Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1842 I am a big swan, why not be afraid of the gap

The living can die, but the dead cannot live.

How can the living return to the dead state?

"Without me".

Lock your energy and spirit at the tip of the gun, and put everything at that time in nothingness.

No thought, no awareness, no intention, no thought. The tip of the spear is a little bit, and only a little bit of the Conferred God Altar. Only when that first-line opportunity is touched, the consciousness will wake up.

Only in this way can he hide from the true demon who has observed the world, and seize the opportunity before the two strong true demons who have accumulated for many years.

When "I" comes out of "nothing".

He bears thinking twice...

No, he, Rao Bingzhang, wants to show his edge to the fullest!

Shenyuantu is a gilt gun, and Shenying irrigates the real body of the cave.

Wanshenhai has been conceived for many years, and at this moment, he is allowed to let him play to his heart's content.

The Heavenly Seven Sins Spear is just the starting hand.

Like the sun rising from the east, he fired the first shot in this world. It was his truly radiant and proudest moment.

That day, the ground is waiting for the patrol car, and all the gods worship me.

Innocent, unlucky, unquestioned, unaccompanied.

Those who face my gun...

Don't die!

It was precisely because of the terrifying killing power of this shot that Ying Yang, the real demon dog who was dedicated to saving the "Young Master", was forced to retreat again and again.

At such a moment, on the golden apotheosis stage built by divine power, Quan Yingyang stood with his hands behind his back and pressed forward with one hand. There is an emerald mountain and river in his palm, the green light is shining, and the birds are swimming.

The empty valley is secluded, far-reaching and infinite.

The tip of the gilt gun was pointing at the top of the Emerald Mountain.

The spear is in the middle, and it seems that it can be explored endlessly.

Xiong Sansi and his gilt gun seem to be able to shine forever.

But how can there be forever in the world?

"Should enough be enough?!" Quan Yingyang looked coldly in front of him, his eyes cut through the endless radiant gun light, and looked at Xiong Sansi in it.

Even though he was called around by a letter from Zhu Yi, even though he was beaten like a dead dog by Hu Taisui, he was still a real monster in the world after all, the master of Zhaoyun Peak after all!

To be shot back to the starting point by a deformed species that Hu Taisui casually fabricated, who had just entered the realm of a true demon, undoubtedly made him feel ashamed.

He doesn't want to be a killer, but he is afraid of Hu Taisui, who has already opened the Supreme Dao, and dare not destroy the Dao Dao works of that Celestial Venerable. It doesn't mean that he has nothing to do with this young man who has just proved to be a true demon.

Going back hundreds of years, who is not an arrogance?


The beautiful woman in palace costume next to him, Zhu Xian drew out the second sword.

The sound of the sword's cry was like mosquitoes and flies.

The same is the rapier.

Shikachiro's "wild apple" is shaped like a large steel needle, and all structures including the sword pattern exist to enhance its penetrating power. Extremely sharp, extremely sharp, extreme killing.

The two thin swords on the spider string are like two belts.

Grasping the beauty's waist!

There is a famous sword in Qi State, named Beauty Waist, which is said to be the most ecstasy. If compared with these two swords, it pales in comparison.

If the two swords of the spider string don't move, it's enough. If it moves, the world will split and the sea of ​​gold will split.

Xiong Sansi's gold-plated gun head and Quan Yingyang's emerald mountain peak, at the point of confrontation, a black gap split, and then it split into a chasm!

Quan Yingyang and Xiong Sansi were already close at hand, but now they are far away.

"You go first, leave this to me." Zhuxian's voice said.

Her voice was like flowing water on a small bridge, and curled up with smoke.

This kind of sound killing has entered the Tao.

There was no grandiose momentum at all, and there was no violent collision. The fireworks in the demon world ignited by this voice had already infected Jin Hui, pulling the extremely proud Xiong Sansi down from the altar.

With the golden splendor in the sky gone, it's just a Xiong Sansi, a gilt gun... that's all.

