Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1844 Gods and Spirits Conjoining the World

Because of the existence of supernatural powers, the gap between the inner mansion and the outer building has always been the most blurred.

It is not uncommon for the inner mansion to destroy the outer building.

But from the outer building to God's presence, there is already a natural moat.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the three realms are one step at a time.

The means of the sky demon are far beyond what a god or even Dongzhen can imagine.

No amount of effort can overcome it!

Even if Xiong Sansi has checked the inside and outside of his body thousands of times, even if he can understand the truth of the world and detect the subtleties of himself, he still can't find out the means of Hu Taisui—unless Hu Taisui wants him to find it.

A body of a real demon, a body with a spider-stringed primordial spirit that is still resisting, cannot truly exert the power of Hu Taisui. But to deal with Xiong Sansi, he doesn't even need strength.

Xiong Sansi's body... was "cultivated" by him, and he studied it for thirteen years!

He can see what Xiong Sansi can see. What Xiong Sansi cannot see, he can also see.

The black and red that danced all over the sky were blown away by the wind.

The spider string's eyes projected Hu Taisui's mood. He just used this body to casually step on the Conferred God Altar, looking down at Xiong Sansi who was fighting against each other including his five sense organs - even in this state, Xiong Sansi was still fighting. Even if his battlefield can only be limited to his own body, even if his struggle can't even interfere with the enemy's hair.

"How dare you resist me?"

There was some surprise, admiration, or other emotions in Hu Taisui's tone. And after a long time of scrutiny, he suddenly smiled——

"That's why I chose you."

Let Xiong Sansi fall into the golden sea of ​​clouds, let Xiong Sansi struggle with himself in vain, he will do nothing anymore.

"I won't kill you," he said softly.

This is such a vicious word.

Xiong Sansi's right eye, which could still control himself, widened in an instant, and the eyeball almost exploded out of its socket!

But Hu Taisui had already manipulated Zhuxian's body and looked away.

It was his perfect work, his best child, and he certainly wouldn't destroy it. Even if he dared to hurt the existence of Xiong Sansi, he would be punished by him.

Just like the primordial spirit of the spider string being tortured at the moment.

It also includes Ying Yang, the so-called true demon dog of Zhaoyun Peak...

Of course, it is also reasonable to take back the Fountain of Youth and the Bell of Knowledge. The former can try the possibility of recovery and lay the foundation for eternal life; although the latter is a hot potato, it can also be bought between Gunan Mountain and Heilian Temple.

But right now, he has more important things to do.

His eyes turned around in the mountains, and he saw the very far away, but he would not ignore the very near.

His eyes suddenly fell on the little demon who was standing alone on the mountain road, holding the rusty iron sword tightly, and asked inexplicably, "Where is your ancient god?"

Chai Ahsi felt like he had a very long dream. Although he had woken up, he didn't know if he was still in the dream.

Of course he now knew who Hu Taisui was, but he was not frightened, nor did he immediately prostrate himself.

Instead, he murmured: "My ancient god, has fallen asleep. I won't wake up again."

That ray of light once shone in.

Even if the whole world says it is fake, even the ray of light itself admits it is fake.

But I am so bright.

Hu Taisui took a deep look at the little demon: "Interesting."

Didn't do anything extra.

How Jiang Wang sneaked into the Yaozu city, how he hid for so long, how he knew about the world of the gods, and what kind of plot he has here... are all things that will be dealt with later.

As for now...

What is more important than the Fountain of Youth and the Bell of Knowledge?

For him, Hu Taisui, of course there is only the Conferred God Platform under his feet!

Seeing the road above the peak, stepping on the road above the peak, and actually walking on the peak are three things.

When a person is three or four years old or even younger, he knows that he will grow up and needs to grow up. But you still have to wait until your twenties are weak, you will stand at thirty, and you will not be confused at forty... The road you have seen still needs a long time to walk, and you need enough experience and enough accumulation.

