Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1864 The Fengyue of Linzi, the rituals of Xumi

In Donghua Pavilion, there was a long silence.

Qi Tianzi withdrew his finger and smiled: "You are so extravagant, Jiang Qingyang!"

Under the bead, there seems to be a shadow on his face, which is the shadow of this great empire: "Even I! I can't say that everything goes well, and I want to live this life."

Jiang Wangdao: "I believe that following one's heart and one's wishes is the first class right. Your Majesty is supreme, there is the Eastern Kingdom, and the sacred heart is the heart of heaven. Is there anyone who is not happy?"

"Those who enjoy the first-class rights have to bear the first-class responsibilities." Qi Tianzi said: "People, the higher you stand, the farther you can see, the more you think. It's not that you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, A foolish king, who acts recklessly, is also a thief master. How can you not care about the people when you are enshrined by the people?"

Jiang Wang lowered his eyes and said, "Chen, Shumu!"

Qi Tianzi said quietly: "Don't you think that after you have suffered enough in the demon world, I can't bear to treat you harshly anymore?"

Jiang Wangdao: "I don't understand, I only know that your majesty wants to reward me."

The Son of Heaven laughed angrily, and sneered twice, before saying: "The only way to know the truth is to ask yourself. But it's okay to understand by analogy. You, Jiang Qingyang, have made great contributions to the human race, and you can see the experience of real people in Kuzang!"

"As for your requirement that a real person be invincible, is there any invincible method in the world? Only invincible people! Even if the Daqi treasury has all kinds of wonderful methods, it depends on whether you are the material."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "I should be."

Han Ling stood motionless, and his eyes seemed to be fixed, as if he was thinking about the mysteries of the universe.

The emperor was silent for a moment, and then said: "I have a suggestion."

Jiang Wangdao: "I am all ears to listen."

"A man should learn how to be an enemy of thousands of people! I don't know that soldiers are not enough to rule the world. The god of war is powerful, and it is not only his fists that rely on." Qi Tianzi said: "Xiuyuan probably has something to do with you. Go to Cassia Island , I will let Qi Xiao teach you."

Originally, Jiang Wang fulfilled the responsibility of God's presence and practiced after going to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. The emperor deliberately asked Xiuyuan to take him to practice and learn the art of war. In any case, he is also a military meritorious prince, he can only fight ruthlessly, and he is not very decent.

Now that he has been around the Yaozu with such vigor and vigor, he can't learn the art of war. Now as long as he goes to the battlefield of the demon world, he will definitely become the priority target of the demon clan. No art of war works well.

In the end, the emperor didn't want to waste this good talent, but he still hoped to polish it.

Jiang Wang had no room to refuse, so he cupped his hands and said, "I am willing to go."

After a while, seeing that the Son of Heaven didn't mean to say anything more, he gave another salute very perceptively: "I will take my leave."

"Wait." Qi Tianzi said casually: "Who is on duty in the Political Affairs Hall?"

Han Ling seemed to come back to life at this time: "It's Ye Henshui, the court councilor."

The emperor waved his hand: "Pull it to endorse. Follow the old rules."

Jiang Wang opened his mouth to speak, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything, and followed Han Ling honestly.

After Jiang Wang left, a figure turned from the side pavilion and sat down facing the emperor.

The one who looks kind, kind-eyed, and kind is Jiang Rumo, the prime minister of the dynasty.

The emperor picked up a book next to him, but he didn't open it immediately, but said: "It's not easy. I think his physique is very different from half a year ago, and he has lived and died so many times in the demon world."

"Marquis Wu An's experience this time is enough to shine in the annals of history, and no one can find any problems." Jiang Rumo said in a low voice, "But judging by today's Marquis Wu An a little arrogant?"

"He has depression in his heart." Qi Tianzi said: "Sometimes I also want to turn it upside down, regardless of the upside-down of the mountains and rivers. Besides, he is a young man of blood, a man with a weak crown... When the Prime Minister of the country was young, there was no moment when he wanted to ignore it ?"

Speaking of this, the emperor laughed to himself: "I forgot, the prime minister of the country is short-tempered. He didn't have it when he was young."

Jiang Rumo, who had always been resigned, just said at this time: "Your Majesty has very high expectations for Marquis Wu'an."

Qi Tianzi said in a low voice: "If I want to achieve the great achievements of the past, how can I not have the talents of the past?"