In Zhu Xian's eyes, although the so-called Spirit Race has been born, it still needs to be recognized by the ancient imperial city. Even if the highest will of the Yaozu recognizes the existence of the Spirit Race, it can only exist as a servant of the Yaozu, a consumable like a puppet in a war.

But such Xiong Sansi is an extremely flamboyant "I"!

For so many years in the demon world, he has suffered and endured silently, and he has never vented for a moment. Even the old people in my hometown dare not think about it too many times, for fear that my Dao heart will collapse and I will not be able to control this mixed body of humans, demons and monsters, and turn into such a pile of wriggling flesh worms!

The ultimate depression was exchanged for the ultimate explosion at this moment.

Although his spearhead has been soaked, his golden brilliance has been smoked out. But his fluttering long hair stretched out into a flag in the air, and something called "freedom" flowed on his hideous face that had deliberately not recovered.

Of course he was never free, of course he was always in a cage.

Therefore, he understands and desires freedom better than anyone or any monster.

The brilliance outside him has been cut off by the spider string, and the brilliance in his heart does not need to be displayed.

In front of the chasm cut by the spider string, he leaped forward, and the energy behind him flew up, without substance, but in the eyes of the real monster, there were countless flying light bands... behind him was the sky and the earth Everything including Yuan Li seemed to have become his wings.

I am a big swan, why be afraid of the gap?

He flew over the rules cut by the spider string, and jumped over the chasm. It treads the void like a horse, and there is a startling dragon in the palm of the palm!

This shot, give freedom!

It was as if a dragon's chant resounded throughout the huge world of the heavens.

The entire sacred mountain, and even the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers that cannot be seen from this mountain, fluctuate with this gun in a trance. It's the earth dragon turning over, the stars shifting, the sun and the moon changing!

This spear engulfed Spider Xian and Quan Yingyang at the same time.

With the thirteen years I have lost, and even more years of freedom in the future, I will not allow you to wait for the two demons to leave!

Facing such a shot, Quan Yingyang didn't move, let alone speak.

Zhuxian had already put down his words, of course he didn't need to do anything else.

Instead, he acted out of concern and disrespect for the Lord of Moyun City.

And the spider string also took the initiative to take a step forward.

Her eyes opened instantly, revealing double pupils!

In the face of Xiong Sansi, a newly accomplished true demon, she directly showed her demonic signs. This is of course a kind of attention, and it is also her determination to practice the mantra.

She wanted Quan Yingyang to go first, and no one was allowed to stop her.

The so-called real people and real demons of the present age are originally at the same level, they are all true existences that follow the thoughts and movements, and penetrate the heavens and the earth. But when the two collide, whose "thought" is the "law"?

Who is true, is true?

You say you can't leave, I say you can't stop, and you still have to kill in the end. Killing intent, killing god, killing body!

The round pupils hang opposite each other, embedded in the eyes of the spider string, like the sun and the moon running side by side.

Her demonic signs are her eyes, and her innate supernatural powers are the sun and the moon!

If we say that the strength of Tianheng Shuangri lies in the majesty of the power of the soul, and in the subtle control of the power of the soul. Then the power of the sun, the moon, and the sky lies in the ability to understand yin and yang, and to see the day and night.

Among the three double-pupil visions, its power is the most mysterious.

When this vision is projected down, the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers that are rolling like a dragon are flickering, and it is uncertain for a while. This gun seems to travel through day and night at the same time, and its nature is constantly changing. Infinite shuttle between virtual and real, its power is also weakened almost infinitely.

Facing the spider string who really regarded him as an opponent, facing the eyes of the sun and the moon, Xiong Sansi directly pressed the butt of the gun, provoked the point of the gun, and settled the gun in advance!

The mountains, rivers and rivers that roared for thousands of miles and were about to sweep across the earth stopped here, and then made an explosion that would destroy the world.

Rumble! Rumble!

Brilliant flames surrounded the mountain, and layers of air surged like tides.

The sky is bright for a moment, dark for a moment, and white for a moment!

When everything returned to calm, Zhu Xian held her double swords and was still on the golden platform. Xiong Sansi pierced his gilt spear, still in front of the golden platform.

