Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1861 In a world of great controversy, only Wu Anbang

The Wunan battlefield is already one of the most advanced battlefields for the two races of humans and monsters.

Because the first battle involved the grand start of the seven Yan Dao, in the future, no matter how it controls the intensity of the war, it will be more intense than other battlefields of the same level.

On this day, the war, not big or small, was still going on, and the soldiers were so disturbing that there was no cloud in the sky.

The majestic Nantian City and Wu'an City face each other far away, like two silent giant beasts.

They each had the opportunity to annex the other, and of course neither of them ever did.

Wenren Shen, the court official of the Qi State, confronted Que Mengchen, the commander of the Yu Clan's True Demon Iron Cage Army.

Such a war is not uncommon for the commanders of both sides.

At a certain moment, the sunny day suddenly revealed bright stars, and the light of that round of golden sun was suppressed... After the Yuheng star shines alone, the Big Dipper shines in the sky!

A soldier who had not yet joined the battle looked up, and just saw a brilliant star line, from far to near, coming from outside the sky.

What's this?

Looking carefully, it looks like a heavenly road. From the distant sky, all the way to this point.

And on this "Heavenly Road", there are dizzying roaring lights and shadows. The sky was red for a while, a hurricane suddenly appeared for a while, and the waves rolled wildly for a while... The undercurrent as deep as an iron curtain was violently torn apart by the five elements. The thunder that swept across tens of thousands of miles was annihilated in the crack that divided the eternal world.

This is the aftermath of the battle between the demon clan, the sky demon, and the human true monarch, which has spread all the way from the depths of the universe to here!

And against such a vigorous background.

People gazed into the distance, and discovered that on this road of stars... there were actually people!

There was a bloody figure, who came all the way here from the aftermath of the countless battles between the top experts, from the unknown sky... all the way!

His long hair is loose, his body is covered with blood, his face is not clear, but his back is straight and he is naturally high-spirited.

His speed is not fast, and his breath can be called weak, but every step is so firm!

who is he?

There is a nunnery in Wu'an City, where nuns from Xiyue nunnery live in a hut, chanting scriptures continuously every day.

The walls of Wu'an City were stained with blood early on.

In the corner of the outer wall, a line of characters carved by a high-ranking scholar has been blurred in many places in the smoke and fire, but the friendship in it can still be discerned.

It is not the fire of war that burns here, but fireworks.

The small nunnery in the city, the female nun in Tsing Yi...the daily incense burning, daily chanting, and prayers all fall here.

Her prayers and Jinxiu's prayers actually lead to the same goal by different routes.

But in the turmoil of life and death, they were all ignored.

When the Winter Emperor thanked and mourned for the snow to fall on the light bridge, the fireworks would have been scattered long ago...but it didn't matter.

Just like she offered incense and never bowed her head for the Bodhisattva. Just like her blessing, she never seeks to improve the Dharma.

She knocks on her wooden fish, recites her scriptures, burns her incense, and those who love her... no matter whether there is a response or not.

Today, one hundred and sixty-seven days later, the nun in Tsing Yi suddenly missed and smashed the wooden fish, and couldn't help standing up in the nunnery!

My heart is originally an ancient well in the mountains, how can you be like a bright moon!


Wu'an City, which stood on the side of the Wunan battlefield, suddenly trembled.

This is the iron seal branded on this war city at the beginning of its construction.

The response that was once only one step away from being established is like the sound of a drum at this moment!

With the sound of the drum, the humanity is bright.

Who will come here on the road of starlight?

He doesn't have to tell himself.

This is the city built for him!

This city, many people who have come and gone to this city, have called that name countless times!

At this moment, wish power overlaps, and extravagant dreams come true at this moment.

It was the young prince who walked down from the sky!

Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi Dynasty, returned from the Yaozu after five months and seventeen days after being captured in Frostwind Valley!

On the battlefield, a sword sounded suddenly.

