Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1850 Ruyi

There is no mistake in the saying of Tiger Tai Sui, there is no greatness that is restrained, and there is no detachment that is not free.

Even if Emperor Yuanxi made the arrangement himself, even if it was a great personality like the Supreme God, he still had to ask Yu Zhen for his own opinion.

However, when Emperor Yuanxi set up this situation, Yuzhen had already disappeared.

To this day, Emperor Yuanxi has long since passed away.

The side that was never seen when the great ancestor Yuzhen raised the altar of the Heavenly Demon, but a few years later, the will will be asked in time!

The tens of thousands of years of Emperor Yuanxi's layout in the world of Shenxiao finally blossomed and borne fruit under the execution of the Fengshentai, and he was molded into such a god-king body, waiting for the spiritual return of the great ancestor Yuzhen. Turned into Shinto, still detached.

On the long river of time, two great beings sit facing each other.

Their faces cannot be seen clearly, nor their voices heard. Layer upon layer of time hides greatness.

But seeing this scene, no monster clan can calm down.

After all, it is a legend!

The corridor that traverses the sky has almost occupied the sky at this time.

Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang, who were fighting in the dark, have also repeated the game of life and death countless times.

Of course, it was life and death for Jiang Wang. For Inu Yingyang, it is a game.

At the level of a true demon, what one pursues is the control of the path and the understanding of the world. If you don't know enough about the world, you will live in vain for many years. The process of "truth" in the cave world is the practice of the real demon.

Facing a near-immortal cultivator in the presence of God, he directly let go of himself and absorbed the light of the world... It was only one of the reasons why he wanted to kill Jiang Wang in an instant. The deeper reason is to take this opportunity to take charge of Shenxiao World Night.

After tens of thousands of years of development, countless strong players have played games in this world, and after establishing a stable time and space, the world of Shenxiao can be said to have been perfected. The potential of the world is beyond doubt.

Even though he, Quan Yingyang, was a real demon in this world, if he wanted to reap some fundamental benefits related to the world in this divine world, he was still not qualified enough. After all, he was not even listed in the list of true demons that the peerless celestial demon Ji Zhiben made for true demons.

But what are the qualifications?

Recruiting into the Conferred God Stage is the qualification itself.

Fighting to kill the arrogance of the clan is to carry out the task of honoring the Conferred God Stage. Jiang Wang, who relied on the Fountain of Youth to gain almost immortality, was indeed difficult to deal with!

He worked hard for the Immemorial Imperial City, put aside his pretensions of being a real monster to bully the little ones, how could he not understand the truth of this world first?

The process of injuring Jiang Wang again and again is indeed boring, but the process of grasping the truth of this world bit by bit is really wonderful.

When he absorbs the light, it ends in the long river of time above the sacred mountain.

He couldn't help but look back—and just saw the photo of Emperor Yuanxi, stepped into the long river of time, and sat and discussed with the great ancestor Yuzhen.

Even his heart that is close to the road and far away from love cannot but be moved.

This is the great existence of Yaozu, and this is the legend of Yaozu.

After the great ancestor Yuzhen failed to compete with Emperor Yuanxi for the throne, he went away to the sea of ​​chaos, but he returned during the bloody battle between humans and monsters, and helped Emperor Yuanxi when he was assassinated.

The Emperor Yuanxi, on the other hand, ordered the gods to be conferred on the altar, which has been laid out for tens of thousands of years, only to facilitate the spiritual return of the great ancestor Yuzhen.

This is enough to be passed down as a good story through the ages, and it will be remembered by generations to come.

He Huating, who used to be a sky demon, had a lifelong dream, and it was nothing more than becoming an existence like Emperor Yuanxi and Patriarch Yuzhen.

But after so many years, there is still only one Yuan Xi and one Yu Zhen.

How magnificent!

At the same time that Quan Yingyang's heart was surging, Jiang Wang, who was struggling under his sword, suddenly stepped forward, raised his sword, and raised his front!

