Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1845

In any world, there is an instinct of self-protection, or it can be called "God's will".

Just like the establishment of Tianwai Wuxie, of course, it is not only the supreme supernatural power of Chan Master Xingnian. Rather, he complied with the "God's will" of the Shenxiao world, and even guided the "God's will" of the Shenxiao world.

Although the world of Shenxiao is an absolutely open world, it cannot allow its basic rules to be distorted at will by great supernatural beings. Because that is the destruction of this world, and it is shaking the foundation of the world's existence.

Why do you say that the gods outside the sky cannot see the truth of this world?

Because God's coming is a contract with the world, where it is fulfilled, it will return there.

If you are not of this world at all, how can this world open its arms to you?

The present world is the center of the heavens and worlds, and if you achieve God's Presence with the present world, it will not be affected by the heavens and worlds. And the divine presence achieved in the heavens and worlds will be suppressed in the present world.

That's why the Bone God, who already possesses supreme power in the Nether World, still has to find ways to enter the present world and become a god in the present world.

Because only the gods in this world are the same in all worlds. Only in any world, have the supreme power.

So why does the human race have to drive the monster race out of the world, why do they build the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters at all costs.

Because only by expelling the Yaozu from the world can it be regarded as fundamentally weakening the threat of the Yaozu.

From then on, when the monster races come to the world, they all come from outside the sky, and they will be cut by three points first!

As the destiny race that ruled the present world for a long time, the monster race will never have less understanding of the present world than the human race. Although they lost the decisive battle in ancient times and were expelled from the world, they never gave up their efforts to return to the present world.

This effort is reflected in all aspects, including the never-ending bloody battle around the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters year after year, as well as the demon world itself.

Looking at the heavens and worlds, the demon world is definitely a special place.

It existed attached to the present world in ancient times, and it is a boundless chaotic world. It has long been used as a prison for the present world, a place where powerful prisoners are exiled.

When the ancient demon emperor recreated a new world here, it naturally has a closer relationship with the present world than other worlds. Or to be more specific... its world rank is closer to the current world, but above other worlds.

The race that lived here and was favored by God in this world was once the master of this world.

When the ancient demon emperor recreated the new world, he considered the possibility of returning to the present world, so the formation of the world's rules was guided as much as possible in the direction of the current world's rules-of course, it is impossible to be completely consistent.

However, the oppression suffered by the demon race that has been achieved in this world after entering the present world is much lighter than that of other world powerhouses after entering the present world!

At the same time, when the human race of the present world enters the demon world, it will also be suppressed by the rules of the demon world. The constant unity of all worlds cannot be fully effective here.

Of course, the suppression of the human race by the demon world is definitely far less powerful than the suppression of the demon race in this world.

Once you understand this, you will be able to understand the value of the Civilization Basin, and understand the meaning of destroying the altar of the Heavenly Demon and building a mighty city of the human race.

Just like the battlefield where the rules are completely broken, the place where the floating island is located is the sphere of influence of the human race, and the place where the sea nest is located is the sphere of influence of the sea race.

The former builds the world rules of the present world, while the latter builds the world rules of the sea.

Destroying the Heavenly Demon altar in a certain place means that the world rules in this place may be changed. Building a human city on the basis of the Heavenly Demon Altar means that this place has been placed under the sphere of influence of the human race, and this place has been invaded by the world!

The Civilization Basin can be regarded as the bridgehead of the present world, itself an extension of the rules of the present world.

Jiang Mengxiong's punch in Frostwind Valley did more than just create a gap in the mountain range. Instead, it created a vast field where the rules of the demon world were broken, so there was a basis for the existence of race battlefields.

In the world of Shenxiao, there is a ruined altar of the sky demon - if it is intact, Jiang Wang has no ability to do anything to it.

On the altar, there is a bronze tripod that is said to be cast by Yu Zhen's body. In the tripod, there is a spark that was ignited by Jiang Wang himself and then forcibly extinguished by the Fengshentai. Of course, it also left behind the embers belonging to the arrogance of the human race.

It can be said that everything is available, only the demon bone is missing.

After the demon world destroyed the sky demon altar, the demon bone was laid as the foundation, in order to use the bones of the demon clan to neutralize the residual spirit of the sky demon altar and dissolve the rules of the demon world. This makes it easier to lay down the rules of the world.

Although the world of Shenxiao is not a demon world, although it has its own independent rules, the creator of this world is, after all, a demon clan. Those who established this altar are, after all, monster races.

