Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1852 Don't need me

Could it be that the discussion of the two great beings was interrupted by Jiang Wang?

Ling Xihua's eyes widened, unable to believe what he saw.

Jiang Wang himself was also at a loss.

Because the Zhiwen Zhong, which he placed high hopes on, failed to respond to Yu Zhen's old way, and even failed to touch Yu Zhen's spirituality at all. However, his sword, which was doing his best, stirred up snow all over the sky and made the sky cold.

Could it be that my sword can really stir up the long river of time and destroy the layout of the transcendent?

Although his sword edge did not gain real sense.

But the figure that represented Yu Zhen had indeed disappeared.

And the majestic figure with the hanging crown stepped out of the long river of time alone and stepped back to the high vault.

In the process of stepping back to the sky, he and the river of time reflected in the sky behind him disappeared in the sparkling light.

Only a melancholy voice was left behind: "The Supreme God is not what he asked for."

And then a sigh—

"Yu Zhen doesn't want to."

Even this sigh gradually faded away and disappeared gradually.

unwilling? !

Emperor Yuanxi continued the layout for tens of thousands of years to find such a possibility, so that the ancestor Yuzhen had such an opportunity to return to detachment, re-prove his greatness, and continue the legend.

And even so...

Yu Zhen didn't want to either?

There were so many beings with different identities and plans, no one was Yu Zhen, so no one could understand Yu Zhen's decision.

But the spirituality of Patriarch Yuzhen and the remnants of Emperor Yuanxi have indeed disappeared. For a great existence like them, following one's heart is the principle of heaven, and it really doesn't need anyone's understanding.

But what about Wanshenhai?

What about the body of the god king?

How will the tens of thousands of years of planning and dedication of the Fengshentai end? Is it all empty?

Xuannan Gong did not hesitate to collide head-on with Hu Taisui in Shenxiao World and Moyun City respectively.

He also manipulated the red fire statue with his main idea, and was the first to jump into the cauldron, igniting the sacred fire of the altar. And read the formation of the gods separately, and recite the "Book of the God of the Great Demon Doing God" together, and jointly cast the body of the supreme and noble god king.

It can be said that he has put his heart and soul into it, and only waits for the spiritual return of the great ancestor Yuzhen to achieve great achievements. You may also be able to glimpse the supreme path yourself.

Now that the body of the god king has not been carved yet, Patriarch Yuzhen...isn't coming?

The Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods has been raging for tens of thousands of years with nothing to gain, and Emperor Yuanxi has left no other arrangements!

For my life, for my life!

The bystanders could not understand the four characters on the body of the tripod. Xuan Nangong, who was in charge of the Conferred God Platform and was familiar with many historical secrets, understood the meaning of the engraved characters very well.

At that time, Emperor Yuanxi was seriously injured and wanted to abdicate in favor of the great ancestor Yuzhen.

The patriarch Yuzhen said that in today's Yaozu, Yuzhen became emperor, and his longevity is far less than that of Yuanxi. Therefore, it is replaced by Shouyuan.

Thinking about it, Emperor Yuanxi also felt guilty in his heart, so he arranged for the Conferred God Platform to bring him back.

Even this Heavenly Demon Altar was destroyed by Emperor Yuanxi himself after he completed his mission, saying that it was to avoid the vigilance of the human race. And engraved on the body of the tripod with the words "Your life for me" will be inseparable from the great ancestor Yuzhen after a few years.

But my Great Emperor Yuanxi, although you are talented and general, you look down on the heavens, but for such a major event, can't you first ask the opinion of Great Ancestor Yuzhen?

It was only when things came to an end that he realized that he didn't want to.

Knowing this earlier, it would be better to sell Hu Taisui to save face, but let his dream of Huangliang be shattered!

At this moment, Jiang Wang shook the bell to ask for a way but failed. And soaring in mid-air, almost facing the god king. Above it is the long river of time that has been dispersed, and below it is the look up of the gods.

The statues of gods with different shapes looked at them with various eyes.

Such a scene is really... a bit embarrassing.