Bai Yuxia, the first disciple of the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, was so excited that he swung his sword across the sky and raised a white dragon, screaming all over the battlefield: "In the world of great struggle, only Wu Anbang! Welcome to the Marquis!"

The Marquis of Wu'an Guards, who followed him and fought with him on the Wunan battlefield for several months, now have 131 people left, all of them fierce. At this time, everyone is wearing armor, everyone draws their swords, and the sword energy pierces the sky: "Welcome Lord Hou!"

One sound leads to a hundred sounds, and a hundred sounds lead to ten thousand sounds.

The sound forms waves, and the sound roars into the sea.

For a time, the entire Wu'an battlefield, all warriors of all races welcomed Wu'an and congratulated Wu'an Hou on his return!

The fighting was fierce on the battlefield, but Jiang Wang came in such a grand way, the monster army was actually intimidated, and it was difficult to advance for a while!

Only Que Mengchen, the commander of the monster tribe, stood in the Nantian city tower in a flying feather battle armor, and pointed his halberd at once: "Shoot him with this commander!"

Dozens of military crossbows turned immediately on the city wall, and the formations flashed and disappeared. Amidst the terrifying screaming sound, the huge crossbow arrow, which was more than ten feet long, tore through the space, pulled the black gap and shot towards the starlight sky road.

Dozens of crossbow arrows flew towards the sky, almost covering the sky, smashing the energy of heaven and earth, and engulfing half of the wall!

Under the intervention of the commander-in-chief's will, the monster soldiers continued to charge into Gao Qiong, almost shaking the starry sky.

Jiang Wang has been exhausted from driving the starlight all the way to this point. The long journey in the universe is always too reluctant for him now.

But he drew his sword without hesitation!

Wanjun called him by his name, but he used martial arts to strengthen himself and use martial arts to secure himself!

At this moment, the four star towers shook together, and with the momentum of returning from the sky, he faced Que Mengchen and the Yaozu army from a distance, and then opened the way to kill the sword.

Not to mention anything else, only this courage to draw the sword to confront Que Mengchen is worthy of the voice resounding on the battlefield at this time.

But courage is not enough to cross all.

Almost at the same time as he was looking at Que Mengchen, Shayi had invaded his body, he was unstable, and he was confused!

But also at this moment.

In front of him, a skinny figure suddenly appeared.

The bald head is not bright enough, the monk clothes are not new enough, and the back is not tall enough.

However, the wind blew the monk's robe, palms together, this thin old monk... At this moment, he was so towering that he seemed to hold up the sky!

"Hugh injury... I'm an apprentice!"

Wrapped in the evil spirit of the soldiers, the huge magic-breaking crossbow arrows representing the vanguard killing power of the Yaozu army were all suspended in front of the yellow-faced old monk.

The spirit of Que Mengchen and the evil spirit of the monster army were all frozen in the air.

The yellow-faced old monk, who was covered in wind and frost, looked back above Wanjun and smiled with satisfaction.

In the past, I didn't pay attention. This child, a tower was specially built in the four star towers! And you say you don’t have a teacher in your heart? Also said that there is no relationship with the Buddha? This kid is good at everything, but he is too shy!

When I want to fall into the hinterland of the monster clan, I watch the tower and cry every night!

"Good disciple!" The yellow-faced old monk said angrily, "Today I will pass on your housekeeping skills!"

His monk robe suddenly swelled, and boundless waves of air rippled around him.

Except for Jiang Wang behind him, the entire battlefield was devastated by the strong wind!

Two angry eyebrows raised like a whisk.

His body was filled with endless spiritual light.

The real people in the world feel bitter, and today they completely liberate themselves.

body sense!




All open!

The body is the five senses, the heart is the seven emotions, and the mind is the six thoughts... The spirit is the three wisdoms, which are the so-called hearing, thinking, cultivating, and receiving Bodhi!

