Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1859

The last distance from the world of Shenxiao to the outer sky was erased by Zen Master Xingnian in the past when he died.

The blow that Xuan Nangong was bound to win at "this moment" was already doomed to fail at "then".

At this time, the sky is hazy in this divine world that is leaping to its essence.

I can only see the star road meandering outside the sky, turning to the distance, pointing to the way home for the wanderers of the human race.

Under the dome of the sky are the golden and splendid Dharma protectors, and below that are the mountains and rivers that are constantly collapsing and growing.


The sound of the sky falling and the earth cracking did not reach my ears at all, but Xuan Nangong seemed to hear the sound of water droplets in the eternal river of time.

It was the time that flowed through his fingers, the possibility that he missed with his own hands,

One thousand times, one point ten thousand ripples.

The tens of thousands of statues lined up on the Heavenly Demon Altar are like a half-destroyed divine flower.

And the Dharma Protector under his control raised his right hand high, as if saying goodbye to that human boy...

It's ridiculous!

Although this was not a duel between him and Jiang Wang, he just missed Zen Master Xingnian's move. But if "now" loses to "past", isn't it very embarrassing?

More important than face is the consequence of Jiang Wang taking away the news of the opening of Shenxiao World!

He can't accept it.

The golden and resplendent Dharma Protector fell straight back and fell into the roaring torrent.

And a ray of golden light jumped out of the torrent, traversed the sky, and instantly landed on the altar of conferred gods, and fell into the flawless body of the divine king.

At the same time, all the statues of gods and gods lined up on the Heavenly Demon Altar fell outwards.

For a while, it was like a lotus flower.

The god-king body that Fengshentai used tens of thousands of years of accumulation of divine way to achieve, the greatest destination is the ancestor Yuzhen's return to this body, to control and transcend.

Under these conditions, the best way to use it is to find the most suitable deity in the gods of the demon world through the Immemorial Imperial City Conferred God Platform, and after a period of running-in, complete the imperial conferment and become the first one belonging to the Conferred God Platform.

Although such a Conferred God cannot be detached and cannot become a Venerable God, it should not be a problem to become the personality of the Supreme Yang God. Moreover, this supreme sun god is completely controlled by the Fengshentai, so he is a perfect thug.

Directly using the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods to confer the gods, conferring the king of the gods as the God Lord of the world of the sky, was the best choice Xuannan Gong made under the previous circumstances.

But in this world there is no corresponding consecration of gods, and the process of the spiritual birth of the god king is inevitable, and Xuannan Gong needs to be guided at all times to prevent him from achieving success, completely get rid of the influence of the God Conferred Altar, and completely belong to the world of Shenxiao itself.

But at the moment when he was fishing for the moon in the water with nothing in his hands, Xuan Nangong made a new choice——

He completely cut off this part of himself that descended into the world of the gods, and put all of it into the body of this god fit the body into the god!

He was already a generation of sky demon, in charge of the contemporary Conferred God Stage. The Yang God personality is not attractive to him. Only being above the top is what he has devoted all his energy to.

After this cut.

Xuannan Gong, who is located in the demon world, will no longer have the possibility of detachment.

Xuan Nangong, who is located in the world of Shenxiao, will definitely dissolve himself in the process of the transformation of the protagonist, and truly belong to the world of Shenxiao.

Because the existence of this great world that is leaping is basically the word "open", so the gods in the world of Shenxiao must not have "others and me" that are not open enough.

But this dissolving will take time after all, and with the deliberate confrontation of Tian Yao Xuannan Gong, the time can be extended a little bit.

And for a sky demon, there are too many things that can be done during this period of time!

For example, to accelerate the leap of the world of the gods.

For example, to influence the changes of the whole world and make Yiying Fengtu closer to the demon world.

for example--

The perfect divine body suspended on the Sea of ​​Gods Conferred Gods Altar had clearly carved facial features at this moment. There can be two shadows of Xuannan Gong vaguely, but the whole is already another face... a face whose every line conforms to the rules of this world.

This altar of conferred gods, which was almost plundered by Hu Taisui and finally recaptured by Xuannan Gong, rose against the wind in the sea of ​​gods, infinitely high. Like a glorious mountain that rises from the ground, it stands firm in the earth-shaking world and goes straight to the sky.

With this high platform as the center, the surrounding turmoil subsided round by round.

Subdue the dragon and tiger, suppress the situation!

Xuannan Gong, who fits the gods with his body, stood on such an altar, holding a huge gilt bow with one stroke of his left hand. This bow takes time and space as its body, and cause and effect as its strings. There are mountains and rivers engraved on the back of the bow.

His right hand rested on the string and pulled the string apart to form a full moon.

Between his index finger, middle finger and thumb, an arrow appeared at this moment. A dark arrow exuding annihilating power, and this arrow is still continuously condensing and absorbing.