Xuannan Gong can control thousands of statues and fight against Hu Taisui who controls the spider string. His combat power in this world of gods is definitely higher than that of real monsters.

But at the moment when Jiang Wang pierced through with his sword, all the gods were enshrining the body of the god king, and he presided over it in the middle, so he couldn't be distracted.

Now I can be distracted, but this god king body that has been refined to a critical juncture, it is not to let it go, and it is not to let it go. As a result, the atmosphere on the Heavenly Demon altar was a little weird.


Lu Qilang, who had the rose demon mark cut off from his heart, took care of his injuries carefully and recovered about 60% to 70% of his combat strength before returning to the mountain with his sword.

But after returning from this trip, the whole world seemed to be different, which really made him a little confused.

That body was covered in blood, like Jiang Wang.

Why hasn't he been captured yet, and he ran back to the Heavenly Demon altar?

Could it be that he was caught by Quan Yingyang and was hanging there to be tortured?

But there is no reason not to disarm the torture, even Bu Lao Yuzhu and Zhiwen Zhong did not disarm...

He glanced at Quan Yingyang, and was about to say something, when suddenly his heart moved, and his spiritual awareness suddenly emerged, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the mountain road where Ye Bodhisattva and Ling Xihua were.

People also jumped up!


Located on the mountain platform, on the mountain path climbing to a higher place, Chai Asi was moved by the brilliance of Jiang Wang's sword, and suddenly a strange feeling arose in his heart.

Painful and warm.

That kind of feeling is like returning to the dilapidated small courtyard where I grew up, seeing my grandfather leaning on the recliner, bathed in the sun, with his eyes closed, deeply wrinkled, and talking about those long-standing and far-fetched things.

He didn't know why, tears streaming down his face for a moment, he couldn't help running down the mountain, flew across the mountain platform, and stumbled towards the cliff stone carving.


Let's say that the deer Xingkong Yixinworm can capture the night of the world of Shenxiao and become a night bodhisattva. The power that can be exerted is also enough to reach the level of a true demon.

But it's just a letter bug, and its load is limited.

He also needs to save effort, endure when Tiger Tai Sui is raging, wait when Xiong Sansi is in pain, and only relax after branding lotus flowers for Ling Xihua and turning the Lingzu into Marakana.

There are at least three more chances to make a move, so I can arrange something for myself in the world of Shenxiao.

The capture of the changes in the flower-shaped stone carvings on the mountain wall comes from the vision of the sky demon.

As for the unknown conversations on the long river of time, he doesn't speculate too much.

Picking the fruit of Tiger Tai Sui has completed the Eight Parts of Ghosts and Gods, and the Black Lotus Temple has already won enough benefits in the world of Shenxiao. As for the earliest target Zhiwen Zhong...

Although I don't know how Jiang Wang got rid of Quan Yingyang's pursuit and rushed over, and why he unknowingly released his sword at the long river of time... But now is not the right time?

Master Xuannan's attitude at this time is very important for manipulating the gods. Of course, he represents Black Lotus Temple here, but Gu Nanshan has been completely eliminated, and his advantage is still obvious.

In addition... Although Quan Yingyang has an ugly record of letting Shenlin run away, he is a real monster after all, and he needs to be vigilant even when he only has three chances to use the phone.

Thinking about the situation, the flower-shaped stone imprint on the cliff was full of twilight at this moment.

Confined by the power of the letter worm, unable to support the eyesight of the demon, Ye Bodhisattva was shocked to realize at this time that these light scattered faintly had something to do with the dead spider girl!

Or to be more precise, it has something to do with the supernatural powers of that spider girl.

Lan Yinxu fruit!

That is the trace of the supernatural power that Zhuxian intends to collect, but will not be able to collect in the future.

The faint gleam filled the flower-shaped imprint, so the stone carvings bloomed.

On that cliff, a flower with three buds and stalks, divided into yellow, red and white, unexpectedly grew!



Before the stone carvings bloomed.

