moment, seven beams of light danced in the sky.

These seven beams of light are different in length, length, and thickness, sweeping away the corresponding Dao between heaven and earth, and turning them into seven huge golden spears.

Or the hook sickle, or the tiger's head, or the star edge, or the dragon's teeth, all have inscriptions on the body of the gun, and all of them are engraved with principles.

So they blasted down the Conferred God Stage together!

Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, greed, and lust, with the seven orifices of the giant ape's appearance as the gun, the seven sins gun descended from heaven!

What blood rain fell from the sky, was swept away immediately.

What gods are up and down, before the seven huge golden guns fall, the nearby statues have already cracked! The boundless Sea of ​​Myriad Gods seemed to be suppressed by the gun light for several feet, and the divine power spread layer by layer.

One shot wants to kill two real monsters!

One shot is about to shatter the Conferred God Altar!

This is unquestionably the power of the hole-truth level.

The mind moves and the law moves, the heaven and the earth are ordered, and all laws are true, so it is a real person!

Saying that the heaven and the earth are in the same sorrow, I have no sorrow, how can the heaven and the earth be sad?

When I die, the world is sad, when I am alive...the sky and the earth are fine and rainy, follow my mood. Thunder and wind and frost, that is, my heart is broken.

The third grade of immortality is just a pseudo-immortal with a golden body and chalcedony and an indestructible body. A real person is returning to the original and returning to the original, and striding forward from false immortality to true immortality.

The so-called "hole truth" is the truth that penetrates the world. The so-called hole truth is also seeing the true immortality!

Thirteen years ago, he was the runner-up of the Yellow River Club under the age of 30 in the unlimited field.

Not to mention the strong man from Jingguo who won the championship at that time, let alone the death of the third runner-up.

But even the fourth place in that competition has now become a well-known real person in the world.

Why didn't he tell the truth after only losing half a trick to the leader?

He has long been able to see into the reality of the world, and he has long been able to see into himself.

It's just that the human, monster and devil's mixed flesh is full of too many cracks and there are too many incongruities.

Now he understands that Hu Taisui has been observing his growth, looking forward to his changes, waiting for the spontaneous and tenacious evolution of life, and slowly solving all the problems in this blending process.

And every step he took to grow up in the Ziwu hills, every moment he tried to grab more powerful power, was helping Hu Taisui to open up his path. Until today... to help it succeed.

He was so desperate that he approached Dongzhen infinitely and stopped abruptly.

It was only a step towards the door, but that step was useless. It was just changing from this cell in the Thousand Tribulation Cave to another cell. It just gives Hu Taisui more observations and more inspirations.

All of them are useless.

All his efforts in the demon world were in vain.

Worse than a void! He used flesh and blood as a step to pave the way for Hu Taisui to reach the peak. What he does is counterproductive, and his existence is an enemy.

So at that moment his heart died.

This person who has endured a lot of pain can't wait to kill himself sooner.

It's true hopelessness.

Until he heard the name of Qi Guo Tianjiao.

Until he heard about the leader of the Yellow River!

Previously, it was known that Zhu Yi was seriously injured, and that there might be turmoil in the Tianxi Wasteland. Knowing that the Heavenly Spider Empress was injured on the front line, and even heard the name of her master Jiang Mengxiong, but she didn't know why this battle started, and never asked about the details.

The Ziwu hills are far away from the front line. On weekdays, he walks with a reticent and cold image, and never cares about human affairs... He can't tell whether it is to hide himself, to avoid losing control, or simply to avoid pain!

Now that he is in the world of Shenxiao, he can no longer see any possibility for himself. But the six characters of Qi State Yellow River Chief gave him the courage to take the last step again.

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and there will be successors.

That's why he holds the gun.

But at the critical moment when the primordial spirit was about to achieve and his power expanded infinitely, he suddenly withdrew everything.

Because he had already felt the fluctuations of the Conferred God Stage, and noticed that two powerful men at the level of true monsters were coming.

Therefore, he locked his mind and let himself return to the dead state, living only on the tip of the gun.

This point is only for the Fengshentai.

Only in this way can it hide from the insight of the real demon. Only then have the opportunity to grab the greatest results.