With the authority of the God Lord of the world, Xuannangong mobilized the dissipated power in the process of leaping in this world on a large scale-the old order collapsed and the new order was born. In this process, quite a lot of power will be dissipated, but in the end it still remains. Is to fall into this world and still be digested by this world.

But at this time, Xuannan Gong called it.

So on this altar, draw a bow and set an arrow, looking at the Big Dipper.

Looking north, shoot the greedy wolf!

More than greedy wolves?

Lianzhen, Wuqu, Tanlang, Pojun, all four-star players will fall!

Of course, these four stars did not really shine on the world of Shenxiao.

So Xuannangong's arrow followed Jiang Wang's starlight, and shot at Jiang Wang's Starlight Holy Building.

They dropped the starlight from the ancient star dome and picked up Jiang Wang, although it was because of the help of the world itself. But Xuannangong also has the possibility of tracing the origin through the world of Shenxiao.

With the help of Zen Master Xingnian, Jiang Wang has already escaped from "outside the sky". Of course, this step is so wonderful that even Xuannangong can hardly catch up. But Xuannan Gong didn't chase him at all! Instead, use the power of Shenxiao World to lock the star building in the ancient star dome.

First destroy the beacon set by this person in the vast universe, and then destroy his path, and then through the connection of the path, this human race's arrogance will also be destroyed.

This is the method of the sky demon!

Why do we say that "now" must win over "past"?

No matter how skillful Zen master Xingnian is, he has made arrangements in the past. The past is also a done deal.

No matter how incompetent Xuannangong is, his sons are still changing now.

If he loses, he can still make another move, but Chan Master Xing Nian can no longer play chess.


"In a normal world, success or failure is always relative.

If you compare the cause and effect of success or failure in the world of Shenxiao to a bow, failure is to pull the string outward, and success is to loosen the string back. Patriarch Yu Zhen wiped away all his successes, and made this bow... the string stretched to the full moon and stretched to the limit.

When the world is elevated and cause and effect are established, it is also the time when the 'bowstring' returns to its original position.

From this, all defeats can be achieved, and this bow shot out the unprecedented and strongest arrow of cause and effect, hitting the success that Patriarch Yuzhen wanted.

Jiang Wang just saw this, and when the bowstring rebounded, he also caught his insignificant arrow. Shared the causal feedback of the world of Shenxiao with the great ancestor Yuzhen, so that he was able to pave the way to stardom and seize the possibility of him returning home. "

The rift valley, where the wind is like a knife, has been filled. Snake Guyu leaped on the rocks flying through the sky and pierced the ground. He calmly explained to Zhu Dali the star path in the sky. simile.

As the genuine new king of Tianbang, although she failed to discover the truth of the world early, it is not difficult to see the clue when everything is close to being settled.

Although Heaven and Earth turned violently, her purple hair fluttered with her movements, and it was a bit light.

Zhu Dali remained silent, carrying two knives on his back, jumping nimbly among the chaotic rocks, chasing that touch of purple, and rushing further into this world. No matter what kind of world the world of Shenxiao is, he and Snake Guyu are destined not to be too popular. And to explore further, to find the possibility of a strong self.

Maybe it's because I was too engrossed in listening to Snake Guyu's explanation, or maybe it's because the earth-shaking changes in this world are too distracting.

He also didn't notice that while he was running fast, a piece of coarse cloth slipped out of his arms, floated among the falling rocks, and was quickly left behind by him.

It was a very ordinary-looking piece of coarse cloth.

It may even be a rag used by a waiter in a shop.

A few indelible stains that are not difficult to find on it may serve as proof.

It is it that wraps the red makeup mirror and travels back and forth in Moyun City.

It was it that was wrapped in the red makeup mirror and hidden in Zhu Dali's arms.

When Jiang Wang jumped out of the world in the mirror, he took the red makeup mirror with him, but not the coarse cloth. I don't know whether he ignored it or kept it as a souvenir, but Zhu Dali didn't throw it away.

At this time, it "slid" out of Zhu Dali's arms, fluttered crookedly, and left the chaotic rock. And actually flew over ravines, over torrents, over high mountains... Flying close to the infinitely high Conferred God Altar, and suddenly turned around.

In Ling Xihua's unbelievable eyes, it even deftly deftly avoided the Jinghong sword that Lu Qilang was chasing urgently.

There is a big problem with this cheesecloth!

Xuan Nangong, who had already ascended to a place out of sight with the Conferred God Platform, didn't notice anything strange until now.

At this time, the arrow has left the string and shot the Big Dipper.

Xuannangong raised his bow and turned around at the first moment, but he had no time to accumulate energy, so he condescendingly fired nine arrows in a row. Nine arrows in a row, one arrow hitting one arrow.

In the end, the arrow surpassed the limit, and the wake caused by the arrow feathers roared into a tornado!