For the current Tiger Tai Sui, if he wants to achieve the peak, he must truly promote the birth of the Spirit Race. Let the spirit race truly become a race active in the heavens and worlds, not just Xiong Sansi, a single seedling.

With the ready-made example of Xiong Sansi, he has already seen the way to achieve the spiritual race, and he can try it immediately on an existence like Ling Xihua. In the subsequent cultivation, the method can also be continuously improved, and the cost can be reduced, until finally, the spirit race can reproduce naturally.

But... too slow.

How long did it take to breed a Xiong Sansi?

When is the next Xiong Sansi, the next Ling Xihua?

And now there is a perfect opportunity--

In the world of Shenxiao, there are infinite possibilities, and at this moment, there is no evil in the sky. The body of the spider string under his control should be invincible here.

And the Taikoo Imperial City Conferring Gods Terrace has conferred countless gods in a long period of time!

Shinto is just a way of practice, and those strong people who are conferred the god position are still monsters.

But with Xiong Sansi as a ready-made example, he has already figured out a way to refine the "god" into a "spirit"! It is said that the gods are gods, and the gods are transformed into spirits. Isn't it justified?

Even if this method doesn't work, if you control the Conferred God Stage, you will also have infinite power. Not to worry about the lack of the "God" part in future research on the Eldar.

This situation is certainly difficult to tolerate in the world.

But along the way, he created the Spirit Race by himself, so how has he ever been "accommodated"?

When he achieves the pinnacle and becomes a great existence that carries out the history of the Yaozu, what is a little criticism at the moment?

If he insists on pursuing the so-called faceless god and the so-called Chiyun mountain god, he wants to eliminate all hidden dangers, so that his road to surpassing the peak will not be affected in any way.

Fengshentai wants to ensure the "safety" of killing Jiang Wang, and of course it also has a longer-term goal.

Of course he could see that. But couldn't Lu Ximing see it? Can't Gu Nanshan see it?

Take this Myriad Gods Sea as an example, the power here all comes from the Immemorial Imperial City Conferred Gods Platform. The secret arrangement of the Fengshentai, which has never been announced in the world of the gods, has been going on for many years!

Who can't see it? Who is blind?

But who watched it again?

Didn't Lu Ximing also use this to make a layout, didn't Gu Nanshan also use this to make a layout?

These are all orthodox in the world.

Just like him, Hu Taisui is also an absolute high-level person in the Taikoo Imperial City system.

The Conferred God Platform is the Conferred God Platform, and the Taikoo Imperial City is the Taikoo Imperial City.

Since the layout of your Conferred God Stage is secret, so that I and other high-level officials don't know about it, shouldn't it be reasonable for me to "not see it"?

Changing the host of the Conferred God Stage will not hurt the Yaozu. In exchange for a Hutai Sui who is above the peak, and in exchange for a powerful spirit clan with unlimited potential, it is even more beneficial than the Yaozu!

As for whether the replacement procedure is legal, whether it has shaken the interests of a certain faction, whether it has provoked the authority of the ancient imperial city... let's wait until the end of the Shenxiao Bureau.

In order to better build the Shinto system, the Conferred God Platform has branches all over the demon world. Each branch office has an independent authority to "consecrate the gods", and this authority is shared by the lords from all over the place. This is closely related to the power structure of the Yaozu.

As the absolute master of the Ziwu Hills, Hu Taisui was already very familiar with the Fengshentai. He did not know how many times he had studied the Conferred God Platforms in the territory.

He deeply knew that the God Conferred Altar located in the ancient imperial city was the main stage. But the personality of the main stage is not impossible to change. Although all rivers eventually reach the sea, what is the sea? If a certain abyss is endlessly deep, but the sea is getting shallower and shrinking day by day, then who should flow to whom is another matter!

