Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1849 Asking about time

The statue standing in front of the huge bronze tripod has a red face, arms wrapped around a fire snake, and feet stepped on a fire tortoise. In his hand was a puppet painted with gold lacquer and with a red brow.

Of course, he represented the will of Xuannan Gong. While putting the puppet into the bronze tripod, he said, "This person is so persistent, I'm afraid he can't be tamed. If he becomes Marakana, it may be a disaster in the future."

At this time, Xuannan Gong was not as temperless as he was when he was talking to Hu Taisui. Although the voice is soft, there is a lot of majesty in it.

Ye Bodhisattva said casually: "How old is he now? How many years has he lived in this world? How many relatives and friends do he have over there? Waiting for him to spread branches and leaves here, multiply children and grandchildren, and after a long period of menstruation, his perception of himself will change. .”

"Emotions do not exist naturally, they will arise in getting along."

"We have to believe in the power of time."

"You can trust the power of the Black Lotus Temple."

The red-faced statue was about to say something more, but when it heard the last sentence, it shut up.

Indeed, time is enough to smooth everything out, and the emotions of creatures are not enough to be worn away. But if Heilian Temple wants to completely control a Xiong Sansi, there are many ways. Some of these methods cannot even be overcome by will.

Just like if Hu Taisui simply wanted to destroy Xiong Sansi's will, Xiong Sansi would not be any better than Ling Xihua now. It is precisely in order to preserve Xiong Sansi's hatred, to preserve Xiong Sansi's exuberant vitality and aggressiveness, that Xiong Sansi has the opportunity to hate, to be angry, to persevere or to despair.

The body and soul are at the mercy of slaughter, love and hate are hard to be independent.

It's so real and hopeless that everyone under the top is an ant.

He turned around slowly, raised his eyes to look at the sky, and then turned his eyes back to the bronze tripod, and muttered: "Quu Yingyang is really getting better and better."

Ji Xingkong didn't care about Quan Yingyang. Cicada Fayuan and Hu Taisui are all out, Zhiwen Zhong is already in the bag. He kicked Hu Taisui off the Tianxi Conferred God Stage, waiting for this moment. He arranged for Xiong Sansi in advance, just for this time.

Xiong Sansi couldn't hear the conversation between him and Xuannan Gong, but his comfort and care comforted Xiong Sansi's heart over and over again.

There are eight divisions of heaven and dragon in the Dharma taught by the World Honored One.

Although Buddhism in the demon world is self-contained, it has inherited many.

In ancient Nanshan, the snakes replaced the dragons, and it was still called the Eight Divisions of Heaven and Dragons.

It has been a long time since Heilian Temple has established eight departments of ghosts and gods to compete with the ancient Nanshan.

But as King Guang Tathagata said back then - "Eight divisions and seven ghosts, it is difficult to spread the Dharma."

The foundation of the Eight Departments of Ghosts and Gods in the Black Lotus Temple is unstable, which is a fatal hidden danger. It also makes it difficult for them to really challenge the orthodox status of Gu Nan Shan.

Today, Tiger Taisui has made great efforts to create a brand-new race with unlimited potential by chasing the road of detachment.

Su Xingkong's layout is used for its own use, and the spirit race is used to achieve Marakana, which can be said to make up for the shortcomings and enrich the potential of the eight parts of ghosts and gods.

For the ancient imperial city, placing the spirit race among the eight divisions of ghosts and gods, and under the control of the Black Lotus Temple, can be regarded as imprisoning beasts in cages to protect them from future troubles.

If this is done, the hidden dangers of the Spirit Race will be controlled, the foundation of the Black Lotus Temple will be replenished, and Xiong Sansi will be relieved from the pain. It can be said that everyone is happy-except Tiger Tai Sui.

In other words, if he has the heart, he can also come to Marakana to participate in the grand event and create the prosperity of the black lotus. The Black Lotus Temple is a place beyond the square, and it also opens the door of convenience.