The next moment, he had already set foot in Nantian City, appeared in front of Que Mengchen, and slapped Que Mengchen on the face!

Everyone was shocked.

It was not only Que Mengchen himself who was shocked by this blow, but also Wenren Shen, the official of Qi State.

In the past time, the old monk Kujue has appeared on the battlefield more than once, but he has never shown such great power.

Thinking of him, Que Mengchen, he is also a real monster powerhouse, and he is also in command of the army at this time, and he can mobilize the power of the army at any time.

But it was just a single thought about Jiang Wang who came back that day, and the bitter feeling went crazy!

Body, mind, mind, and spirit are all bound!

Before Dao Ze's supernatural powers could be used, he was slapped down with a slap. The city tower was pressed down, the battle armor was broken, the city wall collapsed, and the skull was pressed into the chest cavity!

It's not that easy to die for a dignified real monster.

But at this moment, feeling the pain of hanging the tower of Nantian City, he casually lowered his hand and made another slap.


A huge handprint with a length and width of hundreds of feet appeared on the spot. Que Mengchen was like a small nail, nailed to the very center of this huge handprint, nailed into the ground.

At first glance, a huge valley appeared just like this at the gate of Nantian City.

Feeling the pain of shining spiritual light all over his body, he changed his usual playful smile and let the monk's robes rattle, Hong Sheng said: "Those who want to kill my disciples, do so!"

Although Jiang Wang has returned safely.

But he didn't forget how Jiang Wang, who was already an overlord and should have had a smooth sailing, disappeared overnight.

The mastermind behind the incident in Frostwind Valley has yet to be found out.

He, an old monk, can't do much.

But he wants to let the people behind the scenes know, for Jiang Wang, how far he can go with his bitterness, and what level his bitterness is!

Whoever wants to touch Jiang Wang in the future, weigh more!


The clear sky suddenly roared like a lion, and the thunder continued for nine days.

Shi Anxuan, with blond hair, golden armour, and purple eyes, stepped out of the golden sun, grasping the endless light and heat, and was about to capture the yellow-faced monk with a single slap.

"This is rampant!?"

A fist wearing a black knuckle appeared out of the blue and met the slap without any tricks.

With just one punch, the lion clan sky demon was blown back, and it was blasted into the huge palm print near the gate of Nantian City, making it stand side by side with Que Mengchen.

Jiang Mengxiong's extremely domineering figure condensed behind his fist at this time, and said angrily: "It's nothing to beat you to death?! Call Yuan Xianting!"

The air confrontation around the starlight sky road ended hastily, and he just felt so refreshed!

While speaking, Qi Guanying, who was dressed in a black armor and possessed extraordinary martial arts, came with a narrow knife: "Jiang Mengxiong, tell me about you, are you a reckless man? The little guy has worked so hard to send you a letter, and it took him only a few days to die. Fleeing here, it’s not good for you to prepare for the battle in the world of God’s Firmament, but you still want to fight for an inch of land here, just for a while?”

He didn't move at all, but the space around him had already begun to die, and even his original energy was withering.

All the signs of withering also fell on the starlight path, making it dim at an extremely fast rate, and even the protective starlight left by Guan Yan could not stay for a long time at all.

Jiang Mengxiong shattered Qi Guanying's small movements with a casual punch, and said coldly: "Only the strong are qualified to open the door to kill the enemy, and the weak just destroy the city and lure wolves into the house! You have been imprisoned here for too long, and you don't know how big the world is. I don't think you can understand whether the world of Shenxiao is calamity or luck!"

Then there was a burst of laughter.

On the starry sky road, blossoming flowers unexpectedly bloomed.

"The luck of the monster race, the calamity of the human race! What's so hard to understand?"

Lu Ximing walked down to Gao Tian with a chuckle, already holding a sword in his hand.

The fruitless struggle in the depths of the universe continues at this moment to the Wunan battlefield. The only thing that remains the same is that Jiang Wang and his star road are still the center of this struggle.