Jiang Rumo sighed: "You are looking forward to the next military god, but Marquis Wu'an is young after all, so I don't know if he can understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts."

"That depends on whether he has a long-term view." Qi Tianzi said calmly: "If he is Jiang Mengxiong in the future, he can step on the horse in Tianjing. How difficult is it to draw the sword in Xin'an?"

Jiang Rumo's face was sad: "I'm afraid he is not."

Emperor Qi laughed, opened the scroll in his hand, read it carefully, and said: "How can everything in the world be as I wish?"



Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi, who was not quite as expected by the emperor, felt unprecedented enthusiasm in Linzi these days.

It's not just that there are endless visitors and a bustling crowd.

It's not just that there are endless poems and banquets.

The four famous halls and the eight famous buildings are all open to the heroes of the human race for free. It is known as "the love of Linzi, the love of Wu'an".

Wen Yushuixie, under the name of Yangxin Palace, even spent money to invite Lord Jiang to play. Jiang Wuxie let out the words, saying, "If you can win Jiang Wu'an's glory, you should pave the ground with primordial stones."

Jiang Wuyou said: "If you are rich, come to Huaying Palace Shop."

Those celebrities were madly born, vying to write poems for heroes.

Those boudoir girls throw flowers to the Hou Mansion every day.

The heroic deeds of being exiled in the hinterland of the monster clan, caring about the human race and returning alone, are sung in the mouths of storytellers...

At this time, Jiang Wang went south alone.

Now that he has decided to go to Cassia Island to practice with Commander Qi Xiao, it will take a while before that to settle the rest. And the emperor thought that he just came back from the demon world, and thoughtfully gave him a vacation.

This time going south, one went to Mount Sumeru to send back the most precious Zhiwen Bell, the treasure that the World Honored One preached back then, and it was really hot to put on his body. The second is to go to Huaiguo Duke's Mansion in person to thank Duke Zuo for his deep friendship.

He originally intended to ask Master Kujue to return the Zhiwen Bell, which can be regarded as repaying the love of saving many times. But Master Kujue refused to take over, saying that the master of the Eastern Holy Land should not visit the gate of the Western Holy Land... so he had no choice but to go alone.

Zen Master Xingnian burned his body with karma and opened the way for him. He could never forget this feeling.

Mount Sumeru is located in the southwest, and the name of the Buddhist holy place has existed since ancient times.

It can be said to have a long history.

Jiang Wang traveled to the South Region several times, but Yuan Keng was on his side.

On this day, I came alone with my sword, and in the mountains, I suddenly saw a monk with clear facial features, stepping on the sun and appearing.

This monk has a glorious appearance, which can naturally inspire trust in people, except that there is a cut in the left eyebrow, which adds a little bit of sternness.

He saluted from a distance: "The visitor is Marquis Wu'an of Daqi, Jiang Wangjiang benefactor?"

Jiang Wang knew in his heart that he was a monk from Mount Sumeru, so he raised his palms in return and said, "I'm Jiang Wang. I don't know the master's name..."

"Poor Monk Zhao Wu." Chan Master Zhao Wu was very gentle and polite: "I just happened to go down the's a fate!"

What just went down hill.

When he was still in the demon world earlier, Master Ku Jue said that the bald man named Zhaowu on Mount Sumeru was always swaying in front of the door, and he did not know how many times a day.

Jiang Wang reckoned that as soon as he left Qi, Zen Master Zhaowu followed.

To be able to bear it until now and come out is already worthy of the determination of the true king.

Now he is also an adult man who understands the ways of the world, he sees through but doesn't tell the truth, he just said: "It is indeed because of the front line, the junior is here to visit Baoshan, if the senior is free, I don't know if I can lead the way?"

Chan Master Zhaowu hurriedly said, "Get the time, get the time!"

He once had an intersection with Huang Weizhen, the most romantic figure in Chu land for three thousand years, and Zen master Zhao Wu was also a brilliant figure for a while. Later, he proved to be a true king of the Tao, and he was able to hold the Bodhisattva fruit position. He can be regarded as a master on Mount Sumeru.

Treating Jiang Wangli well to Jiang Wangli, who is young and not as good as a god, is naturally for the sake of Zhiwenzhong.

Jiang Wang didn't take it too seriously, and still followed Zhao Wu with the etiquette of a junior.

But Zhao Wu was not in a hurry to leave, but flipped his palm and held out a pocket hill.