The Heavenly Demon Lord Xuannan, who is in charge of the Conferred God Stage, relies on the authority bestowed by the ancient imperial city to regularly collect the divine power of the branches from all over the world. Even if a branch is too strong and stingy with divine power resources, the Taikoo Imperial City will only let it go obediently if it is ordered by a piece of paper. In addition, there are many checks and balances that can be applied to the main platform located in the ancient imperial city.

In the long years, this system has never gone wrong.

But this time is different.

The Conferred God Platform in the world of Shenxiao just stored the divine power as deep as the sea. At this time in the world of Shenxiao, it happens that it is not disturbed by the outside world.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Once you completely control this Conferred Gods Platform, and then mobilize the divine power of the entire Myriad Gods Sea, take all the layout of the Immemorial Imperial City Conferred Gods Platform for your own use, and then cooperate with the Conferred Gods Platform located in the Ziwu Hills. Nominative transposition is possible, and he, Hu Taisui, becomes the new head of the Conferred God Stage!

When he controlled the body of the spider string and stepped on the golden platform of the gods, the occupation of the platform of the gods had already begun.

At this moment, the entire golden platform was covered with spirit patterns, and spirit flames were ablaze underneath.

This is not enough either.

In Moyun City.

Quan Yingyang and Zhuxian have been sent away, and through the connection between Fengshentai, they have penetrated time and space and entered the world of Shenxiao. The branch of the Conferred God Platform that belongs exclusively to Moyun City has lost all its luster, and it seems to have become an ordinary stone platform.

In order to penetrate the world rules of the world of Shenxiao, it consumes a huge amount of power.

The Fengshentai on the other side of the ancient imperial city can no longer be contacted for the time being.

And the supreme ruler of the land under its jurisdiction, Zhu Yi, was on the verge of death and did not know where to hide to recuperate, and he did not even know how many days to live!

At this moment, Hu Taisui, who acquiesced in all this, stood up from the gap in the wall.

Under Lu Ximing's shocking eyes, he stepped out and landed on the sky above the God Conferred Altar in Moyun City. With a big hand, the terrifying power poured down directly, belonging to his way, Start attacking the Conferred God Platform without any disguise!

The Tianxi Wasteland is also a large domain.

The Conferred God Platform located in Moyun City also occupies a pivotal position in the Conferred God Platform system.

Winning this platform will give him an important weight in the struggle for the authority of the Conferred God Platform!

As for Ji Xingkong, Cicada Fayuan, and Lu Ximing, what do they think...

His occupation of Shenxiao Fengshentai is about to be completed, and the changes in the world of Shenxiao will be noticed soon. How can he care about their thoughts?

If you can't know and be interesting, it's a big deal to do a game.

Seeing the path of detachment, his extremely evil demon heart has already nurtured a divine fetus. It is not a bad idea to use which sky demon present to verify the strength and re-establish the status.

But at this moment, there was a loud sound that tore apart the sky, and the lightning that exploded from that sound stretched almost to the end of the field of vision: "Tiger is too old, you are too rampant!"

The Heavenly Demon Lord Xuannan noticed a change in the ancient imperial city, and the sound spread thousands of miles to this point. And the lightning has turned into a throwing gun,

In the face of such lightning, such a rebuke.

Hu Taisui didn't even lift his eyelids, his palms were like the sky covering him, and he was separated from the electric light thousands of miles away, and he was lowered into the Tianxi Fengshentai. The spirit flames became more and more blazing, and the ancient stone platform was already covered with spirit patterns.

The rumbling loud noise shattered the long night, but the sound suddenly became distant again.

Hu Taisui's big hands are like mountains, and the lights are all outside the mountains.

He is preventing Duke Xuannan from approaching!

The Tao collides in the air, and the sky of the Tianxi Wasteland is uncertain.

"Hu Taisui has gone crazy!" Xuannan Gong's voice fell on Moyun City: "Several Bodhisattvas! Tianzun! Take action quickly! The immemorial imperial city has a long-term plan, and he must not be destroyed at once!"