The ashes of Yang Yu, Shu Jialan, and Zhu Lanruo, the geniuses of the demon race, can still play a great role.

The Faceless God is of course a wild god, but it is also a demon god who has truly absorbed the followers of the monster race and developed in the monster race. He swims freely in the sea of ​​gods without hindrance, and he is not excluded when he travels among the ranks of gods.

Naturally, it can also mobilize the power of the Myriad Gods Sea to build a city here according to the order left by the Faceless God.

Of course, it is just a nostalgia for the human race to build the city of Wu'an on the front line of the newly opened battlefield.

But when Marquis Wu'an Jiang Wang didn't really die, it naturally had a sustenance and a wish.

Just like how the land of Chu could not forget Huang Weizhen for 900 years, the myth of the mountain and sea realm is spread all over the world... This is the reason why Huang Weizhen returned after a few years.

Those who recite the name of Marquis Wu'an, those who miss Marquis Wu'an, those who reminisce about Marquis Wu'an's deeds... are all inextricably linked.

This kind of wish can't bring him back to the civilization basin, and he, Jiang Wang, doesn't have Huang Weizhen's ability.

But if the world of Shenxiao can be built into Wu'an City...

The city in the Civilization Basin where the human army is stationed, and the city built on the basis of the Heavenly Demon altar in the world of Shenxiao, will definitely be able to form an echo.

As the common link between the two cities, he, the Marquis of Wu'an of the Great Qi, has the possibility of reaching his goal through this!

Even so, with his current state, although he has successfully created the possibility, it is difficult to realize this possibility.

But he still has the bell of knowing and hearing!

As soon as the knowledge bell rings, you will be able to find the correct method.

So when Hu Taisui mercilessly exterminated the gods, the weird faceless statue came to the huge bronze cauldron, sprinkled the ashes of the demon clan's arrogance, and covered it on the flickering sparks.

The fire of the Dharma Altar, which had been extinguished once earlier, was rekindled in the cauldron, and instantly blazed in the sky again!

On top of the flaming flames, a phantom of a majestic city gradually appeared. Towering but silent, there are sword marks and sword wounds, and the blood is like fresh splashes.

When the gods coexist, the majestic city wants to be empty!



Time turns back.

Just when Hu Taisui invaded the body of the spider string and easily suppressed Xiong Sansi.

Inu Yingyang was speeding high in the sky, he walked through the blazing light shining on the sky, and he himself became a part of the light.

There is no sun or moon in the land of the sky, which can illuminate everything.

When the figure of Quan Yingyang appeared in the flowing light, it meant that he had captured the "truth" he wanted.

The Tianjiao of the human race who killed several sky demon seeds in a row, indeed has a good movement, almost turning into a long rainbow in the air, and constantly changing directions to get rid of the lock, and there are red flames blooming silently behind him, Disappeared after burning all traces.

The effort to escape alone is worthy of Shikachiro's reminder, if he comes a little later, maybe he might really run away.

But now...

The cloth flipped lightly in the stream of light, and his right palm went down——

The mountains were directly collapsed, and a huge palm print was sunken!

Jiang Wang's flying figure stopped suddenly in front of the palm print tiankeng.

So the long rainbow shadow gradually came and went.

A real monster, breaking Qinghong with one palm!

"The response is good, and I should be the top one."

Quan Yingyang gave a condescending admiration, and then raised his big hand again.

The wind was retreating, the vitality was retreating, and countless earth and stones flew up from the sunken palm print tiankeng, and Jiang Wang's figure also retreated involuntarily... to retreat into the palm of this real monster!


The fiery burning fire spread out in an instant, and in the middle of the fire was Jiang Wang, who had already blown out the blood mist and tried his best to stay in place!

At this moment, he completely disregarded the limit of his body's endurance, and stimulated his blood energy almost endlessly.

Blood vessels are constantly bursting and being repaired.

And the endless blood energy born from this soared into the sky!

Qi and blood seem to be mixed into a peak supporting the sky, reaching up to the boundless sky and connecting to the boundless earth below. From this, an extremely stable force was born, helping Jiang Wang to stabilize himself for the time being.

Quan Yingyang let out a light "Huh".

Didn't it mean that the Fountain of Youth has been dead for many years? Why can it still provide such a majestic vitality at this time?

The story of the genius of the human race sneaking into the monster clan seems to be getting more and more complicated...

