Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1853

In the sea of ​​gods, the dead bear thinks twice, when he blooms his last brilliance.

The stone carvings on the mountain wall just happened to bloom.

This plant has three buds and pedicles, which are divided into yellow, red and white, and the pistil is faint, like a dream.

Lu Qilang got inspiration, Chai Asi stumbled...

Ling Xihua beside the mountain road is already fascinated! I don't know its treasure yet, but I have been fascinated by its dream.

And the Night Bodhisattva transformed by Xin Chong also has bright eyes, awakening Ling Xihua with one hand, and picking flowers directly with the other... It is not in vain for the Buddha to wait here!

Now even Xuannan Gong, who was still working hard to repair the body of the god king and maintain its balance, turned around through the guardian god!

"Three Lives Orchid Flower!"

compared to this flower.

The confrontation that took place in the Sea of ​​Thousand Gods seemed to be irrelevant.



No matter how much God's presence struggles, it's still God's presence. No matter how embarrassing a real monster is, it is still a real monster.

Since the real shot, Quan Yingyang has not actually suffered any losses.

The truth of this world is also understood, and the night of this world is also grasped, and the human race's arrogance has also been tortured and killed in every possible way-it's just that the immortal jade beads hang their lives, not dead.

Jiang Wang tried his best to catch him by surprise, inherit from the Immortal Palace, and know the clock, but it only knocked off a drop of his blood.

How would you describe the injury of this drop of blood?

——If it wasn't for timely treatment, the wound would have healed itself.

It wasn't until the moment when the golden gun pierced his belly that he really suffered a big loss!

Inherited from the Feijian era, the three peaks of Feijian used to be proud of the sky.

Only my swordsmanship, the invincible Xiang Fengqi died, and the descendant of the Outer Building Realm, Hangjian Laoshan, is still taking care of his old friend's foundation.

The selfless Sword Demon is in a daze, occasionally sober. I don't know what I was looking for in that moment of accidental sobriety.

So far, only Wuwo Kendo has embarked on a new path.

Jiang Mengxiong practiced boxing with broken swords, and Rao Bingzhang turned boxing into spears.

Of course, he does not have the courage to challenge the heroes of the world like the Great Qi Army God, but he has also blazed his own path.

This non-self shot that dies first and then hides, the non-self continues the non-self, and the final echoes the beginning, which is inevitable. In the world of Shenxiao, he inherited Jiang Mengxiong's way and also explained his own way.

This gun penetrates the body of the true demon who has already seen the true immortality. First "no self", and then "invincible". It is necessary to beat Quan Yingyang's "truth" into "false", and Quan Yingyang's "existence". "none". This gun has the power to annihilate everything, not only the power of flesh and blood, but also all cognition and all existence.

Historian Wu Zhaixue has a theory-the era is always lost by the weak, and the Feijian alone is lost by the strong.

That is to say, in the Feijian era, the sharpness was too strong, and it was extremely self-inflicted. This era rises like a comet and falls like a comet. It lasted only one hundred and seven years, but left an indelible brilliance in the history books.

The flying swords of the past are the top three, and there is no one else, and the sword spans the sky, the earth and the sky!

Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang met in the sea of ​​ten thousand gods, but before the official contact, a huge hole was blown out of his abdomen.

Body, mind, and spirit are all injured!

This time...Jiang Wang, whose soul was wounded and was forcibly beaten into the Temple of Yun by the True Demon Primordial Spirit, saw this radiant shot.

I saw the familiar selflessness in it.

I remembered the phrase "There is no snow in the Ziwu hills, and I haven't held a gun for thirteen years!"

I thought of Ji Zhaonan, the senior brother who fell into the demon world and left only a Shaohua spear.

Dazedly understood why two true demons descended into the world at Fengshentai, but only one Quan Yingyang came to chase and kill him.

And got to know Xiong Sansi again.

Although Xiong Sansi is no longer here!

This is not the time for melancholy, and Jiang Wang in battle never misses the opportunity.

