Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1860 Vigorous

The vigor and vigor in the world of Shenxiao gradually returned to calm.

The leap of the whole world is about to be completed.

Xuannan Gong was still half-kneeling on the ground, waiting for the order of Emperor Yuanxi.

But as the God Lord of this world, he can still keep his time, which is actually not much.

The majestic and majestic giant ape god, at this time, is carrying out the will of Emperor Yuanxi.

For this great emperor who had been dead for many years, he finally wiped away the gloom in the fate of the monster race, and solved one of the culprits that made him fail in the past.

It is not in vain to engrave characters on the tripod and wait for tens of thousands of years.

Finally, he accomplished a major event that benefited the Yaozu, and took one step closer to Yuzhen.

But if it stops here, it is not enough.

Bu Lian sealed the gate of the heavens for a hundred years in the last round when his spirits dissipated.

This is delaying the future of the Yaozu for a hundred years!

At this moment, the giant ape god shrinks almost infinitely, the cave of flesh and blood gods is collapsing, and the majestic mountains are sinking!

It quickly condensed into a figure with a crown hanging down, and it had already landed in front of the gate of the gods.

The hand that was carrying the back and turning the clouds and rain, just reached out and landed on the burlap.


His entire body was vaporizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon turned into a cloud of white mist, which was blown away by the wind.

Xuannan Gong got up and approached.

Looking at the gate of the gods, on the burlap that was sealed on the door, next to the oil stain that was suspected to be the word 'Bu Lian', there appeared four bloody characters——

"Thirty-three years."

Before the last remnant thoughts dissipated, Emperor Yuanxi forcibly broke Bu Lian's seal.

30% off.



Take that last step, set foot on the star road, jump out of the sky...

mean what?

It means that Jiang Wang has since escaped from the world of Shenxiao, and has truly grasped the possibility of returning home.

It also means that he has lost the protection of the Divine Firmament World!

If it wasn't for the self-protection of the world of Shenxiao, if it wasn't for the innocence guided by Zen Master Xingnian, if it wasn't for Yu Zhen's far-reaching plans...surrounded by all the demons, how could he be spared?

At this time, he was walking on the star road covered in blood, rushing to the present world in the vast universe. Holding the famous sword in the world, although the sword still trembles. The ancient clock hung on the wrist, although the bell has stopped. Carrying immortal jade beads, although the blue color has almost faded...

But strong heart!

He accomplished an unprecedented feat, and with his god-like cultivation base, he was able to escape successfully after falling into the hinterland of the monster clan!

He even brought back the Fountain of Youth and the Zhiwen Clock!

This has never happened before, and it is almost impossible to reproduce it in the future.

The Big Dipper points to the hometown, and wanderers trek on the star road. At this moment, he suppressed his excitement and told himself to walk the last part of the road well.

The Starlight Sacred Building is the foundation of telling the Tao, and it is the starting point for practitioners to explain their own Tao to the heavens and the world.

Why is it said that the outer building is the highest pursuit of the outer building environment?

Go from the inside, and you will not get lost in a long life. Searching from the outside, the vast universe always has a direction.

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness penetrated through the fourth floor, constantly correcting the direction of the star road, and the feedback from the world of the gods was enough to support this journey of wandering in the void.

But at the next moment, the fourth floor moved together.

Xuannangong mobilized the power of the world as an arrow, shot the Big Dipper off the string, and had already reached the ancient star dome and fell towards his star tower... The disaster of extinction has come!

At this moment, Jiang Wang is the unfettered self.

What he has to face at this moment is also a terrifying force that is no longer restrained.

"Let go of my shackles, and I will break this arrow for you!" Under the Yuheng Star Tower, the old dragon of Senhai, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly came alive, roaring angrily.

Jiang Wang accepts advice humbly, he is still on the star road, and his spiritual consciousness has been projected infinitely, directly filling the Yuheng star tower. While the starlight shines brightly and shines in the universe, turn this cyan seven-story stone tower over and hit the flying arrow with its base!

"Senior, thank you!"

If you want to break this building, be the first to kill the old dragon!

