Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1848 Marakana

The gap between Shenlin and Dongzhen is reflected in every aspect.

For example, when the home bridge was broken and the possibility was wiped out, Jiang Wang was the one who made preparations first, but in the actual collision, his overwhelming sword was caught by Quan Yingyang in a single encounter .

But after all, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi didn't wait for the gods to come, his swordsmanship is superb, and the extremely powerful Bu Zhoufeng has blossomed, and he has the bell of knowledge in his hand, so he has the qualifications to hurt the monk Dongzhen.

This creates the possibility of a fight.

Although the winning rate is close to zero.

The superimposition of the Fountain of Youth and Ruyi Immortal Clothes that had been hidden until now created this moment for him, allowing him to practice the qualification of hurting Quan Yingyang as an opportunity and capture it as reality!

At this moment, Quan Yingyang is burning with anger, full of hatred, his left hand holds the light into the sea to contain the majestic sword force, and his right hand holds the light into an arrow, smashing the Ruyi fairy clothes thousands of times with one breath...

My heart was shocked!

His face was immediately covered with cracks, and a bright light shone from the outside. The body seemed to have turned into a porcelain vessel full of light, which was easily shattered, and the radiance filled the sky.

At this time, all attacks will be dodged by him, unless Jiang Wang can see his "truth".

But Jiang Wang just turned around without hesitation.

When the dissipated streamer regrouped into the shape of Quan Yingyang, Jiang Wang's figure had once again retreated.

That sword that flowed like fire and was full of murderous aura was actually taken away as soon as it was said.

But that sword has already frightened the real monster back!

If this scene can be known to the world, it will be enough for Jiang Wangxun.

Naturally, it was a shame for the real monster who was frightened back.

Quan Yingyang reacted and pressed with a palm. From him to Jiangwang, there was a distance of thousands of feet, all of them fell into darkness and lost their natural light!

In the darkness, Jiang Wang quietly buried the Seven Changes of the Canglong as a trap-the seed of the seven spirits that was trying to hide in the vitality, which appeared extraordinarily clear and ridiculous.

Quan Yingyang did not laugh, he would not laugh at a person who bravely faced a strong enemy.

He simply manipulated the streamers to disintegrate them before the ambush of the Canglong Seven Transformations broke out. At this moment, he stood in mid-air, but accommodated everything. All the brilliance between the heaven and the earth poured towards him almost endlessly.

The power of the real demon shakes the world, even Jiang Wang can't help but be drawn by his eyes, and look back at him!

The distance between Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang, which has completely fallen into darkness, is like a dark corridor in the world of Shenxiao. Quan Yingyang strode down the long corridor, stretched out his fingers, and stirred up the only light left in the darkness——Jiang Wang's red gold eyes, the light of his sword, the white light of frost, the red light of flowing fire, and even the The light of heaven burning in the chest and abdomen!

Use this five light against the five elements, against Jiang Wang!

There is a young Tianjiao in Shengguo, named Jiang Limeng, who has won the supernatural power of Si Yao, and thus became the master of light, and he has bloomed on the viewing platform.

Of course, Jiang Wang has never forgotten, and he has already studied how to fight. After a short confrontation with Quan Yingyang, he had already made preparations secretly.

But Quan Yingyang's control over the light fell directly to the level of rules, and it didn't even involve the power of supernatural powers, which completely penetrated his preparations!

His celestial light in turn strangled the five prefectures, his red light pierced his flowing fire, his frosty light fought against his unfavorable wind, his sword light attacked his long sword, tore his fairy clothes, his His gaze shot at his eyeballs!

Yuanli is completely confused, and all Taoism involving Yuanli can no longer be established.

In this dark environment, Jiang Wang's light became Jiang Wang's cocoon, and his flying figure was fixed in the air, bound and hurt by the light for a while!

It is impossible to defend against right and wrong.

The blazing light between the chest and abdomen hit Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen like a sieve.