Xiong Sansi's last and first selfless shot pierced through Quan Yingyang's abdomen, trying to annihilate his vitality, but also inevitably hurt Quan Yingyang's primordial spirit!

After the presence of the gods, the power of the soul is manifested in the world, and it is condensed as one, which is the spiritual consciousness. At this point, the spirit has the power to directly interfere with reality.

After Dongzhen, using the spirit to refine the gods, there is even a means for the primordial spirit to leave the body. With a thought, the world turns around.

But why is the primordial spirit out of the body often used as a means of suppressing the bottom of the box by the strong at the real level, and will not use it easily?

As soon as the Yuanshen left, the Yuanshen Sea would be empty. In a high-level battle, the soul world is almost defenseless at this time.

Dealing with Jiang Wang is certainly not a problem, but there is also the gun that Rao Bingzhang turned out to be.

At this moment, it was like Quan Yingyang mobilizing the army, coming out in full force, and angrily attacking the enemy city. But a surprise soldier behind him has already taken over the lair and is setting fire to destroy the house!

At this time, Quan Yingyang has two choices. Support yourself and kill Jiang Wang's soul first. Or return to the primordial spirit first, and after eliminating your own hidden dangers, it will not be too late to kill the enemy.

In the sky above the sea of ​​gods, he grabbed the scattered golden light, grasped the power of Taoism in his hands, and plunged into the huge hollow in his abdomen, quickly strangling the raging spear intent.

And in Jiang Wang's Yunshen Temple, the true demon primordial spirit who broke into the temple by blasting open the gate, pulled himself out and walked out.

He made a second—

No, the third option!

While preparing to return, his true demon primordial spirit probed far away and grabbed Jiang Wang's manifest body. He restrained it easily, cast several secret techniques in an instant, and dragged this soul body from the throne, like dragging a corpse, and walked out!

The real monster caves in the world and controls everything.

He also had to hold Jiang Wang's soul and force him to ask some secrets of the human race, such as the skills of the Shengwen Xianyu.

But what he was dragging...wasn't a corpse.

This should not be a choice he would have!

Jiang Wang has been in the demon world for many days...

He spent the Spring Festival in 3922 in the Dao calendar in the demon world.

Also in the mirror world, I spent my 22nd birthday.

Every day in the demon world, he is fighting against God's will!

Make a dojo in a snail shell.

Unable to get out of Moyun City, he also tossed and tossed as much as he could in the city. From the three completely different monster races of Chai Asi, Zhu Dali, and Yuan Laoxi, three completely different paths were developed, but each path ended in a dead end.

He kept Chen Cang in the dark and hid in the Lianxi Inn. However, the mountains and rivers recovered again, and he returned to the old Chai family home.

Keep trying, keep failing. Keep failing and keep trying.

And going astray is just an answer to the so-called God's will and the so-called destiny!

I am going astray, you are going astray!

I was wrong, or you are wrong!

whose mistake? !

Until entering the world of Shenxiao.

The game of Xingnian, the game of Ji Zhiben, the game of Lu Ximing, the game of Ji Xingkong, the game of Cicada Fayuan, the game of Spider Yi, the game of Tiger Tai Sui, the game of Xuannan Gong...

And on top of that, Emperor Yuanxi and Great Ancestor Yuzhen had a dialogue spanning tens of thousands of years.

And under this, he Jiang Wang who is regarded as a pawn but has his own will, Xiong Sansi who struggled to survive like him for more years than him, and even the real demon Spider Xian, Quan Yingyang, and the demon king. Yang Yu, Shu Jialan, Zhu Lanruo, Lu Qilang, She Guyu, and even Ling Xihua!

Going back in time, there is still a generation of Sky Demon Crane Huating.

Looking further down, there are also Chai Ah Si, Zhu Dali, Yuan Mengji, Yu Xin, Spider Hide and so on.