This mountain is full of aura and unique ingenuity. All the flowers and plants in Yunlin are real.

It's a pity that Jiang Wang didn't appreciate the elegance of the sculpture, so he asked in an unpleasant way: "Zen Master, aren't we going to Mount Sumeru?"

Zen Master Zhaowu smiled brightly: "Mount Sumeru has arrived!"

While speaking, he moved his sleeves, and the sky shifted in an instant.

Holding the sword in his hand, Jiang Wangshang is already "in this mountain"!

Thousands of mountains and thousands of mountains are in front of you, and Xumi is in mustard seeds!

But I saw the vast sea of ​​clouds opening infinitely before my eyes, and in the depths of the clouds, I could see a huge Buddhist altar.

There is a lotus seat in the middle of the altar, and a giant Buddha sits on the lotus seat.

The golden body of this Buddha is resplendent, with a big belly that can accommodate, big earlobes, and a broad face that often smiles. Boundless splendor, endless brilliance.

No matter which direction you look at it, you seem to be facing this Buddha directly.

Surrounding this giant Buddha, there are densely packed Mount Sumeru monks sitting cross-legged.

All the monks sat facing Jiang.

All at this moment, bowing their heads to Jiang Wang at the same time, paying respects!

And Zen Master Zhaowu stepped aside in front of the sea of ​​clouds, letting all the courtesy go to Jiang Wang.

This is the prostration of the Thousand Buddhas, the highest courtesy of Mount Sumeru!

Since the completion of Mount Sumeru, not a single person has received this gift.

"How can you bear this?!"

Jiang Wang hurriedly avoided.

But Zen Master Zhaowu bowed face to face and stayed where he was.

"The entire Mount Sumeru, from the mountain lord Yongde down, except for those who are sitting in the pass, is there! All salutes!" Zhao Wu was on the sea of ​​clouds, falsely quoting the monks on the altar, and said to Jiang Wang: "We use this I hope Lord Jiang knows what kind of kindness you have to Mount Sumeru."

"Jiang is ashamed! I dare not accept such a big gift!" Jiang Wang said earnestly: "I only had the help of Chan Master Xing Nian, and I was lucky enough to survive in my homeland. Chan Master Xingnian has been very kind to me."

Zhao Wu grabbed his arm and said, "Follow me."

Following his words, the giant Buddha suddenly raised his hand, with a huge palm of infinite brilliance, spread flat in the air, looked up to the sky, and stretched out in front of Jiang Wang.

This is the Buddha respected by Mount Sumeru, the ancestor worshiped, and the most revered Tao!

But he built a bridge with the palm of the Buddha, and led Jiang Wang to the pure land of Sumeru.

Jiang Wang was deeply ashamed, and felt that it was difficult to accept this ceremony, but he was carried up by Zhao Wu to the Buddha's palm.

The endless Sanskrit singing is beside my ears, and there is great purity in my heart at this time.

Those stagnation, resentment, and oppressive pain that cannot be relieved will be washed away for a while!

This road is like a road leading to the other side, and the glory of redemption is surging everywhere.

But there is golden lotus paving the ground, but there is Buddha light bathing the body.

One step thousands of miles away, one step changes the situation.

After three steps, he has already appeared in a magnificent palace with Zhao Wu, which seems to have infinite height.

Although it is a palace, it can observe the vastness of the universe and see the vastness of the world.

Looking up, it is a vast sea of ​​stars. Looking down, it is Zhili Fantu. Looking around, it is the wisdom of Bodhi and the perseverance of Vajra.

In the center of the main hall is still the giant Buddha. Hold the sun and the moon in your palm and smile at all living beings.

And a fat monk who had led the crowd to salute in the Buddhist altar square before, now wearing a brocade cassock, walked up to Jiang Wang with a smile on his face.

Hold Jiang Wang's hand tightly: "How many years has Mount Sumeru been waiting for you!"

Zhao Wu introduced from the side: "This is the current mountain master of Mount Sumeru, and his dharma name is Yongde."

Speaking of which, the current abbot of Xuankong Temple, Master Kuming, Jiang Wang has also met, and he is also a fat monk.

If "fat and big" is the standard of the abbot of the holy place, it is probably very difficult for senior Kujue to fulfill his wish...

However, although the two abbots are relatively "plump", judging from their appearance, Master Kuming and Zen Master Yongde can be regarded as two extremes.