In the process of this confrontation, Quan Yingyang's figure has disappeared.

It is too reluctant to fight against two real monsters when you first get the cave.

In particular, one true demon wants to leave wholeheartedly, and the other true demon intends to cooperate, it is impossible to stop it.

Four breaths...

Is the four-breath time gained for the leader of the Great Qi and the Yellow River already the limit?

At the critical moment of taking the last step, Xiong Sansi had already understood the battle situation on the mountainside. Knowing that Jiang Wang, the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom, had already beheaded Yang Yu, Shu Jialan, and Zhu Lanruo one after another, took away the Fountain of Youth, and fled from Shenshan.

Such strength is worthy of the leader of the Yellow River.

But the distance between Shenlin and Dongzhen is thousands of miles away on the long road.

Once Quan Yingyang catches up, I'm afraid Jiang Wang will be a little bit stronger, and he will also be hated.

The escape time of four breaths may not be enough for a true monster to hunt down...

If I can... If I can fight and kill this spider string.

Maybe there is still a chance to catch up and do something more.

Instead of doing something more for himself, everything he did for himself failed.

It is for the state of Qi.

Mountains and rivers reciprocate, successors also.

For Qi!

Xiong Sansi held tightly the gilt spear blocked by the sun, the moon, and the sky, and stabbed it on the platform of conferred gods.

Bloody flames burn all over this body...

"Drink... ah!"

He obviously no longer has real flesh and blood, but at this moment the veins on his forehead are throbbing, and his muscles are rising and falling like breathing. There was a landslide and tsunami sound in his body, from which almost infinite power burst out.

Use the spirit of the spirit race to refine a body of great strength.

It almost seems to reproduce the principle of heaven and earth with this body, and draw the formation of nature with Lingyan.

See the blood with the spirit, and form a formation alone.

That huge force is as majestic as a river and sea.

So the gilt gun was picked up.

With one shot, he overturned the Conferred God Stage, and also picked up the spider strings on the Conferred God Stage.

This gun, home country!

The Chongxuan family, a famous family in the state of Qi, has a famous couplet. The second couplet says "the world is the most important thing, and there is nothing more important than bearing responsibility".

What is the heaviest responsibility?

Rise and fall of the world!

What this Conferred God Platform controls is a vast sea of ​​gods. Thousands of floating and sinking statues are all its roots.

The spider string is a majestic and real monster, where it stands, it naturally grows the roots of heaven and earth.

What kind of mighty power is needed to overthrow the two together?

Far beyond what Zhu Dali could imagine!

Today he really saw the battle between the real powerhouses. Although many times he couldn't understand what happened at all, but just one or two superficial points were enough to make him thrilling.

The ideal of peace in the world, mentioned in the past, is too light!

He doesn't know what the world is like, and he doesn't even know how strong the strong are.

With this in mind, he no longer hesitated, turned around and flew down the mountain.

The world of Shenxiao is a world with endless opportunities, but nothing will happen if you wait in place.

It is true that the world of Shenxiao is extremely dangerous, it is true that this body is weak, and the skills are clumsy... still have to explore their own possibilities.


However, the reason why she chose to stay in Wanshenhai to deal with Xiong Sansi, who faced the spear head-on, instead of going out of Shenshan to avenge Zhu Lanruo herself, was because of Moyun City's request.

At this time, although the rain of blood had been swept away from the sky, Zhu Lanruo's body and soul were also destroyed. But Lan Yinxuguo's supernatural powers can leave some traces. She needs to collect these traces as much as possible, the flying light is no longer there, the body is gone, and the resurrection of the spider orchid is of course impossible, but taking it back to the ancestor is more or less a thought, more or less can be seen something.

But in the face of Xiong Sansi, who has just become a real demon, she can't move, can't stop!

Yuan Que's pupils swirled, enveloping the ever-changing sky, she used her two swords to suppress the shot aimed at home and country, and assisted the Conferred God Stage to suppress the magnificent sea of ​​gods.

She is best at weakening opponents layer by layer. Except for being beaten by Ye Lingxiao in Nantian City before, she still couldn't catch it after countless times of chipping. Most of the time, she was invincible.