And the point of the arrow has already caught up with the mysterious coarse cloth and pierced it!


Xuannan Gong himself realized that something was wrong.

His divine arrow pierces only phantoms.

The coarse cloth was gone before the arrow could reach it.

At this moment, besides the infinitely high Fengshentai, what else is there in the sacred mountain?

There is also Liudao Forest, and there is also a stele with words left in front of Liudao Forest.

And in front of the stele... the gate of the heavens that is infinitely compressed.

Because of the existence of this gate, Shenshan is the center of the Shenxiao world.

Xuannan Gong's face changed suddenly, and he left the altar in one step, holding a long bow, and landed in front of the huge gate of the gods.

And all he saw was—

The unremarkable piece of coarse cloth was being spread out, carelessly pasted in the middle of the silver-white Gate of God's Firmament.

It's like... a seal is pasted on it.

The two largest oil stains on the coarse cloth stand up a little, like a word "Bu".

Lu Qilang and Ling Xihua were completely puzzled and looked at each other.

Xuan Nangong looked ugly, but he didn't wait for him to say anything.

Naturally, an old voice sounded out of nowhere, seeming to be close to the listener's ear, declaring in such an orderly manner——

"In my name, Bu Lian, seal this world for a hundred years!"

The biggest feeling of this voice is "harmony", every pronunciation and every syllable of it is in the right position. Even the landslides, the roar of the wind and the roar of thunder seemed to be playing with it. It fully complies with the rules of the world of Shenxiao, and is almost equivalent to the voice of the world.

However, the content conveyed by this voice is so horrifying.

Bu Lian!

Among the eight virtuous ministers who assisted the Emperor to support the human race in ancient times, this name ranked first!

He also has a noble status, that is, the teacher of the emperor. It was under his teaching that the Suiren clan was able to grow up in that dark ancient era and become the first emperor of the human race.

Not to mention a junior like Lu Qilang Ling Xihua.

Even Xuan Nangong, a current sky monster, felt unbelievable when he suddenly heard this name: "Bu Lian?"

Bu Lian had already died in ancient times!

Since ancient times, ancient times, middle antiquity, and modern times, how many great eras have passed? The monster clan has long since retreated from the present world to the heavenly hell, why is there still someone calling themselves Bu Lian here?

bluff? Or play tricks?

But the power of this rag to seal the gods cannot be faked. what on earth is it?

On the side of the mountain platform, in the sea of ​​clouds, there was originally a tall giant ape standing there. It looks like a mountain on the outside, and it looks like a cave of flesh and blood on the inside. He was already dead, just waiting for the passage of time. In the earth-shaking changes in the world of Shenxiao, its disintegration is also accelerating... It has already collapsed half of its body.

But at this time, on the giant bronze cauldron on the Heavenly Demon Dharma Altar, the words "Your life for me" suddenly flew out and fell into the giant ape god.

The pair of empty eyes of the great ape god face suddenly ignited two balls of soul fire!

"Bu Lian...Bu Lian!"

He opened his mouth and shouted in such a low voice: "I have been looking for you for many years!"

The giant ape opened his mouth, although the voice was not high, but it was like thunder, and it stopped the real thunder.

Xuannan Gong immediately knelt down on one knee and called the emperor. Lu Qilang and Ling Xihua fell down even more.

"Oh?" the old voice in the dark asked.

His figure also came out from somewhere.

He was a thin, arched little old man with dry hair and deep wrinkles. Only a pair of eyes are as clear as stars, hanging in front of the giant ape god, looking at it calmly.

"Why is the little demon looking for this old man?"

The giant ape god smiled lowly, and then said: "When I was sitting in the high position, I often felt that there was a shadow above the river of fate, but I couldn't find who it was or what the means were. I didn't know the truth until today! It turned out to be Seniors from the ancient times! That time, there was only one True Dao Lord who assassinated me, but you, old man, helped to confuse the heavenly secrets?"

Xuannan Gong half knelt and said nothing, hearing Emperor Yuanxi's words, at this moment he dared to be sure that this little old man was actually Bu Lian.

Bu Lian scratched his messy beard and said complacently, "It's just a little trick."

Yuan Xi praised: "Sir, you have a good method. You asked me to ambush me, and I almost got killed!"

Bu Lian waved his hand: "It's not worth mentioning, it's worth not mentioning."

"That's right. Compared with those demon emperors in the past, I really don't need to mention it." Yuan Xi laughed at himself, and then asked: "Mr., with his supernatural powers, has hidden this divine will in the fate of the demon clan. Whenever the demon clan If there is a tendency to rise, it will appear as the times require... In these years, how many shots have been made in total?"

This crooked little old man just smiled hey hey: "I can't count."