As soon as the two true demons came into the world, he set fire to the wilderness and turned from dead to alive. At the same time as taking the last step, he moved with his thoughts and actions, causing the heaven and the earth to be ordered to drop the spear of killing seven sins!

Neither Quan Yingyang nor Zhuxian could have imagined that they would be recruited nearby by the Conferred God Stage to enter the battle in the world of Shenxiao to capture and kill a little Shenlin...but they would be attacked in the first time they came into the world!

Especially the spider string. After the ancestor left the stage, all parties believed that the spider family had no possibility of competition. However, she has full confidence in Zhu Lanruo, thinking that with her strength and the city, even if she can't win a lot of money in the innocent world of God, she won't be able to go home with nothing.

But she didn't expect that even letting Zhu Lanruo go home empty-handed would be a luxury.

She had obviously already won the first month near the water tower, and was called to step into the Fengshentai and descend to the world of the gods. Seeing that he can use the power of a true demon to complete the unfinished game of the ancestors.

But it takes a little time for the Conferred God Platform to travel between the two worlds and to travel through the world.

It was this spider lanruo who possessed supreme supernatural powers during the negligible few breaths of her long life... Dead! The Uehara Pearl was shattered, and she could only watch helplessly while she was in the world!

Of course she was angry.

So the golden hook spear triggered by this anger directly hit the anger in his heart.

The spear of the seven sins, heaven punishes its wrath!

Boom boom boom!

The true demon's primordial spirit overturns the world, the spider string raises its palm for light, and its palm for night. In an instant, there are 1,800 light and dark changes inside and outside the body.

In this way, the spear of Taoism that will eventually kill the heart is worn away.

In the palm of the raised hand, he held a thin sword, and with just a swipe of the sword——

There is a gap between heaven and earth, and everything cannot be bridged.

Dao rules collide with Dao rules.

The heads of the seven huge golden guns that fell from the sky were all cut off! The gun body, which was as brilliant as a golden sun pillar, also disintegrated piece by piece amidst the thunderous bang.

As soon as the spiritual sense touched, he and Quan Yingyang had already exchanged opinions.

Zhuxian puts out the fire in his heart first, and then blocks the spear outside the sky. Quan Yingyang, on the other hand, has a long body, ignores everything, and walks out of the mountain in an instant!

The Tiger Taisui Avenue has appeared, but why did the spirit clan at the level of the true demon sneak attack? Is it autonomous or instigated by Hu Taisui? What is the picture of Tiger Taisui?

These issues are left for later.

They were called here, and they must not leave Jiang Wang, let alone let Jiang Wang escape with the Fountain of Youth and Zhiwen Bell!

Especially for Quan Yingyang, he has another reason that he must not delay for a moment - the most potential talent in the Shenxianghuahai must not fall into the world of Shenxiao under his watchful eyes.

He was chasing Jiang Wang, and he was chasing Lu Qilang.

But a golden gun is headed!

Xiong Sansi, with long hair and Zhang Wu, leaps and bounds amidst the dazzling golden light, like a rising sun rising from the east!

The brilliant sun shines all over the sea of ​​clouds. All the gods fell, and the wind and thunder scattered.

This is the first ray of light tearing through the long night, and the first shot in this world!

When the eyes touch, they pierce the eyes. When the divine sense comes into contact, it will tear the divine sense apart. What magical powers, secret methods, three talents, five elements... It comes with the consciousness of smashing everything, and it shines on everything.

Shengsheng stopped Quan Yingyang, forced him back to the Divine Mountain, forced him back to the Ten Thousand Gods Sea, and forced him back to the Conferred God Stage!

In the vast sea of ​​gods, on the golden stage of conferring gods. Still a man in a long gown, a beautiful woman in palace attire, still a sense of heaven and earth, with infinite majesty.

It is still an established fact that the Conferred God Stage was recruited and the true demon came to the world.

The layout of the Conferred God Platform surpassed the rules of the gods and pierced through the innocence beyond the sky.

But the real demon has been in the world for two breaths.

Not a single step has been moved!

Thanks to the book friend "It's not good to take anything" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 392nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "The dumplings at home are round and sweet" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 393rd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "keshii" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 394th league of Chixin Sky Survey!

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