The Ruyi Immortal Clothes could not stop it, and the Xuantian Liuli Kung Fu was vulnerable.

The frost, wind and red fire scattered around him.

The sauvignon blanc clanged repeatedly, and was hit by Jian Guang so hard to grasp, it was like a boat in a raging sea, ready to capsize at any time.

Fortunately, there is a fountain of youth!

The cyan immortal jade beads continuously convey vitality.

The physical injury recovered instantly, and the Ruyi fairy clothes fluttered again.

The flames all over his body were gone, Jiang Wang turned around and turned his sword, and at the same time he rang the Zhiwen bell, he folded the Big Dipper. At this moment, I am the spoon, and Sauvignon Blanc is the handle.

There is no starlight above, no sword light below.

Only the faint cold front can cut through the darkness, and the whole world is winter!

Quan Yingyang, who had just pierced through the darkness so far, happened to meet the sword, and immediately entered the corridor holding the light. The bright light also forms a sword in the dark corridor, this light sword can kill you dozens of times in an instant.

In the fourth round, Jiang Wang was pierced in the left abdomen. Ninth risk of being cut neck. At the thirteenth round, the wrist holding the sword was cut in half!

The superb swordsmanship among the younger generation of Shenlin cultivators could not be supported in front of Quan Yingyang.

At the level of a real monster, what you look at is not the tricks, but the rules.

No matter how perfect the sword moves based on oneself, if they cannot meet the fundamentals of this world, there will be loopholes everywhere at the level of rules.

But what makes Quan Yingyang vigilant is that Jiang Wang is not relying on the recovery given by the Fountain of Youth, and blindly trying to replace injuries with injuries. It is clear that the battle is fierce, and it is in danger, but it will never advance rashly.

Jiang Wang's injury-for-injury exchange is to replace his own fatal injury with his own serious injury, and in the process of exchanging injury for injury, he quickly gets familiar with the feeling of fighting a real monster!

Ordinary monks of God's presence, of course, can't do this.

Not to mention how many times I died in the process of "familiarity". The monks of Shenlin want to be "familiar" with the fighting style of the real monster, but there is a gap in vision and a barrier in cognition!

And these... were erased by Zhiwen Zhong.

Really good baby!

Quan Yingyang flicked his sword, intending to cut off the bronze bell.

Jiang Wang used You Feng to reach the critical point of life and death, and put on a posture of exchanging his life for his life-crazier than beheading his head!

Quan Yingyang wants to abolish his magical powers, cut off his five limbs, and give this person the most painful torture in the world.

But the support of Bulao Yuzhu almost made Jiang Wang an unkillable existence, let alone the possibility of mutilation. As the treasure of the world, the treasure of mythology, the last bit of original savings in those long years, it is impossible to recover by itself, but it is more than enough to support Jiang Wang, who is just a god.

Although the realm is suppressed, the swordsmanship is crushed. The knowledge given by the constantly ringing bells still made Jiang Wang aware of the real demon's methods, and he firmly guarded the Zhiwen Bell and the Immortal Jade Bead.

As far as Yu Quanyingyang is concerned, it should be regarded as a kind of torture to constantly cut and cripple his opponents, but looking at Jiang Wang's resolute eyes, he feels more and more that he is the one who is being tortured.

He wanted to break Jiang Wang's sword defense time and time again, cut off Ruyi's fairy clothes time and time again, smashed the Xuantian Liuli Art, and then smashed Jiang Wang's golden body and chalcedony... and then watched these things recover quickly with his own eyes, and tried again. Come.

Of course, no matter how good Zhiwen Zhong and Bulao Yuzhu are, they are just foreign objects. It is impossible for a real monster in this world to find a way to truly obliterate his opponent. All he needs is to understand the real time and truly grasp this world!

A secluded corridor runs through the sky, and there is a life and death situation in the middle.

And this corridor continues to spread, becoming longer and wider.

The entire world of Shenxiao was swallowed by more and more light, so it became darker and darker.


