Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1843 After I'm gone, rely on this memory!

Enemies are the best teachers.

Every strong player who can maintain rapid progress will not lack the ability to learn from his opponent.

Jiang Wang, who eats hundreds of meals, is even more outstanding.

However, the stunts that can be relied on as killers often require a lot of time and energy to master under the condition of having a famous teacher point out and understand the key points.

It is impossible to tell you to understand it at a glance, but to use it once you use it.

Unless it was Jiang Wang, who was already on the scene, and then went to observe the opponents in the Dragon Realm at that time.

In most cases, this kind of impromptu observation and learning can only learn a little bit. It is not so easy to really use it for your own use.

For example, from watching Zhang Xun's sword qi into silk, to practicing his own Shuang Xueming, Jiang Wang also went through a long period of exploration, and even the way of refining the sword silk was different from Zhang Xun's at the beginning.

This is the only way to turn around in a sea of ​​bitterness.

Although Jiang Wang saw it for the first time and used it for the first time, he already got 70% of his sincerity. Because its secret has been fully understood, and then its shape will be reproduced.

So why is it said that the Zhiwen Bell is the most precious treasure of Buddhism, why the Black Lotus Temple in the ancient Nanshan Mountain, from the Bodhisattva to the true biography, fought for it, and why Mount Sumeru went on for it!

At this moment, Jiang Wangshuang was walking on the clouds with her fluttering drape, indescribably chic and calm.

And when he turned around suddenly, it seemed as if he had escaped from the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

There was a flash of coldness.

It seems to be looking east from the Tianya platform, seeing the "line of the sky" in Chaoxin!

At Jiang Wang's current state, many of the previous moves are hard to work anymore.

The swordsmanship he applied to life-and-death fights is nothing more than the herringbone sword that mixes all Dao sword styles, the sword fairy unifies the five palaces, and the true self Dao sword that explains the way.

The first two represent Jiang Wang's sword intent and sword power respectively.

As for his sword move, the ultimate is Shuang Xueming, who combines Jianqi Chengsi and Acacia Killing Sword. This style has the widest range and is also the most complicated.

Among them, "Celebrities are down and out, life and death are enmity" is the sword style Jiang Wang most often uses in the human sword style. Later, he watched the Changxia, saw the sky crack, explained his meaning and refined his moves, and advanced into the sword style "A Line of Sky". It still maintains its unique simplicity and sharpness.

When it appears, it often comes rushing towards the owl's head.

But Lu Qilang is not a good friend.

Turning around the sea of ​​bitterness is of course wonderful, and the sky is of course sharp.

But before the bell rang, he was already retreating.

He reigns by inspiration, but does not depend on it. He obeys his own judgment on the battle more. Sometimes the inspiration comes from God, and sometimes it is the icing on the cake. Although he has already run away several times in vain because of avoiding the Zhiwen clock, he still will not be careless until the next Zhiwen clock moves.

There is nothing funny about a frightened bird, it is sad to be shot to death.

When the line that divides the world rushes towards him like a tide, Lu Qilang is already thousands of feet away. And the sword light pierced the sky like a shock, exploded into countless threads, and brought a rain of light to Jiang Wang.

He would never let Jiang Wang go, but in the face of Zhiwen Zhong and the Samadhi True Fire, who had been fierce for many times, he would never rely on defense.

A wave of swords greeted Jian Guangyu.

Jian Guang and Jian Guang fought in all places within sight.

In the dazzling light and shadow, Jiang Wang's image clearly appeared, like the core element in a painting, fixing the already chaotic long scroll.

But seeing him surrounded by red flames, his sword shining in his eyes, his green shirt fluttering, standing at the head of the tide.

He used the sword tide as a running horse, but at this moment he jumped out of the sword tide and rushed into the sword rain without hesitation.

Countless sword lights cut wounds on his body, which were healed by the vitality gushing out from the fountain of youth.

