Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1865 Goodbye

Recently, the sound of Sanskrit has been resonating all night, for someone who chanted sutras until dawn.

Jiang Wang left Mount Sumeru without any worries, and moved into the Duke Huai Mansion the next day.

The eldest princess of Chu made herbal meals differently, stewing all kinds of treasures in the pot. Duke Huai took him to review his trip to the demon world, and gave him some advice on how to practice.

Of course, under the cover of Zuo Guangshu, he had to go to Yunguo quietly.

Jiang An'an, who is already nine years old, still has three biggest worries—why so much time is spent on reading and practicing calligraphy, why so little time is spent playing, eating and drinking, and why his brother is always busy.

I don't know the storm in the demon world at all, and I don't know what the storm in the world is.

And this is exactly what Jiang Wang wanted.

The time in Yunguo is always extraordinarily peaceful.

An'an is stupid, and Qingyu is ugly.

Playing with lanterns and catching butterflies, chasing wind and moon.

If there are no little flowers swaying beside, it will be a good time in the world.

After a short rest, Jiang Wang embarked on a long journey again.

Jiang An'an held Ye Qingyu's little hand, wrapped around his boots, and bid farewell to his brother again.

"Goodbye." Jiang Wang said.

"When will we meet again?" Ye Qingyu asked suddenly.

Jiang An'an never asked this question, because she was very sensible, and she knew that her brother was busy, and his brother was very busy. She was used to waiting for her brother to visit her when he was free.

Ye Qingyu would never ask this question, because she knew better what Jiang Wang was doing.

But today is clearly an exception.

These few days spent together in Ling Xiao's secret place.

She did not mention the wait of five months and seventeen days.

He didn't talk about the hesitation outside Yuncheng that day.

They still get along as usual, discussing Taoism, swordsmanship, or the shape of a cloud.

It was as if nothing had happened.

But a change did occur.

"August 17." Jiang Wang didn't stay silent for too long, and repeated it seriously: "On August 17, I will come to Yuncheng again, and we will meet again."

Adults say goodbye without a specific date, and it usually doesn't happen.

And people like Jiang Wang, what they say is what will inevitably happen.

Ye Qingyu said: "Then, goodbye."

Why such a specific date?

Because I am afraid that I will never see you again.

The breeze moved the shadows of the clouds, and Jiang Wang's figure gradually disappeared, just as quietly as when he came.

Jiang Anan stopped in place, looked at Ye Qingyu, then at the direction where his brother disappeared, and then at Ye Qingyu. It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.

"What's the matter? Have you finished practicing your calligraphy?" Ye Qingyu's voice was gentle.

woof woof!

Stupid gray cheer up.

Jiang Anan was undisturbed, frowned, and counted with his fingers: "On January 28th, my brother's birthday. On August 17th, sister Qingyu's birthday. On October 12th, An'an's birthday... Hey! When brother comes to Yunguo again, doesn't it happen to be sister Qingyu's birthday?"

Ye Qingyu blinked, and hid his joy in the crescent moon: "Really, I haven't noticed yet."

Jiang Anan was overjoyed: "We can have a big feast together then! Last time my sister celebrated her birthday, Uncle Ye brought a bowl of Fengxiaolian. The taste... my brother can eat it too!"

"Oh, hey." Ye Qingyu patted Jiang Anan's little head: "Why don't you say that you are his younger sister, you are exactly the same smart."

"That's it!" Jiang Anan was extremely proud: "My brother is Linzi Jiang Daxia, and I am Yuncheng Jiang Xiaoxia!"

"What about me?" Ye Qingyu asked with a smile.

Jiang Anan gave a "drive", and the stupid ashes that were spinning around her legs immediately shook her body, and her size instantly swelled several times, turning into a majestic giant dog more than two feet long, with red flames on its feet.

Jiang An'an turned over on the dog's back, grabbed the neck hair with her small hand, and pulled it gently——

Stupid Hui wagged his tail and rushed out!

Only Jiang Xiaoxia's voice was left in the wind.