When Ling Xihua was still crawling on the mountain road, he heard the name of Hu Taisui called by Xiong Sansi, and the name of the Three Evil Tribulation Kings that Hu Taisui had claimed...and met the spirit father.

Although the spirit father possessed the spider string, although the spirit father did not look at him.

He had a broken arm, his courage was broken by Jiang Wang, and he was already weak... These factors affected him, and he didn't rush out to fight side by side with the spirit father immediately.

It is not without loyalty and bravery that it is impossible to hear.

The spiritual father... can understand.

It wasn't until the spirit father subdued Xiong Sansi, who already had the strength of a real monster, that he wanted to stand up and express a few thoughts. While he was talking, the situation changed suddenly, the spirit father conspired to seize the Conferred God Stage, and all the gods rose up to attack.

Spirit father is really confused!

In the demon world, if you fight against anyone, you should not fight against the ancient imperial city. In the future, the Spirit Race will still have to live here—if we really want to fight against it, we have to wait until the Spirit Race is full-fledged, right?

The spiritual father killed the gods with his eyes, and wherever his sight went, the statues of the gods collapsed one after another.

He couldn't help but straighten up.

When Xuannangong manipulated the gods, he directly fought against the spirit father.

He crawled down again.

Until a certain moment, the statues of gods and gods who rose up and killed from the altar of the sky demon suddenly stopped their offensive.

The real demon spider string controlled by the spiritual father suddenly stopped.

Then the pupil light dissipated, and the terrifying power disappeared, leaving only a remnant body with decaying breath, which fell from the Conferred God Stage and fell into the boundless sea of ​​clouds.

what happened! ?

Ling Xihua was inexplicably terrified.

it's dark.

The true demon dog Yingyang's absorption of skylight has continued here, and spread to the entire sacred mountain and further to the sacred mountain.

It shouldn't be a problem for Quan Yingyang to kill the fake monk of Mount Sumeru, and he doesn't care too much... The bad thing is that the plan of the spiritual father failed! Where does the Spirit Race go from here? Where do I go from here?

Those god statues did not disperse, but flew back to the Heavenly Demon Altar one by one, probably forming some kind of formation, and stood standing around the giant bronze tripod - I don't know what the picture is.

Ling Xihua looked at the dark sky in a daze, the sky light was completely killed, as if his eyes were about to be dragged away, there seemed to be some hidden terror. Looking down, I saw Chai Asi on the mountain road across a mountain platform, holding the rusty iron sword tightly, very nervous and cautious.

For some reason, the gesture of holding the sword reminded him of the monk on Mount Sumeru. There are indeed some similarities.

His gaze continued to shift, and finally found Xiong Sansi in the sea of ​​clouds.

Xiong Sansi, who was still hanging there, never stopped struggling, never stopped suffering——the method of the sky demon, even though it was gone.

Seeing his convulsed body and the spirit energy escaping from his body... Ling Xihua stood up suddenly, took a few steps, and picked up a thin sword from the ground—the two swords that the spider string had dropped at that time. One of the rapiers.

For some reason, he wanted to help this person out.

Of course he is not a kind person, and he has no feelings for Xiong Sansi.

But the mood here is unclear and unclear.

But it stopped.

Because at this moment, in Xiong Sansi's self-controlling eye... a black dot appeared in the blood and tears from the corner of the eye, and the black dot jumped into a black bug.

The Faith Worm of the Dharma-ending Era presented by Ji Xingkong!

At that moment, echoing the time, he helped Xiong Sansi lock the three evil robbers, but they were not exhausted. Without Xiong Sansi's knowledge, the last one remained.

At this time, he leaps high into the sky, stretches out the shadows, and turns into a night bodhisattva who has never seen him!

Hundreds of statues of the gods standing around the altar of the Heavenly Demon suddenly turned around, each on guard.