"Zhuzi! You are so vicious!" Senhai Laolong struggled frantically, knocking the base cell into a loud bang.

Shen Xiao shot an arrow at the ancient star dome, it was an unimaginable method.

Before the arrow arrived, Dao began to disintegrate.

Both Senhai Laolong and Jiang Wang himself knew that they couldn't stop the arrow. One wants to jump ship, the other refuses to let him jump, but they can only passively wait for their fate.

So the sound that suddenly sounded at this moment is really heavenly!

"Yuheng has an owner, why don't you invite yourself?"

Guan Yan's voice!

Wherever Yuheng starlight shines, it must carry out Yuheng Xingjun's will.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, a palm like a fused jade carving protruded out, and grasped the arrow branch lightly. When the fingers tightened, the sea of ​​stars flooded!

Outside the four star towers of Tianshu, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, and Jiangwang, the arrows flying towards them scattered into streamers at the same time.

At this time, outside the Yuheng Xinglou, flowers suddenly fell from the sky and golden lotuses bloomed.

Endless rays of light are here at this moment, forming a Buddha with benevolent eyebrows and benevolent eyes.

Cicada Fayuan, who was out of the game early outside Moyun City, was of course one of the first existences to know that Jiang Wang had escaped from Shenxiao.

But knowing that Jiang Wang has escaped does not mean that Jiang Wang's traces can be caught.

It is so difficult to find a trace of Jiang Wang in the vast universe.

Even for Tian Yao, it is definitely not a task that can be completed in a short time.

Not to mention the last touch of Zen Master Xingnian's elimination of cause and hidden effect.

But Xuannan Gong had already used the power of Shenxiao to find another way, and led the bow to open the way first. Cicada followed the arrow and found Jiang Wang's star tower.

Xuannan Gong wanted to destroy Jiang Wang's deity through the connection between Taoism.

Cicada Fayuan wants to find the bell of knowledge through the connection between the roads.

As soon as the light became Buddha, he rushed to the star building, and the sound shook the sea of ​​stars: "This fellow Taoist, please do me a favor, the ancient and difficult mountains will definitely inherit this friendship!"

But in the vast sea of ​​stars, there is only an echo, and a huge slap that jumped out of the sea of ​​stars——

"There is no reason to ask for it!"

The huge Buddha statue turned and turned in the sea of ​​stars, and was blown away.

Golden lotus is scattered, black lotus is born.

The dense worms devoured the light, like raindrops falling from a star building.

Of course Ji Xingkong would not let go of such an opportunity, leaving such a big gap for Cicada Fayuan. Cicada Fayuan made a move, and he also made a move. Cicada Fayuan was blocked, so he went to get the building by himself.

As we all know, the stars are a collection of concepts, and the ancient star vault is even more vast and unfathomable.

The monk's Starlight Holy Building is located in the middle, but in fact there is no specific location, and generally it can only be found by the monk himself.

Both Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong followed the path opened by Xuannangong's arrow. The essence of Xuannangong's arrow is also the connection Jiang Wang left with the world of Shenxiao.

But the feedback given to Jiang Wang by Shenxiao World will eventually disappear, and Jiang Wang's traces have long been cut off by Shenxiao World.

After this period, the road will no longer work.

What's more, as a race trapped in the heavenly prison, before the seal of the world of Shenxiao is opened, if the strong monster clan wants to show their strength outside the sky, they need to cross the sea of ​​chaos again.

Therefore, regardless of the fate of the cicada and the nature of the deer, they must firmly grasp the current connection, and must grasp Jiang Wang's star building.

At this time, the world of Shenxiao has completed its leap, and the closure of the gate of Shenxiao is a foregone conclusion. It is impossible to block this news.

The entire demon world is preparing for the war in the world of Shenxiao 33 years later, and for these two great bodhisattvas, after the dust of the Shenxiao Bureau has settled, recapturing the bell of knowledge and hearing is the current war preparation!

Besides, when Jiang Wang suddenly heard the voice of senior Guan Yan, he really felt that the will was dark and the flowers were bright, and his mind was relieved for a moment.