Master Kuming's face is as his name suggests, he is so miserable that he is always sad and worried.

Chan Master Yongde smiled brightly and boundlessly. It seems that there are a lot of happy things, and I can't hide my happiness at all. It's like he is holding Jiang Wang's hand at this moment, smiling and showing eight white and round teeth. It's so cordial that it doesn't feel like meeting for the first time.

"How many years to wait for me... Where do I start?" Jiang Wang asked doubtfully.

Yongde shook his hand affectionately, and shook again and again: "You have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, a great predestined relationship! I don't know if you are interested in joining my sect? So that I can have supernatural powers and have successors!"

Zhao Wu explained at the right time: "The Master of Yongde Mountain is majoring in the "Maitreya's Rebirth Sutra". you understand what I mean?"

These monks from Mount Sumeru were so straightforward, Jiang Wang really didn't get used to it.

Stuttering, "I'm just here... to return the bell."

Yongde glanced at the Zhiwen clock in Jiang Wang's hand, and said with a smile, "Is this clock easy to use?"

Recalling the scene of sweeping all the demon kings with the Zhiwen Bell in hand, I still feel refreshed.

Jiang Wang said honestly: "It's really a treasure!"

Yongde said: "You are an overlord, with a very deep background, and this bell was obtained from the demon clan. If you insist on holding it yourself, Mount Sumeru can't do anything to you. Why do you want to return the bell?"

Jiang Wang was silent, and finally said: "Zhong Shangxing reads Zen master Yu Wen is still there."

Zhao Wu looked up at the sea of ​​stars, and was silent for a while.

Chan Master Yongde said again: "That guy Kujue made a list for you, didn't he?"

Judging from the tone of this mountain master, Senior Kujue really has a good reputation.

Jiang Wang said sincerely: "I have come to Mount Sumeru to carry out Chan Master's last wish and to bring back the Buddha's treasure. I don't ask for anything."

Yongde said: "The Fa-rectification is not to be taught lightly, but the ground is paved with gold bricks. If you come to Mount Sumeru and get nothing, then you know where Zhonggui is?"

Without waiting for Jiang Wang to speak, Yongde said again: "Kujue actually doesn't understand me, Mount Sumeru, he doesn't even understand Xuankong Temple very well. It's just that he's used to being obsessive... The list is only mediocre. If you can Come to Mount Sumeru, I have something really good for you."

While speaking, Yongde looked at Zhaowu again: "I think that if Jiang's benefactor enters Mount Sumeru, he can control the Zhiwen Bell, what does my uncle think?"

Zhao Wu was shocked: "How did this happen? Zhiwen Zhong is the most precious treasure of my mountain gate, left by the world-honored one, and only the mountain master in the past can hold it!"

"Why not?" Yongde said angrily, "This Zhiwen Zhong was brought back by Benefactor Jiang, which shows the profound connection with Buddha! Master Xingnian has such a cultivation level, he has insight into cause and effect, and he handed over the Zhiwen Zhong with the Zhiwen Zhong, which shows that he is the future! "

Zhaowu gritted his teeth to dissuade him: "The important thing about the mountain gate should not be taken lightly! How can someone know the bell as soon as they get started? There has never been such a precedent in history! If the abbot insists on doing it, how can we stop everyone!?"

Yongde argued hard: "Then I will pass on his mantle and train him to be the next mountain master! Anyone who has an opinion, just come to me!"

"I disagree!"

"I can't help you!"

They quarreled more and more intensely, and their faces were flushed red. But when they were arguing and arguing, seeing Jiang Wang remained silent, they all looked at him.

Zen Master Zhaowu coughed lightly: "Little benefactor Jiang, what do you think, you might as well speak up."

Jiang Wang saluted earnestly, and said: "A gentleman has three precepts, and elders can also get them. If I come here because of greed, I'm afraid it's not the blessing of Mount Sumeru."

Yongde and Zhaowu looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

Jiang Wang untied the Zhiwen clock from his wrist, held it out with both hands, and placed it in Yongde's hands respectfully: "This treasure belongs to the original owner. Jiang Wang has not failed the covenant with Tianhe, so I have no regrets."

"If Mount Sumeru said he must give me something."

"Just read the reincarnation scriptures for me."

"The demon world is far away, and the soul has nowhere to go. I came back by luck, and there are many people who will never come back."

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