While the abdomen was pierced by the lightsaber, the tip of the sword was lifted to Inu Yingyang's eyelids.

The timing was just right, as if the great gaze on the long river of time came from his preparation.

But in fact, he didn't notice what happened on the other side of Shenshan, and he couldn't even pay attention to things other than him and Quan Yingyang.

Putting all his energy into this fight is the fundamental reason why he has been able to support it for so long. Otherwise, even if there were immortal jade beads and Zhiwen bells, they would have been removed by Quan Yingyang long ago.

The agitation of the majestic true monster's mind must not be regarded as an idle time.

But Jiang Wang still grasped this moment keenly with the cultivation base of God's presence, and immediately broke out the second way to kill the sword.

The way to practice swords for the sake of the dark light and avoid Quan Yingyang is that there are no colorful lights on it.

But when Anfeng fell into Quan Yingyang's eyes, he still had a lot of vanity.

This world-renowned sword implements the foundation of Jiang Wang's path, and it can barely touch the "truth" of Quan Yingyang.

Quan Yingyang opened his glaring eyes, and his eyes rushed out, forming a criss-crossing chain of light, which stopped the sword in the air. You, Jiang Wang, can still maintain your true self, so why can't I? If the whole world is ruined or praised, why should the real monster be afraid?

At this moment, Quan Yingyang's lightsaber raged in Jiang Wang's abdomen, and the power of the Fountain of Youth continued to restore the wound, so that there was blood gushing like a bank bursting. The blood flowed around the body, and was continuously absorbed by the Ruyi Immortal Clothes, causing it to shatter and regenerate.

And Jiang Wang's Sauvignon Blanc, which carried out the power of the way, was fixed by Quan Yingyang's pupil light.

The two sides are so close to each other.


Knowing that the bell rang again.

Behind Jiang Wang, the one-legged divine bird fluttered and flew, and the Sanmai True Fire poured out unreservedly for the first time against Quan Yingyang——

This is the real fire of samadhi who has been fighting for a long time, and the knowledge bell has rung dozens of times, and he has already had a wealth of knowledge about Quan Yingyang, a real monster in this world!

The boundless flame wave instantly tore the corridor into pieces!

The light that was restrained by Quan Yingyang escaped a lot for a while, spinning around in the sky.

After the fury of the sea of ​​fire subsided for a while, Jiang Wang was alone in the middle of the sea of ​​fire. The lightsaber piercing his abdomen had disappeared, and the opponent that Chang Xiangsi was pointing at had disappeared.

A real monster is a real monster after all.

For Jiang Wang's long-planned attack following Dao Tu's killing sword, Quan Yingyang still reacted instantly and walked away in the flames of the sea of ​​flames.

And pierced through the flames, and came closer.

But Jiang Wang had already fled away one step ahead, stepped on the billowing flames, flew up from the end of the sea of ​​flames, his body turned like electricity, and his sword pointed at the sacred mountain!

The sea of ​​flames merged behind him, turning into fireworks, flame sparrows, flame meteors and even flames burning the city, smashing towards Quan Yingyang without thinking.

It wasn't until this time just now that Jiang Wang used Zhiwen Zhong to "know" the scene above the holy mountain that made Quan Yingyang lose his mind. Only then did I know that Yu Zhen's spirituality is in the long river of time, accepting the invitation of Emperor Yuanxi's legacy, and discussing with him.

He has been looking for Yu Zhen for a long time!

At that time, Fengshentai recruited two true monsters into the world of Shenxiao, and only Quan Yingyang came to chase and kill him. The other one must be busy with this?

At that time, he hurriedly escaped from Shenshan, and he could still hear the thunder rolling behind him. It was not easy to think about it.

No matter what Emperor Yuanxi's legacy and Yuzhen's spirituality are discussing in the turbulent time and space, if they can be destroyed, it will be of great benefit to the human race!