"You are a calligraphy man! You know every day that you listen to my brother and let me practice calligraphy!"



In detail, Jiang Wang really owed a lot of favors along the way.

Originally, it was spread to the world, and Zhang Linchuan was besieged and killed, and he was in debt. In the end, he turned around and fell into the demon world, and there was no news for nearly half a year. I don't know if those creditors are doing well, whether they are in a hurry...

Jing Guo Huang Sheli is magnanimous and can be let go, but there is no door to hell and the precarious Qin Guang Dynasty should be let go, maybe just let it go and it will disappear.

Who else is coming?

Jiang thought for a while, then waved his hand.

He has never been a bad guy, and sometimes he can't help himself!

After bidding farewell to Grandpa Zuo, Jiang Wang found time to return to his fief in Nanxia.

The immortal jade beads on his body have been urging him... It is also time to bring this "wanderer" who has been wandering in the demon world for many years home.

In the huge Laoshan Beppu, Dugu Xiao presided over the internal affairs, and Xue Rushi presided over Tiqi. Lian Que is still working in Chitan.

His fief includes Laoshan and several villages and towns near Laoshan. as before.

And how rare the words "everything as before" are, Jiang Wang today will not understand.

In this world, all resources are limited, and there are countless pairs of eyes staring at each position.

Whenever a wrong step is made, there will be countless people rushing to replace it.

Not to mention that he, Jiang, has been missing for nearly half a year.

Everything he has won can still be "as before".

This is thanks to his close friends.

For example, he was planning a strategy in Linzi City, and before he came back, he had already started to set up a game against Ji Zhaonan's Chong Xuansheng.

For example, Yan Fu and Li Longchuan who went to hang out in Qingyang Town twice in three days.


When he was lost in the demon world, Qianqian came with Longguang Shedou, and sat alone in the old mountain Beppu, guarding the foundation he had worked so hard for.

After he accomplished the heroic feat, miraculously escaped back to the basin of civilization, and won the attention of the world. Xiangqian didn't leave a word. One morning, he opened his sleepy eyes, put on his bamboo hat, and never returned.

"Sometimes I really feel that there are countless karma in the world." Standing on the edge of Chitan, looking at the cumulus clouds and thunder reflected in the pond, Jiang Wang couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Some things just seem trivial.

Like the fiefdom of a man lost on the battlefield...

Marquis Wu'an is not a hereditary marquis, his title cannot be passed on, and his fief cannot be inherited by anyone. If no one stubbornly protects, being divided will also be divided.

But if his fiefdom in Laoshan is lost, his legal power over Laoshan will no longer exist. Then in the secret realm of Shenxiao, he couldn't wake up the fountain of youth, and he couldn't stand here full of energy today.

In order to maintain Jiang Wang's governance in Laoshan, Lian Que moved almost half of Lian's family here. Now the soldiers casting business is booming in Nanxia, ​​almost supporting most of the taxes in Laoshan Beppu. Let the old mountain cavalry maintain good training.

At this time, his naked upper body reflected the flames, and he kept pounding it with a hammer in his hand, saying in his mouth: "Your emotion is emotion, don't stop the fire of Samadhi."

Jiang Wang was speechless for a while.

In today's world, there is only one Lian Que who can brazenly let Lord Jiang Hou set the fire.

He cursed and cursed a few times, but his movements were not slow at all, which made the fire in the furnace seem to come alive, churning endlessly.

"You have a good fire, and you have made great progress." Lian Que, who has been building soldiers all the year round and is very sensitive to flames, praised it: "The demon world is really not in vain! Go back and burn a few sea nests, and it should bloom!"

Jiang Wang was taken aback when he heard this: "How do you know that I'm going to the Lost Realm? The emperor and I just expressed an intention for this matter, and they probably haven't informed Jueming Island yet?"

Lian Que, who is used to being careless, also realized the problem: "This matter has been spread for a long time, and it is said that the emperor intends to let you go to the fandom to make meritorious deeds. I want you to fight a few smooth battles with Qi Shuai, so that you can come back and become a nobleman .”