Jiang Wang uses the peak of Qi and blood to stabilize the fire domain, and uses the fire domain to support himself, so as to resist the capture of the real demon. Under the blood peak, he gritted his teeth and said, "Jiang Wang is not talented, and I am tired of you crossing the border to chase. I wonder which real monster is in front of you?"

"Still a polite child." Quan Yingyang clicked his tongue, but responded seriously: "Zhaoyunfeng Quan Yingyang is also."

He was not self-confident, and after he finished speaking, he took a step forward, and he couldn't catch Jiang Wang at once, so he got closer to Jiang Wang.

At this time, what was consumed was the Fountain of Youth of the Yaozu. In other words, it is the fountain of youth of Tianzun Lu Ximing. But why bother!

He stepped into the fire domain just like that, and under the pressure of the entire Qianzhang Lingyu, he still stepped in front of Jiang Wang in one step. After he passed by, a blank passage appeared in the fire field behind him.

With a slight lift of his left hand, he supported the peak of Qi and blood, Jiang Wang used it to support himself, but he used it to hold Jiang Wang! The supporting sky pillar has become a prison pile!

At the same time, Quan Yingyang's right hand was pressing forward amidst the endlessly struggling blood mist, trying to press directly on Jiang Wang's face.

The gap between the real monster and the gods is really too big, this is an all-round gap from cognition to combat power.

So he was still able to speak calmly: "You are so talented and so young, but you are going to die here. Do you feel regretful?"

Jiang Wang looked at the real monster with difficulty, and grinned. The corners of his mouth and teeth were covered with blood, but he smiled and said, "The new king of Tianbang, let me kill you. The monster clan has no arrogance, so the real monster must be chased away." Me! Why do I regret my death?!"

The peak of Qi and blood exploded!

The Qianzhang Spiritual Domain also exploded together!

Qi, blood and spiritual consciousness almost tore apart everything, and the violent turbulence swept everything in an instant!

Quan Yingyang's hand was blown up high.

When his hand fell again, it immediately smoothed the turbulence.

But Jiang Wang's figure has already escaped thousands of feet away.

The power of the Fountain of Youth was constantly recovering from his injuries, and at this time he also pushed his speed to the limit. The Zhiwen clock tied to the wrist made a long sound.

"Does the ants know the heavenly family? Although the demon world is small, how many young people like you are still there. Although the world is big, how many heavenly children are there like you? Let's look at the five evil basins, how many new cities can be built!" Quan Yingyang The hand that smoothed the turbulent flow of Qi and blood, and then faced the rainbow shadow from a distance, pressed a palm into the space, and was about to grab Jiang Wang's neck in the next moment.

Jiang Wang turned around suddenly, and his sword opened a line of sky!

"There is more than one person like me. Those who are much better than me, the bright moon will be in the sky!"

There was a red line of fire flowing on the sharp sword edge, cutting off the Qi mechanism from the real demon, causing Quan Yingyang to reach out with his big hand, but he caught nothing!

With this sword, Jiang Wang is far away.

"Don't turn back if you don't hit the south wall?" Quan Yingyang chuckled.

Endless streamers gathered in front of Jiang Wang in an instant, the light shrank, the light surrounded, and the light gathered into a high wall! It connects to the boundless sky above, connects to the boundless land below, and is endless to the left and right.

Wherever Jiang Wang's figure flew, this high wall of light would extend to whichever way, and he would simply kill him head-on.

The Sword Immortal united the five palaces, smashing the mountains with one sword!

The high wall of light just centered on the place where the sword was received, and there were circle after circle of ripples.

Jiang Wang's internal organs were all lacerated!

He didn't stop, but took advantage of the momentum to bounce back, turned around and turned right, and if the high wall of light was endless, he would go to endless places.

Quan Yingyang just waved his sleeves, and countless streamers formed swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes... and struck Jiang Wang head-on. The wall of light connected to each other is a wall of soldiers, and thousands of masters at the level of the demon king are in a trance, each using their unique skills to kill the arrogance of the clan.

Jiang Wang slammed into it directly!

Only in terms of the level of the gods, the peak period of combat power of the monster race and the human race is not the same.

Due to the limited lifespan, it is considered that it is difficult for the human race to achieve great achievements before the age of fifty. Those who have not yet come to God at the age of sixty are generally unable to cross the gap between heaven and man. After the Gein race is fifty years old, the vitality and blood begin to weaken. Of course, there are many exceptions in history, but the reason why they are called "exceptions" is precisely because of their rarity.