Thousands of clues are intertwined with each other, as if each anchor point is entangled with countless lines of fate. Just displaying these clues makes people dizzy. But they are all intertwined and paved into a river of fate!

Who can ride a lone boat in this river?

Time, space, cause and effect.

Every chess piece is a chess player of its own destiny. And every so-called "chess player" is not a pawn of a higher existence?

At that time, Jiang Wang was soaked in blood, stepped over the altar of the demon, leaped over the huge bronze cauldron, and on the soaring divine fire, rang the bell of knowledge but got nothing, and pointed his sword at the long river of time but got nothing. He has an unprecedented loss and bewilderment, but also an unprecedented freedom and magnanimity.

Not that - I'm dead, so I'll do whatever I can.

It's not like - I've tried everything, but the path is dead, so let's just leave it at that.

But at that moment, he suddenly understood a truth - the road is under his feet.

Could it be that if you take Zhiwen Zhong, Zhiwen Zhong must be responsible for you, Jiang Wang, and you will be able to respond to the way home?

Could it be that if Zhiwen Zhong couldn't find his way home, that way must not exist?

Zhiwen Zhong couldn't find his way back, and he didn't have enough vision to see the distance, and he didn't know the direction to go home.

But if you can see the land three feet in front of you, walk within it.

Under limited conditions, make the best choice.

Hasn't it always been like this?

Even if it is the opposite in the end, but at this moment, who can say that I am not moving forward?

At that moment, all the gods looked up, and the fire was burning.

In such a windy sky, he felt that he was on a three-dimensional chessboard, up, down, left, right, and even every oblique angle was densely packed with causal lines.

Pull one hair, move the whole body.

Every choice is related to fate.

He saw "right" and "wrong", and also examined his own "right" and "wrong".

His wrong path has been fully realized and can blossom, but the right time is not at that moment.

The premise of controlling the wrong path is to be able to recognize the wrong path, understand oneself, and recognize right and wrong. He knows that even if the false path blossoms, it will be difficult to shake the true demon, which is based on a full understanding of Quan Yingyang. And such as Xuannan Gong, Ye Bodhisattva on the mountain road over there, don't even need to think about it.

In the process of confronting the will of the demon world, he got inspiration——

God's will never specifically points to something or someone, but when many coincidences collide, they can naturally evolve a result that is in line with God's will.

Going astray is of course making a fuss about the choice of the target, leading the target to the wrong choice. But it's not necessarily the only way to apply.

Just like in that inn earlier, he asked Chai Asi to deliberately look at the roof before leaving the room, which naturally aroused Yuanmengji's suspicion of the environment, and he naturally led Yuanmengji to check the bed in a wrong way. end.

Just like he faced Zhu Lanruo many times, he didn't use the wrong way, and even the wrong way should be difficult to shake Lan Yinxuguo... But under the pressure of his battle, Zhu Lanruo had to take action to graft cause and effect, and even helped him die. Survive.

In fact, he has been doing these things.

Only this moment, this moment!

At the right time, at the right place, he activated his magical powers! In the Second Inner Palace, the black and white seed slowly bloomed.

Everything is so calm and silent.

Even in the sea of ​​five houses, there were no waves. Even the Second Inner Palace has not been revealed, and the light of supernatural powers has not changed. Even outside the body, in the sky above the sea of ​​gods, Jiang Qingyang, the great Qi Tianjiao who was momentarily sluggish due to the capture of the manifested body of the soul, was still advancing with inertia.

Going astray silently, without knowing where you are.

To go astray is to let the opponent make the wrong choice among the existing choices. The wrong path after flowering can directly give the target a new choice!

Of course, the success of supernatural powers varies from time to place and from person to person.

At the moment when Quan Yingyang was shot by Dongzhen shot by Xiong Sansi without self, his soul was injured and he was eager to return, Jiang Wang used the wrong path after flowering to add a small choice to Quan Yingyang's return choice. choose--

By the way, he also restrained his divine soul manifestation body at the level of God's presence, and took him away together.