Before Lu Ximing, Ji Xingkong, and Cicada Fayuan could make a sound, Hu Taisui roared angrily: "What is the plan of ten thousand years?"

"Whose grand plan?!"

"Now that the Spirit Race is born, our demon world has great potential, so we can say it forever!"

"I have set foot on the top of the mountain today, and I will be a monster race for thousands of years!"



In the world of Shenxiao, Ling Yan and Zhang Chi's Conferred God Stage already looked like the old tiger.

All of the tens of thousands of fallen god statues in the sea of ​​gods suddenly stood up!

The so-called clay sculptures and wood sculptures all have divine light lacquer!

There are cracks all over the place holding the comet sword: "The tiger is too old! Don't rein in the precipice!"

There is the self-holding treasure with three heads and six arms: "Go back when you lose your way!"

There was the fire snake who raised his palm and wanted to extinguish his spirit flames: "How long will my selfishness last!"

There is the one who controls Sirius stretching his arms and drawing his bow to the double pupil: "How did Tianzun get here by mistake!"


All the gods revived, each showed their majesty, and they all came to kill Hu Taisui!

For a while, the sea of ​​gold was booming, and gods and gods coexisted.

The entire sacred mountain was filled with all kinds of divine splendor.

Chai Ah Si didn't realize what happened at all, and just witnessed this battle of Heavenly Demon Slaying God.

I saw that Hu Taisui, who controlled the body of the spider string, stood on the platform of the gods and laughed wildly: "I am also a celestial being, and Xuannan Gong is also a celestial venerable, for who is he? I have accumulated thousands of years of divine way, for whom? Private matter?!"

One after another the gods were killed, and before they could get close to the Conferred God Stage, they exploded one by one!

Hu Taisui just keeps shifting his gaze, where he sees, where he stops, and which god he looks at, that god will be shattered!

The demise of the gods in the world is so fierce that there is no one like today!

The scene of tens of thousands of gods attacking and killing Tiger Tai Sui under the auspices of the gods of the demon world is magnificent enough.

The magnificence of the Ten Thousand Gods Sea itself also seemed extremely ordinary, and it was difficult to be noticed.

At this moment, a faceless wooden statue jumped out of the densely packed god statues.

The whole body of this god statue is pale, and its appearance is strange, even the divine light is pale.

Leaped out of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, but quietly fell behind in the ranks of the attacking gods, and fell down the mountain... On the ruined altar of the heavenly demon and the silent giant bronze cauldron, a handful of ashes were sprinkled and buried. That little spark!

It has no consciousness, no spiritual perception, and only obeys one order, the order engraved here by the great ancient King Yama and the Faceless God——

When the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods was calm and the real demon had no time to look after him, he went straight to the altar of the heavenly demon.

Build a heroic city here.

Build the city of Wu'an!

In the fight with Lu Qilang, Jiang Wang repeatedly penetrated into the sea of ​​gods, and even dived in the sea of ​​clouds, and he had already made this move.

This is the second way home that he envisioned for himself.

With Shenxiao Wu'an City, it echoes Wu'an City in the Civilization Basin.

Come back with willpower!

Of course he can't count as Xiong Sansi, let alone Hu Taisui will make a move. There is also no idea left in this god sculpture-it is impossible to hide it.

Even this faceless god sculpture was coerced out of the turmoil of the gods in the sea of ​​gods under the call of the Immemorial Imperial City's Conferred God Platform, and there was no time for calm.

He just clumsily followed the rules, and still according to the arrangement of the divine master, quietly sprinkled the ashes of the sky demon seeds Yangyu, Shujialan, and Zhulanruo into the huge bronze cauldron.


Marquis Wu'an asked: "The stories of the sages are magnificent and majestic. The memory of the younger generation is very admirable. Although that period of history is far away, the blood is still boiling when I hear it now. What can we monks do today?"

Song Yao, the court official, said: "Nine words. Find the altar of the law, spread the bones of the demon, and build a big city!"

Right now!

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