Of course, Ji Xingkong will not take the initiative to say these words, lest Hu Taisui come desperately. Then wait for Hu Taisui to realize it by himself.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, the lotus on the other shore." Ye Bodhisattva recited the last Buddhist gatha. His compassionate voice seemed to soothe the sadness of the whole world. It should also be taken for granted that Xiong Sansi should feel warm and guide him in the direction.

But Xiong Sansi, who was curled up in the sea of ​​clouds, did not respond. Still there the situation pitifully confronted, continuing his endless cycle of pain.

It is impossible for Xiong Sansi not to hear these words, since he knew what the Bodhisattva said that night, he has no right not to hear them.

Then silence is a kind of rejection.

Su Xing imagined many possibilities, but he never thought of this one.

It's not that there is no such possibility. Marakana belongs to the very symbolic power of Buddhism. What the eight parts of ghosts and gods need is an independent soul, a vital group, not a mere puppet. So he didn't restrict Xiong Sansi's freedom of choice.

And to be honest, there is only one believer here, the power he transmits is very small, and he can't do too many things. Otherwise, he would have rushed out and teamed up with Xuannan Gong to overthrow Hu Taisui.


how come?

How could Xiong Sansi refuse?

How miserable he was, how hopeless he was!

He has tried everything and all of them have failed!

His fate was sealed the moment he was noticed by Tiger Tai Sui.

From the Cave of Thousand Tribulations to the Ziwu Hills, and then to the world of Shenxiao.

He can't do anything, doesn't he understand?

Continuing the tacit understanding they reached earlier, joining the Black Lotus Temple and becoming the founder of Marakana, he will be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and have everything he needs.

What reason does he have to refuse?

The word "Jiang Wang" flashed in his mind, the man who killed Shu Jialan must die, and also the hometown man Xiong Sansi unilaterally identified as his comrade-in-arms.

Ye Bodhisattva said solemnly: "A monastic demon can't lie. The young Tianjiao you want to help escape is dead. Quan Yingyang cut off his head and is returning. Do you want to kill Quan Yingyang and report this?" hatred?"

His voice exudes a kind of "trust" power, so that Xiong Sansi will not doubt the authenticity of this sentence.

This passage can of course also be true.

Jiang Wang will definitely die, his head will be cut off, and Quan Yingyang will definitely be able to take it out to make Xiong Sansi take revenge.

For Marakana, for Black Lotus Temple, anyone can sacrifice.

Of course, Quan Yingyang is no problem.

But as soon as Ye Bodhisattva's words fell, Xiong Sansi's convulsed body froze suddenly, and then his eyeballs began to collapse. The newly formed body of the spirit race emitted a strange fragrance, and his whole body exploded into a pile of flesh worms!

The clean white flesh worms, scattered in the sea of ​​gods, had a special attraction, wrapped up by the swarming divine power, and devoured bit by bit.

Xiong Sansi didn't give any answers to all the questions Ji Xingkong had.

He endured in silence, suffered in silence, and gave up in silence.

But the last sentence he said in his life, all the monsters present heard it clearly and remembered it clearly——

"I am human!"

The red-faced statue beside the bronze tripod was silent.

Ye Bodhisattva, who appeared through the letterworm, was also silent.

But the silence lasted only about two breaths. After two breaths, the Ye Bodhisattva who hadn't seen each other stepped forward, and landed on the mountain road in one step, before Ling Xihua, who was holding a sword in one arm.

His eyes emerged from the dark night, watching Ling Xihua's pale face and dodging eyes.

With a kind of trustworthy determination and compassion, he said: "Actually, I have been optimistic about you from the early morning. Are you willing to join the Black Lotus Temple and become Marakana? There are eight divisions of ghosts and gods, and you are in charge of one alone. Be the same honor as this seat!"

Compared with Xiong Sansi, Ling Xihua is indeed far behind.

It was so bad that even Hu Taisui didn't bother to take a look at it after using it.