And the monster race is born with a long lifespan, and it is common to be crowned king at the age of two hundred or three hundred.

The new kings on the Tianbang are all young demon kings under the age of 100. Jiang Wang is not a top-level god, but only relying on the Fountain of Youth and the Bell of Knowledge to force him to overwhelm him. Even if he sweeps the new king of the heaven list, he can't really say that the monster clan has no pride.

But even so said, so self-comforting.

Quan Yingyang still has to admit that this Jiang Wang is indeed a first-class talent.

It was so exciting that even a true monster like him would not be willing to kill him immediately, but wanted to see more of the human race's weapons from this young man... How about the new Taoism technique, how about the divine swordsmanship, How about the fighting skills of the young people.

As the overlord of the prince and the leader of the Yellow River, this person can be said to be able to represent the most cutting-edge and vanguard of the human race. He can also get a glimpse of some gains.

The truth of a true monster is hard to find, and any gain is a great gain.

Of course, the thousands of monster martial arts summoned by him at this time should also dazzle this human arrogance. But what is brought into the grave is not a harvest.

Among the swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes and axe, surrounded by all kinds of monster killing methods, Jiang Wang looked like a bird that had jumped into the thorny forest.

Keep moving forward, keep getting scratched wings.

Those balls of flying blood are like blood feathers eager to go home!

But while the blood feathers were falling, the birds were moving forward!

Bang ding ding ding.

The bell sounded like a breaking song.

Jiang Wang, who is skilled in swordsmanship, was splashed with blood at this moment. The red golden eyes that flowed with immortal light, there is nothing else at the moment, only various weapons and various moves...

And see the tricks!

Trapped in the Frostwind Valley, the peerless arrogance who was built by the human race to commemorate it, unleashes his fighting talent at this moment.

The body is like a dragon swimming, and the sword is like electricity.

When he finally killed all the streamer weapons, he pierced through the formation of thousands of soldiers soaked in blood.

Quan Yingyang also paused for a while, and then admired from the other side: "You can have such a performance, the true story of Buddhism, the daughter of the spider family, you should die without regret!"

With another palm lift, a brand new wall of light connects vertically to the previous one!


The bloody Human Race Tianjiao, his whole body boiled with red fire, and the bloody man burned into a burning man in a trance, and he directly smashed a human-shaped gap in the light wall, and passed out of the wall.

Why does the Zhiwen bell ring? !

Quan Yingyang couldn't take it any longer, pulled himself out and escaped into the light again.

Then the streamer flashed, and suddenly appeared in Jiang Wang's path, but Jiang Wang had already opened it one step ahead!

"Stay!" Quan Yingyang opened his arms wide, and the stream of light exploded into the sea in an instant.

Guanghai roared, enclosing the Tianjiao of the human race.

Up and down, left and right, front and back are all light.

A wall of light can still be broken, how can it be hurt if the flowing light becomes a sea?

Seeing that Jiang Wang was momentarily sluggish in the sea of ​​light, his every move slowed down, his breath rose and fell, and his qi and blood were consumed rapidly...

At this time, a terrifying fluctuation erupted on the distant mountain, and an earth-shattering battle was going on.

The voices of countless gods came and went——

"Tiger is too old! Don't rein in the precipice!"

"Get lost!"

Even the Heavenly Demon altar ignited a flame that soared to the sky.

Jiang Wang suddenly turned his head, raised his hand and shook out a hidden weapon, burning red flames, frosty wind, and murderous intent: "Qu Yingyang! I will kill you today!"

Although Quan Yingyang had no fear, he cautiously smashed it with a finger from a distance.

It was only at this moment that he noticed what he had smashed.

It was a crimson, diamond-shaped, spar-like vertical pupil.

His calmness, his aloofness, his condescension...all disappeared.

For a moment, his eyes were tearing apart: "I want you to live like death!"

The terrifying power exploded around him.

But the bell in the depths of Guanghai rang!

The city of Wu'an in the world of the gods is calling for the city of Wu'an in the basin of civilization.

Somewhere a great connection has been made.

It is the greatness of the heavenly demon that protects the race as an altar, and it is also the greatness that the human race passes on from generation to generation.

Between the great and the great, there is a common connection and a common path——

Jiang Wang's figure in the sea of ​​light is blurred, and he has stepped into the possibility of reaching him!

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