After fighting with the dog Yingyang for so long, Jiang Wang has fully realized the horror of the real demon. He deeply realized that even with the support of Zhiwen Zhong and Bu Lao Yuzhu, it would be difficult for him to grasp the chance of victory.

But if the layout of the famous Emperor Yuanxi can be smashed, the water in this pool will become extremely muddy. As a true monster of the monster race, how can Quan Yingyang not make up for it? He doesn't fish in troubled waters either, but he's lucky to take advantage of the muddy waters.

At that time, with the knowledge and hearing bell hitting Yu Zhen's spirituality, how can he not hear about Yu Zhen's old journey back then? This historical secret will become his escape ladder.

Seeing that Jiang Wang escaped from the battlefield so wonderfully and turned back to Shenshan, Quan Yingyang couldn't calm down.

Until now, Jiang Wang's deepest impression on him was not his incomparable fighting genius, nor his swordsmanship or Taoism. But no matter what kind of predicament he is in, this person is always fighting for it!

This is someone who is full of offensive will and will never give up on himself.

He Quan Yingyang has read all the thousands of sails and knows how precious this is.

The history is vast, and there are as many amazing talents as stars. What can be bright and long-lasting, all have the quality of tenacity. He has seen too many so-called geniuses, who were slumped in the face of huge setbacks, and have since disappeared from the public.

But no matter how you say it, if this Jiang Wang is really killed in front of Emperor Yuanxi at this moment, wouldn't his Quan Yingyang become the biggest joke in Shenxiao's situation?

Quan Yingyang's eyes dimmed instantly, as if two black jades were embedded there.

Before the monstrous flame waves, he seemed to become a monster-shaped black vortex, absorbing the flames of the entire sea of ​​flames, and the sea of ​​flames turned into a black sea, which was instantly extinguished.

And he raised his hands, raised his palms to look at Jiang Wang, and opened his fingers!

In this area that has been dark for a long time, there was only a little escaping streamer that Jiang Wang exploded with the real fire of samadhi. In the distance where Jiang Wang was flying, it was originally pitch black.

But at the moment when Quan Yingyang raised his hand, a strong light suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Wang!

It was an incomparably bright and blazing light, and the light intertwined extremely ferociously, forming a ball, as if a golden sun had exploded out of thin air! And Jiang Wang is at the center of this "Golden Sun", bearing all the consequences of the explosion.

Even though Emperor Yuanxi has been dead for many years, what is presented at this moment is only the remembrance, Quan Yingyang will never allow himself to be humiliated in front of this remnant. Even for this reason, he did not hesitate to give up his insight into the world and release the "light" he collected in advance!

The way Jiang Wang thought of at the moment when he noticed Yu Zhen's spirituality, and immediately carried out the way home, was cut off again at this moment.

What he was facing was a true demon of the present who no longer held back and truly released his power. What he was facing was the brilliance that Quan Yingyang had absorbed from half of the heavenly world!

There is no way to escape, even if he is unparalleled.

It is almost impossible to resist, even if he is a peerless genius.

In this huge ball of light, countless rays of light have countless substantial sharp edges.

Here and there, almost infinite shuttle.

Pierce Jiang Wang's eyeball!

Pierce Jiang Wang's eyebrows!

Penetrate his torso, his limbs, and kill him torn apart!

He stretched out into a big character, was nailed in the air, and nailed into a human-shaped target.

Inevitably bear this almost infinite light kill!

Bulao Yuzhu tried her best to restore Jiang Wang's body, but she replenished on one side and shattered on the other. I don't know how many times it was damaged and repaired in an instant, and a huge amount of life energy was consumed every moment. The green of the immortal jade beads began to fade at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Blood was splashed in large swathes, but the splashed blood was also killed by the strong light!

The power of the Fountain of Youth is too powerful, and life and death are not empty words. It can make ordinary monsters live the same life as real monsters, and can make real monsters live longer than the life limit.