On the other side, Shikachiro is still fighting swords in the distance, using swordsmanship to the limit, and all kinds of gorgeous skills divide the sword wave section by section. On this side, his opponent completely gave up his sword momentum, and he didn't even care about defense, like an angry horse out of control, he had already rushed forward.

What a fool!

But so appropriate.

The sword light formation with great combat talent that Shikachiro painstakingly wove was broken through in this way. But he also had to admit that Jiang Wang himself was a sharp sword. Every time, it can cut into the battle situation from the most appropriate direction and quickly complete its tactical goals.

He has retreated a thousand feet, and now Jiang Wang is approaching within a hundred feet!

As a last resort, Ye Ping turned and detonated all the sword lights in front of him. People are in the air, stepping on flowers to form a road, retreating to the sacred mountain. Of course, this is the most correct direction at the moment. Every time Jiang Wang chases one step towards the holy mountain, he wastes two steps away in vain.

Suddenly there is wind all over the body, and the sky and sea are surging.

Suffering from the eight winds, dragons and tigers!

With a swipe of Lu Qilang's five fingers, the vigor around his body roared like a white horse, carrying him to jump out of the bondage, and he jumped a hundred feet.

Jiaomujiao, Xinyuehu... There are seven spirits appearing in front of them, suppressing vitality and fixing the five elements.

But in the middle of the seven spirits, there was a dark fragrance, and the violent energy suddenly disappeared, and flowers bloomed in the void, and Lu Qilang stepped on the flowers to form a bridge, and then crossed.

Super grade Taoism Eight Wind Dragon Tiger!

The super-grade sorcery is too late!

Super Grade Taoist Canglong Seven Changes!

Looking for fragrance in the dream of super magic magic!

The transition between offense and defense at this moment was so fast that it was dizzying.

Neither of them took advantage of each other, but Jiang Wang was getting close.

He opened his mouth to hear the sound of thunder, but Lu Qilang closed his ears.

The bronze bell in his hand was about to shake, Lu Qilang stepped on the seven stars, and opened the distance again.

The golden light in the pupil suddenly burst out!

The Chaotian Tower was launched with a bang, suppressing the world of spirits and souls.

But in Lu Qilang's soul world, dandelions bloomed all over, and the white dandelions flew all over the sky, and they all went to the sky, blocking the ancient gate of heaven for a short time.

The Bodhisattva of Six Desires failed to push the gate of heaven for a while.

What Lu Qilang was asking for was just a moment, and he asked Jiang Wang to weigh the price by himself and retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Wang chose to force open!

The stone gates of the Chaotian Tower were all shattered! The radiant Buddha's palm has already penetrated into the dandelions flying all over the sky, and a golden beam of light in the palm directly bombarded Lu Qilang's Yun Temple.

Injure yourself first, then the enemy.

In the momentary trance, Lu Qilang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, broke through the fog, took over the physical body, and suddenly hit an inverted arch bridge, avoiding the disaster of the owl's head.

But the rose that bloomed at the heart was cut off by a sword! Heart bleeding profusely!

Looking at Lu Qilang who fled thousands of feet away in an instant, Jiang Wang only picked up the long sword, and the rose flew in the air, withered in an instant, and its petals floated all over the sky.

"After I leave, I will use this to reminisce!"

Turn around and leave.

He said this as if he could kill Lu Qilang but not kill him, and deliberately only cut off his demon sign.

If you don't want to, you can't listen.

In this short confrontation that started with a bitter sea turn, he relied entirely on his abundant energy, blood and soul to take the lead regardless of loss, not that his swordsmanship overwhelmed Shikachiro.

But war is the use of the strong to bully the weak and the many to defeat the few, and so is fighting.

Just like the confrontation between Chongxuanzun and Chongxuanzun at Dianjiangtai, Chongxuanzun also used the shattering of the star wheel to win the upper hand. Knowing how to use one's own advantages as much as possible is a qualified winner.

Lu Qilang retreated from the wound, endured the severe pain and waved the wild apple, smashing the Leiyin left by Jiang Wang.