At this time, the two sides were in a stalemate around the Fengshentai.

Xiong Sansi draws his gun and walks away, Yu Jinhaidun returns, turn around and shoot carefully!

He walked with confidence, but returned with firmness.

The spider string's sword power is still there, her pupil power is still there, and even the Fengshentai has been suppressed by her again, but her heart suddenly aches!

These three shots.

Freedom, homeland, old friends return!



Boom, boom!

In the process of walking away in the air, Jiang Wang vaguely heard the rumbling sound of the sacred mountain behind him.

I don't know what the two true monsters summoned by the Conferred God Stage are doing.

Thinking about it, since the Taikoo Imperial City Conferred God Platform has been set up in Shenxiao World for so long, there must be enough schemes to match the time. The purpose of recruiting two true monsters is not just to kill himself.

He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to destroy the layout of the Immemorial Imperial City's God Conferring Stage. The situation has evolved to the present. He wears the Fountain of Youth and holds the Bell of Knowledge in his hand. If he can return to the present world, it will be a great success.

Where is the way?

The mountains and rivers under the feet retreated one after another, and walking on the Qingyun, Jiang Wang shook the bell of knowledge and hearing!

At the moment when he got the support of the Fountain of Youth, he already understood the cause and effect from the old mountain power he had grasped. Knowing the treasure of heaven and earth like the Fountain of Youth, I also want to go home and regain my life.

This is of course the instinct of all things.

So does the Fountain of Youth know the way to return to this world?

Of course, I can't communicate with the Fountain of Youth, but there is a clock of knowledge "like making you know" here, or you can know it.

The bell rang.

Lu Qilang, who was chasing after him, was startled. His body was as long as a rainbow, and he turned several times in Gao Qiong, showing the wonderful body skills of the first front of Shenxiang Huahai.

It's a pity that the winking eyes were thrown to the blind man.

Jiang Wang didn't turn his head back, and flew straight forward without any unnecessary movements.

That posture is really chic, and the running is really fast!

The Fountain of Youth is not a spiritual being, but a spiritual instinct as a treasure of heaven and earth.

The Zhiwen bell is indeed a treasure. When the bell rang, Jiang Wang did "know and hear" the Fountain of Youth.

But all he knew was the spiritual instinct to return to the Mountain of Immortality and revive himself. As for how to go back, there was nothing at all.

Probably for the fountain of youth that has been exhausted for a long time, it is enough to follow the lord recognized by this world, and don't want to worry about the others.

Jiang Wang could only think of another way.

In any case, with the clock in hand, the hope of going back is greatly increased. I don't believe that I can't see a way home if I shake the knowledge clock over and over again in the world of Shenxiao.

Of course, the premise of all this... is that he must get rid of the pursuit of the two true monsters, and he must have the time and space to ring the bell with peace of mind.

Thousands of thoughts had already passed in his mind, Jiang Wang suddenly turned his head in the process of crossing mountains and ridges, the bronze bell in his hand rang, and the sword in his palm was like a rainbow.

The tail must be docked first to hide the shape.

The sea of ​​bitterness turned around!

Back and forth with the carbine is a unique skill on the battlefield, and Jiang Wang with the sword in hand is also very good. But there has never been a style that is as natural as turning around from a sea of ​​bitterness. It seems to wake up suddenly, to know the way back. Simply wonderful.

The ultimate reaction of Gu Nanshan Zhenzhuan when he was suddenly attacked and killed was to use this style of movement to complete it. It's a pity that Zhiwen Zhong had a thorough insight into it, and the emergency defense that should have been impregnable was unfortunately turned into ashes under the true flame of samadhi overflowing with knowledge.

But the body method is an excellent body method, and the conception is an excellent conception.

Zhiwen Zhong has a clear insight.

Jiang Wang has never been stingy with praising his opponents, so at this time, he launched a rebellion against Lu Qilang in this way!

If the sheep are alive in the sky, it can also be understood as a commemoration!

Thanks to the book friend "Dark Gee" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 395th alliance of Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "yymh" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 396th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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