Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1863 The one hundred and twenty-seventh second in the world

"A human cultivator who is in the presence of God, escaped from the hinterland of the demon clan alone, and brought with him the treasure of the human race and the huge secret of the demon clan... This has never happened since ancient times!

This event has the great significance of earth-shattering.

It can even be called a heroic epic, and it should be remembered forever by the human race!

Do you know what that means? "

A voice in the mirror asked, "Zhuang Gaoxian?"

Emperor Dazhuang was dressed in a crown suit, sitting with his back to the mirror, with a dignified posture, and asked calmly, "What does it mean?"

The voice in the mirror said: "It means that you can no longer hurt him in any overt or secret means, it means that you can never shake his honor, it means that what you do is best never to be discovered, it means that you can only Just watch him grow up, and wait until one day he draws his sword and kills you!"

"What are you laughing at?" The voice in the mirror asked, "You don't believe he can kill you?"

Zhuang Gaoxian lightly brushed off the corner of his robe: "No, on the contrary, Gu can see more and more his ability, can survive in this situation, and accomplish such a great deed. He is really limitless! Dong Zhen For him, it is only a matter of time, and Yan Dao may not have a chance."

"Then what are you laughing at?"

Zhuang Gaoxian said calmly: "You are right, he should become a hero. But you are not right, his becoming a hero does not mean that he has to wait for death. It just means... that he needs to be more wise, Be more powerful, love the people more like a son, and make the country peaceful and the people more peaceful."

"He is a hero, and Gu is a Mingjun. He is in the light, and Gu is also in the light. The more radiant he is, the more he has everything, the more he becomes a part of the system in this secular world, mixed with the torrent... ...the more you can't draw your sword against Gu!"

"Gu didn't do anything, and he said everything to others. What was he afraid of being discovered? What is the truth? The truth is what Gu said."

"He wants to kill the king without evidence, how can Jing Guo allow it? Qi is the first country to not allow him!"

"Gu is not someone he can draw his sword at will, nor an existence he can slander with a single word. It's not some cult leader or heretic demon."

"Gu is the king of a country, the master of Dao, the representative of Yujingshan's political power. And! Your...friend."

The voice in the mirror was silent for a moment, and finally said: "You are right, our friend."



The wind is like a knife.

Jiang Wang stood in the wind.

Cloud City is not far away.

No one would have thought that the first thing that Marquis Wu'an of Qi, who is famous in both worlds of humans and demons, would be to return to the Qi court to report on his duties after waking up, nor would it be to welcome the crowd to cheer and enjoy the courtesy of a hero.

Instead, he hid his whereabouts and came quietly to Yunguo alone.

But he stopped outside Yuncheng for a long time.

In the end, he didn't do anything, didn't say anything, and returned to Qi State alone.

It doesn't talk about how the apprentice Chu Yao wailed, didn't talk about how the city of Linzi was boiling, and didn't mention how the emperor summoned him urgently.

The first thing Jiang Wang did when he returned to Linzi was to drag Chong Xuansheng and sit in the quiet room.

The first thing he said was—

"I want to kill Zhuang Gaoxian!"

Chong Xuansheng didn't seem surprised, he just picked up the teapot and poured tea slowly.

In the sound of running water in Ning Ding, he said slowly: "What about Frostwind Valley, do you think Zhuang Gaoxian did it?"

Jiang Wang said: "Besides him, I can't think of anyone else."

"Do you have evidence?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Jiang Wang said, "I don't need evidence."

Chong Xuansheng pushed the teacup filled with water to Jiang Wang, and said seriously: "You need it."

Jiang Wang was silent.

After a while of silence, he said, "I don't think I will ever have evidence."

In recent years, Desheng Trading Company has collected clues about the destruction of Fenglin City. After Chongxuansheng formally seized the title, he also used the intelligence power of Chongxuan's family.

But there was no useful news at all.

That thing was as clean as Zhuang Gaoxian washed his face every day.

So of course Chong Xuansheng understands that Zhuang Gaoxian is not a person who will keep a handle.

He just said: "After you fell into the Frostwind Valley, Grand Master Zuo exerted pressure, and Lord Military God personally issued orders... Marshal Xiu teamed up with Jing Guojing Shitai to thoroughly investigate the Civilization Basin.

In the end, Wu Zhenjun of the three punishment palaces went to Xin'an City in person to question Zhuang Gaoxian. This matter was promoted by my uncle...but in the end it came to nothing. Zhuang Gaoxian was sitting in the Zhuang Palace, and there was no evidence that he had ever been to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. "

In the absence of conclusive evidence, it is a gamble to invite the great master of Legalism to investigate in Xin'an City. There is no other way.

Ji Tu must have paid a certain price, perhaps betting his own reputation.

But in the end it still failed...

Chong Xuansheng had already done what Jiang Wang wanted to do now, when he thought Jiang Wang would never come back.

And even with Chong Xuansheng's wisdom, now he can only sit here and say - "You need evidence".