The Night Bodhisattva just raised his palm to stop him, and said in a deaf voice: "Busy your own affairs, Xuannan Gong. Whether it is to command the gods or do anything, the Buddha will not interfere with you."

This voice was not at all like the arrogant, playful and wicked taste he had in Moyun City, but deep, wise, and compassionate.

So the gods turned back.

And he looked down at the tormenting figure in the sea of ​​clouds, and sighed: "Why bother?"

He has had contact with Xiong Sansi for a long time, and even Shu Jialan doesn't know the inside story. This is another son he has fallen in the world of Shenxiao.

"The power of this believer can't fight against Tiger Tai Sui, I'm too late."

He was explaining why he didn't show up until Tiger Tai Sui was out.

But Xiong Sansi didn't seem to be able to hear anything, his whole body was twitching non-stop, even his mouth was twisted, and the corners of his mouth sprayed out blood from time to time.

With the power level of Ji Xingkong, of course it can be seen that Xiong Sansi has long lost his five senses. At this moment, all his strength and will are fighting against another part of his body.

What Hu Taisui deploys is an infinite loop method, and the part of the force that confronts Xiong Sansi's own will draws strength from Xiong Sansi's confrontation. In other words, the more fiercely Xiong Sansi fought, the stronger the force he needed to resist.

The harder you try, the more painful it is. The more struggling, the more tormented.

And he doesn't know...

He actually thought that his struggle could restrain part of Hu Taisui's strength, so he endured the pain so resolutely when the five senses couldn't maintain it!

I don't know what kind of existence Hu Taisui wants to create, and the methods are too cruel. But whatever the outcome, it's none of his business now.

The sound of deer sex and space exists through the five senses.

He continued to ask in Xiong Sansi's consciousness: "Is it worth it? The person you want to help, the comrade-in-arms you want to stand by, he doesn't even know that you are here to fight for him, and he doesn't even know who you are. Even what you All this is completely useless! It is impossible to escape the capture and killing of a real demon."

Xiong Sansi's body trembled violently like an electric shock, he twisted his facial features, struggled and struggled in a way of gnashing his teeth, and finally let out a voice from his throat: "I am... a human!"

He didn't seem to answer directly, but he had answered everything.

The character stands on the ground and supports the sky!

Since ancient times, all those who have fought for the future of the human race have done nothing more than three words - "do everything possible"!

When manpower is limited, but do what you can.

Ling Xihua and Chai Asi looked up at the Ye Bodhisattva from different positions.

And Ye Bodhisattva still stared at Xiong Sansi, with a dark lotus seal in his hand, and said in a compassionate voice: "Fool! I know you are suffering and suffering, and now you are sailing on the sea of ​​suffering, and you will finally see the other side...I will save you. "

"The Tathagata, the demon master, has attained the Tao, and the Tao prospers in the Dharma-ending era."

"At the time of the end of the Dharma, the devil wears the Buddha's clothes. With a worldly heart, greedy for five-color ornaments, the five rebellions and turbid world!"

"At the end of the Dharma, it is not like the time of the Dharma. It is more necessary to save suffering and relieve disasters than thunder.

Under the seat of the demon master Tathagata, there should be eight ghosts and gods.

The first is called ghosts, the second is called gods, the third is called Rakshasa, the fourth is called Kavali, the fifth is called Pandava, the sixth is called Abhidhata, the seventh is called Kama, and the eighth is called... Marakana! "

"As promised before, I will give you a clear way. Think twice and trust me, and you are willing to enter my Black Lotus Temple. From then on, you and the clan you formed because of you should obtain the supreme good law, protect the common people, and protect the common people with demons. Luo Jiana's name! As the fruit of the final dharma, do you wish to have it?"

On the Heavenly Demon Altar, a statue of a god who had already walked to the huge bronze cauldron and was about to put something in it couldn't help but look sideways for a moment.

Another move of Ji Xingkong is to pick the fruit of Tiger Tai Sui! To turn the entire spirit race into Marakana!

What a beating dog!

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