Those who spread this word are damned!

Jiang Wang is now a military marquis of 3,000 households in Shiyi, not compared with those hereditary ones, he is the number one in the younger generation. It is customary for the Qi country to have no dukes, and further up, his title has been few times. Nothing more than ten thousand households, nothing more than hereditary.

Adding officials is also a problem.

He is only twenty-two years old this year, but if he goes up, he will either be in the political affairs hall or the military affairs hall. Apart from these two institutions, there is nowhere else to put him.

There is nothing to seal, sometimes it is the way to bring disaster!

When he himself asked the emperor for a reward, he also asked for resources in cultivation. It is both precious and does not affect the MG, and does not cause trouble to the emperor.

Who is it now that wants him to become this "trouble"?

Besides, with his reputation today. How can there be a lot of fanfare before going to the battlefield?

Da Qi's number one pride, a human hero who just returned from the demon world, is going to make contributions to the lost world. How could the Sea Clan not aim at death?

Compared with Lian Que's ugly face, Jiang Wang, who wanted to understand the problem, had a very calm expression. He only said: "Qi is too big!"

"Do you want to find out who is spreading these words?" Lian Que asked.

Jiang Wang smiled: "How can this kind of thing be found out? But to increase my pressure... I want it too!"

After finishing speaking, he tore off the immortal jade bead worn on his chest, held it in the palm of his hand, and jumped into Chitan.

The Razer touched the water, shattering the ripples he created.

And he is like a throwing gun, diving deep into the water without any cover.

Except for the sound of entering the water, there was no sound left!

The Chi pond is bottomless, and the water in the pond is extremely cold.

Jiang Wang dived here alone, feeling an indescribable loneliness.

The pool water is clear and clear, but the line of sight cannot penetrate beyond three feet. In the darkness that does not allow insight, there seems to be some kind of terrifying thing lurking.

Continue down, cutting water like cutting ice.

Soon came to the limit of the nine hundred feet of God's presence recorded in the "Great Xia Local Chronicles".

At this time, the skin on all parts of the body was already in pain like needle pricks.

Jiang Wang looked relaxed.

Although he couldn't go beyond this limit, he came here purely by physical strength, and didn't use any magical powers. This is the body that has been destroyed and rebuilt countless times in the demon world!

In terms of physical strength alone, he even dared to confront Zhong Xuanzun head-on now.

Chongxuanzun has Chongxuan supernatural powers in his body, he tempers his body thousands of times a day, and his physical strength is the crown of the same level. But even Chong Xuanzun couldn't destroy his physical body and recast it. No matter how extravagant the Chongxuan family was, they could not support his recovery.

Not to mention that like Jiang Wang, who suffered the death penalty in the world, was trapped in the light by Quan Yingyang, and was strangled infinitely, so that even the extremely harsh hidden inheritance of Ruyi Xianyi was activated.

Jiang Wangchun dived with his physical body just to verify himself.

At this time, the interest came, and I swam to the wall of the pool at a very fast speed.

Chitan is like a bottle with a big belly, the mouth of the bottle is "seven hundred steps square", but the body of the bottle is far more than that. At a depth of nine hundred feet, Jiang Wang swam for nearly a quarter of an hour before he touched the wall of the pool.

But the interest in leaving the words disappeared all of a sudden.

Because there are nicks on the wall of the pool.

I don't know who left this word in what year, the word says——

"The limit of God's presence".

These four characters are written in an ancient and clumsy Tibetan style, which is naturally a first-class masterpiece.

But Chitan is already so vast at this depth that a few inscriptions are simply insignificant. Under the circumstance that the line of sight cannot penetrate three feet away, Jiang Wang happened to be able to hit these four words, which seemed to be a kind of reminder in the dark.

Jiang Wang looked at these four words quietly, feeling vaguely familiar, but he didn't know where it came from.