Sensing the puzzled look cast by the young master Shenxiang Huahailu, Quan Yingyang was really ashamed and flustered, and shouted at Jiang Wang: "I drove you back to confess your sins and subdue the law, how dare you be presumptuous! People don't know death, so Can you be so bold!?"

The body spreads its wings like a big roc, and goes straight to the mountain platform.

The art of language is as good as it is!

Action is faster than sound.

Jiang Wang had good reasons to suspect that this fellow wanted to silence his mouth.

But who is Jiang Wang?

It is not wrong to say that he is bold.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to fight Yu Zhen and Yuan Xi.

He's going to be killed by you monster races, how can he be submissive to you? !

It involves life and death, the demon king can kill, the real monster can fight, let your demon emperor patriarch, if you can pull one, you can cut a hair, it is also a hair.

At the first moment when Zhiwen Zhong failed to find the way, the feeling of bewilderment had not yet dissipated, his body had already reacted first, twisted his body, and Sauvignon Blanc directly stabbed into the body of the God King not far away!

The body of the god king, whose body was made of a golden lacquered puppet and clothed with divine power gold liquid, let out a painful hiss, and cracks of light exploded on the surface of the body, and the divine power poured out crazily.

The balance between God and body that Duke Xuannan worked so hard to build was instantly broken!

This is the body of the god king who has the opportunity to carry the personality of the supreme god. The specific construction details of the body must be grasped by the once detached ancestor Yuzhen. Only relying on him, Xuannan Gong, cannot create a body that respects gods. His efforts are more of a continuation of Emperor Yuanxi's layout, condensing the tens of thousands of years of accumulation in the Sea of ​​Gods, maintaining a delicate balance, and waiting for the arrival of the Great Ancestor Yuzhen—this is exactly the case, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time , so there is no distraction for a moment.

It is hard to imagine that before the great ancestor Yuzhen returned spiritually to unify this body, and had time to choose a god from the Immemorial Imperial City's Conferred God Platform in the future to be granted a temporary conferment, he took Jiang Wang's sword first.

All of a sudden, the gods on the Conferred God Stage glared angrily, but they were limited by the formation and couldn't make a move. In other words, after all, Xuannan Gong was reluctant to scrap the god-king body that had been built for tens of thousands of years. It's just that on the one hand, he wants to sit in the body of the god king and try his best to make up for the gap in the body of the god. On the one hand, gather the divine will of the gods, grasp the divine power like a waterfall, and instantly gather into a golden Dharma protector general!

Although it is only the image of God Mao, although it is easily condensed, and although it cannot be dedicated to fighting, it is still not a problem to control this body to deal with a monk who comes to God.

The Dharma Protector held a pumpkin hammer, and it hit Jiang Wang's chest the moment he condensed, smashing the body protector Tianfu Light, Xuantian Glazed Art, and collapsed the breastbone.

Daqi pumpkin warriors are hammered by pumpkins.

The internal organs were all crushed, and the front breastbone was attached to the back spine!

Tian Yao and Shenlin's understanding of combat is completely different, and there is no room for reaction.

But with the support of Bulao Yuzhu, Jiang Wang, who was flying upside down, healed his injuries instantly, and even made a thunderous sound: "Zhaoyunfeng is a real monster! If your kung fu is as good as your mouth, I, Jiang, will also Don't fly here!"

While exposing Quan Yingyang's background, he turned around and rushed towards Quan Yingyang: "How dare you challenge me one-on-one!"

At least he is already familiar with Quan Yingyang's power, but the level of Yan Dao is unpredictable. Not to mention that he temporarily gathered into a Dharma protector general, even if it was just a straw man holding a strand of catkins, he would not dare to approach!

If the Dharma protector manipulated by Duke Xuannan hadn't made a move, then Quan Yingyang would have killed him too, and Jiang Wang was given a chance to speak out without noticing for a while. Said: "No one should interfere, I will kill this beast within three moves!"

I don't know if he was really mad, or he was coveting Zhiwen Zhong and the Fountain of Youth, and dared to command Xuannan Gong and Ye Bodhisattva.