Jiang Wang could only remain silent.

He couldn't bear it more and more, but the reality told him that he could only endure it!

Chong Xuansheng took a sip of tea and continued: "The news came that you died in battle in the demon world, and an official from the Ministry of Rituals reported that the country should hold a funeral for you. The emperor said that the ceremony of a prince should not be taken lightly. You must see people, You have to die to see the corpse...that's why you put this matter aside, and your fief and food city have not been divided."

"What do you think I want to tell you?" He raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Wang: "The emperor loves you and pities you, and has great expectations for you, but Sheji is his foundation, and Jiangshan is his heart! You want to kill Zhuang Gao Xian, there is no one in Qi who will support you.

Because you are challenging the national system.

The king is the most famous and the best!

Xie Huai'an broke Guiyi, and he didn't dare to kill Xia Jun without authorization, so he wanted to escort him back to the Taimiao.

At that time, to kill Yang Jiande, Jitu had to use the knife himself.

Zhuang Gaoxian has no notoriety and no crimes. If the two countries did not fight each other, who would kill him without authorization?

How many heads do you Jiang Wang have? "

"Don't look at you as a hero of the human race. Your voice is very loud. Once you insist on going your own way and insist on killing the king of a country without any evidence. Everything you have today will be lost. Jingguo will definitely If you are held accountable, Yujing Mountain will definitely kill you, and no one in the world can protect you!"

Jiang Wang just pursed his lips.

And Chong Xuansheng saw his stubbornness, and said slowly: "I believe that you have the courage to put all your eggs in one basket. I believe that you can let go of everything you have won with your own hands. But Jiang Wang, if you strip Qi Guo, you can ask again." Myself, can you kill Zhuang Gaoxian now? He is the king of a country, a real person in the world, with a cloud of masters under him, and countless hidden methods. If you were just you, it would be difficult for you to even get close to Zhuang Wang's palace!"

"I know Master Kujue is very protective of you. Yu Beidou is your friend, and Ye Lingxiao is willing to protect your life... If you bring back Zhiwen Bell this time, Mount Xumi will owe you a huge favor."

"But even if Ku Juezhen is in charge of Xuankong Temple, Mount Sumeru will turn around for you, they dare not, let alone challenge the national system, and openly kill the innocent king!"

"The torrent of humanity has rolled here. This order has lasted for four thousand years, and you and I are all in it! Everything you and I have managed and owned is also in it! We cannot get rid of it."

"To kill Zhuang Gaoxian, there is only one way to go. That is to strip off his dragon robe and kick over his dragon seat, and this is not achieved in a day."

This fat Hou Ye looked at his best friend seriously, and said in a deep voice, "Wait a little longer."

Jiang Wang was very calm at this time, and smiled calmly: "What a king of a country, he is really not bad for a golden body."

And the reason why this golden body can be stabilized and not broken is precisely because of the hundreds of thousands of people who sleep forever in Fenglin City. What a sarcasm.

"Indeed it can be regarded as not bad." Chong Xuansheng said: "Be careful when meeting the emperor, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Wang stood up and said, "I understand."

In fact, there is still a way to kill Zhuang Gaoxian.

But as a friend, Joong Hyun Seung doesn't want him to go that way.

The door of the quiet room closed slowly, like the life of a son of a bitch, closing off a possibility.



"Master Hou has taken a bath?" Qiu Ji beside the palace carriage had a smile on his face, and his voice was soft.

The emperor urgently summoned him.

He held the pen and eunuch Churchill drove the car himself.

But Jiang Wang actually talked with Chong Xuansheng for a while in the quiet room before he was willing to go out.

If this matter is spread, Marquis Wu'an will inevitably be suspected of taking credit for himself.

So he took the initiative to open his mouth and characterized the matter as Marquis Wu'an burning incense and bathing to respect the emperor, which is also a kind of gesture.

Jiang Wang returned the salute in a warm voice: "Thank you, father-in-law."

At this time, a voice came from afar: "Marquis Wu'an!"

Jiang Wang followed the sound and saw Ji Zhaonan in white robe and silver armor, and Wang Yiwu with long face and deep eyes striding forward.

He stopped halfway on the carriage and said, "General Ji!"

Ji Zhaonan approached, without saying a word, on this street, he pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and bowed heavily to Jiang Wang: "The last incident in the Frostwind Valley, Ji Zhaonan apologized to Marquis Wu'an, it was my thought." It's not good to act recklessly, and that's why you're in danger. If you can't come back, I won't be able to rest easy!"

Jiang Wang stepped off the carriage, grabbed Ji Zhaonan's arm armor, supported him, and said sincerely: "My generation's conquest of the demon world is all part of my duty. Don't say Brother Ji, you just did what you should do. You really owe me something... Brother Rao also paid it back for you."

The unparalleled Ji Zhaonan, who never shirks responsibility and never cares about the eyes of the world, suddenly froze in place at this moment, looking at Jiang Wang in disbelief.