He shook his head and didn't do anything else, just spread his right palm, exposing the jade beads of immortality that had already dried up in the cold pool.

Cuckoo, cluck, cluck.

The immortal jade bead in his hand suddenly started to bubble, as if it had become a living eye.

The blisters became more and more dense, and the sound of the water became more and more urgent.

This white immortal jade bead, in Jiang Wang's palm, turned into a warm undercurrent. If you are spiritual, swim in this extremely cold deep water!

It was like a live fish, it instantly got rid of the control, and it shuttled like electricity in the cold pool!

Jiang Wang can fully feel its joy and joy.

A little glazed light rose from between the brows, and instantly traveled all over the body.

The pain caused by the cold water in Chitan has dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

The Xuantian Liuli Kungfu presented by Tu Hu has long been accomplished after the demon world and his party. It has really reached the supreme realm of "clean as glass, wide as Xuantian".

At this moment, I am walking by water, without any stagnation.

Chasing the undercurrent of the immortal jade beads, wandering in Chitan, half of my body is hot and half is cold. Suddenly up and down, Russia and left and right. I was so dizzy that I didn't know where I was for a while.

At a certain moment, Jiang Wang jumped up, like a fish swimming through water, already high in the sky!

Lian Que wiped the water from his face, and stared blankly at the eyes with his ugly face.

Jiang Wang also looked back in the air, but beside Chitan, there was a little spring—the fountain of youth!

This spring is only about 33 steps a week, and it is embedded not far from Chitan, just like the sun and the moon running side by side. The water surface is also clear, and the depth of the water is also bottomless. Only the pool water is steaming, which is obviously a hot spring.

"Is this the Fountain of Youth?" Lian Que asked in a daze.

Jiang Wang flew down and scooped up a handful of spring water.

As the lord of the old mountain, the recognized owner of the immortal jade beads, and the "destined person" who brought the fountain of youth home...he can completely touch the root of the fountain of youth.

Therefore, he smiled and said, "Now it can only be regarded as an 'old spring'. To recover the power of 'immortality', I don't know how many years I have to wait!"

Water without source, mountain without treasure, they have lost each other for too many years. It takes time to make up for the lack of those long time.

Lian Que was thoughtful: "Back then, Chi Wen fled here, weeping eastward, blood and tears forming a cold pool... Maybe he was looking for the Fountain of Immortality, and he cried like that when he couldn't find it."

It is already a matter of the Middle Ages that the Renhuang Lieshan clan refined the nine sons of the Dragon Emperor to form the Nine Bridges. At that time, the Fountain of Youth had indeed been moved away.

Putting the Fountain of Immortality back to the Mountain of Immortality can be regarded as fulfilling the 'promise' with the Immortal Yuzhu.

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Maybe so!"

Lian Que also stopped blacksmithing, stepped forward, scooped up a bucket of water with a bamboo tube, looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "Maybe I don't have to wait so many years, after I look through the ancient books of the Lian family, maybe I can find a way to speed up the recovery. "

Jiang Wang said casually, "Then trouble you."

Lian Que glanced at him: "You don't seem to expect... Is our Marquis of Wu An able to ignore such treasures of heaven and earth?"

Jiang Wang said: "I am looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to myself."

Lian Que let out a snort: "After you came back from the demon world, you are very different!"

Jiang Wang looked at his friend's ugly face with a smile: "You are still the same."

At this moment, Dugu Xiao's voice sounded in his heart: "Master, there is someone visiting from the house."


"She's very pretty. She said her name is...Ye Lan'er."

Jiang Wang frowned, this beautiful woman was very troublesome, and replied in his heart: "Say I'm not here."

Dugu Xiao's voice came back: "She said that Yang Chongzu, one of Zhang Linchuan's surrogates, was killed by her."

Jiang Wang didn't say anything else, he glanced at Lian Que, then turned and went down the mountain.

Here come the debtors!

Thanks to the book friend "The Time Flow of Ants and Elephants" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 403rd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "しまなン" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 404th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Black Sun Nissan" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 405th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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