But senior Guan Yan's voice rang in his ears——

"It's not time to relax yet, I can't send you back to this world. Find your own way."

In the sea of ​​stars, Guan Yan alone fights against the two-day demon.

Jiang Wang didn't talk nonsense, and just responded, "Yaozu Yuzhen's layout is successful, the world of Shenxiao has been opened, and it is leaping! Senior, please inform the human race!"

Then he steered the star road to make a sudden turn in the vast universe.

At this moment, it is impossible to return directly to the present world. Not to mention that it takes a long time, it is easy to cause other changes. Depending on himself, even with the support of feedback from the world of Shenxiao, it is difficult to grasp the direction in the universe for so long.

And after escaping from the world of Shenxiao, where is the world closest to him at this time?

Still the demon world.

As for beacons...

In the civilization basin, there is a city built to commemorate him!

Once in the world of Shenxiao, he lit the altar of the heavenly demon and built a city to echo him, and he was only one step away from returning home at the head of the bridge. Now return with your body, and respond to Wu'an City as Marquis of Wu'an!

In the sea of ​​stars, Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong struggled several times, but in the end they were unable to fight fiercely in Yuheng Xingjun's territory, unable to bypass Guan Yan's barrier, and unable to hold the star tower of the Tianjiao of the human race in their hands .

And the connection between Shenxiao World and Jiang Wang has become weaker and weaker, they understand that Jiang Wang is going home!

At this moment, Guangfo, formed by cicada's Dharma fate, pressed out the Vajra Seal with one palm, and confronted Guan Yan forcefully.

The other Buddha palm turned out the lotus seal, and in the sea of ​​stars, he grasped the void, grasped the connection between Jiang Wang and the world of Shenxiao, as if he had grasped a heavenly dragon, and said in his mouth: "Bi Guangyin , I am the King of Light. Everything lies in the Buddha, and all evil lies in the sky!"

Countless believers also formed a muscular black Buddha at this time, unable to moisten things and make no sound, they simply destroyed the world. With one hand, he punched the fundamental stars of the Yuheng Starfield, and with the other hand formed a dark lotus seal, temporarily solidifying the traces of his journey all the way into a clear passage, entangled with the part of the connection grasped by the cicada's fayuan , reciting in the mouth: "The world has achieved the Tao, and the end of the Dharma will disappear together!"

hum! hum! hum!

At this moment, there was a dull hum in Moyun City.

Cicada Fayuan and Deer Xingkongzhen faced each other, stretched out their palms each, and opened a huge light curtain in the sky, like a window to this world!

In that "window" is a meandering star road, fleeing quickly into the distance.

The connection between Jiang Wang and Shenxiao World was first locked by Xuannan Gong, followed by Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong, and now it is directly disclosed by two great Bodhisattvas, establishing a causal channel.

At this time, all the monster clan powerhouses can use this "window" to pursue the hidden connection and make a move to Jiang Wang.

At this moment when the sea of ​​stars is surging, Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong join hands to recreate the scene where all the sky demons in the world of Shenxiao intercept Xingnian in Tianhe!

Not far from the side, Yuan Xianting with golden hairs raised his bloody fist, paused the drum-beating bombardment, turned his head to look over, and frowned.

He naturally disdained to take action against a monk who came to God.

But people such as Inu Juzeng and Yuan Jiazheng have already responded to the call of the Bodhisattva in a hurry, and put their life-long killing moves into the "window".

Xuan Nangong, who had cut off hope of detachment, failed to shoot the target in the world of the gods, but saw an opportunity again in the demon world. Of course, he had to grasp the "wonderful fate" in the dark, and raised his hand to hold the divine power to throw the gun , decisively swung it, and entered the causal channel!

In essence, this can be regarded as the Yaozu's use and rehearsal of the Shenxiao world. Take advantage of the tunnel built by the world of God's Firmament today, and use the world of God's Firmament to counterattack in the future!

But in the sea of ​​stars, Guan Yan flew up and down, wandering at will, reaching the Light Buddha in front, blocking the Black Buddha in the back, killing like a tide, and firmly protecting the blue stone pagoda.