He can't make his own decisions!


The sound of the cold front passing by was just a sound.

All the flowers on the Starlight Road have already left.

Qin Changsheng, who was wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat, came with his scabbard knife, and just stared at Lu Ximing without saying a word.

The news that Jiang Wang brought back was very important.

Jiang Wang's return from the Yaozu hinterland is very important.

If so many True Monarchs are watching, and this long-tortured Human Race Tianjiao can still die at the hands of the Monster Race, then there is really no point in guarding the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters!

"It's really nowhere to meet!"

An old man with white beard and white hair, with cloud and thunder patterns between his brows, suddenly stepped into the room, looked at Jiang Wang and said, "From the world of Shenxiao to this place, it's been a long circle. Little friend, we meet again!"

"Your methods are still fresh in my memory." Jiang Wangti said with a sword: "If you have sons, grandsons, or blood descendants, I'm afraid they won't be as happy to see me as you are!"

At this time, a palm was turned in front of Jiang Wang, and he grabbed the thunder and lightning that was close to the Xingguang Tianlu, and squeezed it hard, as if killing a thunder snake, making it make a squeaking sound.

This thin palm gently held Jiang Wang's hand, and pulled him back, making him completely free from the pull of Qi and the entanglement of Taoism.

Completely ended this open and secret struggle around Jiang Wang.

"Come behind Grandpa."

Zuo Xiao, Duke of the Great Chu and Huai Kingdom!

Just now, Jiang Wang, who was still showing off his sword and never showed weakness to Xuan Nangong, now stood obediently behind Zuo Xiao, without saying a word. He doesn't need to work hard anymore, he doesn't need to grit his teeth to hold on, someone will naturally make decisions for him!

At this time, Jiang Wang was standing at the center of the entire Wunan battlefield. It was precisely in the mile of land that Zuo Xiao had forcibly drawn down at the beginning!

This area is the result of the general trend, and the secret is exclusive, and it is because of Jiang Wang.

Therefore, we can escape the extreme battle!

From this moment on, Jiang Wang has stepped down from the gambling table of the strong players on both sides, and is no longer a bargaining chip.

From now on, he can say that he has truly escaped safely!

Appearing almost at the same time as Duke Xuannan was Yuan Xianting, who was dressed in golden armor and red cape, carrying an exaggerated war halberd.

He didn't make any fuss on the Starlight Road, but stood in front of Jiang Mengxiong without a doubt. Grinning: "You guys are really good!"

Jiang Mengxiong sneered: "The average level of young people in Qi!"

He raised his hand again grandly: "Marquis Wu'an! Let me tell everyone, what scenery have you seen in the demon world!"

Standing behind Zuo Xiao, Jiang Wang felt the gaze of all the heavenly monsters and true monarchs present, and felt the attention of hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the two races on the entire battlefield.

Gripping his long sword tightly, he said seriously——

"I saw... the Yaozu has a splendid civilization, and it is a terrifying opponent that should not be underestimated!"

"I saw... the Yaozu Yuzhen won all defeats and made the world of Shenxiao a truly open world!"

"I saw... Zen Master Xingnian was besieged to death in a lonely boat across the Tianhe River in order to seek knowledge and hear the bell without any results for five hundred years!"

"I saw...the Ziwu hills hadn't snowed for thirteen years. Rao Bingzhang died first and then shot. One shot helped me kill the real demon!"

"I saw……"

Jiang Mengxiong suddenly raised his eyes above Nantian City, and looked straight at Jiang Wang.

With just one glance, he saw all the pictures about Rao Bingzhang in Jiang Wang's memory.

Xiong Sansi...Three Evil Tribulation Lords...Thousand Tribulation Cave.

"Ape Immortal Court."

He was not domineering, and even turned back a little lonely, staring fixedly at Yuan Xianting, and said slowly——

"If a few sky demons don't die today, they are destined to be unkind."

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