But compared to the real spirit race, Ling Xihua is only about the last step, similar to Xiong Sansi's step in the flesh and blood cave of gods.

At the level of the sky demon, he will not regret the things that cannot be changed.

Isn't it the divine baby?

Black Lotus Temple can have it!

Specifically, how to become a true spirit race is nothing more than trying a few times.

With the example of Xiong Sansi and the protection of Black Lotus Monastery, this last step will not become an insurmountable problem.

Ling Xihua never imagined that it was him who was in another village! It's like he didn't expect that a great Bodhisattva like Ji Xingkong would be able to say "I've been optimistic about you since the beginning of the morning."

The originally dodging eyes became firm in an instant. He threw away the sword in his hand, put his palm on his heart, and knelt down in front of Ye Bodhisattva sincerely: "Before Xihua was born, my mother had the Buddha's light in her dream! I read Buddhist scriptures since I was a child, I have admired the Black Lotus Temple in my heart for a long time, but I am subject to the three evil kings, and it is difficult to form a Buddha relationship! Thanks to the Bodhisattva, who appreciates it, and gave me a chance to turn back from the sea of ​​suffering. From then on, I will be Marakana, and I should uphold the precepts and keep my heart, and make great achievements My Buddha... please ask the Great Bodhisattva to shave me!"

In this situation, who can not say a word of fate?

Ye Bodhisattva stretched out his hand from the shadows, and with a flick of his black Buddha palm, he brushed away Ling Xihua's long hair, leaving a black lotus pattern on the smooth scalp by the way. The power of ghosts and gods


During this process, he seemed to have captured something on the mountain road where Jiang Wang spilled blood and Zhu Lanruo died in battle. However, due to the fact that a single Believer can provide too little power, it is extremely difficult to study it carefully.

But Ling Xihua, who was about to become the first Marakana in the world, couldn't help but look at the sea of ​​gods.

From the Spirit Race to Marakana, he was always picking up Xiong Sansi's leftovers, and he had complicated feelings about him.

"What?" Su Xingkong asked.

Ling Xihua said: "I always feel that he should have a vigorous death."

Yes, why did a hero like Rao Bingzhang sink into the sea of ​​gods in such a painful and silent way? Everything that is integrated through the integration of the divine infant is transformed into divine power.

Yaozu will definitely not commemorate him.

Human race will never know him.

"It's powerful enough to make Marakana of the eight divisions of ghosts and gods feel so emotional." Ye Bodhisattva responded casually, looking around on the cliff beside the mountain road, and finally stopped, seeing a flower-shaped stone imprint.

On the level beyond the reach of the field of vision, there is a faint light that is slowly gathering towards it.

Ye Bodhisattva's eyes that appeared in the shadows had a serious taste.

However, the changes in the world of Shenxiao are more than that, not even in the dark corridor where Jiang Wang and Quan Yingyang are fighting.

At this moment, the entire mountain was dark.

But there was light again.

The red-faced statue controlled by Duke Xuannan suddenly leaped into the huge bronze cauldron... The cauldron suddenly burst into heavenly fire!

The divine fire gushed out from the cauldron like a torrent, scattered all over the altar, baring its teeth and claws. And the statues of the gods and gods standing in various places of the Dharma altar, which had been formed a long time ago, all stood still, and whispered in their mouths, reciting "The Book of the Great Demon Ganfa Shenzhao".

This book is a classic for all ages, and it is the book of the highest way that laid the foundation of the Yaozu's divine way.

At this time, it was recited in the mouths of the gods, and the whole world of Shenxiao was instantly echoed.

In the waves of flames constantly boiling in the cauldron, the puppet painted with golden lacquer and brows red, like cooked food, even overflowed from the huge bronze cauldron, and then kept rising and rising, High in the sky!

At the heart of this puppet, there is a spot of light that flickers on and off, as if it has become its heart, affecting the minds of all who are watching. That was the spark that had been buried in the giant bronze cauldron for a long time. Lu Qilang coveted something but failed to find a chance to contact him, but Jiang Wang ignited it with the real fire of Samadhi.