It supported Jiang Wang to survive this terrifying offensive.

It also allowed Jiang Wang to endure the death penalty in this world for a longer time.

Cramping and skinning, not as painful as this.

Thousands of arrows piercing the body are far inferior to this!

Jiang Wang in the ball of light is almost naked, Xuantian Liuli Gong can't even make it into shape, every time the clear light rises, he is crushed, and the blood all over his body has not stopped for a moment, he seems to be a man made of blood. people.

Only the cyan thread that occasionally flashed past proved the existence of Ruyi Immortal Clothes, and it was still recovering under Jiang Wang's full force. It also proves that this person is still struggling!

Quan Yingyang came from the sky, suspended in front of the huge ball of light, quietly watching Jiang Wang in the ball of light. Of course, there will be no such emotions as soft-heartedness, just some vigilance and longing - if the younger generations of the human race are like this, how can the monster race live and have a future?

How can a demon in the demon world resemble this person? He couldn't think of it for a while.

The final accumulation of the Fountain of Youth over the long years paid for the countless lives and deaths of the present lord of the Fountain of Youth. But the water without a source will eventually be exhausted, just like the fountain of youth itself has been exhausted for a long time. When the immortal jade bead completely turns from green to white, Jiang Wang will die completely.

Jiang Wang also knows it.

He knew the gap between God's presence and a true demon, and he knew that he was dying.

Pain makes the process of dying very long!

He has insight into every detail of the body, the flow of blood, the surge of Dao Yuan, and the dispersion of supernatural powers. Also clearly feel the pain.

The pain was beyond his tolerance, but he still had to stay awake. Because only a sober Jiang Wang can mobilize all the power to the maximum, survive this infinite number of light killings, and consume Quan Yingyang's power as much as possible.

Although... the light seems infinite.

A voice kept whispering in his ear, urging him to give up, to die immediately.

Anyway, there is no hope.

Why do you have to suffer until the last moment?

He knew that it was the cowardice deep in his soul, an escape from pain, and a kind of self-protection.

Obviously there is no way to resist a real monster in this world, why bother to endure so much before dying?

You're right, you're right, maybe you're right...

Jiang Wang gritted his teeth and shattered gums, and squeezed his lips that leaked air and blood everywhere, without making a sound.

He listened to the instinct of the body, but carried out his own will.

He stared at Quan Yingyang outside the ball of light, even though his eyes were actually covered in blood, he couldn't see anything at all!

I don't know how long it took, but there was no good flesh on my body anymore, every inch of skin was beaten to pieces and healed. The Ruyi fairy clothes have been broken and reassembled tens of thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times!

Thorn... la!

It has been broken too many times since it was put on the wishful fairy clothes. Jiang Wang has long been used to it.

Relying on absorbing the free blood energy of the host to fill the defensive circle, its defensive power is very average. Jiang Wang still wore it later, more because of its symbolic meaning bestowed by the emperor, and after all, it can restore itself, unlike other cassocks, which cost a lot of money to repair once damaged.

But this time the shattering made such a clear sound.

It is to break the gold medal and tear up the jade silk.

Something seems to have been broken somewhere.

And there was a complicated flow of information pouring into Jiang Wang's heart overwhelmingly.

Wishful Immortal Palace...

Wishful Immortal Palace!

When the emperor bestowed this garment, Jiang Wuyou specially emphasized that this precious garment was passed down from Ruyi Immortal Palace.

Because he originally had the inheritance of Yunding Immortal Palace, the emperor bestowed this treasure out of love.

But he has worn this garment for so long, checked it over and over countless times, tried it all in fire and water, and never found anything related to the inheritance of Ruyi Immortal Palace. Over time, I lost my mind.

Unexpectedly, at such a moment, after Ruyi Immortal Clothes were broken and reshaped hundreds of thousands of times, the inheritance hidden in time was unlocked and delivered to the future!

Thanks to the book friend "Upside Down Knife" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 397th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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