But Jiang Wang, who was flying quickly, saw that he could still negotiate the terms, and immediately shouted: "Are there no young and strong monsters? Why are they all old and weak! How dare you let your new king of the Tianbang, Lu Qilang, challenge me !"

At this time, Lu Qilang had already flown to the rock wall of the mountain road, as if he had never heard of it.

It was even more impossible for Quan Yingyang to ignore it, so he grabbed Shenhui from the sea of ​​gods and pushed forward, and the arrows of light poured down like rain! At this time, there is no need to think about the reality of the world of cave gods, his soul has also come out of his body, and with a majestic momentum, he directly rushed into Jiang Wang's soul sea.

Smashing the tower facing the sky with palms, tearing up the Bodhisattva of Six Desires with one hand, stepping on the Daomai Tenglong to the ground with one foot, and pushing it with one hand, the door of Yunshen Temple opened wide!

This ancient and solemn hall has no majesty before the true monster and primordial spirit.

He walked in majestically, and reached out to grab Jiang Wang's spiritual body.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Dharma Altar is occupied by the gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Sea, and Xuannan Gong is in the middle to control it. On the mountain platform, the real demon dog Ying Yang and even Ye Bodhisattva were present, but Yu Zhen's old way was not achieved by ringing the bell.

As far as rational judgment is concerned, Jiang Wang really has no need to resist.

hopeless indeed...

All attempts have failed, all roads have either been cut or proved infeasible.

But give it another try and go for another walk.

If he can't beat Quan Yingyang, it's worth cutting off a drop of his blood.

If you can't go home, it's good to take a step closer to home!

In the midst of this fast-moving wind, the world of Shenhun has been defeated again and again. In the battle outside of Shenhun, Jiang Wang and Quan Yingyang met in the Sea of ​​Thousands of Gods.

It was supposed to be a one-touch fight.

As Quan Yingyang said, in the case of his full attack, he will kill him within three moves. The battle between the real monster and the gods is as it should be.

But at this time, all the gods went to the altar of the demon, and the gods were captured by Quan Yingyang, so the sea of ​​gods seemed dark, suddenly there were golden lights like stars.

The golden color like the rising sun made Quan Yingyang instantly think of Xiong Sansi, and remembered the first shot in this world at this time!

Xiong Sansi is dead! Xiong Sansi is dead, and there is no Rao Bingzhang in the world.

His spiritual body has disintegrated in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, and he is truly dead, completely dead...but his spear intent is still alive!

At the last moment of silence and perseverance, he scattered in the sea of ​​gods and left the last shot.

Hiding "I" in "nothing" for the last time.

Die first and then hide, so it can be hidden from the eyes of insight.

Because he really died, unless he went to investigate the sea of ​​gods after his death.

He didn't know who his opponent would be.

Maybe Spider String, maybe Quan Yingyang, maybe Ye Bodhisattva, in short, it's a monster race.

He thought Jiang Wang was dead, so he didn't expect anyone to send a message.

It's just that a gun is the courage of a hundred soldiers.

Master said that those who use guns will advance but not retreat, and will never return.

It's just that he is the disciple of Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Great Qi Army, the senior brother of Chen Zeqing, the number one soldier in the nine-pawn military strategy, and the senior brother of Ji Zhaonan, the number one swordsman in Linzi... Great Qi Tianjiao, the right general.

When he came to this world, he always wanted to leave something behind.

If you don't leave something for the human race, leave something for the monster race.

At this moment, the sea of ​​gods is like the sea of ​​stars.

At the same time when Quan Yingyang saw those golden lights, the sun had already risen in the east, and a golden gun came out!

Shatter all, shine all.

Instant belly piercing!

The first shot in this world at this time is also the last shot in this world.

As if destined, there is this reincarnation.

The first shot that repelled Quan Yingyang was also the first to penetrate him!

This gun—

No intention, no thought, no heart, no thought.

There is no it can be invincible.

There is no way of me, this is the true biography!

Those who recognize this gun are not in this world...

It doesn't matter.

If you come to the demon world in the future.

There is no me in the world...

Don't have me!

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