He fully understood that these words were just to stimulate his mind, Jiang Wang had escaped, but he hoped that the thunder sound he left behind could still make meritorious deeds—going like a thunder through the sky, attacking like a sea tide with lingering confidence. What a formidable opponent.

He will not be affected by this at all, and it is impossible for him to give up on himself.

But of course he will never forget these eight words.

This Yaozheng's injury from being cut is of course... eternal pain!

At this moment, he turned sideways abruptly and crossed his rapier forward. But seeing the void disillusioned, Quan Yingyang stepped out.

"How are you?" Quan Yingyang said, holding Yuguang in his hand, and came over to treat his wounds.

However, Lu Qilang took a step back: "Don't waste your strength, he will come in a hurry!"

Inu Yingyang noticed that what Kashiro said was not to waste power, not just not to waste time.

What kind of terrifying combat power is it that makes Shikachiro, who has always had his eyes above his head, talk like this?

He originally wanted to say, "No matter how extraordinary God's presence is, can it still hurt me?"

But looking at Lu Qilang's firm eyes, and thinking of Yang Yu, Shu Jialan, and Zhu Lanruo who had died under Jiang Wang's sword, he only scratched at Lu Qilang's wound far away, grabbed a wisp of determination, and said "Take care" , then disappeared in place.

Layer upon layer of void was rippling, Quan Yingyang was walking in the flowing light, the aura that had been hidden away...was captured instantly.

The young master of the Lu family was so injured, I still don't know how the patriarch was furious.

The human race should also be made to pay the corresponding price, to see what the power of a true demon is!



What is the power of a true demon.

Before Jiang Wang, Xiong Sansi had seen it first.

His answer is...

But that's all!

He picked the Conferred God Platform with his spear, causing the spider to collide head-on. He drew his gun again and left, Jin Hai turned back.

Returning to an old friend takes the path of the mind spear, so it is not affected by all external influences such as space, origin force, sword edge, and sword energy. inside. In the end, it returned to flesh and blood, directly breaking the spider string's heart.

This can be said to have grasped the truth of the spear technique, enlightened from the heart, and reached the realm of a master.

Although Spider Xian has already activated her magical powers, she still does not regard Xiong Sansi as an opponent at the same level in her heart. That's why when Xiong Sansi picked the Conferred God Stage with his spear, he chose to suppress it forcefully.

She ignored the warning signs, she wanted to win the fight and keep the arrangement of the Conferred God Stage. It was only at this moment that the spirit was injured and the heart was involved.

Under the ever-changing sky, she was beaten so hard that her head was scattered, and the connection she had established with this world of Shenxiao was easily torn apart!

But also because of this head up. Xiong Sansi couldn't see that Zhu Xian's eyes showed the sun and the moon as equal to the sky, and black demon lines spread out from the corners of the eyes. the whole face.

Xiong Sansi didn't know that the situation had changed, he put away his gun and stepped forward, taking advantage of the momentum to pursue, holding the gilt gun with both hands, swung it round and smashed down. The head of the gun hit like a heavy hammer, hitting the drum directly on the face. Want to kill the real monster and listen to the heroic voice!

But this long-lost drum sound failed to fulfill his wish.

Because on the cheek of the spider string, a hand fell down.

Spider-string hands.

Under the back of the hand, all the spreading demon patterns disappeared. Palm up, grabs the gun head!


The body of the gun trembled slightly, making a continuous trembling sound.

Xiong Sansi was actually stuck in mid-air!

At this time, he once again saw the blood with his spirit, forming a formation alone, mobilizing infinite power, and crushing him from the top.

But the hand of the spider string was holding the gun head so calmly, motionless.

Although there is the power of mountains and rivers, it cannot be moved.

And that pair of rapiers had been discarded by her casually and fell into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, Xiong Sansi could see the face of the spider string, with angry brows, and the evil spirit condensed into substance, instantly bringing the opponent to the battlefield of gold and iron horse. From now on, use the eyes as the spear, and the eyes as the front, with the potential to pierce the pupils!