Yuan Xi smiled: "Is it innumerable, or can't remember? Every time Mr. emerges, it should be in a brand new state. There can be no traces of past karma, and of course there is no memory of which shot... Otherwise It is also impossible to hide for so many years and remain undiscovered."

Bu Lian frowned: "Little monster is so easy to cheat?"

"I found out this time, so don't go back, okay?" Yuan Xi said in a gentle voice.

Bu Lian's eyes flickered: "That depends on your ability."

The giant ape god moved his head slowly, glanced at the 'Feng Bu' on the gate of the gods, and then turned around rumblingly, looking at the hunched old man in front of him: "My husband and I are old acquaintances... ...A hundred years is too long! Give me a discount! How about it?"

Every wrinkle on Bu Lian's face is heavy, but his smile always has a very light feeling.

He said with a smile: "There are things in the world, and bargaining is inevitable. Let the old man hear your sincerity!"

Yuan Xi said: "Three breaths."

Bu Lian turned around directly.

"Wait a minute! There is one more thing I haven't told sir!" Yuan Xi said hastily.

Bran turned around.

With the body of a giant ape god, Yuan Xi said rumblingly: "You are already dead, Mr. Bu have been dead for many years!"

Bu Lian jumped and cursed: "Curse the old man? Don't you know that the river of fate is the old man's bathtub!"

He rolled up his sleeves while talking: "After the old man pours bath water, I will suppress your monster race for thousands of years!"

Yuan Xi's voice became grand, and his mountain-like palm pressed on the mountain platform——

Boom boom boom!

The long river of time suddenly burst into raging waves, and a yellow scroll jumped out from the depths of time, and fell into the air extremely heavily. There are Taoist inscriptions on it, recording the history that is not easy.

"Let's look at the pen of history like iron, and the engravings of history - the emperor killed Bu Lian, it was the emperor who killed the emperor!"

Yuan Xi's voice paused word by word, announcing the golden rule and describing the rules of heaven and earth.

"Sir, if you hadn't put most of your power into the river of fate to suppress the fortune of my monster clan... With your cultivation, how could you be beheaded by Zhuzi?"

The little old man with disheveled hair and arched back suddenly froze in the air. "I am already dead?"

He knew that the round just ended would be his last round. The remnants left by Yuan Xi on the bronze tripod are for him, to erase the hidden shadows on the long river of the fate of the monster clan, and to wait here for so long.

Indeed, as Emperor Yuanxi said, most of his power was devoted to the long river of fate, and he even hid his divine will deep in the fate of the monster clan, accumulating strength silently. Whenever the Yaozu has a tendency to rise, and his power has accumulated to a certain level, this divine will will emerge as the times require, and the layout will be destroyed.

Every shot is a brand new game. Each bureau does not communicate with other bureaus.

Only in this way can he escape the pursuit of the detached monsters.

This divine will is completely independent of his true self, and he doesn't know the vicissitudes of life. It's just that in the long years spanning several great eras, he has shot against the Yaozu time and time again... unknown and lonely, game after game.

But he didn't know that his true self was already dead.

That's not even a thing of this day and age.

He has been fighting for the human race for a long time. But his head was sacrificed to the battle flag in ancient times.

This is the cruel answer that time has brought him.

It was the bloody fact that he had been avoiding to face, but was forcibly brought before him by Emperor Yuanxi.

The historical scroll captured in time cannot be faked.

There is no history book in the world that can fool him.

This little old man, who was crushed by the fate of the human race, looked at the sky lonely.

Looking at the young figure that has disappeared into the starry sky, it is a young man who belongs to the future of the human race and shines with the light of humanity. It was also the "one" that he deliberately sent into the world of Shenxiao, in order to destroy the entire Shenxiao Bureau.

It is true that he hadn't calculated Yu Zhen's ambition in advance, but when this round of divine will appeared at the right moment, he naturally became vigilant and wary of the world of Shenxiao. Therefore, a corresponding move was made.

And who would have imagined that a pawn of God's presence could really stir up trouble in such a situation?

The old man was silent for a long time.

I probably thought of those difficult years when blood was turned into fire.

Thinking that he has counted countless times, the destiny is all demon!

Thought of the student he was proud of, but killed him in the end.

He thought too much. In his life, he never stopped thinking about every divine thought.

In the end it was just——

"I think he has his reasons."

As soon as the sound fell, his figure dissipated.

There is no redundant sound between heaven and earth.

Only that piece of sackcloth was stuck alone on the gate of the heavens. The folds of the linen are as deep as his.

When he understands that he is dead, this divine will truly dies!

Towering for thousands of years, sheltering from wind and rain.

In the world of Haoran, the last hundred years!

Long time no see, friends.

The days when you can't do anything in bed are too empty.

I found that I still had to write something.

Writing while coughing feels strangely fulfilling.

When I fully recover, I will work hard to update!


Push a fan article written by a friend, "Lu Mingfei Returns from the Curse Return".

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