A white robe with a collar seemed to fly like snow, and the light in his eyes was frighteningly bright.

Only then did Jiang Wang realize that for some unknown reason, the God of War hadn't told Ji Zhaonan and the others about Rao Bingzhang's stay in the demon world.

He held up a finger, and passed the engraved immortal thought of Rao Bingzhang's spear to Ji Zhaonan's eyebrows: "Brother Rao often used swordsmanship to walk in the demon world, and it was only at the end... that he used the spear."

Ji Zhaonan tightly grasped this piece of immortality, read it again and again.

There are not many expressions on the face.

But that Shaohua gun... rang out for no reason.

He took a deep breath, and then said to Jiang Wang: "Marquis Wu An, I owe you a favor. In the future, if I ask you, I will never refuse!"

The exit of the voice is already dumb.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "If you want to ask you to help me kill someone?"

Ji Zhaonan didn't hesitate at all: "With the gun you sent back, as long as it's not from Qi, you can kill anyone."

"How long will this promise last?" Jiang Wang asked.

Ji Zhaonan said: "As long as I'm alive, it will always be valid. If I die, I still have my junior. If my junior doesn't work... I still have my senior."

If anyone said that he might not be able to do it, Wang Yiwu would definitely give him a lot of punches. But when Ji Zhaonan said this, and he said it in front of Jiang Wang, Wang Yiwu remained silent.

Jiang Wang took a deep look at Ji Zhaonan, and said seriously: "No matter what other people think or say. Brother Ji, I have never blamed you for this journey of exile in the demon world."

After saying this, he turned around and boarded the palace carriage, and followed Church to meet the saint.

On the long street in front of Hou's Mansion, Ji Zhaonan stood lonely for a long time.

Wang Yiwu said: "Brother Rao, he..."

When Rao Bingzhang sent back the news of his death, he hadn't formally started yet.

It's just that he and Ji Zhaonan ran over and said that they would be his senior brothers. Also let yourself perform boxing. He smashed a set of Fuhu Changquan, and the agreed-upon peerless cheat book turned out to be "Fuhu Changquan·The True Solution".

The so-called true solution means that there are really a few explanations. Such as this punch should be hit like this.

Wang Yiwu's impression of Rao Bingzhang was actually vague. I just remember being very handsome and very noisy.

Ji Zhaonan stretched out his white robe, raised his gun and walked towards the other side of the long street, his voice was like gold and iron: "Yiwu, you remember—"

"Ji Zhaonan is only fake and unrestrained, Rao Bingzhang is truly unparalleled!!"

There is nothing second in the world, just leave it!

How many times have I heard it in my dream!



The palace carriage slowly drove into Donghua Pavilion.

In this semi-formal and semi-private place, Jiang Wang met more than once.

The palace lanterns are brilliant, and the pearls are shining. The emperor on the brocade couch rarely put down the book, looked at Jiang Wang carefully, and suddenly said "Okay!"

"The Marquis of Wu'an has made progress, yet he asked me to wait for you!"

Jiang Wang didn't say anything about burning incense and bathing, and politely said: "I haven't figured out some things. After thinking about it carefully, I dare to come to see your majesty."

Qi Tianzi said slowly: "You still have a lot of things you can't figure out in the future, but people, you have to look high. When you stand high enough, many things don't matter."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, motioning for him to sit down, and continued: "Marquis Wu An thinks that standing tall enough?"

Han Ling moved the chair himself.

Jiang Wang looked down at the boots and sat on half of his buttocks: "It's not tall enough, but I know it's cold."

The Son of Heaven said: "This answer is considered cautious, but it lacks a bit of vigor! Marquis Bo Wang is young, how can he be angry so early? Mistake me!"

The accusation is severe.

Jiang Wang put his hands on his knees: "I have survived a hundred deaths, and I know that life is precious, so I have a heart of sincerity and fear, but it's not what Bo Wang Hou taught me. I also ask the emperor to learn from it."

Qi Tianzi waved his hand, indicating that he had just let it go, and said, "I have been waiting for you for five months. It is a big surprise that you paid me back."

He leaned slightly: "There are no outsiders in this Donghua Pavilion today. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Jiang Wang said plainly: "The minister can return safely, thanks to the protection of the emperor, I am grateful in my heart, there is really no need..."

The emperor pointed at him: "False words!"

Jiang Wang reluctantly said again: "Thanks to Your Majesty's grace, I have everything I need, so I have no desires or desires..."

The emperor pointed again: "False words!"

Jiang Wang simply stood up, his spine as straight as iron, and his voice was like gold and jade: "My minister seeks the truth of the hole, seeks the invincibility of the real man, seeks to cut the block in my heart, and seeks the life I want!"

Thank you book friends for following this bitter journey to find the stars and become the leader of this book! It's for the 399th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to book friend Ting Xiaoqi for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 400th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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