At this time, Quan Yingyang was seriously injured, and as Xiong Sansi's goal of eradicating "yes" into "nothing", he was still fighting against the power of Xiong Sansi's shot.

This leaves room for misdirection to take effect.

Of course, the possibility of success in going astray was magnified in Jiang Wang's Yuanshen Hai.

What's more, this little new choice is not dangerous to Quan Yingyang.

Because his primordial spirit occupies an overwhelming strength advantage, he can indeed easily restrain Jiang Wang's manifested body of spirit and soul, and indeed he has.


Cuckoo, cluck, cluck.

In Yuanshen Sea, there was such a lonely sound of water.

Just when Quan Yingyang's true demon primordial spirit dragged Jiang Wang's manifested body out of the tall and majestic Yunshen Temple—there was the sound of water gurgling from above the door curtain.

Waterfall from the sky!

The Fountain of Youth appeared in the sea of ​​primordial spirit, pouring Quan Yingyang all over his head and body.

The current was so fast that it swept him over in an instant, pushing him and the soul of Jiang Wang he was dragging back into the Temple of Yun.


The temple door is closed!

The entire Yunshen Temple is full of torrents of water.

Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang are the lone boats among them.

The difference is that although Jiang Wang's spiritual body is controlled by his opponent, he is the master of this flowing water and the master of the fountain of youth.

With this sudden change, although Quan Yingyang was still struggling with his own injuries, Yuanshen also responded in time. With a big wave of his hand, his divine sense was used as a sword. While crushing Jiang Wang's divine soul, he was also preparing to make a sudden return.

But the men are empty.

Jiang Wang's soul manifested body exploded before Quan Yingyang's sword of divine sense slashed down!

The many restrictions that Quan Yingyang imposes on this body are like a knife resting on the neck, locking the wrists, and imprisoning the body.

But the bound prisoner... self-destructed.

Thoughts of pain, thoughts of killing the enemy, thoughts of survival, thoughts of homesickness, relatives, and old friends...

The manifested body of the spirit and soul, which was fully prepared, exploded into crystal clear thoughts, complicated and complicated. There are tens of millions of births and deaths in one breath, and now they are all counted here.

Immortal Art · Thought!

In the previous battle, Jiang Wang sat in his ears with the idea of ​​fairy art, solved the most critical problem about the art of art in the saravaka, and reproduced the ear fairy described in "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Dynasty".

At this moment, he directly blasted his body into Wan Nian, expanded all the innumerable immortal arts thoughts to the limit, and bombarded Quan Yingyang at close range, thus generating a million thoughts of mind and soul attacks!

There is indeed a barrier between the divine soul of the cultivator and the primordial spirit of the true demon.

But if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant.

Normally, Jiang Wang would not dare to do such a thing.

At the same time when the manifested body of the soul disintegrates and explodes countless immortal arts, he will also disappear and die.

But at this moment, Yunshen Temple has become another fountain of youth.

The owner of the Fountain of Youth is in the Fountain of Youth.

What is "Life and death, flesh and bones, true monsters prolong life"?

Just to heal the wound and mend the flesh and blood, but there will be no "dead"!

The power that can resurrect the dead can naturally act on the body and soul at the same time.

Just like when he was irrigated by the Fountain of Youth for the first time, he was full of blood in an instant, and his soul was as fresh as before, so that he could sweep the battlefield and kill the top Tianjiao Spider Lanruo.

In this sea of ​​primordial spirits that outsiders cannot see, in the Temple of Yunshen.

Thousands of immortal thoughts were bombarded by the true demon primordial spirit and shattered.

In addition to this, there are thousands of immortal thoughts revived.

Almost endless fairy thoughts, the tide rises and falls.

Quan Yingyang seems to have fallen into a samsara, passively enduring the infinite bombardment of Xiannian!

If this continues, it is unknown whether the power of the fountain of youth will be exhausted first, or the true demon primordial spirit will be exhausted first.

A mistake in one thought can lead you astray!

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