But when his eye gun, which was wrapped around the front and cast a soldier, was thrown into those eyes, it disappeared without a sound, and no waves were seen.

Of course, the spider string is an undoubted true demon powerhouse.

The Seven Sins Spear was shaved by one of his swords, facing Quan Yingyang's tit for tat, and was also easily severed. The mastery of the Way of the Shravakas has reached the extreme. The vision of double pupils with the sun and the moon equal to the sky, flipping yin and yang at will.

But those are not scary.

What's scary is this calm present!

It's still those eyes, it's still the same vision of the sun and the moon, it's still the same face.

But everything has changed.

Zhuxian looked at Xiong Sansi calmly, and calmly removed the covering hand, and of course also calmly moved away Xiong Sansi's spear point. With an unshakable strength, he said so calmly: "Who do you think your opponent is now?"

The one who dominates this body is obviously not the spider string!

Xiong Sansi's voice came out from between his teeth, every word was stained with blood, and every word was heavy: "Tiger! Tai! Years old!"

Zhu Xian said slowly: "You can also call me the Lord of the Three Evils. People, demons, and demons are my three evils."

Hu Taisui, who controls this body, has not concealed anything. When he captured the spider string in Moyun City, he had already planted the spiritual seed.

This is a chess game that is laid out for the next step, and it happens to be used at this time.

So why is Quan Yingyang and Zhuxian called into the world of Shenxiao.

Why Tiger Tai Sui remained silent at that time.

Lu Ximing's chess pieces fell into the chessboard, and so did he, Hu Taisui!

The seriously injured Zhu Yi was no longer in his eyes, but it was even more so after he had completed his path to the top.

When the spider string was injured by Xiong Sansi, he also took advantage of the opportunity to trigger the spirit seed and implant the demon pattern. At the critical moment when the spider string was fighting the enemy with all its strength, with the power of the sky demon, he took over the body in one fell swoop.

Of course, the world of Shenxiao is innocent outside the sky, but his spiritual seed was planted outside the sky, and his layout is outside the rules of this world.

So at this moment, the spider string under his control has become the strongest in this world at this time.

He has already won the path to the top in the world of Shenxiao, and has won a lot of money, but he can win more!

I have already seen the road above the peak, but how to walk it, how to transcend it as soon as possible?

Also ask here!

Of course Xiong Sansi refused to give up struggling, even though he had despaired many times.

His gilt gun was held tightly, and he could not shake it even by force or rules, so he let go of the spear, leaped into the sky, stretched into a free "big" character in the air, and pounced on the "spider" like a wild beast. string".

Blood flames billowed high into the sky like wolf smoke, and behind him soldiers formed phantoms of thousands of troops.

"I" is not a concrete existence, "I" is a collection of concepts.

He is the General of the Great Qi Tianfu, the second disciple of the Grand Marshal of Zhen Guo, the runner-up of the Yellow River Meeting, and the one who suffered the most humiliation in the Cave of Thousand Tribulations.

My teacher taught me not to back down.

My teacher taught me to serve the country with this body.

My brother taught me to think more!

My brother taught me to return early!

Never forget "I", only at this moment can I kill myself!

At this moment, there seems to be an invisible boundary between heaven and earth, with Xiong Sansi and "Spider String" occupying the two sides respectively.

The world behind Xiong Sansi is half red and half black. Red is blood flame, black is soldier evil.

Just like this, he swept over everything, and with this powerful posture that shook the world and made mountains and seas easier, he rushed to the side of the clear sky and clear clouds.

But the spider string manipulated by Hu Taisui gave him a quiet look.

Just take a look at this.

Xiong Sansi pressed his right hand with his left hand, stepped on his right foot with his left foot, stared at his right eye with his left eye, and even his upper front teeth hit the lower front teeth fiercely... The whole body was completely twisted together and lost all control , Powerless fall!

This body was molded by the three evil lords, and it is owned by the three evil lords.

No more despair.

Hope I never had it.

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