Now it rests obediently on the body of the golden lacquered puppet, as if it has been like this for eternity and eternity.

At this time, looking at the entire Heavenly Demon Altar, no matter where the god statue is, a line of divine fire flies out from between the brows, flutters in the sky, and connects with the puppet.

I don't know whether it is supporting it or locking it.

But the golden liquid condensed by infinite divine power flows on the body of this golden lacquer puppet, melting its coat and engraving its texture.

The puppet gradually gained a sense of reality, and unexpectedly exuded an ancient majesty.

Just like the king is on the throne, he is worshiped by all the gods, and the world kneels down.

This is the body of the god king!

Such a scene where all gods recite books and all gods are bathed in fire, the scene is really magnificent.

Xuannan Gong used the gods as his salary, ignited the fire with the will of the sky demon, and re-ignited the altar of the sky demon!

In this Shenxiao game, this long-abandoned altar of the sky demon was ignited a total of three times.

It was the first time to try to illuminate the sea of ​​chaos, open up a short passage, and call for the old way of the World Honored One or the Great Ancestor Yuzhen. It is the second attempt to build a human city, rooted in the rules of the world, and respond to the civilization basin. This third time, under Xuannangong's control, he focused on the world of Shenxiao, and focused on refining the body of the god king!

After Jiang Wang laid down the bones to build the city and Hu Taisui ruthlessly seized the platform, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the power of the Conferred God Platform represented by Xuannan Gong decided not to wait any longer. Spirituality returns!

Ye Bodhisattva's eyes saw that the engravings on the body of the huge bronze tripod were gradually melted into four brand new Tao characters under the scouring of the divine power of the golden liquid——

"You will die for me!"

This time even Ji Xingkong was shocked, because these four characters were written by the Yaohuang Yuanxi, and every stroke has the heavenly power of Emperor Yuanxi. Daowen is the word to explain the Tao. Anyone who can tell the Tao has his fundamental imprint in the words of the Tao. It can be said that the words are the body. Su Xingkong will never admit mistakes.

So this is in front of you?

Regardless of what the great Bodhisattva of the Black Lotus Temple thinks. At this moment, the golden lacquered puppet that was already close to the body of the god king suddenly opened its golden eyes and looked up to the sky.

It was obviously just a puppet, and its hands and feet were all carved out, and it didn't move. At this moment, he just opened his eyes and raised his head. He actually had the great courage to look at the heavens with his hands behind his back!

In the already dark sky, the situation is changing at this time, thunder and showers, and electricity shifts and light turns, flashing back to scenes of gorgeous paintings. That is the ever-flowing, endless time in this world!

The inexhaustible power of the Myriad God Sea is supporting this unimaginable change.

A majestic figure with a hanging crown stepped out from the golden lacquer puppet. One step out of the altar, one step up to the sky, one step into the unpredictable time.

He just sat cross-legged in the sky above the surging river of time. And in front of him, after a trance of how many years have passed and how many years have gone back, a figure in white clothes and a white jade crown is condensing at a speed that cannot be defined by "fast" or "slow", flickering Also sat down.

The long river of time flows forever, and at the junction of eternity and ephemeral, two great figures sit opposite each other.

Can't see their faces through time and space, but can be aware that they are looking at each other.

This is a gaze that should be engraved in the history books. It is a great moment that looks at the entire era and is quite memorable.

After the wreckage of the flying light treasure ship completely collapsed here, time and space were reshaped. At this time, the world of Shenxiao already has its own independent order of time and space.

And who has the power to overturn the clouds and set off a wave of time?

It was a conversation between the "greats" that should have happened, but didn't.

This is a dialogue between the "dead". After both parties have died for a long time, they return to a certain time and space, so they sit and talk.

These are the two most legendary opponents in the history of Yaozu since the New Territories. Both enemy and friend, and double pride.

Emperor Yuanxi, Patriarch Yuzhen!

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