The old dragon of Senhai, who survived the catastrophe, repeatedly praised in the cell: "Good method! Xingjun's good method! Yuheng lost to you, the real thing deserves its return, and the virtue lives in Tianbao!"

Those who didn't know, thought that the seat of Yuheng God was given up by him on his own initiative.

Even Jiang Wang didn't like to listen to this old dragon's nonsense, so Guan Yan would not be influenced by him. He hurriedly ended the game, and went back to rescue his little friend in his own territory, absolutely unwilling to let a few sky monsters take advantage of him.

When Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong pinched their seals and joined forces to open the way... Guan Yan suddenly opened his eyes with anger, showing extreme kindness and extreme anger!

"Using the big to bully the small is endless! Destroy this false Buddha today!"

Originally, he deliberately kept a distance from Jiang Wang to hide Jiang Wang's position in the universe, so that the kid could go home with as little wind and waves as possible... How could he not see Jiang Wang's fatigue? !

But this moment can no longer be kept, the starlight belonging to Yuheng star pours into Jiang Wang's star path almost endlessly, protecting him on his way home.

More than that.

Everything Yuheng starlight shines on is from Yuheng Xingjun.

At this moment, the whole world, from east to west, from south to north, can look up to Yuheng!

It is not the sun and the moon but the sky.

The starlight of Yuheng fell, and everyone who cultivated the Tao could hear the sound of the Tao——

"Wish to save the Tianjiao of the human race, please act!"

Jiang Wang escaped with the feedback from the world of Shenxiao.

There is also a connection between him and the world of Shenxiao.

Xuannan Gong took advantage of this connection and shot an arrow into the stars.

Cicada Fayuan and Ji Xingkong directly used this connection to fix him as a target and guide countless monster clan powerhouses to bombard him.

And Guan Yan directly mobilized the power of Yuheng Star, using Yuheng Starlight to inform the powerful in the world, and also used Yuheng Starlight to build a power channel, so that the strong people of the race can quickly complete the blocking.

Since Tianjiao of the human race is chased and killed by a strong man of a foreign race, there is no reason for the strong man of the human race not to help.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaoyou also brought back the big news about the opening of the world of Shenxiao!

If the world is pushed forward five hundred years or backward five hundred years, it will be difficult for such a story to happen again.

Surrounding an extremely tiny star road in the vast universe, a world-shattering fight unexpectedly unfolded. The two warring parties are not in contact, but within cause and effect, within the starlight, each other attacks me, you come and go. Unstoppable!

In Moyun City, more and more attacks were launched around the skylight by the monster clan powerhouses, and the attacks became more and more violent.

Even Yuan Xianting could no longer watch, and slashed angrily from the air.


What sounded from outside the "skylight" was a howl like a raging sea that would never stop and never give in!

"Jing Guo Yu Que, invite the Yaozu to try their swords!"

"Xu Huan of the Qin State, ask the monster clan for a sword, who has this fate?!"

"Qu Jinkui of the state of Chu, toast you a glass of blood wine, please honor me with blood!"

"Jing Guozhong Jing... one thing is unclear. You monsters, are you really tired of working?"

"Muguo, Helianliangguo, has been doing this for twenty years, so I just need to ask an old friend of the monster race!"

"Snow Country Fu Huan."


"Jiang Mengxiong of Qi State... this punch is not enjoyable, don't leave! I will come back to the demon world in half a quarter of an hour. No matter what crooked melons and cracked dates you send out, remember for a while!"

In the sky above Moyun City, the "window of cause and effect" constructed by Cicada Fayuan and Deer Xingkong collapsed in an instant.

If it doesn't collapse, the aftermath of the powerful human race will level the entire Moyun City and even the entire Tianxi Wasteland!

Yesterday's additional subscriptions reached 30,000, a record high for this book. I think it's because the relationship has been broken for too many days. It should really repay everyone's expectations.

Allow me to recover my body.

Writing while coughing still affects my state.

Whenever emotions come, I am about to tap the keyboard, suddenly cough violently, and the emotions are gone after coughing, and people are stunned...

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